Views: 1687
Submissions: 8
Favs: 61

Registered: Oct 18, 2018 05:57
Heya. Im the guy that owns the muscular hunky wolf. His name is neox and hes a kind giant. Neox has two brothers, one of witch is Rowan who is his adobtive hybrid bro and hes a skunk wolf . I am always a positive guy and appreciate all artist that put so much work in the comms for us. Im a bit of a Aspiring artist myself and try to build my skill. Also…i am a little bit crazy. But we need a bit of crazy in our live am i right X3
Comments Earned: 79
Comments Made: 75
Journals: 0
Comments Made: 75
Journals: 0
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Monster Dire Werewolf >:3 (He has two brothers that will be given live as well ;3)
Favorite Music
Rock, Metal, Metal core, MDA, Techno, Pop, a little bit of Funk, Hard Rock
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
There are to much i like XDDD
Favorite Games
TF2, Warframe, Aragami, Splatoon and way to much to fit on here X3
Favorite Gaming Platforms
PC at the moment :3 but i also play on Switch and PS4
Favorite Animals
Doggos!!! But mostly Wolfes. I adore them with all my heart
Favorite Quote
Reject hooman become Fluffy Furry!!! AWOOOOOOOOO
Favorite Artists
Nozomy, Subariel, RegalBowser and many many more X3

If you like my art, consider to buy my commissions or support my work
Have a great day!