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Writer | Registered: Jan 10, 2007 12:18
I write stories, fanfictions mostly, and I will for a fact be branching out into more adult material. Unfortunately most of my early posts here were written when I still had a slightly more family-oriented style. But all that WILL change with the introduction of blood, death, swears, and hardcore nudity and sex sequences (NOT in every story). Hey, I'm marketing to an older audience now, gotta keep their attention somehow!
There will indeed be humans in some of my stories as well as creatures that once were, but no longer are, human.
There will indeed be humans in some of my stories as well as creatures that once were, but no longer are, human.
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Comments Made: 2537
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Comments Made: 2537
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Featured Journal
Slave Attire
2 years ago
Some of you may have noticed a certain outfit on a few recent pictures. I was world building for my Chaos characters and thought about what their servants/slaves would be wearing. Here, I will go down the list of the current uniforms I have figured out and the role of said servants in their master's domain.
EDIT 4/3/2023: Added Kennel Guard to Shaidin
Salaliya's pleasure slaves occupy and tend to the beauties of her island. They welcome and temp visitors, clean the halls, care for the flora and fauna, prepare and serve food, maintain the bath house, sing, dance, paint, and some offer more carnal comforts. The slaves all share a link with Salaliya herself and so experience some of her pleasure while at the same time the pleasures the slaves experience feeds back to her, c4reating a feedback loop that sometimes results in uncontrolled mutation during celebrations and orgies. The slaves are able to freely roam and are treated very well, leading to an air of paradise and warmth. Few have the honor of designated living spaces and most will simply lay down to doze off. Those that are given living spaces enjoy a lavish single room apartment with high ceilings, elegant stone work, vibrant art, and luxurious beds. To date, two pleasure slaves have been given their own private suites with multiple floors.
Their attire consists of of polished silver cuffs around the wrists and ankles, each cuff bearing a purple mark of Slaanesh. They wear a silver loincloth that only covers the front, also bearing a purple mark of Slaanesh. Any additional accessories, such as pendants, scarves, chains, ear rings, piercings, rings, etc, will denote special rolls or permissions, Most do not have these additional accessories.
Karaginath's cities usually have their own workers, but sometimes additional help may be needed. When assisting these cities, Karaginath's slaves will do things like clean the streets, fix plumbing, re-stock shelves, and service the dance clubs. Most of her slaves are in Karaginath's personal laboratory, where she receives training from Great Unlean Ones who tutor her, and where she mixes contagions, engineers parasites, and concocts contaminants. There, her slaves assist by counting inventory and keeping things organized. When a lab is no longer in use, the slaves reset everything for when the lab will be used again. Sometime, Karaginath may take a small group with her into her private city to spend time with her which is seen as the highest honor of all. When not on shift, the slaves have a residential building that is a converted factory. Here, they socialize, relax, read, play, watch TV, sleep, and just about anything else they feel like doing.
Their attire consists of a dirty form-fitting white tank top with a green stain in the shape of the mark of Nurgle on the abdomen. Typically, the slaves are covered in grim, usually on the arms below the elbow and the legs below the knee. Any sores, pimples, or blemishes as a result of their work are worn with pride as a badge of gifts of the plague rat.
Tolarix has two servant types, students and acolytes.
Students study magics, sciences, archeology, and put all of the fields into practice. They have classes in the Tower and spend much time either reading in the library or experimenting. When called by Tolarix, a student is escorted to Tolarix's personal chambers where they assist in whatever the sorcerer lord requires. Thanks to spatial distortion, every single student has a private dorm room with geometry and distortions that only cooperate with the intended occupant. Each dorm space has a decently sized bed room, a study/library, min lab/work bench, shower and washroom, and shrine.
Student attire consists of a white loincloth that covers only the front and bears a pink and blue yin-yang. They wear a small silver pendant of the mark of Tzeentch, and have a silver wand that can be conjured out of thin air whenever needed. It is common for students to have one or two colored ear rings that are either blue, pink, green, or yellow. No significance to the color. While most are still clean, some students will start showing the "gifts" that result from constant exposure to Warp magic, such as eyes changing color, a third eye forming, tentacles or claws growing from them, or crystals growing on their skin.
Acolytes are graduated students that have been chosen by Tolarix to regularly assist. They will prepare and maintain the ritual area and the forbidden library. They also assist in larger rituals and complex spells as well as running augeries and using various methods of divination to scry conditions and targets for Tolarix's spells and schemes.
Acolyte attire consists of a see-through white robe with nothing underneath. They carry a staff made of a single piece of silver or white granite with a hoop at the head. The staff allows them to harness and direct any magic in the area or the focus their own magic, allowing them to help Tolarix keep spells under control and to harness magical disasters or phenomena. If a sigil is associated with the magic, that symbol will appear inside the hoop. Acolytes are all showing the signs of being "blessed" and will always have one or more visible mutations, which the transparent robes help show off. Such gifts include additional eyes, tentacles, dense and colorful crystal formations, the teeth from another species inside their mouths, long or multiple tongues, skin or fur turning a color unnatural for the species, a shadow that never lines up with the actual lighting, footsteps leaving colored ash, etc.
The War Horse uses slaves, but prefers the use of more skilled labor, even for the simple stuff. Most of the slaves are following full workers and may help with lighter stuff, such as counting materials or cleaning a finished product. Ironically, the slaves have better sleeping arrangements than the workers who sleep in a communal industrial room atop mattresses or stacks of cardboard. The slaves have mini living spaces built inside empty crates and spent ammo casings for macro-battery munitions, leaving each slave with a private space to themselves.
Factory Slaves wear only a brown leather work apron with a mark of Khorne stenciled on the front. Gloves, boots, and facial covering is donned as needed/
The Amazonian Industrial Lioness has a unique use for her slaves. Operating a smelting plant, the slaves shovel ore and hook up supports, chains, and hoses wherever needed. They will clean and maintain machinery almost nonstop to ensure the refinery suffers no loss of productivity. The slaves can be hooked up to machines and used as batteries to jump start them, or interface with a fucking machine to generate more energy.
The attire of refinery slaves serves multiple functions, as much of the materiel the refinery makes bears Warp corruption or is a Warp metal to begin with. The refinery slaves wear brass cuffs around their wrists and ankles, each with a black mark of Khorne on them. They wear a spiked brass collar around their necks that cancels magic or refocuses it to the siphons. Each slave has a chastity belt that has an opening from behind a black mark of Khorne over the crotch. Each item of the uniform is a siphon of magic and emotion, converting strong emotions and latent magical abilities into energy that can be used by machines or converted into Rage steel for the smelters. In the event of a threat, the marks of Khorne will ignite bright red and convert all emotional and magical energy into rage as well as pumping more rage into the slave from the refinery. Once activated, the slaves become muscular berserkers with red skin, black spikes, sharp teeth, and red eyes, when the threat has been repelled, they return to normal.
The Dog Daddy has three types of slaves: pets, kennel slaves, and kennel guard.
Pets are usually non-dogs that have had their minds corrupted and twisted to closely match that of an enthusiastic domestic dog. They are kept as pets by all members of the cult.
Pets wear nothing but a black, red, or purple dog collar with a metal tag bearing the symbol of Shaidin's Lock.
Kennel slaves clean the apartments and service their masters.
Kennel slaves wear a dog collar that is black, red, or purple with a metal tag bearing the symbol of Shaidin's Lock. they also wear a tattered grey loincloth that covers only the front, and has an eight-pointed star of Chaos scrawled on it in paint or marker.
Kennel guard are unique in their position and dress. Kennel guard are slaves that have proven themselves to their canine overlords and demonstrated fierce loyalty. Kennel guard are tasked with keeping the slaves in line and guarding the possessions and properties of cult members. If they can continue to prove their dedication tot he cult, they can undergo a ritual to be transformed into a canine form and become a full cult member, though there is always some indicator of their unnatural origins. They can boss lower slaves around but cult members can treat them like pets. Kennel guard are expected to be in full control of their sexual urges, something the rest of the cult will take joy in teasing them over. Each guard is given restrictions of when, where, and how they are permitted to indulge in their sexual urges. this is a test of trust in keeping their bodies to themselves when the cult is not around. The most extreme cases are given no physical restraints, no opportunities to release their sexual urges, but still expected to remain fully chaste.
Kennel slaves wear a leather "puppy" mask, leather harness, leather shorts, and a dog collar with tag and leash. They typically carry cattle prods, pepper mace, and whips to keep the slaves in line and intruders out. Some kennel guard are given chastity belts and wolf tail butt plugs to assist with the general elevation through becoming a full dog.
Any thoughts are appreciated!
EDIT 4/3/2023: Added Kennel Guard to Shaidin
Salaliya's pleasure slaves occupy and tend to the beauties of her island. They welcome and temp visitors, clean the halls, care for the flora and fauna, prepare and serve food, maintain the bath house, sing, dance, paint, and some offer more carnal comforts. The slaves all share a link with Salaliya herself and so experience some of her pleasure while at the same time the pleasures the slaves experience feeds back to her, c4reating a feedback loop that sometimes results in uncontrolled mutation during celebrations and orgies. The slaves are able to freely roam and are treated very well, leading to an air of paradise and warmth. Few have the honor of designated living spaces and most will simply lay down to doze off. Those that are given living spaces enjoy a lavish single room apartment with high ceilings, elegant stone work, vibrant art, and luxurious beds. To date, two pleasure slaves have been given their own private suites with multiple floors.
Their attire consists of of polished silver cuffs around the wrists and ankles, each cuff bearing a purple mark of Slaanesh. They wear a silver loincloth that only covers the front, also bearing a purple mark of Slaanesh. Any additional accessories, such as pendants, scarves, chains, ear rings, piercings, rings, etc, will denote special rolls or permissions, Most do not have these additional accessories.
Karaginath's cities usually have their own workers, but sometimes additional help may be needed. When assisting these cities, Karaginath's slaves will do things like clean the streets, fix plumbing, re-stock shelves, and service the dance clubs. Most of her slaves are in Karaginath's personal laboratory, where she receives training from Great Unlean Ones who tutor her, and where she mixes contagions, engineers parasites, and concocts contaminants. There, her slaves assist by counting inventory and keeping things organized. When a lab is no longer in use, the slaves reset everything for when the lab will be used again. Sometime, Karaginath may take a small group with her into her private city to spend time with her which is seen as the highest honor of all. When not on shift, the slaves have a residential building that is a converted factory. Here, they socialize, relax, read, play, watch TV, sleep, and just about anything else they feel like doing.
Their attire consists of a dirty form-fitting white tank top with a green stain in the shape of the mark of Nurgle on the abdomen. Typically, the slaves are covered in grim, usually on the arms below the elbow and the legs below the knee. Any sores, pimples, or blemishes as a result of their work are worn with pride as a badge of gifts of the plague rat.
Tolarix has two servant types, students and acolytes.
Students study magics, sciences, archeology, and put all of the fields into practice. They have classes in the Tower and spend much time either reading in the library or experimenting. When called by Tolarix, a student is escorted to Tolarix's personal chambers where they assist in whatever the sorcerer lord requires. Thanks to spatial distortion, every single student has a private dorm room with geometry and distortions that only cooperate with the intended occupant. Each dorm space has a decently sized bed room, a study/library, min lab/work bench, shower and washroom, and shrine.
Student attire consists of a white loincloth that covers only the front and bears a pink and blue yin-yang. They wear a small silver pendant of the mark of Tzeentch, and have a silver wand that can be conjured out of thin air whenever needed. It is common for students to have one or two colored ear rings that are either blue, pink, green, or yellow. No significance to the color. While most are still clean, some students will start showing the "gifts" that result from constant exposure to Warp magic, such as eyes changing color, a third eye forming, tentacles or claws growing from them, or crystals growing on their skin.
Acolytes are graduated students that have been chosen by Tolarix to regularly assist. They will prepare and maintain the ritual area and the forbidden library. They also assist in larger rituals and complex spells as well as running augeries and using various methods of divination to scry conditions and targets for Tolarix's spells and schemes.
Acolyte attire consists of a see-through white robe with nothing underneath. They carry a staff made of a single piece of silver or white granite with a hoop at the head. The staff allows them to harness and direct any magic in the area or the focus their own magic, allowing them to help Tolarix keep spells under control and to harness magical disasters or phenomena. If a sigil is associated with the magic, that symbol will appear inside the hoop. Acolytes are all showing the signs of being "blessed" and will always have one or more visible mutations, which the transparent robes help show off. Such gifts include additional eyes, tentacles, dense and colorful crystal formations, the teeth from another species inside their mouths, long or multiple tongues, skin or fur turning a color unnatural for the species, a shadow that never lines up with the actual lighting, footsteps leaving colored ash, etc.
The War Horse uses slaves, but prefers the use of more skilled labor, even for the simple stuff. Most of the slaves are following full workers and may help with lighter stuff, such as counting materials or cleaning a finished product. Ironically, the slaves have better sleeping arrangements than the workers who sleep in a communal industrial room atop mattresses or stacks of cardboard. The slaves have mini living spaces built inside empty crates and spent ammo casings for macro-battery munitions, leaving each slave with a private space to themselves.
Factory Slaves wear only a brown leather work apron with a mark of Khorne stenciled on the front. Gloves, boots, and facial covering is donned as needed/
The Amazonian Industrial Lioness has a unique use for her slaves. Operating a smelting plant, the slaves shovel ore and hook up supports, chains, and hoses wherever needed. They will clean and maintain machinery almost nonstop to ensure the refinery suffers no loss of productivity. The slaves can be hooked up to machines and used as batteries to jump start them, or interface with a fucking machine to generate more energy.
The attire of refinery slaves serves multiple functions, as much of the materiel the refinery makes bears Warp corruption or is a Warp metal to begin with. The refinery slaves wear brass cuffs around their wrists and ankles, each with a black mark of Khorne on them. They wear a spiked brass collar around their necks that cancels magic or refocuses it to the siphons. Each slave has a chastity belt that has an opening from behind a black mark of Khorne over the crotch. Each item of the uniform is a siphon of magic and emotion, converting strong emotions and latent magical abilities into energy that can be used by machines or converted into Rage steel for the smelters. In the event of a threat, the marks of Khorne will ignite bright red and convert all emotional and magical energy into rage as well as pumping more rage into the slave from the refinery. Once activated, the slaves become muscular berserkers with red skin, black spikes, sharp teeth, and red eyes, when the threat has been repelled, they return to normal.
The Dog Daddy has three types of slaves: pets, kennel slaves, and kennel guard.
Pets are usually non-dogs that have had their minds corrupted and twisted to closely match that of an enthusiastic domestic dog. They are kept as pets by all members of the cult.
Pets wear nothing but a black, red, or purple dog collar with a metal tag bearing the symbol of Shaidin's Lock.
Kennel slaves clean the apartments and service their masters.
Kennel slaves wear a dog collar that is black, red, or purple with a metal tag bearing the symbol of Shaidin's Lock. they also wear a tattered grey loincloth that covers only the front, and has an eight-pointed star of Chaos scrawled on it in paint or marker.
Kennel guard are unique in their position and dress. Kennel guard are slaves that have proven themselves to their canine overlords and demonstrated fierce loyalty. Kennel guard are tasked with keeping the slaves in line and guarding the possessions and properties of cult members. If they can continue to prove their dedication tot he cult, they can undergo a ritual to be transformed into a canine form and become a full cult member, though there is always some indicator of their unnatural origins. They can boss lower slaves around but cult members can treat them like pets. Kennel guard are expected to be in full control of their sexual urges, something the rest of the cult will take joy in teasing them over. Each guard is given restrictions of when, where, and how they are permitted to indulge in their sexual urges. this is a test of trust in keeping their bodies to themselves when the cult is not around. The most extreme cases are given no physical restraints, no opportunities to release their sexual urges, but still expected to remain fully chaste.
Kennel slaves wear a leather "puppy" mask, leather harness, leather shorts, and a dog collar with tag and leash. They typically carry cattle prods, pepper mace, and whips to keep the slaves in line and intruders out. Some kennel guard are given chastity belts and wolf tail butt plugs to assist with the general elevation through becoming a full dog.
Any thoughts are appreciated!
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