by Murderwolf

Black/Red Wolf Fursuit for sale *reserved for now* !
by Murderwolf

by Murderwolf

Murderpony comes to wreck your day
by Murderwolf

by Murderwolf

Remember Kids eat your greens =)
by Murderwolf

by Murderwolf

*derpface* Does this make me look gay? */derpface*
by Murderwolf

My new avatar by j-a-l-m-u *reupload*
by Murderwolf

by Murderwolf

by Murderwolf

by Murderwolf

Phyllium bioculatum male adult [Leaf insect]
by Murderwolf

Phyllium bioculatum female sub-adult [Leaf insect]
by Murderwolf

Scaring a random person *crappy photoanimation*
by Murderwolf

Showing the love to my skeleton
by Murderwolf

Headshot Commission made for me by FoxyWolf
by Murderwolf

by Murderwolf

Casting a Giant shadow on the wall o.o
by Murderwolf

by Murderwolf

by Murderwolf

by Murderwolf

by Murderwolf

Me hoisting Kiba and Chief at the same time
by Murderwolf

Me on Skyrunners with Kiba and chief
by Murderwolf

by Murderwolf

by Murderwolf

by Murderwolf

Garrodor and Chief (with his floppy tongue)
by Murderwolf

One of my new pets a Gongylus Gongylodes
by Murderwolf

What is happening to the world =O
by Murderwolf

by Murderwolf

by Murderwolf

by Murderwolf

Phyllium celebicum (Leaf insect)
by Murderwolf

One of my giant stick bugs (yes that more then 10 inch)
by Murderwolf

by Murderwolf

by Murderwolf