Views: 4069
Submissions: 27
Favs: 288

Registered: Aug 20, 2018 02:47
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Comments Earned: 396
Comments Made: 554
Journals: 1
Comments Made: 554
Journals: 1
Recent Journal
Wolves of Night and Blade
4 years ago
Follow the world of My Little Pony through the eyes of two creatures unheard of. One is Stolen Royalty, the other is an unknown man of faith. Will they survive the challenges? Win or Loose? Only time and the powers above know.
Shadows moved in the dark, golden eyes follow, yet they go unseen. Why?
Follow the world of My Little Pony through the eyes of two creatures unheard of. One is Stolen Royalty, the other is an unknown man of faith. Will they survive the challenges? Win or Loose? Only time and the powers above know.
Shadows moved in the dark, golden eyes follow, yet they go unseen. Why?
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Warframe, Destiny 2
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Favorite Animals
Wolf, Owl, Dragon
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Chicken Alfredo