Views: 15514
Submissions: 26
Favs: 988

Author, Commissioner | Registered: Sep 16, 2020 08:45
Howdy y'all, welcome to my page!
Here is a safe haven for fatties of many sizes. My interests here are in fat furs, inflation via liquid, slime or air, hypnosis, stuffing, bondage, magic, underwear, wedgies, berries, nulges, rubber and latex, pooltoy tf, businessmen, food tf, sci-fi (portal tech, tentacles, machinery), vore, bullying and clean bursting~
I have three fursonas
My main is the big perma-pear, Beignet the Binturong
My secondary is Jerry the rat, a sleazy soda jerk who likes to transform or fatten his prey
And Mark the perma-peach raccoon trucker who loves peach soda floats.
My bf is
Here is a safe haven for fatties of many sizes. My interests here are in fat furs, inflation via liquid, slime or air, hypnosis, stuffing, bondage, magic, underwear, wedgies, berries, nulges, rubber and latex, pooltoy tf, businessmen, food tf, sci-fi (portal tech, tentacles, machinery), vore, bullying and clean bursting~
I have three fursonas
My main is the big perma-pear, Beignet the Binturong
My secondary is Jerry the rat, a sleazy soda jerk who likes to transform or fatten his prey
And Mark the perma-peach raccoon trucker who loves peach soda floats.
My bf is

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Comments Earned: 59
Comments Made: 64
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Comments Made: 64
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User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Perma-pear binturong
Favorite Music
80’s rock, metal
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Beetlejuice, Brotherhood of the Wolf, Princess Mononoke
Favorite Games
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Favorite Animals
Bears, foxes, lions
Favorite Site
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Asian food, anything usually with the word "comfort" in front of it
Favorite Artists
Wonkalicious, VetroWolf