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yuzubull | Registered: Aug 13, 2020 05:49 (nsfw) (sfw for the most part)
telegram (@yuzubull) or discord (Azealia#3264). (sfw for the most part)
telegram (@yuzubull) or discord (Azealia#3264).
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Recent Journal
a year ago
when i lost my art habit streak it was around early august. i was just starting to pick up my life -- in other words go back to the gym -- after about 2 months of being stupid (going out too much, doing really stupid things, and generally being really stupid)!!!! STUPID!!!
for example, i was at the gym that week and saw one of the friends i made at a dance meetup. i was doing squats and missed the rack, dropping all of my weight, and getting sympathy from her, SEE, I WAS BEING STUPID!!! also, i had a big anime bodybuilder bro at the gym who was watching me try to deadlift. i hope he is doing well and gets to finish kimetsu no yaiba (demon slayer), because he clearly had enough time to watch me being STUPID!!!
i was starting to cope with losing my art streak by... DANCING MORE!!! It began some morning when i was looking at my instagram and saw that my favorite dance influencer was coming to my city. i fanboyed SO hard and got tickets to his class. it was something to do during the week. my dance-meetup-friend was also there at the gym, so I told her about it, super excited (she didn't end up going...).
it was a tuesday night. i drove pretty far to a dance studio, took some caffeine, and walked to the door. there were 2 milfs, one of them the mother of the dance instructor's girlfriend, and the other a zumba instructor. the mom was gushing about how her daughter starred in some christmas dance video. coolest thing was that they didn't have any dance experience with the style we were learning. met a few other new faces as well as a few friends. Then, HE walked in. i was gushing. he was dressed in comfy harem pants with cool patterns that looked so influencer-y. we didn't go inside the dance studio since a previous class was in there. around this time, that class was rolling out (i think it was a pole dancing class..). Then, HE unlocked the dance studio and we went in.
I put my bottle of water in a cubby and shook hands with more people. There was this professional dancer/artist (an aside, I happened to meet her on the thursday for an art networking event, and her art kinda looks very /beg/...). There were also my dance BROS, one of them an influencer himself. AAAAAAAH. There was also my pansexual friend, who is equally as awkward as I am, she is the girl version of me except I am a homosexual.
The class started when some column speakers were playing a few songs you'd heard from some of HIS dance videos. we were stretching, literally full body stretching, which was kind of a big WTF moment since it took a big portion of the hour we had together. He singled out the noobs (the 2 milfs) to teach them some foundational moves while the rest of us were just vibing, then, we were off to our first lesson: combos.
I paired up with PJ. PJ could learn real fast and dance real well. we created a combo together, while the rest of the class was either busy showing off/comfortzoning or struggling. HE wanted us to present our combos. I think the first person to present went alone. Actually, most of the people presented by themselves. Then, it was me and PJ's turn, and GOD we mirrored eachother so well, he may as well have had a tether with my soul. (PJ I hope you are doing well, I think that's easily one of the greatest vibes I've ever shared with someone, and I'll never forget this moment. Though I have to wonder if our friend was trying to pair us together...). HE gave us a high five (if I weren't a germaphobe GOD i would never wash my hand ever again) and the room was crazy. other people went "oh were we supposed to partner up," but no, that was just me and PJ. i think there were a few duos, but they didn't mirror eachother like we did.
There was a second class I also attended. At this point, one of my friends (who I later found out was someone who unknowingly traumatized me by thinking I was straight) came in and I didn't recognize her, because she wasn't wearing the bikini or eyelashes she did when I first met her at a pool party. we made a group of 4 where it was me, her, HIS girlfriend, and my DJ friend Preston). The exercise this time was: watching.
HE demonstrated with our group. There was someone in the middle who did a move. I did a STUPID whip and naenae, hoping he would do it too, AND HE DID! I LOST IT!!!!
I dance pretty STUPID for the rest of the night (i especially loved being filed swinging my arms around like a STUPID helicopter). I think my favorite lesson is that there is a story that could be told with dance, whever it is pretending to be on fire and STUPID (me), or being a graceful ballerina (my pansexual friend). (an aside, as of now, I happened to meet a group of dancers who seemed to have taken HIS class, and also try to tell stories on the dance floor. i love the vibe so much).
After the class was over, we said our goodbyes, and I met PJ, my traumatizing friend, my pansexual friend, and JJ, who was my new friend. He said "talk nerdy to me" and we austismo'd about league of legends while traumatizing friend was sitting on the side.
Easily one of my best days ever.
That following dance meetup on Wednesday, we continued making combos and watching eachother's moves. All I remember is that PJ was on the side, and came towards up when I was dancing with my arms to some hardstyle. (Then, he tutted, which made me suspect he was gay. However, it's too late, he moved.) Me, PJ, and JJ became a solid team.
The following Friday, there just so happened to also be a dance event held at a cafe. I first meet JJ at the patio, who is wearing Zenitsu's cloak (from demon slayer), clearly having taken a STUPID substance. I walk in, meet traumatizing friend, and teach her a few combos. Later, I realize TRAUMATIZING BITCH is there too. Let me introduce TRAUMATIZING BITCH.
First I found a few friends from my dance group, seemed like they were trying to introduce me to their friend group. A few girls in the group are dancing the style I dance, so I go to encourage them. First red flag was that when I came up to them, they weren't facing me. They were ignoring me like I was a straight man.
I was at an event dancing. I dropped my ass down trying to be gay!!! I see that TRAUMATIZING BITCH is miring me and copies my moves. I go "YESSS DROP IT!!!" TRAUMATIZING BITCH started laughing at me and pointed out her boyfriend, saying "that's my man." She continued to make fun of me.
I think I didn't know it at this time, but traumatizing friend was probably part of that group of girls. I met traumatizing friend at a different pool party, and wore gay socks so that I wouldn't have to deal with this girl bullshit again.
Anyways, when I heard her laughing at me again, I avoid everybody and just feel the music. Then pansexual friend says there is a dance circle. I WENT TO THE MIDDLE OF THE DANCE CIRCLE, TWERKED, VOGUED, EVERYTHING IN FRONT OF TRAUMATIZING BITCH!!! All she could say was "he's gay?" She tried to make people pleasing "wows" at me when I was busting it down, but I made my peace then and there.
Then I hung out with PJ and JJ until the end. One of my favorite memories is a video where we're all dancing together.
The following saturday, I was so tired, but there was an opening for a clothes store that would have DJs in it. I go in, and they have a bracelet making area, clothes, harm reduction kiosk, and house/techno playing. I sat down and made a few bracelets with pansexual friend (who happend to be there), then I happen to meet the owner (who has the cutest name, coco). she wanted to film me dancing, so I applied what I learned this week, and a small clip of me dancing is on her opening video, me being STUPID <3
Also, one of my friends (I think of her as white suburban friend) invited me to a pool party last minute that Sunday, but I did way too much that week and turned her down.
for example, i was at the gym that week and saw one of the friends i made at a dance meetup. i was doing squats and missed the rack, dropping all of my weight, and getting sympathy from her, SEE, I WAS BEING STUPID!!! also, i had a big anime bodybuilder bro at the gym who was watching me try to deadlift. i hope he is doing well and gets to finish kimetsu no yaiba (demon slayer), because he clearly had enough time to watch me being STUPID!!!
i was starting to cope with losing my art streak by... DANCING MORE!!! It began some morning when i was looking at my instagram and saw that my favorite dance influencer was coming to my city. i fanboyed SO hard and got tickets to his class. it was something to do during the week. my dance-meetup-friend was also there at the gym, so I told her about it, super excited (she didn't end up going...).
it was a tuesday night. i drove pretty far to a dance studio, took some caffeine, and walked to the door. there were 2 milfs, one of them the mother of the dance instructor's girlfriend, and the other a zumba instructor. the mom was gushing about how her daughter starred in some christmas dance video. coolest thing was that they didn't have any dance experience with the style we were learning. met a few other new faces as well as a few friends. Then, HE walked in. i was gushing. he was dressed in comfy harem pants with cool patterns that looked so influencer-y. we didn't go inside the dance studio since a previous class was in there. around this time, that class was rolling out (i think it was a pole dancing class..). Then, HE unlocked the dance studio and we went in.
I put my bottle of water in a cubby and shook hands with more people. There was this professional dancer/artist (an aside, I happened to meet her on the thursday for an art networking event, and her art kinda looks very /beg/...). There were also my dance BROS, one of them an influencer himself. AAAAAAAH. There was also my pansexual friend, who is equally as awkward as I am, she is the girl version of me except I am a homosexual.
The class started when some column speakers were playing a few songs you'd heard from some of HIS dance videos. we were stretching, literally full body stretching, which was kind of a big WTF moment since it took a big portion of the hour we had together. He singled out the noobs (the 2 milfs) to teach them some foundational moves while the rest of us were just vibing, then, we were off to our first lesson: combos.
I paired up with PJ. PJ could learn real fast and dance real well. we created a combo together, while the rest of the class was either busy showing off/comfortzoning or struggling. HE wanted us to present our combos. I think the first person to present went alone. Actually, most of the people presented by themselves. Then, it was me and PJ's turn, and GOD we mirrored eachother so well, he may as well have had a tether with my soul. (PJ I hope you are doing well, I think that's easily one of the greatest vibes I've ever shared with someone, and I'll never forget this moment. Though I have to wonder if our friend was trying to pair us together...). HE gave us a high five (if I weren't a germaphobe GOD i would never wash my hand ever again) and the room was crazy. other people went "oh were we supposed to partner up," but no, that was just me and PJ. i think there were a few duos, but they didn't mirror eachother like we did.
There was a second class I also attended. At this point, one of my friends (who I later found out was someone who unknowingly traumatized me by thinking I was straight) came in and I didn't recognize her, because she wasn't wearing the bikini or eyelashes she did when I first met her at a pool party. we made a group of 4 where it was me, her, HIS girlfriend, and my DJ friend Preston). The exercise this time was: watching.
HE demonstrated with our group. There was someone in the middle who did a move. I did a STUPID whip and naenae, hoping he would do it too, AND HE DID! I LOST IT!!!!
I dance pretty STUPID for the rest of the night (i especially loved being filed swinging my arms around like a STUPID helicopter). I think my favorite lesson is that there is a story that could be told with dance, whever it is pretending to be on fire and STUPID (me), or being a graceful ballerina (my pansexual friend). (an aside, as of now, I happened to meet a group of dancers who seemed to have taken HIS class, and also try to tell stories on the dance floor. i love the vibe so much).
After the class was over, we said our goodbyes, and I met PJ, my traumatizing friend, my pansexual friend, and JJ, who was my new friend. He said "talk nerdy to me" and we austismo'd about league of legends while traumatizing friend was sitting on the side.
Easily one of my best days ever.
That following dance meetup on Wednesday, we continued making combos and watching eachother's moves. All I remember is that PJ was on the side, and came towards up when I was dancing with my arms to some hardstyle. (Then, he tutted, which made me suspect he was gay. However, it's too late, he moved.) Me, PJ, and JJ became a solid team.
The following Friday, there just so happened to also be a dance event held at a cafe. I first meet JJ at the patio, who is wearing Zenitsu's cloak (from demon slayer), clearly having taken a STUPID substance. I walk in, meet traumatizing friend, and teach her a few combos. Later, I realize TRAUMATIZING BITCH is there too. Let me introduce TRAUMATIZING BITCH.
First I found a few friends from my dance group, seemed like they were trying to introduce me to their friend group. A few girls in the group are dancing the style I dance, so I go to encourage them. First red flag was that when I came up to them, they weren't facing me. They were ignoring me like I was a straight man.
I was at an event dancing. I dropped my ass down trying to be gay!!! I see that TRAUMATIZING BITCH is miring me and copies my moves. I go "YESSS DROP IT!!!" TRAUMATIZING BITCH started laughing at me and pointed out her boyfriend, saying "that's my man." She continued to make fun of me.
I think I didn't know it at this time, but traumatizing friend was probably part of that group of girls. I met traumatizing friend at a different pool party, and wore gay socks so that I wouldn't have to deal with this girl bullshit again.
Anyways, when I heard her laughing at me again, I avoid everybody and just feel the music. Then pansexual friend says there is a dance circle. I WENT TO THE MIDDLE OF THE DANCE CIRCLE, TWERKED, VOGUED, EVERYTHING IN FRONT OF TRAUMATIZING BITCH!!! All she could say was "he's gay?" She tried to make people pleasing "wows" at me when I was busting it down, but I made my peace then and there.
Then I hung out with PJ and JJ until the end. One of my favorite memories is a video where we're all dancing together.
The following saturday, I was so tired, but there was an opening for a clothes store that would have DJs in it. I go in, and they have a bracelet making area, clothes, harm reduction kiosk, and house/techno playing. I sat down and made a few bracelets with pansexual friend (who happend to be there), then I happen to meet the owner (who has the cutest name, coco). she wanted to film me dancing, so I applied what I learned this week, and a small clip of me dancing is on her opening video, me being STUPID <3
Also, one of my friends (I think of her as white suburban friend) invited me to a pool party last minute that Sunday, but I did way too much that week and turned her down.