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Knight Errant of the Roads | Registered: Mar 29, 2021 12:12

33yo Gay, aspiring writer. Autistic. Lover of Folklore, Fables and mythology. Favorite Fantasy classes/playstyles are as knights and warriors. Not sure if I'll post anything here, but if I do, the stories and such will be primarily SFW, though I might make the occasional purely NSFW work or at least contain some NSFW elements. I am down for Roleplaying both SFW and NSFW play (within the limits of personal comfort zones and mood of course)
My fursona is a European Badger named Brokko. He is a heroic warrior/knight of in the tradition of the Redwall Series and Chivalric Tradition; strong, brave, and noble; protecting the weak and fighting against the forces of evil. He hails from a fantasy world of the Ancient and Medieval Time Periods, but would also write stories where he is in a modern setting, where even there he is still a knight errant, "a knight on a bike or in a car". also who not mind writing a Redwall fanfic starring him, though I will mainly stick to my own made universe. He is gay.
Brokko was born to two nomadic warrior badgers. While raised as warrior, he also had more scholarly leanings, interested in exploring and learning new things, particularly interested in stories and in history. He also has some skill in the healing arts and herb lore. While nowhere near as skilled as his parents and more prone to be gentle then they were, he is still fierce fighter and is even stronger then they both were. After they both died, he continued wandering, hoping that he can do his parents proud.
Physically he is a European Badger who is muscular, but much leaner then most badgers; a result of him staying fit, but also being constantly on the road, in not the most ideal condition or ability to sit down and eat alot of food. This has allowed him to be alot more nimble then most badgers. He has a mop of blonde hair atop his head, curious trait as neither of his parent's have it (though his mother did have a grandfather who had a blonde head stripe ala Sunflash the Mace from Redwall). All this, combined for sometimes being often unkempt and scruffy during long travels makes him look rather scrappy. His eyes are a icy blue.
His main attire is his knightly armor or very skimpy clothes, like for example just a loincloth, when he is "going casual" (a combination of him "overheating" easily and just being a bit of a nudist).
He is very shy and nervous, especially in concerns of his great strength. He also has his moments of being very absent minded, going deep into thought suddenly, often pacing alot as he does. He gets easily startled in this state of mind. He also has a keen sweet tooth, often having to fight a fierce mental struggle to not pig out when sweets are available. But regardless of faults, he is at the end of the chivarlous person who is eager to help out and comfort others; whether by going on a heroic cause for them or to just entertain them with some story or knowledge he knows.
His fighting style is modeled off of knight errants and other warrior idols he got from the stories he loved. Due to his training, he fights in a sword and shield style. He also carries a spear or a javelin, using them first in combat until he breaks it or throws it, before drawing his sword. He is also very nimble, especially for a badger. Though skilled and strong warrior, he still does not view himself as skilled as either of his parents and is prone to slip up at points. Also uses his knowledge to even try to aid him in battle. He particular uses a potion that "focuses" his battle ability; however this potion has side effects of trapping him in a tunnel vision that makes it harder to fight multiple foes and also leaves him feeling sick afterwards.
He is also very casual in his approach to his sexuality. He is seeking to find a mate for life, one he can marry and settle down with. But until he enjoys sleeping around with various attractive males he comes across in his travels; he has also consider the possibility of forming a "open relationship" with a partner, but he seems flip flop as to whether he is truely fine with the idea. He is also into light bondage, mainly getting just tied up and gagged; paritally discovering his love for it from times when he was taken captive during his adventures. He loves cloth gags, with his favorite style being Over the Mouth.
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Comments Made: 1397
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Comments Made: 1397
Journals: 1
Recent Journal
The Big 30
3 years ago
Well, I just turned 30 today and boy it feels weird. It feels like it was only yesterday I was twenty and the day before I was ten. Man how the time has gone by. Spent the entire day in a state of constant memories flying around my mind. Some I think of a lot and others that I thought I had forgotten. Good memories and bad memories.
Well, just got to keep moving forward. *cheekly raises a glass of water in a toast* To the future. To another decade of dodging death, courting handsome men, trying not to be a jerk, entertain people. Lets try to reach 40. *chugs water*
Well, just got to keep moving forward. *cheekly raises a glass of water in a toast* To the future. To another decade of dodging death, courting handsome men, trying not to be a jerk, entertain people. Lets try to reach 40. *chugs water*
User Profile
Accepting Trades
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No Character Species
European Badger
Favorite Music
Classical, Old School Rock
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Lord of the Rings Films, Original Star Wars Trilogy, Balto, The Fox and the Hound, Disney's Robin Hood, Secret of NIMH, Excalibur
Favorite Games
Age of Empires series, Total War Series, Majesty, Crusader Kings 2 & 3, The Banner Saga series, Rise of the Argonauts, Titan Quest
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Favorite Animals
Wolves, Bears, Dogs, Horses, Badgers, Domestic Cats, Tigers, Foxes, Lions
I really appreciate it