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Anthro Artist | Registered: May 23, 2016 12:04
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Comments Made: 52183
Journals: 574
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Im working very hard at the workshop...
2 hours ago
...but that have consecuences drawing less, of course. also, im drawing like 85% of what i do for commisions, too, so im trying to make a little room to draw some for me. the good: the 2 groups that i have now, at leats until now, are 2 of the bests that i had in the 15 years that i have in that workshop, something that i really need after the hellish vacations and almost heart attack The kids are responding well to my IRON HANi mean guide more good: slowly i am starting to recover my emergency reserve. have 120.000 pesos stored. Had 500.000 when the car thing started but that means that when i go out from work many times all i want is walk some to clean my mind and relax from work, and that walks tires me even more, and simply have no energy to draw. that´s why i am less active in that. i hope to can get back to draw more soon! also, i want to, after so many time, write a story in one of the next drawings to do, even nowing that almost nobody takes the time to read my horrible english XD
Commision list:
iantos PAYED IN CASH, already done
lepaperworks PAYED IN CASH and already done
darkstorm619 PAYED IN PAYPAL an done. already sent because SECRET COMMISION X
artic_six. PAYED IN PAYPAL and done
artic_six. payed , waiting to be done so soon as i rest something. im working so heavily at the workshop!
Negociating with
voicesinmyhead *shang tsung voice: YOU WILL BE NEXT xD*
psychonator17 for the first batch.
Commision list:





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Every single jedi is now an enemy of the republic