Views: 1324
Submissions: 2
Favs: 4

Digital Artist | Registered: May 22, 2016 07:12
So so. this is sucks.
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Comments Earned: 148
Comments Made: 316
Journals: 1
Comments Made: 316
Journals: 1
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this site sucks, everyone should know it
8 years ago
Ever since the new login method its a game of chance to login, first you give all your info to google. because google must know you are accessing this site.
Google loves to know you are a furfag because google captcha is making use of the captcha to track you.
Then you are sending all your passwords to cloudflare which then re encrypts the data to the actual FA server.
Google loves to know you are a furfag because google captcha is making use of the captcha to track you.
Then you are sending all your passwords to cloudflare which then re encrypts the data to the actual FA server.
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