Views: 689
Submissions: 11
Favs: 16

Writer | Registered: Apr 21, 2014 01:48
Hello world, or whoever is reading. I'd like to say more than hello to make my introduction less awkward, but I'm not very good at these kind of things. I guess I should just start with where I work.
I work as a regular lab rat for various pharmaceutical companies. It's probably not the safest job, nor the most practical, but it's one on the few things I can do with my limited talents and expertise. It's also what my rent depends on, so I have little choice in the matter. Even though the drugs are usually ineffective and do little more than numb me up for a while or stimulate my sexual urges for a few minutes or even cause temporary hair loss (provided I don't get the placebo), I occasionally get a batch of some really weird shit that provides for some trippy and surreal experiences. I often keep those drugs stashed away for later. The majority of these weird drugs are sent to me from FurmaTech Industries, which I always thought was an oddly unsettling name. The name always left the impression in me that they were going to break into my apartment one day, skin me alive, and transplant my coat onto a robotic replica of myself for some nefarious plot or something like that. Maybe I'm just a rambling shit-headed psychotic. I prefer to think my android theory was right.
I also have had a long history with a very specific illegal narcotic that you might know as Jed-Sec. For the unacquainted, Jed-Sec is a hallucinogen, originally named JDSC, that's rather infamous for causing colorful rings to form around the whites beyond the irises, usually in a moving pattern. That's why if we were ever to meet, the first thing you'd notice is a rather flamboyant discoloration in my eyes as a result of prolonged use over a period of nearly a decade. I'm currently attending many rehab groups, though I'll never admit myself to a clinic. I haven't gotten clean yet, but at least I'm in moderation.
I don't bring attention to my history with drugs to my employers, but they don't seem to care too much. If they did, I would have to rely on all the odd jobs I do on the side for my income. I think the reason they don't care enough to check whether or not the animals they're medicating are junkies is because they're desperate for test subjects and we're more desperate for a job.
I'm starting to feel really pathetic right now, so I should just close this off now. If you excuse me, I'm off to go walk down the Rainbow Trail.
(P.S. I'm also a cinephile. I really love films.)
I work as a regular lab rat for various pharmaceutical companies. It's probably not the safest job, nor the most practical, but it's one on the few things I can do with my limited talents and expertise. It's also what my rent depends on, so I have little choice in the matter. Even though the drugs are usually ineffective and do little more than numb me up for a while or stimulate my sexual urges for a few minutes or even cause temporary hair loss (provided I don't get the placebo), I occasionally get a batch of some really weird shit that provides for some trippy and surreal experiences. I often keep those drugs stashed away for later. The majority of these weird drugs are sent to me from FurmaTech Industries, which I always thought was an oddly unsettling name. The name always left the impression in me that they were going to break into my apartment one day, skin me alive, and transplant my coat onto a robotic replica of myself for some nefarious plot or something like that. Maybe I'm just a rambling shit-headed psychotic. I prefer to think my android theory was right.
I also have had a long history with a very specific illegal narcotic that you might know as Jed-Sec. For the unacquainted, Jed-Sec is a hallucinogen, originally named JDSC, that's rather infamous for causing colorful rings to form around the whites beyond the irises, usually in a moving pattern. That's why if we were ever to meet, the first thing you'd notice is a rather flamboyant discoloration in my eyes as a result of prolonged use over a period of nearly a decade. I'm currently attending many rehab groups, though I'll never admit myself to a clinic. I haven't gotten clean yet, but at least I'm in moderation.
I don't bring attention to my history with drugs to my employers, but they don't seem to care too much. If they did, I would have to rely on all the odd jobs I do on the side for my income. I think the reason they don't care enough to check whether or not the animals they're medicating are junkies is because they're desperate for test subjects and we're more desperate for a job.
I'm starting to feel really pathetic right now, so I should just close this off now. If you excuse me, I'm off to go walk down the Rainbow Trail.
(P.S. I'm also a cinephile. I really love films.)
Comments Earned: 26
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Comments Made: 28
Journals: 2
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"You'll be stone cold in a moment."
7 years ago
I know that no one really cares, but I'm sorry for being absent from here for the amount of time it takes to be considered legally dead. I'm going to submit a couple drawing so that something gets done on this page, then I'm going to practice drawing a little more often now that I have better access to a scanner and better freeware illustration programs.
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Rat/Racoon Hybrid
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Classical, Alternative Rock, Punk, Movie Soundtracks, Jazz
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Undecided (To many to choose from)
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Crows, Foxes, Wolves, Dogs, Lizards, Snakes, Rats, Raccoons, Bats, Etc.
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Soylent Green
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