Views: 10437
Submissions: 25
Favs: 485

The Unique one | Registered: Oct 20, 2016 09:35
Hey, I am Arua and I have finally made it. 1683 Also I'm a derg.
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Comments Earned: 1268
Comments Made: 1727
Journals: 12
Comments Made: 1727
Journals: 12
Featured Journal
It's my 23rd birthday
3 years ago
I am d excited what can I say.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Song Dragon
Favorite Music
J-pop, Musical, Any song from Tokatsu
Favorite Games
Fire Emblem Awakening, and Pokemon mostly
Favorite Gaming Platforms
3DS, Switch, and PS4(sometimes)
Favorite Animals
Wolves, Dragons, Sharks, Tiger, Lion and any scalie creature
Favorite Site
Youtube, mostly
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Asain, and home cooked foods but I'll try most things