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Submissions: 90
Favs: 898

Watcher | Registered: Oct 20, 2012 08:31
Current avatar was made by
mrsenpai To see the original submission, click here!
This account is no longer going to be in use; so there's no longer any point of following, sending notes.. or even posting shouts to this profile.

This account is no longer going to be in use; so there's no longer any point of following, sending notes.. or even posting shouts to this profile.
You can contact me on Skype, but I won't be as active on it..--you can also contact my SoFurry, Weasyl, and Chatango accounts but like before-- don't expect very much activity.
One more thing; I'm going to leave my gallery and favorites up here, because I'm too lazy to clear them out.
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Comments Earned: 4032
Comments Made: 3121
Journals: 37
Comments Made: 3121
Journals: 37
Recent Journal
Possible deletion of this account (RANT AHEAD)
11 years ago1.)I'm still not going to ever be popular.. which I admit makes me extremely annoyed and jealous at all who happen to be so; but at the same time I don't hate them.. unlike most under my stress would, as they've had their fair time to get to their level of popularity.
2.) My daily schedule's complete shit these days.. I hardly get to do what I want without raising some skeptical-ass eyebrows.. seriously there are some people that do not need to act as if everything I do is wrong/involved with their own lives.
3.) Fuck you karma, and life.
4.) I need a job.. and if I stay on social 'websites' (like Facebook, Tumblr, FA, Weasyl, SoFurry, etc.) I'm never getting anything accomplished.. because if anything, the only people TRULY liked on social sites (no longer me obviously thanks to Tumblr BS) are the few rare.. legitimate friend-groups, and the artists that people sabotage for commissions and "free art".
5.) I'm not a damn furry.. (don't even get started with 'bUT PEEKACHEWS HAVE FUR LOLZ U REE-TARD') and I never will be. This doesn't change the fact I support their cause.. because a lot of furry groups are very noble with their cause, and as such.. I don't have a single problem with furries in general, especially considering a good amount of them are smart & play video games.
6.) What's the point of being here anymore? I'm hardly active these days.. and I watch way too many people. :I
Also, another note.. please by all means, do not spread this around (for the sake of following FA mod & admin's rules) or start drama because of what you see here, thank you. For the record; no I am not upset by this decision.. I'm 18 years old, it's time for me to grow up and start to be a boring.. 'job-working individual', unfortunately. I will admit, I slightly.. enjoyed the time I spent here (even if it was only one year and a half, approximately), and to be quite frank.. I will probably miss all of my friends and watchers (especially if they happen to care enough to read this journal and not say/ask something stupid).
Anyways thanks everyone (if you happened to have read through this),
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PS: If asked to by an FA mod, then yes I will delete this journal if it violates policies.. otherwise, this is staying for a while.
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