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Still here but with an update ( rant and trigger warning ...
a month ago
Sorry I haven't posted an update in a while. Real life was surprising but not always. But what I'm going to tell you as far as an update on things comes with a warning this time. Things might sound a little prejudice so some controversial things will be brought up. You've been warned.
Thanksgiving and Christmas was good, quiet, but good, it was better than it was in 2023 now that I've kicked my psycho asshole father out of my life for good as well as his side of the family who are nothing but a dysfunctional three ringed freakshow fucking circus. I'm lucky to be nothing like those monsters who have no brain, no heart, no conscience, if I were to compare them to the undead like vampires, then I'd also say they literally got no pulse. But with how they clearly have all the signs of having no brain, no heart, no conscience and all that. They might as well be told they have no pulse like the undead. I've kicked my father, his psycho second wife and my dad's side of the family out of my life for good so they can no longer ruin any happiness, peace and tranquility that my mom and I are going to preserve. They can all rot and destroy each other but me and my mom won't be dragged down with them.
So Thanksgiving and Christmas in 2024 was so much better for me and my mom without them being involved with ruining the "happy" part of the Happy Holidays. And we enjoyed every bit of it.
But once January came along. I don't know what happened but at first. I thought me and my mom were the only ones going through something but it turns out that we were not alone in that. My mom later on towards the end of January or recently now told me that some members of her side of the family that she keeps in contact with on Facebook, and some people my mom knows at her job as well as others that my mom's co-workers know. Have gone through a bad luck streak during the month of January. We found out there was a total of several or more people that went through something identical or similar to what me and my mom went through.
My mom was able to confirm it when others brought it up in conversation. But as for what they went through that was same for us. I don't know. Judging by what my mom confirmed. They too were going through similar to what we experienced. Here's what we went through on our end.
The first thing that happened was in the neighborhood we live in ( apartments that is ) two stupid kids were playing outside and they accidentally messed something up with the water that affected everyone in the building. Stupid little brats! Someone who lives in the building reported it when they've noticed something. But the parents of those kids who caused that problem. I heard from my mom that their parents talked to these kids about the situation but I doubt their parents who are that much dumber did anything to punish their kids because I blame the parents for saying "yes" to having kids and birthing those future happiness destroyers they call their children.
The lady at the apartment's office had to call a plumper and the people from the city to fix it. At first, we thought they didn't get it all done yet because many of the people in the apartment building couldn't use their toilets to flush for a few days. My mom called the people from the city and the people from the city found out that the lady at the office lied their fucking asses off to the people from the city about the problem being fixed. So me and my mom ratted out that bitch to the city and turns out the problem was fixed, they just didn't turn the water on. So the people from the city got onto the bitch in the office about the situation and they were having to turn the water on now that it's fixed after that. This happened during the first weekend of January.
Then the week after that or so. A part in our oven shorted out, so we can't use the oven to cook food with but we can use the stove and microwave to cook food which is a good thing we can cook that way. But we had to tell the woman at the office about that. She said she'd get that taken care of but she lied to us about doing that because it's been less than a month since she said she'd do that, we had to tell her three times and she still won't do it. Fucking racist white hating, man hating, greedy ass, vengeful bratty, lying bitch.
Then the week after that, the electric company decided to be change the detail to the billing and not tell anyone because they must've hired a bunch of stupid banana eating monkeys for that day because during that week on a Wednesday. We went half the day without power. My mom found out while at work and turns out the electric company changed a microscopic detail to the billing that they had no right in changing and they only did what they did just because they didn't get all the money in time when that said bill was 15 dollars short. My mom paid the remaining money of that but I felt like making those dumbasses at the electric company that changed that detail a few feet shorter than they already are by screaming at them.
During that time, the power being affected like that caused our fridge to no longer work. We reported it to the office, while I'm glad they sent people over to take the old one out and put a new fridge into our current apartment, the men they sent apparently did things sloppily to say the least. They could've measured the spot where the fridge goes so they know to get one that fits all the way. Them racist, white hating, American hating, illegal bastards, my mom had to take a day off work to make sure that they did things right without doing something we don't approve of ( we currently don't trust those men for some personal reasons I don't wish to discuss here ) the good news about this new fridge we got now is there's more space in it and we can put in more food and water.
Then on a Sunday in the beginning of the fourth week of January I believe. The cable and internet provider I believe they call it. They apparently cut the television and internet off just because they didn't get their money fast enough when they say if it's due and not paid by so and so day, the said thing is cut off but they had to do it a day or more earlier. Doing without television or internet is something no one does without today. My mom managed to resolve that problem on Wednesday which of course we're going to switch to a cheaper internet that should work the same way our current internet works.
The reason for that last thing is because during the first problem, my mom had to miss a day or two of work so that the problem would get fixed up and that the lying bitch at the office couldn't get away with lying to the people from the city, same for during the situation with our fridge. But so far. My mom told me that some co-workers at her job and some members of her side of the family have experienced the jinx that is January of 2025. It was like there was a Friday the 13th thing going on during January both me, my mom and other people we know. I think a lot of other people other than the several people we know went through that too.
Yet all of this could've been avoided if the parents of these kids said no to having children, if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris didn't fuck things up for America and the world because things financially for America and probably the world has gotten worse thanks to Biden and Harris. The state of America and the world got worse because of Biden and Harris. Today, we also found out that a doctor's appointment I was going to. It wasn't for today but it was for the 6th of next month. I had to get onto the people at the front desk about how me and my mom felt inconvenienced by the miscommunication which I do feel guilty for getting onto them about it because it wasn't their fault at all.
They did make sure to give me and my mom a card to the correct date of the appointment because they found out no one told me and my mom about the date being wrong or about the communication not going well. Turns out, from what my mom told me. During a cold snap in January, everyone had to reschedule their appointments at this doctor's office due to the weather conditions. My mom was doing that over the phone at the time being. The lady she got to talk to turned out to be a woman who didn't know much English at all and she probably was another illegal. Whoever this non-English speaking woman was over the phone is the woman who got the appointment date wrong. Which she probably was an illegal and she should be fired and sent back to wherever the fuck she came from.
So basically, most of the problems currently were falling under the fault of illegal aliens. The people that currently now own and run the apartments me and my mom currently live in, the maintenance people and management of the apartments we currently live in, and the woman my mom talked to over the phone that fucked up the appointment date at the doctor's office for me, all of them apparently are Hispanic and all of them got all the red flags that is revealing they're all illegals who came to our country and are fucking things up worse than they already have been. And it's all the fault of them and both Joe "Mental Fuck" Let's go Brandon Biden and Kamala "airheaded clueless no one wants in office" Harris. They opened the borders to let all these illegals into our country that made every problem worse. Well, I'm glad those two are out of office like a football being kicked from one side of the field to the other if the ball was kicked by Tony Romo.
Now that Trump is back in office and in power like he should've been during the last time election year came along. I hope he gets rid of every fucking one of them illegals that shouldn't be here that have done nothing but make things worse for America and those that live here. Because the current new owners that own and run the apartment me and my mom live in, as well as the management and maintenance people of the apartment we live in, as well as the lady who got the doctor's appointment date wrong. I hope Trump has them sent back as well because they all got the red flags that shows they're all here illegally or found some way to stay here but shouldn't be here regardless.
So far, me and my mom are currently making sure someone finally does something about all these lazy, man hating, white American hating, greedy, cheapskate, scheming, scamming, price gauging, lying racist assholes! So many people are getting reported and after all the hell they've caused me, my mom and many others we know. There's probably more or less than a dozen illegals being sent back after we report them. Me and my mom found out some of them have committed some theft crimes and others are accessories to them.
So that means a lot more are getting deported and that'll be us doing our part in sending a message to those who have wronged both me, my mom and many others me and my mom know because of illegal aliens that shouldn't be here and if Biden and Harris weren't in office ( I found out that Biden got elected due to ghost votes that were from people who were deceased for a while ) than all of this could've been avoided, the borders would've remained tightly closed and these illegals wouldn't have come to cause such problems for everyone.
I'm so sorry this rant has some prejudice overtones but it is against the lay to have illegal aliens come here illegally and since Trump is getting rid of the illegals that are dangerous or considered criminals causing trouble. The ones we're reporting are guilty of one or two things, if not more, and we're just doing what the law says. To me, if anyone is here illegally. I'd say let the ones who are causing all the trouble be sent back but those who are here looking for honest work, looking to make things in their lives better as well as for their families in an honest way, while making sure to stay out of trouble and not cause trouble and are here with honest intentions. Those are the people I believe deserve to stay here.
So far, things are now getting better for me and my mom currently. Forgive me if this update has some prejudice overtones in them. But the people that have been causing our recent bad luck that has hopefully ended, all responsible or most of them responsible turned out to be illegal aliens who found some way to stay here and I believe Trump is doing something about that too now that he's back in office and in power. And the illegals we're reporting got some small crimes they've committed, mostly theft related, so the reporting of these illegals has to be done since the ones we're reporting are not here for honest intentions.
There's going to be some wrongs that need to be righted and there's also going to be some people I'm going to have to apologize to that are not guilty of anything that's been going on.
Also, just so you know. Keep getting a look at these links below.
The links will keep you alerted about a troll I had reported about that's been causing problems for me and others from other websites. I doubt the person has an account on here because the problem didn't happen on here. It happened on a different website. So just letting you know in case you encounter the said troll and if you do, report the troll.
Thanksgiving and Christmas was good, quiet, but good, it was better than it was in 2023 now that I've kicked my psycho asshole father out of my life for good as well as his side of the family who are nothing but a dysfunctional three ringed freakshow fucking circus. I'm lucky to be nothing like those monsters who have no brain, no heart, no conscience, if I were to compare them to the undead like vampires, then I'd also say they literally got no pulse. But with how they clearly have all the signs of having no brain, no heart, no conscience and all that. They might as well be told they have no pulse like the undead. I've kicked my father, his psycho second wife and my dad's side of the family out of my life for good so they can no longer ruin any happiness, peace and tranquility that my mom and I are going to preserve. They can all rot and destroy each other but me and my mom won't be dragged down with them.
So Thanksgiving and Christmas in 2024 was so much better for me and my mom without them being involved with ruining the "happy" part of the Happy Holidays. And we enjoyed every bit of it.
But once January came along. I don't know what happened but at first. I thought me and my mom were the only ones going through something but it turns out that we were not alone in that. My mom later on towards the end of January or recently now told me that some members of her side of the family that she keeps in contact with on Facebook, and some people my mom knows at her job as well as others that my mom's co-workers know. Have gone through a bad luck streak during the month of January. We found out there was a total of several or more people that went through something identical or similar to what me and my mom went through.
My mom was able to confirm it when others brought it up in conversation. But as for what they went through that was same for us. I don't know. Judging by what my mom confirmed. They too were going through similar to what we experienced. Here's what we went through on our end.
The first thing that happened was in the neighborhood we live in ( apartments that is ) two stupid kids were playing outside and they accidentally messed something up with the water that affected everyone in the building. Stupid little brats! Someone who lives in the building reported it when they've noticed something. But the parents of those kids who caused that problem. I heard from my mom that their parents talked to these kids about the situation but I doubt their parents who are that much dumber did anything to punish their kids because I blame the parents for saying "yes" to having kids and birthing those future happiness destroyers they call their children.
The lady at the apartment's office had to call a plumper and the people from the city to fix it. At first, we thought they didn't get it all done yet because many of the people in the apartment building couldn't use their toilets to flush for a few days. My mom called the people from the city and the people from the city found out that the lady at the office lied their fucking asses off to the people from the city about the problem being fixed. So me and my mom ratted out that bitch to the city and turns out the problem was fixed, they just didn't turn the water on. So the people from the city got onto the bitch in the office about the situation and they were having to turn the water on now that it's fixed after that. This happened during the first weekend of January.
Then the week after that or so. A part in our oven shorted out, so we can't use the oven to cook food with but we can use the stove and microwave to cook food which is a good thing we can cook that way. But we had to tell the woman at the office about that. She said she'd get that taken care of but she lied to us about doing that because it's been less than a month since she said she'd do that, we had to tell her three times and she still won't do it. Fucking racist white hating, man hating, greedy ass, vengeful bratty, lying bitch.
Then the week after that, the electric company decided to be change the detail to the billing and not tell anyone because they must've hired a bunch of stupid banana eating monkeys for that day because during that week on a Wednesday. We went half the day without power. My mom found out while at work and turns out the electric company changed a microscopic detail to the billing that they had no right in changing and they only did what they did just because they didn't get all the money in time when that said bill was 15 dollars short. My mom paid the remaining money of that but I felt like making those dumbasses at the electric company that changed that detail a few feet shorter than they already are by screaming at them.
During that time, the power being affected like that caused our fridge to no longer work. We reported it to the office, while I'm glad they sent people over to take the old one out and put a new fridge into our current apartment, the men they sent apparently did things sloppily to say the least. They could've measured the spot where the fridge goes so they know to get one that fits all the way. Them racist, white hating, American hating, illegal bastards, my mom had to take a day off work to make sure that they did things right without doing something we don't approve of ( we currently don't trust those men for some personal reasons I don't wish to discuss here ) the good news about this new fridge we got now is there's more space in it and we can put in more food and water.
Then on a Sunday in the beginning of the fourth week of January I believe. The cable and internet provider I believe they call it. They apparently cut the television and internet off just because they didn't get their money fast enough when they say if it's due and not paid by so and so day, the said thing is cut off but they had to do it a day or more earlier. Doing without television or internet is something no one does without today. My mom managed to resolve that problem on Wednesday which of course we're going to switch to a cheaper internet that should work the same way our current internet works.
The reason for that last thing is because during the first problem, my mom had to miss a day or two of work so that the problem would get fixed up and that the lying bitch at the office couldn't get away with lying to the people from the city, same for during the situation with our fridge. But so far. My mom told me that some co-workers at her job and some members of her side of the family have experienced the jinx that is January of 2025. It was like there was a Friday the 13th thing going on during January both me, my mom and other people we know. I think a lot of other people other than the several people we know went through that too.
Yet all of this could've been avoided if the parents of these kids said no to having children, if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris didn't fuck things up for America and the world because things financially for America and probably the world has gotten worse thanks to Biden and Harris. The state of America and the world got worse because of Biden and Harris. Today, we also found out that a doctor's appointment I was going to. It wasn't for today but it was for the 6th of next month. I had to get onto the people at the front desk about how me and my mom felt inconvenienced by the miscommunication which I do feel guilty for getting onto them about it because it wasn't their fault at all.
They did make sure to give me and my mom a card to the correct date of the appointment because they found out no one told me and my mom about the date being wrong or about the communication not going well. Turns out, from what my mom told me. During a cold snap in January, everyone had to reschedule their appointments at this doctor's office due to the weather conditions. My mom was doing that over the phone at the time being. The lady she got to talk to turned out to be a woman who didn't know much English at all and she probably was another illegal. Whoever this non-English speaking woman was over the phone is the woman who got the appointment date wrong. Which she probably was an illegal and she should be fired and sent back to wherever the fuck she came from.
So basically, most of the problems currently were falling under the fault of illegal aliens. The people that currently now own and run the apartments me and my mom currently live in, the maintenance people and management of the apartments we currently live in, and the woman my mom talked to over the phone that fucked up the appointment date at the doctor's office for me, all of them apparently are Hispanic and all of them got all the red flags that is revealing they're all illegals who came to our country and are fucking things up worse than they already have been. And it's all the fault of them and both Joe "Mental Fuck" Let's go Brandon Biden and Kamala "airheaded clueless no one wants in office" Harris. They opened the borders to let all these illegals into our country that made every problem worse. Well, I'm glad those two are out of office like a football being kicked from one side of the field to the other if the ball was kicked by Tony Romo.
Now that Trump is back in office and in power like he should've been during the last time election year came along. I hope he gets rid of every fucking one of them illegals that shouldn't be here that have done nothing but make things worse for America and those that live here. Because the current new owners that own and run the apartment me and my mom live in, as well as the management and maintenance people of the apartment we live in, as well as the lady who got the doctor's appointment date wrong. I hope Trump has them sent back as well because they all got the red flags that shows they're all here illegally or found some way to stay here but shouldn't be here regardless.
So far, me and my mom are currently making sure someone finally does something about all these lazy, man hating, white American hating, greedy, cheapskate, scheming, scamming, price gauging, lying racist assholes! So many people are getting reported and after all the hell they've caused me, my mom and many others we know. There's probably more or less than a dozen illegals being sent back after we report them. Me and my mom found out some of them have committed some theft crimes and others are accessories to them.
So that means a lot more are getting deported and that'll be us doing our part in sending a message to those who have wronged both me, my mom and many others me and my mom know because of illegal aliens that shouldn't be here and if Biden and Harris weren't in office ( I found out that Biden got elected due to ghost votes that were from people who were deceased for a while ) than all of this could've been avoided, the borders would've remained tightly closed and these illegals wouldn't have come to cause such problems for everyone.
I'm so sorry this rant has some prejudice overtones but it is against the lay to have illegal aliens come here illegally and since Trump is getting rid of the illegals that are dangerous or considered criminals causing trouble. The ones we're reporting are guilty of one or two things, if not more, and we're just doing what the law says. To me, if anyone is here illegally. I'd say let the ones who are causing all the trouble be sent back but those who are here looking for honest work, looking to make things in their lives better as well as for their families in an honest way, while making sure to stay out of trouble and not cause trouble and are here with honest intentions. Those are the people I believe deserve to stay here.
So far, things are now getting better for me and my mom currently. Forgive me if this update has some prejudice overtones in them. But the people that have been causing our recent bad luck that has hopefully ended, all responsible or most of them responsible turned out to be illegal aliens who found some way to stay here and I believe Trump is doing something about that too now that he's back in office and in power. And the illegals we're reporting got some small crimes they've committed, mostly theft related, so the reporting of these illegals has to be done since the ones we're reporting are not here for honest intentions.
There's going to be some wrongs that need to be righted and there's also going to be some people I'm going to have to apologize to that are not guilty of anything that's been going on.
Also, just so you know. Keep getting a look at these links below.
The links will keep you alerted about a troll I had reported about that's been causing problems for me and others from other websites. I doubt the person has an account on here because the problem didn't happen on here. It happened on a different website. So just letting you know in case you encounter the said troll and if you do, report the troll.
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A lot of animated cartoons like Don Bluth entertainment
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Elephants, Hippos, Alligators, Aliens, Lions, Tigers, Ligers, Orca Whales, Rhinos, Cows, Horses, Bulls, Dinosaurs, Pigs, Kangaskhans, Nidoqueens, Nido
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