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Submissions: 85
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Registered: Jan 18, 2019 01:43
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Sports (college and professional baseball, football, and basketball)
Rude People
Physical description of my fursona:
Species: Light Blue/White Siberian Husky
Hair Style and Color: Light Blue hair
Age: 23, normally, until someone boops my nose and then I age regress over and over until I am a cute 2 year old little puppy.
Left Eye color: Purple
Right Eye Color: Light Blue
Height: 5'2" (normally when I'm an adult, my height changes when I am regressed)
Weight: 160 pounds (I am normally buff when I'm an adult, but I get a little bit chubbier a tiny bit when I am regressed little by little until I am a cute chubby little puppy)
Eye: My left eye has a black dot spot marking around the whole eye.
Tummy: I have an age regression curse birthmark on my tummy. The curse marking on my tummy is 子犬 (which is the Japanese letters for the word puppy.
Age Regression Puppy Collar: I have a dog collar with a glass circle in the middle of it to tell me what my current age is.
Nose guard: I have a nose guard (basically a cup with straps that goes around my head to protect my nose from being boop and me age regressing). I only wear the nose guard when I am an adult and doing really important things like work, babysitting others, etc.
Costumes: DJ, clown, pirate, baseball player, any type of pokémon (especially all of the dog pokémon, all of the eeveelution, pikachu, and scorbunny)
My Fursona Bio: Hello, my name is Austin and it is nice to meet everyone of you! I am 23 year old buff husky dog normally.... but life is sort of complicated for a husky like me every day. Why life is complicated you may want to ask me? Life is complicated for me because I am never a 23 years old Husky for too long. I had an age regression curse to be placed on me, when I was born. The curse is that I remain the current age that I am suppose to be until someone boops my nose.
I am always super nice, loves to talk to people, and putting others first instead of myself regardless of what age I am, but I have two different personalities when I am a kid/toddler/baby and adult husky. When I am a kid/toddler/baby husky I am a super adventurous husky who loves taking risks without thinking about the consequences. I am super energetic and playful when I am a kid/toddler/baby husky. I am a chubby husky and I eat nothing but sweets (especially cookies, cakes, and candies) in my kid/toddler/baby husky form. Seriously if someone shows me a picture of cake, shows me an actual cake, or if someone says the word cake regardless of my age.... I will go into a huge cake eating frenzy run around for miles, looking for all of the cake in sight, and eating all of the cake in sight. I can eat a whole mountain of cake by myself if needed, especially in little form.
In my adult husky form, I am very meticulous. I am a buff husky, loves to exercise, and loves eating healthy veggies, salads, and protein bars. I am always thinking about the consequences of my actions. I also wear a nose guard (which is a cup with a straps that goes around my head to cover my nose) when I am an adult husky on important events like work or babysitting to avoid anybody booping my nose.
Every time someones boops my nose I regress in age and get a little chubbier and chubbier over and over until I am a helpless cute little chubby Husky puppy. Since I am a 23 years old Husky adult with a regression curse...... if someone boops my nose the first time, then I will regress to a 17 year old Husky teenager. If someone boops my nose a second time, I will regress to a 12 year old Husky kid. If someone boops my nose for a third time, I will regress to a 7 year old Husky kid. If someone boops my nose for the fourth and final time, I will regress to a helpless 2 year old chubby Husky pup. But if someone boops my nose for the fifth time, that exceeds the amount of time that I am suppose to have my nose booped at once. With someone booping my nose for a fifth time, I will age progress from a 2 year old Husky pup into my normal 23 year old Husky adult... but they will be some consequences for the person that boops my nose for a fifth time, because I will grow in size until I am a little bit over 10 feet tall because not only I return to my normal 5'2" height, but I steal 5 feet of the height of someone who boops my nose for a fifth time while the person that boops my nose for a fifth time will regress into my former 2 year old self. I do have a dog collar that shows my age whenever I am regress by someone booping my nose, so I am giving you a warning that you might want to pay attention to my dog collar when someone is booping my nose and causing me to age regress or there will be consequences because I will steal your height and adult age if you boop my nose for a fifth time, lol. When I am a young puppy, I love wearing different costumes, like dressing up as a DJ, a clown, a pirate, a baseball player, and any type of Pokémon! There are no known cures at the time for this age regression curse that I am put under. But if anyone finds a cure soon, please let me know, jk.
I know that life of an artist is hard sometimes so if you want to talk about anything from sports, to anime, to art, to personal life..... you can contact me through FA or my twitter (my twitter username is the same as my FA account). You can call me Austin, Aussie, Puppy, or Husky (I will answer to all of them). As well if any artist have a certain art work they created and they want someone to look at it and give wonderful comments about what I like about it, I am your puppy! I know that one person's opinion isn't a lot or the best, especially when they are my opinion, but I want to motivate artist in the best way possible.... because life of an artist isn't always easy as what most people think. Thank you for taking your time to read this and I hope to hear from you soon! :-)
Comments Earned: 4671
Comments Made: 8812
Journals: 42
Comments Made: 8812
Journals: 42
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Today is my birthday!!!! Happy Cake Day to me!!!! 🎂
5 days ago
Today is my birthday aka National Cake Day!!!!! 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂
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Siberian Husky
Favorite Games
Madden, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Super Mario Bros., Pokemon (anything Nintendo)
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Playstation 4, Wii, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo DS
Favorite Animals
I hope that it is self explanatory given my username?
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