Views: 545
Submissions: 9
Favs: 13

Writer | Registered: May 28, 2017 06:11
Hi, I'm Teagan AKA catfluid. I had a furaffinity account before but I forgot the login. I'm not specifically a furry artist, but since I have some story ideas that might be of interest here, I'm going to be posting them here as well as on my tumblr, also catfluid. If you like my writing or just have some spare cash, please buy me a coffee?
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Comments Earned: 16
Comments Made: 21
Journals: 9
Comments Made: 21
Journals: 9
Featured Journal
I'm probably leaving soon
4 years ago
I don't find nearly as much art I enjoy here as even when I most recently came back. I don't post art on here myself. And while my writing could count under the furry title, what I'm working on currently isn't going to be shared unless I get some beta readers and then after that only if I publish it.
Any of the art I have posted here has also been posted on DA under the username vampyresmiles. If anyone does care to find me, I'll be on these sites under these names:
- Tumblr: stuckstucktrolls (rp blog), bogrose (aesthetic/witchy blog)
- Waterfall: princeofdoom (main), bogrose (aesthetic/witchy blog), princeaesthetics (royalty aesthetics blog), princeofdicks (nsfw reblogs, and possibly future smut writing)
- Spacehay: (name should be Teagan)
I'll probably close this down eventually but in the meantime I'll leave this up for the few that follow me and any folks who check me out and want to find me elsewhere
Any of the art I have posted here has also been posted on DA under the username vampyresmiles. If anyone does care to find me, I'll be on these sites under these names:
- Tumblr: stuckstucktrolls (rp blog), bogrose (aesthetic/witchy blog)
- Waterfall: princeofdoom (main), bogrose (aesthetic/witchy blog), princeaesthetics (royalty aesthetics blog), princeofdicks (nsfw reblogs, and possibly future smut writing)
- Spacehay: (name should be Teagan)
I'll probably close this down eventually but in the meantime I'll leave this up for the few that follow me and any folks who check me out and want to find me elsewhere
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Yes Character Species
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Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Mononoke Hime
Favorite Animals
cats, snakes, ferrets
Favorite Foods & Drinks
unagidon, nutella