Views: 65545
Submissions: 138
Favs: 8864

Philosopher in an era of zealots | Registered: May 1, 2006 05:37
Ryoken provided the site for this image
This profile is best viewed in DARK format with a widescreen monitor
Thank you so much for the favorites, comments, watches, notes, and shouts!
While I often have trouble fitting in roleplay, I seriously love chatting about vore
-I am both a writer and fledgeling traditional pencil artist/digital editor and colorist.
-My favorite things are hyenas, vore, navel play, feeding, bellies, and a few other things on the side.
-I am an asexual individual. In other words no I do not want most forms of intercourse your character, no matter how hot you think my/your character is. Got it? I've played out a few kind of out there things with a select few, but chances are you're not one of them, and I did it for their personal enjoyment rather than out of my own urges. I have an F-List for a reason.
-I am appreciative of most comments, but try to refrain from trying to initiate comment RP or posting awkward comments all the time. It's not that you totally can't but uh...some people can be really creepy about it.
-Most good looking art is not done by myself, it's done by another for me, usually from contests as I'm not really a commissioner. Much of the writing is from collaborative efforts.
-To avoid confusion, please understand that while I operate under the name Avereth, characters in a story made from an RP may bear the name but be distinctly different from piece to piece. This is because the character has his own personality in each story. It's kind of like being an actor in writing. So don't expect my character to be a specific way - he's adaptable.
Do not post my work anywhere such as FChan, Deviantart, e621, or any other image hosting sites and boards in general, without first asking me permission, unless it was a collaborative work we did together or specifically a gift or trade between you and I. Linking people to my work on this page from another site is acceptable as long as it links to the FA page the work is on and not only the file on the FA server itself.
My work is posted on FurAffinity | SoFurry | Ekas Portal. If you see it anywhere else, please notify me immediately.
Entiendo un poco de español, pero no es muy bueno. Sólo un manero de conseguir mejor ... hablas conmigo. :)
My F-List | Other Ave Art | IM No-nos | What is Asexuality? | Why Meerkats? |
You might want to talk with me here beforehand so I have some idea who you are when you try to add me. Otherwise I'll probably never talk to you and eventually remove you assuming you are a bot if you don't at least have an avatar. Normally only use YiM. Not overly talkative if I don't really know you as I'm horribly shy.
Prospective roleplayers need to be skilled writers on their own already, am not interested in self centered contacts who only want sexual RP or never talk to me unless they want to RP and otherwise ignore me.
I'm on Secondlife a lot lately and generally located at the Second Life Vore Club
Shouts, comments, and PMs will be responded to probably on the same day or two.
...Requests---: [][][][][][][][][][] I don't normally do requests
.....Trades----: [][][][][][][][][][] Too busy
.Commissions: [][][][][][][][][][]
.Collaboration: [][][][][][][][][][] Working on currently queued when able
..-Roleplaying: [][][][][][][][][][] Can set up new roleplays with good players, but can't do them right now.
New Contacts: [][][][][][][][][][] Accepted
The inner writing circle:

See also: 

Comments Earned: 7349
Comments Made: 10472
Journals: 165
Comments Made: 10472
Journals: 165
Recent Journal
You can (sorta) change your username now
a week agoAlso only if you have FA+ oops.
PS: STOP hiding your favorites. Let me INNNNN. The secrets. I must sniff them! Find the good vore art for meeee.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Spotted Hyena
Favorite Music
If it's not country and has a good beat, I might listen to it
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Hot Fuzz, Airplane
Favorite Games
Phantasy Star Online, Diablo 2, Skies of Arcadia, Golden Sun 1 & 2, Monster Hunter, Drakan
Favorite Gaming Platforms
The Sex-Box
Favorite Animals
Hyena, meerkat, bat, thylacine, wolverine, dragon, wild dog, bear
Favorite Site
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Indian as in India
Favorite Quote
'Life is a gamble, cheat.' and 'Whatever floats your boat sinks mine!'
Contact Information
