Views: 19209
Submissions: 182
Favs: 686

Watcher/SL Photographer | Registered: Jun 28, 2013 10:56
Yo Guys! Welcome to my page. My name is Bluefurryninja, better known as Nathan Shadowfang on SL. I am an outgoing and lovable Hell wolf that likes to have fun, meet new people, hang out and game. I'm most of the time a very nice dude but don't abuse that liberty :) I love to make new friends on SL and I have a passion for making lewd content whenever I get inspired to do so and when college isn't taking most of my time up. I take pictures and I consider myself to be a photographer in training. On Secondlife I am a
pansexualfurry but in real life I am straight (its who I am so please don't hate or get upset). I am on my way to getting my dream job and I also hope to bring amazing content to you all with my buddies! To all of you that love my content THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH. You guys are the reason I wanna be better at what I do.
Huge Note: I'm the type of person that is kind to everyone I meet but don't mistaken me as a personal therapist. I'm a friendly guy but I don't wanna be that person that listens to drama 24/7. Please keep that in mind ^^
Videos I have been in: (Halloween Party ~) (The Prize for victory) (Sindie's Haunted Castle) (Sindie's Haunted Castle 2: Boogaloo)
My best friends:
╔═╦╗╔╦═╦═╦╗╔╗Put This On
║═╣║║║╔╣╔╣╚╝║Your Channel If
║╔╣╚╝║║║║╚╗╔╝You Are Or
╚╝╚══╩╝╚╝♥╚╝ Support Furrys
[Put this on your page if you role-play]
║║║║║║║║║╔═╝║╔═╝ Put this on
║╚╝║║║║║║║╔╗║╚═╗ your page
║╔╗║║║║║║║║║╚═╗║ if you love
║║║║║╚╝║║╚╝║╔═╝║ a good hug
♥~Meaning Of A Lick~♥
*Lick on the Tail: Will you be my mate?
*Lick on the Ear: I think you are cute!
*Lick on the Stomach/Belly: I'm ready
*Lick on the Forehead: For comfort
*Lick on the Paw: You're my everything or Are you ok?
*Lick below the Chin: I like you
*Lick on the Nose: I love you
*Lick on the Neck: We belong together or Let's have some fun
*Lick on the Shoulder: I want you
*Lick on the Chest: I love the feeling of you in me
*Lick on the Lips: I need you
*Lick on the Back: For fun! or I think you need a bath
*Lick on the Cheek: I missed you or I'm always there for you and you mean a lot to me
*Lick on the Tongue: Ultimate expression for love
*Lick on the Foot: Ultimate sign of submission
*lick on the rump* you me bed, now! (Nudge, nudge, hint, hint)
*lick under the jaw* come on, lets go rest/sleep
*lick on the wing* I'm hungry/ are you hungry?
*lick on the thigh* let's get frisky and fast
*lick on the spine* would you like to cuddle me?
---█--- Put this
---█--- on your
---█--- page
█████ if you are
---█--- not embarrassed
---█--- to tell
---█--- others that
---█--- you are a
---█--- Christian. I love Jesus!

Huge Note: I'm the type of person that is kind to everyone I meet but don't mistaken me as a personal therapist. I'm a friendly guy but I don't wanna be that person that listens to drama 24/7. Please keep that in mind ^^
Videos I have been in: (Halloween Party ~) (The Prize for victory) (Sindie's Haunted Castle) (Sindie's Haunted Castle 2: Boogaloo)
My best friends:

╔═╦╗╔╦═╦═╦╗╔╗Put This On
║═╣║║║╔╣╔╣╚╝║Your Channel If
║╔╣╚╝║║║║╚╗╔╝You Are Or
╚╝╚══╩╝╚╝♥╚╝ Support Furrys

[Put this on your page if you role-play]
║║║║║║║║║╔═╝║╔═╝ Put this on
║╚╝║║║║║║║╔╗║╚═╗ your page
║╔╗║║║║║║║║║╚═╗║ if you love
║║║║║╚╝║║╚╝║╔═╝║ a good hug
♥~Meaning Of A Lick~♥
*Lick on the Tail: Will you be my mate?
*Lick on the Ear: I think you are cute!
*Lick on the Stomach/Belly: I'm ready
*Lick on the Forehead: For comfort
*Lick on the Paw: You're my everything or Are you ok?
*Lick below the Chin: I like you
*Lick on the Nose: I love you
*Lick on the Neck: We belong together or Let's have some fun
*Lick on the Shoulder: I want you
*Lick on the Chest: I love the feeling of you in me
*Lick on the Lips: I need you
*Lick on the Back: For fun! or I think you need a bath
*Lick on the Cheek: I missed you or I'm always there for you and you mean a lot to me
*Lick on the Tongue: Ultimate expression for love
*Lick on the Foot: Ultimate sign of submission
*lick on the rump* you me bed, now! (Nudge, nudge, hint, hint)
*lick under the jaw* come on, lets go rest/sleep
*lick on the wing* I'm hungry/ are you hungry?
*lick on the thigh* let's get frisky and fast
*lick on the spine* would you like to cuddle me?
---█--- Put this
---█--- on your
---█--- page
█████ if you are
---█--- not embarrassed
---█--- to tell
---█--- others that
---█--- you are a
---█--- Christian. I love Jesus!
Comments Earned: 4870
Comments Made: 9215
Journals: 35
Comments Made: 9215
Journals: 35
Featured Journal
2020 Holy crap we made it
5 years ago
To all my friends, family and to those who i have yet to meet, i wish you all a happy new year. I'll admit looking back at last year was a bit of a rough one for myself. Its not easy trying to do SL content as much as I can and balance my rl as well. College sure gave me a rough time last year and I want to apologize to everyone if i wasn't pumping out content on my profile (Trust me there is alot of things i have done with people but have not posted since i have been so busy XP). I also had reached a creative block along the way as i was making photos as my creative spark for doing things just kinda flickered out. And to top it all of last year I had unforgettably been stressed out alot as well as dealing with a couple of situations that i wish i didn't have to go through. I made new friends along the way and lost some old ones but i hope walking into this new year things will be different. There is alot that i want to change about myself and what i hope to accomplish in this new year and one of them is to try and find a balance between my college life and doing content for you guys. I also hope that i won't be as stressed out as i was last year and that i won't be put in situations that honestly, i don't want to mention. I hope that i will continue to be the amazing kind person i was always meant to be and meet new people along the way. And maybe, just maybe, patch up anything that happened in the past.
I want to stay true to myself and hope that i can be a better me entirely. For those of you who have stood by me and watched my content and favored it, from the bottom of my heart i say thank you. You are truly what keep me going and wanting to do more stuff. I hope this new year turns out much better than the last one and i hope that by the end of this year, i will have been a changed person. Cheers to 2020 everyone and may you accomplish everything you seek to do this year~
I want to stay true to myself and hope that i can be a better me entirely. For those of you who have stood by me and watched my content and favored it, from the bottom of my heart i say thank you. You are truly what keep me going and wanting to do more stuff. I hope this new year turns out much better than the last one and i hope that by the end of this year, i will have been a changed person. Cheers to 2020 everyone and may you accomplish everything you seek to do this year~
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Hell wolf (Hellhound x Wolf Hybrid)
Favorite Music
Anything Electronic (Electro house is what f with the most)
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
All of them
Favorite Games
Kingdom Hearts and sooo many more games
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Playstation, Xbox, PC (Most preferred)
Favorite Animals
i love all animals especially wolves, reptiles, dragons, and tigers
Favorite Foods & Drinks
pizza, pizza rolls, ice cream, lots and lots of junk food ^.^
Favorite Quote
"Success isn't just getting good grades. Its the motivation to keep them good."
Favorite Artists
Too many to count at this point lmfao
Contact Information