Views: 10476
Submissions: 162
Favs: 3093

Amateur writer | Registered: Nov 16, 2020 02:30
Latino Furry from Coffee Land. A connoisseur of manga and video game furry waifus. [Insert comical substitute for pronouns here]. I don't really role play nowadays, so please do not send me a note asking to RP. You could be blocked. More importantly, minors please stay away!
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Comments Earned: 541
Comments Made: 1070
Journals: 12
Comments Made: 1070
Journals: 12
Featured Journal
Writing commissions
3 years ago
So I might open up comms for stories since my hours at my jobs are gonna be cut after the holidays (thankfully got money saved up). I might do prices like $10 for 1000 words. Not sure how many stories I'll take (assuming I get any), but if I feel like I'm starting to get a lot then I might close. Here's the doc for details
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Favorite Music
Gospel, Jpop, classical, soft rock
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Prince of Egypt, Into the Spiderverse, Kung Fu Panda 2 and Zootopia
Favorite Games
Final Fantasy 9
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Playstation 4
Favorite Animals
Lions, tigers, foxes, wolves, and hyenas
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Yakisoba Noodles with chicken and veggies
Favorite Quote
“A renewed command I give to you, that you love one another, as I have loved you, that you also love one another. Yoḥanan (John) 13:34 TS2009
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