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Registered: Aug 20, 2022 10:12
So I figure I might do a poll to maybe gage and see what character people may wanna see more of. Arukiyomi, Blood-God, Rihanna Riptide, or Kassieakontessa. Perhaps send me a note of a place that would be best to set up a poll cause I don't know which one to trust really. XD BUT! That being said I do like all my characters but figure I would see what others may think and which ones peeps may enjoy more of as well. On a side note I may also look to get some art with others as well. My main artist of choice that I do use is
FsMaverick <---Only reason is for experiences with previous artists as you will see in the journal posted that I dealt with. IF You want to get some art with one of my characters! Sure! Let me know!
Or if you intend to get some art with my character and have an artist in mind I will see what I can do to chip in if given the chance. That being said though with the art that's been gotten so far. I have paid for myself. Even the ones where it was with a friend. I had paid for both! Cause I figure sometimes peeps wanna have nice art and with close friends I try to help out as much as possible. :3 I know the pain of not getting art or having searched and wanting to get art done for a character and can be a major pain in the ass. It's the reason my main go to artist is Mavie as most of the pictures that you will see here are done by her. Only reason is that she has been reliable for the most part and I have enjoyed working with her! It's been a great experience! That being said please make note that if ya wanna contact me and ask me about bein in some art with my character! Let me know! We can work something out, discuss it further over notes or other means like Discord!
If ya like you can contact me on discord username : .bloodgod. <---best and fastest way to get a hold of me. If I add ya please at least let me know. "Hey from FA (link) Just curious if you would like to set up something." <---This would help me a lot. XD Ya know? I also look to make a lot of friends on here as well.
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░█░█░░░█░░░░ If You Roleplay!
░█░░█░░█░░░░ <----With this being said I do enjoy RPing and I mostly play on F-List but can also play on discord. Let me know and hit me up on F-List as the new main character "Winter Wonderlust" or on discord. I don't mind at all just at least let me know where ya found me. :3 I appreciate it. :3

Or if you intend to get some art with my character and have an artist in mind I will see what I can do to chip in if given the chance. That being said though with the art that's been gotten so far. I have paid for myself. Even the ones where it was with a friend. I had paid for both! Cause I figure sometimes peeps wanna have nice art and with close friends I try to help out as much as possible. :3 I know the pain of not getting art or having searched and wanting to get art done for a character and can be a major pain in the ass. It's the reason my main go to artist is Mavie as most of the pictures that you will see here are done by her. Only reason is that she has been reliable for the most part and I have enjoyed working with her! It's been a great experience! That being said please make note that if ya wanna contact me and ask me about bein in some art with my character! Let me know! We can work something out, discuss it further over notes or other means like Discord!
If ya like you can contact me on discord username : .bloodgod. <---best and fastest way to get a hold of me. If I add ya please at least let me know. "Hey from FA (link) Just curious if you would like to set up something." <---This would help me a lot. XD Ya know? I also look to make a lot of friends on here as well.
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░█░█░░░█░░░░ If You Roleplay!
░█░░█░░█░░░░ <----With this being said I do enjoy RPing and I mostly play on F-List but can also play on discord. Let me know and hit me up on F-List as the new main character "Winter Wonderlust" or on discord. I don't mind at all just at least let me know where ya found me. :3 I appreciate it. :3
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Comments Earned: 80
Comments Made: 168
Journals: 5
Comments Made: 168
Journals: 5
Featured Journal
My Reasoning For being Iffy on some Artists
2 years ago
So as the title says and suggests. I have a bit of a problem with dealing with artists at times. While do not get me wrong. I enjoy getting art and enjoy seeing it. It's great, it's fantastic! Eye candy and eye catching and seeing all the different styles and characters all put together is wonderful. My problem has been that right now I deal with at least 1 - 2 artists. The reason being is at least I have been able to see results and watch as it gets done and created. Other artists I have worked with have given me issues. I will not name them right off the bat but one is a very well known artist. It's sad cause I was trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. Which now means I am out of the money for that commission and currently seeking to get a refund. Hopefully they will get back in touch and something happens and we can settle it easy. Otherwise I may mention them. Just to give a warning about them and make sure people understand it's my reasoning and having heard other stories from other people. So it's something that I would much rather make people aware of the situation at hand.
So of course later on, figuring I would be on the search for another artist I figured I would try my luck again and found some one whom I thought would at least be able to help me out, be reliable, set me with a ref sheet and get something at least moving and to show for the money spent. Sadly once more my luck in this would be about the same in where the tragic story of the person decides that they got the money and I am left empty handed and sitting here with money spent and nothing to show for it. I have been to nice of a person to give people the benefit of the doubt and have been sorta feeling like I was taken advantage of so far...So what happens next? Take a wild guess?
Yep. Going on another search when I get paid. Luck would have it I even went to try out an artist on DA who I feel was promising...Might provide some results...Even said they would work with me in the manner of "Oh yeah no problems I understand a struggle we can do half payment and half payment." Sure! Great! Did half a sketch...Paid the other half....problem now. I have a sketch and now sitting with it not being colored....
This has been my experience until I found an artist who shows results within the same week. the artist who has currently done pretty much all the pictures currently and I don't think they need to be mentioned but incase
FsMaverick The person who has been single handedly responsible for getting all the characters done, all the pictures done and put out within the same week that it's paid for and the fact that it's quite the reasonable price is amazing. It's hard for me to now go off and get another commission from another artist cause of the previous past problems and issues.
I am just giving a statement on my past experiences and wanting people to understand as well. It's not just customers who can be shady but artists. It's a bit of a two way street and sometimes people can turn sour towards artists. I am not going to be one that is going to be an asshole but I am going to be really cautious and selective now. I might be a bit more demanding and honestly it's a trust issue. I also want people to understand both artists and customers to understand that sometimes you can't please everyone. BUT! It's best to at least try to work out some form of arrangement or agreement that may work outside the box. It would be more a business move and also to be understanding of one another that some people may not have the money right away and may be only able to give some form of half payments. Understand peoples circumstances. Or at least what can be provided at the time. Work out an agreement and arrangement as it can make some people feel a bit more at ease. Even if a project has to take longer explain and show results. Perhaps one payment get a sketch make sure to put a watermark over it! This would be vital! Second payment could be the full color if it's half payments or do bit by bit with each payment successfully paid off.
This is just my point of view and my thought process. I know I am not an artist but from a customer side looking on the artist side I know it can be vital to get the payments if this is the job and such. I just want to explain my side is all. Please don't be mad at me if this isn't your way of thinking and I apologize if I upset or offended anyone. I am just speaking from my mind and my experiences and perspectives. With that being said just take this and have the understanding of where I came from and what I had to initially deal with. If you had spent money on something and expected some art from one of your favorite artists and never got it...How would that make you feel? Now take that into account and put it into perspective of waiting for about 2 - 3 years. Was I stupid. Perhaps! I was also blinded as well cause I wanted to try and give them the benefit of the doubt as mentioned. Now for finding the other artists. Yeah. I probably should have dug around and did a bit of research first. Anyways I don't know how else to end this but put yourself in my spot and think of how you would feel in spending your hard earned money....and then having nothing to show for it what so ever in the following years and how would you think that makes you feel and then to be doing it again...How much distrust do you think you would have towards an individual for that or a certain sort of community for that matter? Welp. I have said my piece. I think I dragged this on enough. I wish you all well who ever reads this and hope you get an understanding of where I am coming from with this. Enjoy your days, good luck with your future endeavors and may you be safe and happy.
So of course later on, figuring I would be on the search for another artist I figured I would try my luck again and found some one whom I thought would at least be able to help me out, be reliable, set me with a ref sheet and get something at least moving and to show for the money spent. Sadly once more my luck in this would be about the same in where the tragic story of the person decides that they got the money and I am left empty handed and sitting here with money spent and nothing to show for it. I have been to nice of a person to give people the benefit of the doubt and have been sorta feeling like I was taken advantage of so far...So what happens next? Take a wild guess?
Yep. Going on another search when I get paid. Luck would have it I even went to try out an artist on DA who I feel was promising...Might provide some results...Even said they would work with me in the manner of "Oh yeah no problems I understand a struggle we can do half payment and half payment." Sure! Great! Did half a sketch...Paid the other half....problem now. I have a sketch and now sitting with it not being colored....
This has been my experience until I found an artist who shows results within the same week. the artist who has currently done pretty much all the pictures currently and I don't think they need to be mentioned but incase

I am just giving a statement on my past experiences and wanting people to understand as well. It's not just customers who can be shady but artists. It's a bit of a two way street and sometimes people can turn sour towards artists. I am not going to be one that is going to be an asshole but I am going to be really cautious and selective now. I might be a bit more demanding and honestly it's a trust issue. I also want people to understand both artists and customers to understand that sometimes you can't please everyone. BUT! It's best to at least try to work out some form of arrangement or agreement that may work outside the box. It would be more a business move and also to be understanding of one another that some people may not have the money right away and may be only able to give some form of half payments. Understand peoples circumstances. Or at least what can be provided at the time. Work out an agreement and arrangement as it can make some people feel a bit more at ease. Even if a project has to take longer explain and show results. Perhaps one payment get a sketch make sure to put a watermark over it! This would be vital! Second payment could be the full color if it's half payments or do bit by bit with each payment successfully paid off.
This is just my point of view and my thought process. I know I am not an artist but from a customer side looking on the artist side I know it can be vital to get the payments if this is the job and such. I just want to explain my side is all. Please don't be mad at me if this isn't your way of thinking and I apologize if I upset or offended anyone. I am just speaking from my mind and my experiences and perspectives. With that being said just take this and have the understanding of where I came from and what I had to initially deal with. If you had spent money on something and expected some art from one of your favorite artists and never got it...How would that make you feel? Now take that into account and put it into perspective of waiting for about 2 - 3 years. Was I stupid. Perhaps! I was also blinded as well cause I wanted to try and give them the benefit of the doubt as mentioned. Now for finding the other artists. Yeah. I probably should have dug around and did a bit of research first. Anyways I don't know how else to end this but put yourself in my spot and think of how you would feel in spending your hard earned money....and then having nothing to show for it what so ever in the following years and how would you think that makes you feel and then to be doing it again...How much distrust do you think you would have towards an individual for that or a certain sort of community for that matter? Welp. I have said my piece. I think I dragged this on enough. I wish you all well who ever reads this and hope you get an understanding of where I am coming from with this. Enjoy your days, good luck with your future endeavors and may you be safe and happy.
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Anything with a good beat! :D
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Anything comical or action packed..Started to get into a bit of Horros or thrillers.
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Gang Beasts, Elden Ring, Naraka Bladepoint, LoL.
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PC, Xbox.
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All! I likes dem all. They all has unique, lovely traits.
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I would said just about all. Just as longas it not TOO spicy.
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I heard you'd be into this shit.