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☕ | Registered: May 15, 2015 04:47

◁•digital artist |♀she| 02.05.1996•▷
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My girlfriend

👁🗨My second profile for fetishes👁🗨

🌑I badly know English (sorry!) 🌑

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Comments Made: 2137
Journals: 17
Featured Journal
2 years ago
TELEGRAM channel:
TWITTER: ( will likely be blocked too, because I often write about politics there )
BOOSTY: (through this site, I accept payment for orders and receive donations)
VK: and
DISCORD: BariesuTerram#6174
Hi, my dear followers! Due to the fact that I do not intend to tolerate discrimination from the local administration in relation to myself, as a person from Russia, I was forced to decide to leave this site. I don't want to constantly think about what I can or can't say or draw, so as not to get a block on my creative profile, when at the same time some people, I think you yourself perfectly understand where and which, allow yourself absolutely everything they can.
In short, I received a blocking of my creative profile for a week for the image of the DPR flag with the inscription "you will not be able to ignore me forever," as well as for the image of a character with the flag of my country of Russia and the description "I am not ashamed to be Russian."
The reasons for blocking the site looks like this:
You have been Temporarily Suspended for violating the following site rule:
Code of Conduct, Section 2.8 Do not promote ideologies harmful to public safety.
Examples include: Covid misinformation, anti-vaccination, QAnon.
You have done this by posting content supporting Russia's invasion/occupation of Ukraine.
To my questions and attempts to clarify the situation, to explain that the name of the DPR and the flag were invented by the residents of the DPR themselves, and not by Russia, moreover, as an example of information from my own relatives who have been living in these territories since their birth and other data, I received the following answer:
Fur Affinity Appeals:
I have reviewed your appeal and determined that you were penalized appropriately for violating Fur Affinity's community guidelines. I will be taking no further action at this time.
I am not at all satisfied with the lopsided, unfair and blind attitude of the site administration towards me, as Russian and as a person whose close relatives and acquaintances live in the DPR, who have been under fire for eight years and I cannot even express support for them as drawings. I will not let me shut my mouth, I will not obey or allow myself to be humiliated.
By the way, all people who expressed support for me here were also banned. This is complete lawlessness.
I say THANK YOU to the FA for 7 years that I was able to earn here, thank you for allowing me to meet all of you, my dear followers and only after that say GOODBYE FOREVER.
For all those who want to continue to follow my work and buy my drawings, at the very beginning of this entry I posted links to sites and applications where I can be contacted and watched my drawings.
TWITTER: ( will likely be blocked too, because I often write about politics there )
BOOSTY: (through this site, I accept payment for orders and receive donations)
VK: and
DISCORD: BariesuTerram#6174
Hi, my dear followers! Due to the fact that I do not intend to tolerate discrimination from the local administration in relation to myself, as a person from Russia, I was forced to decide to leave this site. I don't want to constantly think about what I can or can't say or draw, so as not to get a block on my creative profile, when at the same time some people, I think you yourself perfectly understand where and which, allow yourself absolutely everything they can.
In short, I received a blocking of my creative profile for a week for the image of the DPR flag with the inscription "you will not be able to ignore me forever," as well as for the image of a character with the flag of my country of Russia and the description "I am not ashamed to be Russian."
The reasons for blocking the site looks like this:
You have been Temporarily Suspended for violating the following site rule:
Code of Conduct, Section 2.8 Do not promote ideologies harmful to public safety.
Examples include: Covid misinformation, anti-vaccination, QAnon.
You have done this by posting content supporting Russia's invasion/occupation of Ukraine.
To my questions and attempts to clarify the situation, to explain that the name of the DPR and the flag were invented by the residents of the DPR themselves, and not by Russia, moreover, as an example of information from my own relatives who have been living in these territories since their birth and other data, I received the following answer:
Fur Affinity Appeals:
I have reviewed your appeal and determined that you were penalized appropriately for violating Fur Affinity's community guidelines. I will be taking no further action at this time.
I am not at all satisfied with the lopsided, unfair and blind attitude of the site administration towards me, as Russian and as a person whose close relatives and acquaintances live in the DPR, who have been under fire for eight years and I cannot even express support for them as drawings. I will not let me shut my mouth, I will not obey or allow myself to be humiliated.
By the way, all people who expressed support for me here were also banned. This is complete lawlessness.
I say THANK YOU to the FA for 7 years that I was able to earn here, thank you for allowing me to meet all of you, my dear followers and only after that say GOODBYE FOREVER.
For all those who want to continue to follow my work and buy my drawings, at the very beginning of this entry I posted links to sites and applications where I can be contacted and watched my drawings.