Views: 2220
Submissions: 6
Favs: 50

Art Whore | Registered: Mar 14, 2011 07:16
I'm not much of a furry artist. I wish I had the anime style of many of the artists on here. However I mainly oil paint, etch, and draw dark surreal expressionist type art. I am enfluenced by H.R. Giger, Dan Seagraves, and Stephen Kasner. So any art on profile are commissions I paid for.
My fursona is a transgender female vixen who is passionate, compassionate, and submissive to dominate transsexuals in a cute way. She doesn't like S&M domination. she likes to dress up in gothic lingerie. She is shy. Her interests are black metal and gothic music. Also she is a huge fan of Behemoth, Morbid Angel, and H. P. Lovecraft hence the name Absutoth. Just call her Absu for short or when feeling cute likes to be called Apsu.
I also like to collect art. I have fine art prints from H.R. Giger, Dan Seagrave, Gustav Klimt, and John Baizley (lead singer of Baroness).
My fursona is a transgender female vixen who is passionate, compassionate, and submissive to dominate transsexuals in a cute way. She doesn't like S&M domination. she likes to dress up in gothic lingerie. She is shy. Her interests are black metal and gothic music. Also she is a huge fan of Behemoth, Morbid Angel, and H. P. Lovecraft hence the name Absutoth. Just call her Absu for short or when feeling cute likes to be called Apsu.
I also like to collect art. I have fine art prints from H.R. Giger, Dan Seagrave, Gustav Klimt, and John Baizley (lead singer of Baroness).
Comments Earned: 1020
Comments Made: 2408
Journals: 10
Comments Made: 2408
Journals: 10
Recent Journal
Exploring the void.
11 years ago
Feel awesome today. Got some field recordings done for my blackened noise project. Also did some percussion too with metal rods. Very Throbbing Gristle and SPK like. Making my stuff creepy. Though I need to buy a better effects pad. My Korg Kaos pad doesn't hook up to my TASCAM portable audio player. The Kaos pad only has midi line out and midi line it. Mainly to use with DJ equipment or a Fast Track Pro box with Pro Tools. Unfortunately I need to get a computer build for studio production instead of gaming. With my current computer it was hell to get pro tools on it and then was a disaster when I found out I need two hard drives to even save anything I record on pro-tools. Guess I'll have Geek Squad eventually help me out.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
amorphic but will always be a male animal
Favorite Music
black metal, death metal, funeral doom, doom metal, thrash, and gothenburg death metal.
Favorite Games
Gears of War (series), Assassin's Creed (series), Bioshock, Call of Duty (series), Deus Ex
Favorite Gaming Platforms
X-box 360 and PS3
Favorite Animals
wolves, horses, golden retrievers, and Siberian huskies