Views: 9864
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Favs: 306

Watcher | Registered: Dec 11, 2005 09:15
Mostly just a watcher. Occasionally an artist when time/motivation permits.
If I have watched you, it's probably because of one or more of the reasons stated below:
If you are an artist/author/musician; generally, it will be because I love your style, your subject matter, or because you seem to be an interesting person.
If you are not an artist/author/musician; it will be either because I like your character(s), the situations the work you have done depicts them in, or because you seem to be an interesting person.
You don't ever have to thank me for watches. Just continue doing whatever it is you're doing and that will be thanks enough. ^^
If I have watched you, it's probably because of one or more of the reasons stated below:
If you are an artist/author/musician; generally, it will be because I love your style, your subject matter, or because you seem to be an interesting person.
If you are not an artist/author/musician; it will be either because I like your character(s), the situations the work you have done depicts them in, or because you seem to be an interesting person.
You don't ever have to thank me for watches. Just continue doing whatever it is you're doing and that will be thanks enough. ^^
This user has no submissions.
Comments Earned: 935
Comments Made: 512
Journals: 1
Comments Made: 512
Journals: 1
Recent Journal
8 years agoIt provided me an opportunity in 2007 to meet in person the two people who would become my oldest, and most cherished friends.

My partner

As someone who has to cope with un-medicated irritable depression on an almost daily basis, truly 'happy' memories are a far and in-between occurrence for me. This event has consistently been the impetus of some of the happiest memories of my life. I know that there will be other opportunities and other cons, but RMFC was special. It did not deserve to die out the way it did.
I will not give my opinion surrounding the events and circumstances leading up to RMFC's cancellation. Most of you probably don't care, and most of the rest will simply choose to not listen. For the 1% remaining who do care, and who are willing to listen, the video below is for you.
Even if you do not like 2; regardless of whether or not you dislike him as a person or as an entertainer, I urge everyone to at least skip to the 17 minute mark of this video and listen to what he has to say.
User Profile
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Eldritch Lurker
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Too many to name. :p
Favorite Gaming Platforms
PS2, 360, PS3, GC
Favorite Animals
canines, felines, roos
Favorite Artists
Too many to name. :p