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Tanza | Registered: Sep 2, 2018 01:10
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Do not ask me about commissions.
I appreciate the love and support but I do not do custom commission work anymore!
Any new art or offers I do will be posted here or on my Twitter:
Name: Tanza
Gender / Sex: Female
Species: Dragon
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship: Taken Since 9/17/17
Living: Wisconsin, USA
Occupation: Full Time Cook
Do not ask me to RP with you.
I do not have the time for it.
I love to chat with people when I can but please understand I am a busy person.
Do not get upset if I can't respond right away or we don't exactly click very well conversation-wise. It happens, and that's okay.
I don't use notes to socialize at all, if you want to get a hold of me contact me on Telegram.
@ TanzaTheDragon 
-Some Very Amazing People-

- And Of Course, My Boyfriend -
-Conventions Attended-
- FurSquared 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
- Midwest Furfest 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
- Motor City Fur Con 2018
- Furry Migration 2018, 2019
- Aquatifur 2021, 2022, 2023
- FWA 2023
[/u] Stats
Comments Earned: 1057
Comments Made: 623
Journals: 11
Comments Made: 623
Journals: 11
Featured Journal
4 years agoI wanted to make this journal to clear up any confusion about my characters.
If you want to get art of your character with any of my characters, you can!
Just ask me first!
This includes commissioning me or commissioning other artists for it.
Feral Tanzanite is very different than the Anthro counterpart.
I don't really see them as the same character despite having the same name.
I know it can be a bit confusing but let me simplify;
Feral Tanza > Artistic outlet for my fantasies involving big feral dragons.
This includes all sorts of weird kinky stuff like vore, macro micro, egg laying, ect.
Feral Tanza is my way of inserting myself into those situations in a PURELY FANTASY BASED SETTING.
I also see her as a sort of self-mascot for my vore art shenanigans.
Anthro Tanza > She is as close as it gets to a furry representation of myself in real life.
She IS ME and I want her to be treated with care and respect.
I tolerate and often enjoy a lot of fetish related comments regarding art of Feral Tanza, because she is my outlet for those kinds of things.
I won't tolerate it with anthro Tanza, in the same way I wouldn't tolerate being sexualized and objectified in real life either.
I hope this clears up some confusion!
Tanzanite (Feral Version)
I really like featuring Feral Tanza in artwork that has dialogue and context behind it.
These are some describer words I associate with Tanza's personality:
These are generally the kinds of tones I like to have in the art I have of her.
Having her act out of character to fulfil someone else's fantasy isn't what I want.
If your fantasies align with mine, then we might be a good match!
Solid Rules:
- Macro / Micro Only!
Tanza is a macro character and only eats people smaller than her. No same size vore.
I generally don't like prey to be bigger than the size of her head.
- No Sex! (Unless I know you well and I ask about it myself)
Because I still associate myself with Feral Tanza in a way, I don't really like to have her shown having sex with people other than my boyfriend.
I make some exceptions for very specific people though.
Don't ask about it, I'll ask you if the want ever arises.
- Predator Only!
Tanza is an apex predator and this is not something I budge on.
If you want to get vore-themed art with Tanza, she will play the act of the predator.
- No Perma Vore!
I won't take the life of your character forever. I don't want that.
Types of Vore:
- Oral
(I generally prefer keeping oral vore situations within the realm of her personality.)
- Anal
- Vaginal
- Full Tour
(In these circumstances I prefer accidental situations that make Tanza end up getting carried away in the heat of the moment.)
My Preferences:
- Safe Vore.
I prefer safe vore ideas over any other kinds of vore. I like my prey to be safe and snug inside of me rather than digesting them.
- If Digesting.. Painless.
If you prefer digestion, I like the process to be painless for my prey. I prefer prey to feel numb / tingly as they become melty / gooey during digestion. I don't want any prey depicted to be in pain.
- Willing Prey.
I always need my prey to be willing.
This can include themes such as begging to be eaten, worshiping her, consenting friendship, or plain curiosity.
- If Not Willing.. Talk prey into giving into their curiosity.
I need some kind of consent shown if the prey is generally unwilling or weary of vore.
Tanza can be a very convincing and gentle predator..
I don't want her being depicted forcing people to do things they don't want to do.
Unique Character Features:
- Glowing Inner Flesh
A soft glow in the dark for your trip.. ~
- Pheromone Breath
She is able to exhale a steamy, sparkling blue breath that gives a type of "high" on prey.
The pheromones incite a feeling of emotional and physical calmness.
- Healing Saliva
Her saliva can have healing properties through long exposure time.
- Crop (Second Stomach)
Tanza has a crop ( inspiration taken from avian anatomy in real life birds ), which is located at the end of the throat and before her actual stomach.
It is smaller in size than her stomach and is NON-DIGESTIVE.
It's slick inside but does not have a pool of fluids like her stomach does.
The crop's fluids have the same healing effect as her saliva and can heal the prey's physical wounds within a short time.
Pheromones within the crop are the same as the ones that she is able to breathe.
- Numbing Stomach Acid
The acid pool within her stomach slowly acts as a numbing agent; resulting in a relaxed and painless, goopy digestion process for prey.
- Full Tour
Her crop has two exits, one that leads to the stomach and another that leads to a track called a "tweener" ( fictional ), which leads to her womb for a safe full tour through unbirth.
( Don't worry, she lays eggs monthly so it's not painful for her! )
For a visual on her insides;
Internal Reference:
(( Just because I have had unwilling artwork done in the past does not mean my tastes are the same now. ))
(( Please respect my preferences and don't try to talk me into things I don't like!! ))
Tanzanite (Anthro Version)
Anthro Tanza is as close as it gets to a furry representation of myself in real life.
My rules for her are strict because she IS ME and I want her to be treated with care and respect.
The art I get with her is much less in the realm fantasy than the feral dragon depiction.
I really prefer realistic situations between friends when getting art of Anthro Tanza!
Solid Rules:
- No Sex!
I don't want anyone other than my boyfriend's characters having sex with Anthro Tanza unless I know you VERY well and I give specific permission.
This IS NOT an invitation to try and con me into agreeing to NSFW art with you.
If that is your intent, I don't even want to interact with you.
- No Vore!
As stated above, I really stay away from fantasy fetish situations involving Anthro Tanza.
Vore art is something I enjoy providing for others within the fandom in a fantasy sense but I try to keep it separate from my own personality.
Anthro Tanza is supposed to represent me in real life..
Vore isn't something I do in real life obviously so I don't want art of her included in that.
Zaffre is a fantasy outlet for my interest in dinosaurs.
Zaffre is a TRULY feral Acrocanthosaurus.
He has heightened intelligence but at his core, he is still a wild and uncontrollable feral beast.
He does not have the ability to speak, but he can understand speech.
He just doesn't care what people have to say.
- Pretty Realistic
I prefer art of him to be about as realistic as possible when it comes to the "attitude" one would expect a feral carnivorous dinosaur to have.
He deeply enjoys the intricate process of the hunt.
He's very much a loner and has very little to no interest in friendship unless it benefits him in survival.
- Hunger / Domination Drives His Reasoning To Eat / Vore.
He vores to satisfy his hunger first and foremost.
The only other reason would be to show dominance.
If that's something you are into, this is the character to do it with.
- Unwilling Vore
To go along the lines of realism, I prefer Zaffre to be a big terrifying beast.
Treat him as such and run away from him.
- No mutilation featuring other peoples characters.
Although I may feature art of him realistically hunting and killing dinosaurs and feral animals..
I don't have ANY interest at all in making or being a part of death / horror porn for people.
If you want your character to be unwillingly hunted and eaten by Zaffre by all means, sure, but I don't want it to be super graphic in nature.
No bone breaking or super graphic mutilation..
Maybe some blood or something but that's a big maybe. I'm still on the fence of it.
- NSFW with other dinosaurs only.
I really don't know if I'll ever do commissions for this stuff because it is dangerously on the side of bestiality and I REALLY don't wanna be known for that shit..
So if you see NSFW it's usually gonna be a solo pin up or something with another dinosaur.
Plum is a fantasy character. He is a giant living plush puppy standing at 8ft 6in.
His pronouns are he/him, they/them, and it/it's.
He could be considered a mute. His vocabulary consists of mostly muffled woofs, barks, whines, and yawns, otherwise he really doesn't speak.
A magic purple heart inside of him is the source of him being sentient / alive.
It also is the cause of his odd magical stuffing; It has a calming effect on a person when they are in contact with it.
And when a person is exposed to Plum's stuffing for too long, the person is subject to transform into a sentient / living plush themselves.
If the plush-ified person stays in the stuffing for over 24 hours, the plush will slowly become non-sentient and eventually is broken down into more stuffing inside of Plum.
For more trivia and info on Plum, go here:
Solid Rules:
- No Sex!
Plum has an innocent, childlike personality. He can not have sex and I will not have any sexually themed art with him.
- Unaware Predator / Friendly Vore!
Plum never really wants people to disappear inside of him, but it happens sometimes.
He likes people to be warm and snuggle and take naps on top of him or inside of him.
He always forgets (usually because he falls asleep) that they are susceptible to falling asleep inside of him and transforming into a plush themselves if they stay too long, or even worse.. becoming nothing but stuffing!
When this does happen, it is depicted as a goofy/cartoony situation.
He usually wakes up afterwards.. confused as to where his friend went.
- Willing Prey.. Until Inside!
Prey is always willing when interacting with Plum.
Plum is a friendly character and will never ever vore someone without their consent and desire to be inside him.
He usually reacts with confusion or surprise when people try to go inside of him though.
Generally, he just accepts it and finds comfort in the situation after they are inside.
If the prey realizes they can't get out of plum..
Or wakes up as a plush..
Or realizes they are turning into stuffing..
They can certainly have an unwilling or fearful reaction to what has happened!
Or they may find the situation quite.. blissful..
Solid Rules:
- Submissive / Bottom Only!
Ebi is a very submissive Kobold and is always eager to serve in any way possible.
He has a natural curiosity in sexual things but is very sheltered from it so he is always embarrassed when it is brought up.
- Prey Only!
Ebi was made to be eaten. Literally.
- Willing / Curious Vore!
Ebi is always willing and flustered at the fact that people want to lick him.. and eat him..
He also is very curious about maws and such but never initiates vore situations himself because he is too embarrassed to do so.
- Always Reforms!
Ebi will always reform somehow.. somewhere.. if he ever meets his fate inside someone's belly.
Ebiโs spirit is too positive and pure to leave this world behind.
He always finds his way into the lives of people who need his undying selflessness the most.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Dragon (Drake)
Favorite Music
Trance/Chillstep, Jamtronica (Livetronica), Alternative Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Progressive/Artistic Rock or Metal, Post Grunge Bands, Swing/Oldies
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Animated Films in General.. Bambi, Zootopia, Robin Hood, Winnie The Pooh, Spirit, Lion King, Rescuers Down Under, Land Before Time, ect.
Favorite Games
Platformers, Simulation/Builders, & RPG's! Spyro, Banjo Kazooie, Crash Bandicoot, The Sims, Viva Pinata TIP, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, ec...
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Playstation 4 | Xbox One | Switch | PC
Favorite Animals
Dragons, Cats, Cows, and Cervines.
Favorite Site
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Favorite Quote
Life's like a bucket of woodshavings, except for when the shavings are in a pail, then it's like a pail of woodshavings!
Favorite Artists
My Wishlist!:
Contact Information

sent a Shiny to -Tanzanite-