Views: 24440
Submissions: 156
Favs: 4511

Art Whore | Registered: Nov 10, 2011 11:10
My current time!
♡♥♡♥My beloved sister, I shall miss you more then you will ever know. I love you, Christina. 1/10/1991-1/10/2014♥♡♥♡
Real life facts:
Sex: Female.
Age: 28
Height: 5'11
Weight: Fat.
Requests: Ask.
Trades: Hell Yes.
Commissions: Not great enough.
I have been in the fandom a couple of years and now I am starting to self teach myself to draw anthros. I am free to talk to, though I can get bored easily and it sucks a lot because I usually log out when I get that way. I like to talk to new people, as long as you don't instantly start off with something perverted. I like to read, play video games, scream and yell at the system when I die or can't complete a timed mission. X3 I may come across as an asshole, but that is because sometimes I am one. Mostly I am wording things wrong, so if I offend you, don't instantly get butthurt, ask if I meant it a certain way. I also can draw very basic stuff, I am learning more and more everytime I draw. I hope to get good at drawing and want to draw everything I can when I feel confident in my drawing skills.
Well, that is all for now, please enjoy your visit and feel free to ask about any of my characters. ^^
Ps: If you can give me tips about drawing I would like that very much.
Current icon is by: 
One of the sweetest guys I know. He is always making sure I am okay. <3 
The most awesome badger I ever will know:

My friend(s); Sweetest person on here: ♥
Groups and stuffs:
PokemonFurries poisonfurs BBW-Furs socalfurs Halloweenfurs Minecraftfurs
This is my fursona:
Remix Volkov 
My characters are below:
(More to come.)
Feel free to draw any of my characters however, when it comes to rated R and mature stuff, please ask first.
Commissions I'm waiting on:
Featured Submission
This user has no favorites.
Comments Earned: 8653
Comments Made: 9474
Journals: 10
Comments Made: 9474
Journals: 10
Recent Journal
Adopt Page
2 years ago
Hey, I know I haven't said anything in a long time, but here's a page I'm trying to be more active on. You can note me there if you want, I still check here too, obviously but if you want to watch me there or look at some of the adopts I've been making feel free to click the link below. I have disabilities so doing some adopts is the only income I can have. Thank you.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
Yes Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Favorite Music
Rock, Screamo, Classic Rock, Heavy Metal, etc.
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Zombieland, Lord of the Rings (1-3), V/H/S
Favorite Games
Dantes Inferno, Devil May Cry, God of War, CoD, Assassins Creed, Skyrim, Pokemon, Fallout, Dead Island, anything zombies
Favorite Gaming Platforms
N64, SNES, 3DS, All Playstation systems, Xbox 360
Favorite Animals
Leopard, foxes, anything very fluffy
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Anything with good flavor.
Favorite Quote
They say all beauty must die, I say it just moves on.
Contact Information
