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Watcher | Registered: Aug 1, 2012 09:46
This is a group for furs who live in or love Cascadia, a region sometimes known as the Pacific Northwest. We have a rich natural and cultural heritage here and this group's main purpose is to celebrate it.
The group is friendly to the Cascadia Independence Movement, but is not exclusively political. This is a place where Cascadian Bioregionalists, residents of all US states and Canadian provinces in the watershed of the Cascade mountains, lovers of nature, members of the native tribes of the region, and others can mix freely and share news, as well as art, music, photography, and literature that showcases the natural beauty and cultural adventurousness of Cascadia.
1. Leave your hate at the door. All races, religions, nationalities, and furry species are welcome here. If you bash any person, community, country, or species you'll get an instant ban.
2. Keep political discussions civil, calm, and reasonable! If you're posting long walls of text, make sure it's coherent and adds something to the conversation.
3. Anyone talking about starting riots, fomenting violence, recruiting for militia movements, or egging other members on to "do something" will be banned instantly. This is NOT the place nor the time for that sort of thing and this policy will be enforced aggressively.
4. All art submitted to the group must be within the AUP of the site and fit within group rules.
This group is run by
threetails, a proud adopted Cascadian.
In friendship and solidarity with:
Some links of interest:
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threetails if you have additional links, art, or stories of interest to share!
Kwanesum Chinuk Illahee!
This is a group for furs who live in or love Cascadia, a region sometimes known as the Pacific Northwest. We have a rich natural and cultural heritage here and this group's main purpose is to celebrate it.
The group is friendly to the Cascadia Independence Movement, but is not exclusively political. This is a place where Cascadian Bioregionalists, residents of all US states and Canadian provinces in the watershed of the Cascade mountains, lovers of nature, members of the native tribes of the region, and others can mix freely and share news, as well as art, music, photography, and literature that showcases the natural beauty and cultural adventurousness of Cascadia.
1. Leave your hate at the door. All races, religions, nationalities, and furry species are welcome here. If you bash any person, community, country, or species you'll get an instant ban.
2. Keep political discussions civil, calm, and reasonable! If you're posting long walls of text, make sure it's coherent and adds something to the conversation.
3. Anyone talking about starting riots, fomenting violence, recruiting for militia movements, or egging other members on to "do something" will be banned instantly. This is NOT the place nor the time for that sort of thing and this policy will be enforced aggressively.
4. All art submitted to the group must be within the AUP of the site and fit within group rules.
This group is run by

In friendship and solidarity with:

Some links of interest:
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Kwanesum Chinuk Illahee!
Featured Submission
Comments Earned: 19
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Journals: 8
Comments Made: 1
Journals: 8
Recent Journal
Oregon Measure 80
12 years ago
(crossposted from
threetails, I won't post many political journals here but I think this one is important)
My vote is already, solidly "Yes."
Here's why:
1. Even though it keeps existing medical marijuana laws, Measure 80 allows those who cannot afford the costly OMM card approval process (which can cost over $400 with all the doctor's fees and processing fees) to get the medication they need. Low-income patients who need cannabis for medical reasons can now use that application money for other things, like rent and food.
2. There is no conclusive evidence that cannabis is in any way more dangerous than alcohol, and a fair body of evidence to say that it is considerably less dangerous.
3. The measure puts a substantial amount of revenue back into rehabilitation programs and thus treats addiction like a public health issue, not a criminal matter.
4. This will really wake people up if the federal government starts bullying us over it, and will be a litmus test to find the true supporters of "states rights" versus those who only use "states rights" rhetoric to their own advantage.
5. The measure has the potential to create thousands of jobs, including many jobs in the industrial hemp sector,
6. This measure put the Pacific Northwest on the path toward energy independence by having a ready, sustainable, and local source of biofuel without using valuable grain crops.
7. Precedents (such as Portugal) suggest that after an initial celebratory spike in usage, drug usage does not increase appreciably under broad decriminalization.
8. Although the cost savings will be minimal (since Oregon spends less money than most states enforcing cannabis prohibition), it has the potential to greatly exceed the projected annual revenue and will play a small part in alleviating budget deficits.
9. The infrastructure already exists (in Portland, anyway) for a great deal of growth once commercial farmers can ply their trade legally. Cafes, growers, and processors are everywhere, most of what's sold is local, and it's high quality too. Growers are often unable to meet demands in their neighborhoods due to the limitations of keeping their activities covert, so there is plenty of room for growth too.
10. Commercial hemp can be processed into a very strong alternative to wood, and provides a sustainable building material that is readily available without cutting down more of Oregon's old-growth forests.
For me, it's an easy decision. Yes on 80.

My vote is already, solidly "Yes."
Here's why:
1. Even though it keeps existing medical marijuana laws, Measure 80 allows those who cannot afford the costly OMM card approval process (which can cost over $400 with all the doctor's fees and processing fees) to get the medication they need. Low-income patients who need cannabis for medical reasons can now use that application money for other things, like rent and food.
2. There is no conclusive evidence that cannabis is in any way more dangerous than alcohol, and a fair body of evidence to say that it is considerably less dangerous.
3. The measure puts a substantial amount of revenue back into rehabilitation programs and thus treats addiction like a public health issue, not a criminal matter.
4. This will really wake people up if the federal government starts bullying us over it, and will be a litmus test to find the true supporters of "states rights" versus those who only use "states rights" rhetoric to their own advantage.
5. The measure has the potential to create thousands of jobs, including many jobs in the industrial hemp sector,
6. This measure put the Pacific Northwest on the path toward energy independence by having a ready, sustainable, and local source of biofuel without using valuable grain crops.
7. Precedents (such as Portugal) suggest that after an initial celebratory spike in usage, drug usage does not increase appreciably under broad decriminalization.
8. Although the cost savings will be minimal (since Oregon spends less money than most states enforcing cannabis prohibition), it has the potential to greatly exceed the projected annual revenue and will play a small part in alleviating budget deficits.
9. The infrastructure already exists (in Portland, anyway) for a great deal of growth once commercial farmers can ply their trade legally. Cafes, growers, and processors are everywhere, most of what's sold is local, and it's high quality too. Growers are often unable to meet demands in their neighborhoods due to the limitations of keeping their activities covert, so there is plenty of room for growth too.
10. Commercial hemp can be processed into a very strong alternative to wood, and provides a sustainable building material that is readily available without cutting down more of Oregon's old-growth forests.
For me, it's an easy decision. Yes on 80.
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