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Art Whore | Registered: May 15, 2011 11:13
Café Furs
This is a group dedicated to all things café. Be it coffee or tea, we welcome any treats. Coffee lovers and tea lovers unite!
The group's birthday is dedicated to the day the first Starbucks© opened. This group IS NOT for just Starbucks©. The birth the the first one simply ignited a HUGE café movement all around the world. The group's age is the estimated age of coffee for civilization (or it would be if it didn't cut a digit off.) A bold 1211 years of coffee goodness! Tea has been around MUCH longer. This group is for ALL café houses everywhere or just at home! If you prefer another café, or simply like your own style, that's perfect!
Why are café treats so important? We use these drinks as comfort when we're sad, lonely, scared, or just stressed out of our minds. We use these drinks to patch things up with friends, or chit-chat over a cup to make new ones. For years coffee and tea have been essential in trade and industry, and even more so in culture and society. They have symbolism and meaning. They wake us up or put us to bed. They make us well in body and mind. They've brought enemies together and helped alliances form. They are there when we need them after a long day or an even longer night. We have our favorites, and they bring us joy. There are new drinks we've never tried, and they bring us excitement and new sensations. Some go well with certain dishes, and some can go with anything! They fit our moods as we please. If we want hot or cold, sweet or bold, they are there. The world loves a good Cuppa!
This is also a good chance to learn anything new. If you have any questions about what certain coffee drinks are or how to make them, send a note. Anything you'd like to know, like what's the difference between a Mocha and a Machiado. =3
We happily accept any art in honor of coffee, tea, or any café delight. We will only favorite things unless given the expressed permission to upload to our gallery.
Group Creator:

About: I am a trained Barista, and half the drinks you drink I can make and make very well! I'm very proud to make these yummy drinks, and I push myself every day to make them better. Everything comes together. The right temperatures, the right pressure, the right quality, and right technique. No bitter swill at the bottom, no syrupy nonsense lingering in the depths, no grinds floating around; this I promise. By the by, not a Starbucks© fan. If you love 'em, good for you. Just not my cup of...anything.
(If anyone is interested, I'm more than happy to have an admin or two, especially anyone who knows how to draw or can really spice this page up. I...just make drinks, for real. =/ )
(We favorite any art featuring coffee, tea, or any café delight in an obvious way or that demonstrates the importance and frequency of these drinks in cultures worldwide.)

Note: our affiliates, while co-enthusiasts of café drinks
and treats, may not fully reflect the Café Fur spirit. We at Café
Furs neither condemn nor condone the one group over another
nor any groups expressed grievances with other groups/business/individuals.
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Comments Earned: 160
Comments Made: 23
Journals: 1
Comments Made: 23
Journals: 1
Recent Journal
What Is Your Favorite Regular?
14 years agoWhat's your favorite fall-back café drink? Doesn't matter if it's from a café or you made-it-yourself. Coffee or tea, messed with or straight up. =3

Random Café Fact
A high-quality shot of espresso should take about three seconds to grind, seventeen to pull, and only lasts EIGHT SECONDS before separating and getting really bitter. The only way to stop that is to put it with milk or cream to balance it before the eight seconds is up. If you've ever gotten a drink that was MEGA bitter with no other explanation, it could be your drink took a little to long to meet is milk.
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