Views: 5133
Submissions: 142
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Registered: Dec 13, 2022 04:43
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Comments Earned: 179
Comments Made: 114
Journals: 2
Comments Made: 114
Journals: 2
Recent Journal
9 months ago
Just gonna write a random journal here to remind everyone to cherish the friends you have, you never know when it could be the last time you hear from them, so keep them close and tell them how much love and care for them, cause losing a friend can hurt deep whether its the passing of a close friend or just losing contact in general, friends are like your family and you must care for them like family, even if there are times you don't get along or have a fight, they will always be the ones you have your back in any situation and will be there when you need them most, so remember to always love and care for all the friends.
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Heavy Metal
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
The Suicide Squad (2021)
Favorite Games
Resident Evil 4
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Favorite Animals
Wolves, Dragons
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Favorite Foods & Drinks
All meat pizza