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Werekitten Storyteller | Registered: Jan 31, 2009 11:41
The clock strikes twelve as you find yourself walking home along an abandoned street. The street lamps are out and the only source of light is the full moon in the sky. You feel a presence watching your every step, and try to assure yourself it's just an imagination. However, you quickly pick up the pace trying to get out as quickly as possible. Suddenly, there is the rusting of leaves, something dashes out of the bushes and knocked over a nearby trashcan. Your heart beats faster in your chest as you burst into a full sprint as a small shadow chases after you. You look back to see what it is only to find it's already gone, and then you turn around and you see the shadow run by straight in front of you. You gasp and try to back away only to trip over the knocked over trash can falling backwards. The source of the shadow jumps for you AND
A small kitten with orange colored fur who barely goes up to your knees lands on your lap.
"RAWR!" He makes his best attempt at a roar playfully, then looks you in the eyes for a few moments as you sit in stunned silence. He slowly raises up a paw, and then gently presses it to your nose. "Boop!" With that he immediately jumps of of you and runs off.
You have just been nose booped by a werekitten.
Hello! I'm Calex Nekato! I'm a werekitten! Rawr! I work as a junior detective for Odin Ashcroft at the Ashcroft Investigations Agency and help fight crime and solve mysteries and oppose ancient conspiracies that threaten to rewrite the very fabric of reality itself! You know, normal detective stuff. Course that's just work! It's good to have hobbies for an important so always going on adventures or getting into mischief and encountering all kinds of weird science and magical doohickies on the way! Strangely enough seems like a lot of it has a transformation based effect, and so sometimes it feels like I wind up a different species every other day. Usually cute fluffy things, like squirrels and bunnies, though sometimes things like dragons happen. Course werekittens are natural shapeshifters, so I recover pretty fast but experiencing new things or forms is half the fun!
Course it's not just shape that changes, seem to be plenty of things out there int he world that can make a kitten younger! And I'm only like six and a half so it doesn't take a whole lot of magical fountain of youth water or age regression technology to make me a little infant. Approach a baby werekitten at your own risk though, we can be quite rowdy and start getting into michief the second we're born! Really though prefer being my normal kitteny age, but going down in age a bit can be fun and relaxing, and when accompanied with a dragon or pokemon species change I'll admit there are a few times I've been regressed all the way to an egg. They said I couldn't possibly do anything to get in trouble then, I took it as a personal challenge.
Something that seems to happen really often these days though is suddenly getting shrunk! Seems like there are a ton of shrink rays, shrinking spells, shrinky powders and all kinds of things that I seem to get into. It's not uncommon for this little kitten to get even littler! Maybe as small as a mouse! Or the size of a mouse in comparison to the mouse! Or if you see a tiny little rust colored speck that could be me running around! For some reason things seem to sometimes go a little overboard when I start shrinking, it's like shrink based technology and magic is attracted to me and sometimes so can get really teeny! Like to small to even be seen! To subatomic and beyond! One time I shrunk through multiple micro universes, never being able to be taller than a single blade of grass in any of them. Funny that would think there would be a point where it would be different since I had to shrink into said universes, but never seems to work out that way.
Strangely enough though I'm a natural born werekitten sometimes I seem to turn into other things when we enter another universe! Like in the pokemon universe I turn into a shinx! Cat to an electric electric lion? I guess it makes sense. Then in Equastria I turn into an adorable rabbit sized fluff dragon! Really!
Course solo adventures and mischief are fine and all, but always more fun to bring along a friend! Though I think some people get a bit exasperated with my happy go lucky tireless attitude on adventures but I can't help it. I'm just a kitten who likes to have fun and doesn't matter how big the adventure or trouble gets I'm going to enjoy it. And it can get big! Or did we get small? Details!
The one and only pet, and junior partner of
odin8898 as the Ashcroft Detective Agency.
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The clock strikes twelve as you find yourself walking home along an abandoned street. The street lamps are out and the only source of light is the full moon in the sky. You feel a presence watching your every step, and try to assure yourself it's just an imagination. However, you quickly pick up the pace trying to get out as quickly as possible. Suddenly, there is the rusting of leaves, something dashes out of the bushes and knocked over a nearby trashcan. Your heart beats faster in your chest as you burst into a full sprint as a small shadow chases after you. You look back to see what it is only to find it's already gone, and then you turn around and you see the shadow run by straight in front of you. You gasp and try to back away only to trip over the knocked over trash can falling backwards. The source of the shadow jumps for you AND
A small kitten with orange colored fur who barely goes up to your knees lands on your lap.
"RAWR!" He makes his best attempt at a roar playfully, then looks you in the eyes for a few moments as you sit in stunned silence. He slowly raises up a paw, and then gently presses it to your nose. "Boop!" With that he immediately jumps of of you and runs off.
You have just been nose booped by a werekitten.
Hello! I'm Calex Nekato! I'm a werekitten! Rawr! I work as a junior detective for Odin Ashcroft at the Ashcroft Investigations Agency and help fight crime and solve mysteries and oppose ancient conspiracies that threaten to rewrite the very fabric of reality itself! You know, normal detective stuff. Course that's just work! It's good to have hobbies for an important so always going on adventures or getting into mischief and encountering all kinds of weird science and magical doohickies on the way! Strangely enough seems like a lot of it has a transformation based effect, and so sometimes it feels like I wind up a different species every other day. Usually cute fluffy things, like squirrels and bunnies, though sometimes things like dragons happen. Course werekittens are natural shapeshifters, so I recover pretty fast but experiencing new things or forms is half the fun!
Course it's not just shape that changes, seem to be plenty of things out there int he world that can make a kitten younger! And I'm only like six and a half so it doesn't take a whole lot of magical fountain of youth water or age regression technology to make me a little infant. Approach a baby werekitten at your own risk though, we can be quite rowdy and start getting into michief the second we're born! Really though prefer being my normal kitteny age, but going down in age a bit can be fun and relaxing, and when accompanied with a dragon or pokemon species change I'll admit there are a few times I've been regressed all the way to an egg. They said I couldn't possibly do anything to get in trouble then, I took it as a personal challenge.
Something that seems to happen really often these days though is suddenly getting shrunk! Seems like there are a ton of shrink rays, shrinking spells, shrinky powders and all kinds of things that I seem to get into. It's not uncommon for this little kitten to get even littler! Maybe as small as a mouse! Or the size of a mouse in comparison to the mouse! Or if you see a tiny little rust colored speck that could be me running around! For some reason things seem to sometimes go a little overboard when I start shrinking, it's like shrink based technology and magic is attracted to me and sometimes so can get really teeny! Like to small to even be seen! To subatomic and beyond! One time I shrunk through multiple micro universes, never being able to be taller than a single blade of grass in any of them. Funny that would think there would be a point where it would be different since I had to shrink into said universes, but never seems to work out that way.
Strangely enough though I'm a natural born werekitten sometimes I seem to turn into other things when we enter another universe! Like in the pokemon universe I turn into a shinx! Cat to an electric electric lion? I guess it makes sense. Then in Equastria I turn into an adorable rabbit sized fluff dragon! Really!
Course solo adventures and mischief are fine and all, but always more fun to bring along a friend! Though I think some people get a bit exasperated with my happy go lucky tireless attitude on adventures but I can't help it. I'm just a kitten who likes to have fun and doesn't matter how big the adventure or trouble gets I'm going to enjoy it. And it can get big! Or did we get small? Details!
The one and only pet, and junior partner of

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Comments Made: 6472
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Trans Rights Are Human Rights
a month ago
Journal title says it. Had to deal with an obnoxious idiot today, and bigots be bigoted, I don't pay them much mind, but I am slightly concerned about the fact that someone apparently thought I would just be cool with blatant bigotry and was going to be sympathetic to them because they got kicked off a web site for being a transphobe. Not sure what I do to give off the air as someone being ok with transphobia but yeah no.
So apparently since my stance on the matter isn't already obvious.
Trans rights are human rights.
I'm non-binary
Have a nice day
So apparently since my stance on the matter isn't already obvious.
Trans rights are human rights.
I'm non-binary
Have a nice day
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i said christmas by mistake