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Lion Me Hug You! >:3 | Registered: Jun 16, 2013 08:12

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Some of the chars I RP with since my profile looks boring and empty!
Yes I know.. account name matches one, with the picture of another… your get over it!
Not in any order and certainly not a complete list!
Clump – Male anthro lynx often wilding a crossbow and with a thing for lionesses.
Plummet – Highly intelligent, male feral African leopard, normally with some kind of collar on.
Shumba – Male feral African lion!
Tan-enif – Female, rather crazy and stupidly strong anthro cheetahess.
Mir – Female anthro hyena… oh gods, just do not upset Mir...
And I have many, many more I'm to lazy to list O.O
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Don’t miss out! - Up Coming World Lion Day 10th August 201
8 years ago
Up Coming World Lion Day 10th August 2016
So another world lion day!
First of all, I owe a big thank you to everyone that took part last year! Overall a reasonably good number of people responded and took part, in simply just spreading the word.
Let’s see if we can reach even more people this year!
Thank you!
Just as last year the idea of this is to simply raze awareness as to how lions are doing in the wild. And the best part is you don’t have to do anything you don’t normally do to help out!
Simply I ask you to be inspired for the 10th of August to produce something lion related, art, music, story, poetry, whatever! In order to draw people’s attention to this global event.
I can’t / “I only come here for commissions”?
You can still help, a lot!
What matters the most, is getting the word out.
A simple journal entry, here or on any other website. A mention on face book, twitter, or the like! Or simply just tell your friends by whatever means. Hint: LionWhispererTV can make for a very interesting topic of conversation weather you like lions or not! ( And subscribing to the channel will help out the cause (hint hint).
Why world lion day?
Very valid question. Why world lion day and not world cat day or something more widely ranged? Some have said they dislike like lions so why would they even bother?
My answer is very simple, lions really ‘are’ a wide range! A very wide range and as a bonus there very symbolic that serves to strengthen all causes.
In keeping a hold of our top predators we keep hold of the ecosystems beneath them and ‘all creatures’ within.
Lions are well known as ‘the king of all beasts’ and have been used on almost every continent, in 1000’s of cultures, though out history and still today. Yet there struggles are rarely spoken.
What better species to use as an example in preserving all than the lion?
So please be inspired to join me and many others in simply spreading the word in whatever way you can!
If anyone offers a free commission competition or similar sort of thing for those spreading the word, I’ll try to add a link to this page to help promote it!
The magical upload date is ‘around’ 10th August – though this is flexible!
Read on for more liony info.
~ Apologies I was a little late setting up this year!
What to put in upload description/journal?
Whatever you want! Mentioning world lion day is a good start!
You can link to or use any parts of this journal entry if you don’t feel like typing.
A few links to some well-known lion charities could be useful for viewer that wish to explore deeper (I’ve given some links below). If people wish to make a donation then they should do so via these sites.
Here is a useful snippet you can simply copy past if you wish!
World Lion Day 2016 is about spreading awareness for lions and the problems they face all over the world.
Check out the world lion day website for more information or if you’d like to get more involved you could simply upload something on the lion theme or just spread the word! For more info on this read the journal here
Or for more fun lion things and lion information check out or
So what are the issues?
Habitat loss – Preventable by habitat management and expanding reserves.
Food loss – Preventable by protection of other species as well as fighting to stop illegal poaching in reserves.
Lion deaths due to domestic livestock conflicts – Preventable by warning locals on where the lions are roaming and educating them on how to interact with lions without reaching for a gun.
Inbreeding – Preventable by increasing and supporting wild lion numbers.
There are many other issues, but in terms of preserving lions in the wild this short list represents the key issues – all of which can be helped.
What to link to? Gime links and locations!
Firstly for getting others to join in, feel free to link directly to this journal entry!
The “World Lion Day” website makes sense and they have a list of charities for people to support to found here.
Another good one is here who work on the coexistence of lions and humans, turning past killers in to protectors, helping all.
And lastly if no one has heard of Kevin Richardson, well his YouTube channel is well worth a look! (help him out by subscribing and sharing). As is his website
I have no direct links or control over any external links posted here. My role is simply spreading awareness as I believe this the best way in which I can help that of witch I am passionate about. I have no control over any other participants or the work they upload.
I hope this proves a fun yet meaningful way of spreading awareness. Do not send me donation.
So another world lion day!
First of all, I owe a big thank you to everyone that took part last year! Overall a reasonably good number of people responded and took part, in simply just spreading the word.
Let’s see if we can reach even more people this year!
Thank you!
Just as last year the idea of this is to simply raze awareness as to how lions are doing in the wild. And the best part is you don’t have to do anything you don’t normally do to help out!
Simply I ask you to be inspired for the 10th of August to produce something lion related, art, music, story, poetry, whatever! In order to draw people’s attention to this global event.
I can’t / “I only come here for commissions”?
You can still help, a lot!
What matters the most, is getting the word out.
A simple journal entry, here or on any other website. A mention on face book, twitter, or the like! Or simply just tell your friends by whatever means. Hint: LionWhispererTV can make for a very interesting topic of conversation weather you like lions or not! ( And subscribing to the channel will help out the cause (hint hint).
Why world lion day?
Very valid question. Why world lion day and not world cat day or something more widely ranged? Some have said they dislike like lions so why would they even bother?
My answer is very simple, lions really ‘are’ a wide range! A very wide range and as a bonus there very symbolic that serves to strengthen all causes.
In keeping a hold of our top predators we keep hold of the ecosystems beneath them and ‘all creatures’ within.
Lions are well known as ‘the king of all beasts’ and have been used on almost every continent, in 1000’s of cultures, though out history and still today. Yet there struggles are rarely spoken.
What better species to use as an example in preserving all than the lion?
So please be inspired to join me and many others in simply spreading the word in whatever way you can!
If anyone offers a free commission competition or similar sort of thing for those spreading the word, I’ll try to add a link to this page to help promote it!
The magical upload date is ‘around’ 10th August – though this is flexible!
Read on for more liony info.
~ Apologies I was a little late setting up this year!
What to put in upload description/journal?
Whatever you want! Mentioning world lion day is a good start!
You can link to or use any parts of this journal entry if you don’t feel like typing.
A few links to some well-known lion charities could be useful for viewer that wish to explore deeper (I’ve given some links below). If people wish to make a donation then they should do so via these sites.
Here is a useful snippet you can simply copy past if you wish!
World Lion Day 2016 is about spreading awareness for lions and the problems they face all over the world.
Check out the world lion day website for more information or if you’d like to get more involved you could simply upload something on the lion theme or just spread the word! For more info on this read the journal here
Or for more fun lion things and lion information check out or
So what are the issues?
Habitat loss – Preventable by habitat management and expanding reserves.
Food loss – Preventable by protection of other species as well as fighting to stop illegal poaching in reserves.
Lion deaths due to domestic livestock conflicts – Preventable by warning locals on where the lions are roaming and educating them on how to interact with lions without reaching for a gun.
Inbreeding – Preventable by increasing and supporting wild lion numbers.
There are many other issues, but in terms of preserving lions in the wild this short list represents the key issues – all of which can be helped.
What to link to? Gime links and locations!
Firstly for getting others to join in, feel free to link directly to this journal entry!
The “World Lion Day” website makes sense and they have a list of charities for people to support to found here.
Another good one is here who work on the coexistence of lions and humans, turning past killers in to protectors, helping all.
And lastly if no one has heard of Kevin Richardson, well his YouTube channel is well worth a look! (help him out by subscribing and sharing). As is his website
I have no direct links or control over any external links posted here. My role is simply spreading awareness as I believe this the best way in which I can help that of witch I am passionate about. I have no control over any other participants or the work they upload.
I hope this proves a fun yet meaningful way of spreading awareness. Do not send me donation.
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