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Watcher | Registered: Mar 14, 2008 12:16
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The big old 3-4 is around the corner.
4 years ago
or maybe I should say 10-4 is.
getting older and another year is about to round up, 34 years of age. good grief it feels weird for me to say, mostly because it feels like the world is stuck on hold these days, ya know? But this past year has been busy as well!
new characters i've adopted, one old one getting new life, and a lot of art in general haha.
had some not so good, late august was one year since my grandmother passed away, i miss her dispite all the times she nearly drove me huts while i have taken care of her since i was 18. Yes readers, i've spent most of my adult life taking care of my grandmother. i loved her and always hoped she'd get strong again after her fight with cancer, i forget the long technical name but its short hand name is MDS if anyone following me is interested, she beat it ten years ago but long term lingering effects of the treatment is ultimately what lead to the end. I'm just happy she's in a better world, i get teary eyed thinking about her...
Anyways good news, I'll be getting out of town for the weekend of my birthday, gonna take a short road trip to see my mom in Tennessee, not saying where. and im waiting on a piece of art as well featuring a close friend whom i love not gonna spoil who but she knows who she is.
i might have to write journals more often, I actually use to be a decent writer and storyteller, some of friends could tell ya. and I should get back into and finish or rewrite some old stories i had about some of my favorite games from way back in the day. hmm. i wonder if i even still the games from the last one i was working on, need to dig out my boxed up PS2 titles and find them. Hopefully I still them, will say something if i do.
getting older and another year is about to round up, 34 years of age. good grief it feels weird for me to say, mostly because it feels like the world is stuck on hold these days, ya know? But this past year has been busy as well!
new characters i've adopted, one old one getting new life, and a lot of art in general haha.
had some not so good, late august was one year since my grandmother passed away, i miss her dispite all the times she nearly drove me huts while i have taken care of her since i was 18. Yes readers, i've spent most of my adult life taking care of my grandmother. i loved her and always hoped she'd get strong again after her fight with cancer, i forget the long technical name but its short hand name is MDS if anyone following me is interested, she beat it ten years ago but long term lingering effects of the treatment is ultimately what lead to the end. I'm just happy she's in a better world, i get teary eyed thinking about her...
Anyways good news, I'll be getting out of town for the weekend of my birthday, gonna take a short road trip to see my mom in Tennessee, not saying where. and im waiting on a piece of art as well featuring a close friend whom i love not gonna spoil who but she knows who she is.
i might have to write journals more often, I actually use to be a decent writer and storyteller, some of friends could tell ya. and I should get back into and finish or rewrite some old stories i had about some of my favorite games from way back in the day. hmm. i wonder if i even still the games from the last one i was working on, need to dig out my boxed up PS2 titles and find them. Hopefully I still them, will say something if i do.
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