• I don't RP •

If your interested in a com just send me a note and what you have in mind or send me a message on discord at: BlazeTheFox8063.
Stay awesome guys! And enjoy the art~
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sent Shinies to BlazeTheFox2014"You received some shinies from a pink fox! Thanks for being amazing blaze and keep up the amazing work. ^~^"
sent a Shiny to BlazeTheFox2014"A cat comes and gives a shiny! :o"
sent a Shiny to BlazeTheFox2014"And on this day, Blaze received a reminder that his Dino buddy cares about him and supports him wholeheartedly <3"
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Where have I been?
3 years agoFirst and the biggest is the Tongue drive. Yes it’s been more than a long while, but yes it’s absolutely still happening with the milestones and the winners getting there pieces. Things started ramping up a lot around that time between my equipment not working and you gracious people helping me to get on my feet. I haven’t communicated that well, which is my fault because you all are my lifeblood and I wouldn’t be able to do art without your generosity and support. It’s will absolutely be happening and a bit extra. In the spare time I’ve been able to practice and learn some things and I’ll be getting things finished and posted with the winners and milestones. That will absolutely be done ASAP.
The second is coms, I’ve been working my backlog and taking new ones sparingly. I’ll be posting a trello to show the remaining owed work and to have future coms neat and organized. I’ve been knocking out the ones I owe which leads to my next nugget of text.
Backlog of postable art. Twitter had been really good for me to post art quickly and it’s become very convenient and easy. Fa is quite hard if I’m honest 💦 I have maybe 30+ postable things from coms to personal work and even doing a fraction of that takes some hours to do. But I’ll be trickling it out so I can can catch up here. This site is where I started and I’d like to give it some love.
The last thing is just overall updates in life. A lot of things have happened in the last 5 months that really dulled my art drive. I lost a very very close person as a friend through a circumstance I couldn’t control and tried to help with. They were my highest inspiration as an artist and I wouldn’t be drawing now I’d I had never met them. Coming to terms with that was hard, it really hurt me to see that friendship broken, i still think the world of them and I respect them with all my heart. But it likely won’t ever come back, and I’ve made peace with that. My grandmother also hasn’t been doing well, she was in a car accident and then afterward had a stroke. I had to support my mother through that and thankfully she is stable and fine but it was a scare that popped up. The last thing which is fairly recent is my Partner lost their job. I work full time and do art, so picking up both ends to support us is where I’m at to keep us good and well. It’s just a ton of pressure and it’s taxing mentally and physically. Tis a lot to say the least, but I’m blessed to have the avenues to be able to do it.
I think that sums it up. I’m currently working as much as I can so I can finish what I owe and keep us afloat. I love art so much, it’s my dream to be able to do it full time and be as good as I can. More importantly to be the artist that’s reliable alongside that. If I’m honest I haven’t been happy with what I can do, I know I can do more. With everything on my plate it’s very hard to find time to study or work on the projects I’d like to. But ya roll with the punches, and play the cards your dealt. I’m sorry this was long winded and even more so, I’m sorry for being quiet on this platform. Sometimes coming home and doing what I do drains me to the core and that’s no excuse to not communicate at least that, but running on fumes has its way of becoming a vicious cycle. One that I intend to break and mold into what will work for me.
I will be posting my Backlog at least a few times a day here. I’ll be working on things too and finish coms and the drive pics. I just want to say to you all that I appreciate each and every one of you. Every comment, like, favorite, note, I feel welcome and happy to be apart of this community. I need to get better at a lot, and I promise I will. But the most important thing is that I want to be better for you. To treat you guys with kindness, respect, and to share what I can do as an artists to the utmost peak of what I can provide. I never thought I’d get this far doing art, and I never would have gotten this far without you all. So it’s time for me to shape up and to become the artist I want to be, in skill and in what I want to embody as a person. Thank you all for reading of you have. I hope you can forgive me for being so absent, it’s unbecoming and embarrassing but I can promise it’ll never happen again. Be well, and see you in the next post, I look forward to catching up and getting back into the groove of things 😊
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I dunno yet Haha
I'll listen to anything tbh, but I love electroswing
Kingdom hearts, monster hunter, persona
All of them
I like spaghetti. It's my comfort food of choice.
Death is what gives life meaning, we only live once, so do what you makes you happy.