Views: 20473
Submissions: 148
Favs: 7255

Scaled Heart | Registered: Jan 25, 2021 02:47
Hey there! Thanks a lot for visiting my profile :)
I apprecitate watches, favs, comments and all of that, though I can't thank everyone for every single thing, know that they're greatly appreciated <3
I´m Darna, I've spent 26 years sorta living and I try to give a go to everything I can, give a listen to the audios I've done, a short read to the few stories and take a look at some of the drawings I've had the honor/disgrace to do, any help, feedback or whatever that can help improving is really appreciated c:
I love every single thing related to vore, fats, weight gain and many more things, most of the stuff I like is fatal and features digestion at some point so careful with that I guess.
I'm asexual, meaning (to me) that I don't like anything related to the actual sex and or private "parts" related to that (with some exceptions) neither do I have interest in romantic relationships and the like, I really don't think I can feel actual love, (don't ask me why because I don't know b:) You can call me whatever way you want in terms of pronouns, though my Dragon-weird hybrid thing is female so that's the only distinction and she's pred only, sometimes I do talk as if I were her, but my dragoness and I are different, just need to make sure that's understood.
Feel free to message me b: (I speak english and spanish, so keep that in mind) also, I'm not the best at talking so give me something to "work" with for a relatively nice conversation I guess b:
I don't really roleplay, I suck at it and also I'm not really interested in it anymore, though I always enjoy sharing ideas, talking and all of that, I really appreciate comments since I don't have any other way of knowing what people think of the things I do (favs are also greatly appreciated c:)
Also, I consider all the stuff I do here to be for adults, that means no under 18 people, just wait a couple years till you're older, random kid out there. I won't draw explicit nudity or anything close to that (classification for these things is really weird).
Ask me about requests, will not be drawing media characters like Pokémon, Digimon and all that stuff, character must be your original idea or based around other stuff, I mean, just that it looks different enough to the original one, so it can be considered a different creature; I know it's really ambiguous but whatever b:
Will be slowly updating the profile as time goes on, it really is quite a hassle to format this stuff so it won't be done often, or at least I think so.
I never updated this xd
Comments Earned: 588
Comments Made: 472
Journals: 6
Comments Made: 472
Journals: 6
Featured Journal
Opening for Commissions and Something else
6 days ago So, I decided to open commissions after some thought. I have taken commissions before, but many of them have been private; this is the first time doing so for everyone interested!
I don't have a deadline! But I will provide you with constant updates once I start with your painting, so here are some specifics about what to expect when commissioning me:
1. Price: (Look at my gallery for examples!): 60-70 USD (Depending on angle, pose, character design, etc. price might be lower depending on the same thing, so if you have any questions, ask).
For extra characters, there'll be an increase of 30/40 USD according to the same ideas as above
The same rule applies to "panels" or scenes in the same drawing.
If there are any questions, please send me a note or, better yet, send me a DM over on Discord: you can find me as darnaly
There won't be any refunds once the artwork is finished. I can add or modify some details as the painting is being worked on; big changes in poses or angles will require extra payment.
If my own character is included in your drawing, I may offer a discount! So, keep that in mind
I can only accept PayPal, as many other services aren't available in my country. Payment will be required once a sketch is approved and before I start coloring/shading
2. Look at the multiple recent drawings I've done for references of what I can do. The following is a list of the stuff I like to draw and have some experience with:
►Oral vore
►Fat, obese, really fat characters, especially females
►Belches, burps, gurgling sounds
►Bones, digestion
►Soul vore
►Weight gain, fat round bellies
►Dragons, dragons, dragons
►Tasteful nudity (female) is fine for the most part, but still ask
►Really big rears (Quadruped)
Things that I won't draw are here, without exceptions:
►Explicit nudity (male parts/bits, herm, etc.)
►Under age characters (and no given excuse works)
►Explicit sex
►No humans (I have nothing against them, but it's just not my thing)
►No exact characters from popular media
3. You must provide a ref of your character; I can't work well with written references
I won't take commissions from freshly created accounts
4. Discarded sketches can be used by me for other purposes
5. I hope this doesn't happen but if the commissioner is being disrespectful, spamming messages or overall causing problems, I'll have to cancel the commission.
I will notify the selected commissioners in the following two weeks (March 23rd) or when 6 commissions are accepted, refer to this journal or ask to see if I'm still open. Send me a message with your idea and character ref and I'll try to reply as soon as I can!
Taken slots:

2. rhythmagic (Discord)


6. rhythmagic (Discord)
So, about the "something else" I'll also be opening a single request to "commemorate" 600 watchers, if you want to take a chance at this, just comment here and I'll give you a number, share this journal around for an extra chance c:
I'll make a raffle by the end of the next week on March 16th
User Profile
Accepting Trades
Yes Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Dragon, Tiger or Wolf mostly
Favorite Music
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Favorite Games
Pikmin, Okami, Octopath, Resident series
Favorite Gaming Platforms
PS4, Switch
Favorite Animals
Every single one, except maybe bees :s
Favorite Foods & Drinks
All that is edible
Favorite Quote
The Less I know The Better
Favorite Artists
Too many to list here
Contact Information