Views: 2585
Submissions: 27
Favs: 46

Artist/ Voice Actor | Registered: May 31, 2013 03:05
I'm Sol Suncollar an artist and voice actor. Check out some of my work and comissions I've gotten of my fursona. Please feel free to message any time!
I'm a TN fur
Art Comissions: Open
Headshots are $20
Busts are $25
Half body shots are $30
Full body shots are $35
Voice Comissions: Open
$4 per line.
I only accept PayPal
Send me a note if interested.
I'm a TN fur

Art Comissions: Open
Headshots are $20
Busts are $25
Half body shots are $30
Full body shots are $35
Voice Comissions: Open
$4 per line.
I only accept PayPal
Send me a note if interested.
Comments Earned: 270
Comments Made: 400
Journals: 4
Comments Made: 400
Journals: 4
Recent Journal
New Fursona
7 years ago
Hi it's me formerly Crazy_fox. now Sol Suncollar! Nothing much has changed except my fursona is now a purple dog.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
Yes Accepting Commissions
Yes Character Species
Labrador Retriever
Favorite Music
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Robin Hood, Star Wars, and LOTR
Favorite Games
Star Fox, Metal Gear Solid series, and many many others
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Favorite Animals
canines and felines
Favorite Site
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Favorite Quote
Whatever Happens Happens ~Spike Spiegel
Favorite Artists
Contact Information

Thanks for the watch!^.^