Views: 695
Submissions: 7
Favs: 11

Bones, spice and everything nice | Registered: Jul 3, 2022 12:33
Creida | 22 yo | he/they | Ukrainian

Fantasy lover, My Little Pony lifelong fan & toy collector
Check out my partner's art!

Comments Earned: 11
Comments Made: 25
Journals: 1
Comments Made: 25
Journals: 1
Recent Journal
4 months ago
The world is burning. Sometimes, quite literally. My city is attacked frequently; just today a lot of people died of drone attack. Not to mention... whatever the fuck happened at the American election. Unfortunately, their politics influence all of the world, lol.
I'm coping by surrounding myself with my pony toys, doing rendered art with ponies and reading fanfiction. Friendship Is Optimal, for example. It's not a positive story (for me, at least. I do know I would feel good in Equestria Online, but I find all of the interpretations unnerving), but that's not really the point. I just like reading xenofantasy. Even if it's something relatively heavy in topics.
Oh, also, I'm coming to terms with the fact that I'm disabled. I knew I had AuDHD for quite some time, but not only I suffer mentally, but physically as well. That is also quite hard.
I just hope I'll figure it out. I'm tired of being a financial burden on my parents and disability aid is an absolute joke. Maybe I'll draw ponies, I dunno. Even 300 bucks per month will be a very good money here lol
I'm coping by surrounding myself with my pony toys, doing rendered art with ponies and reading fanfiction. Friendship Is Optimal, for example. It's not a positive story (for me, at least. I do know I would feel good in Equestria Online, but I find all of the interpretations unnerving), but that's not really the point. I just like reading xenofantasy. Even if it's something relatively heavy in topics.
Oh, also, I'm coming to terms with the fact that I'm disabled. I knew I had AuDHD for quite some time, but not only I suffer mentally, but physically as well. That is also quite hard.
I just hope I'll figure it out. I'm tired of being a financial burden on my parents and disability aid is an absolute joke. Maybe I'll draw ponies, I dunno. Even 300 bucks per month will be a very good money here lol
User Profile
Accepting Trades
Yes Accepting Commissions
Yes Character Species
Flying fox/Bat
Favorite Music
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Favorite Games
The Sims 2, Kenshi, Frostpunk, Legends of Equestria
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Favorite Animals
Cats, bats, corvids
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Borch, pizza, chicken, potato in almost any form, hotdogs
Favorite Quote
A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one