Posted 4 years agoIt’s been ages! I am uploading all art from this past year of rejoining the fandom so bare with me for a hot second or two.
On another note, is anyone considering the most social distanced, triple masked con venture?
On another note, is anyone considering the most social distanced, triple masked con venture?
⭐️COMMISSIONS OPEN ($10+) and ETSY shop link⭐️
Posted 5 years agoHELLO FRIENDS!
I am temporarily opening a few commission types to help donate to the Black Lives Matter movement and Bail funds in Portland, OR. Please see the Commission Info on my user page, but they are briefly listed below:
⭐️Pet Portraits - $10 each
⭐️Floral Bust Portraits - $15
⭐️Character Expression and Full-Body Sheet - $25
Our ETSY shop is also currently donating proceeds to funds, so if you’re looking for some queer planters or beanies, please check us out!
Stay safe friends!
Moved to Portland
Posted 6 years agoWell, I live in a Portland, OR now.
The end.
The end.
Posted 7 years agoI am an old hag in the game of furry communications.
Better late than never?
ZrayUH is the username. Get at me.
Better late than never?
ZrayUH is the username. Get at me.
ANTHROCON! (+Badge Trade?)
Posted 7 years agoOnly a little under two weeks before the shenanigans!
Anyone interested in a potential badge trade?
Anyone interested in a potential badge trade?
VERY IMPORTANT - SilverPocky Aid
Posted 8 years agoA very kind soul needs your help. If you are lucky enough to have crossed paths with her before, you know that she deserves the world and so much more. If anything, please share her journal.
AC Ends | FAU Plans
Posted 8 years agoHEY KIDDOS ---
Anthrocon was an experience; pixelsunshine and I have a new, strange respect for some aspects of the fandom, as well as a casual exhaustion. As always, it was fun, and it was nice being right down the street from our apartment!
We're hoping to tackle smaller cons in the future, so we are planning to attend FA United (FAU) 2016 in August! We're booking a suite with
and heading down to Virginia for the weekend! For some reason they decided to put themselves in the wake of our awful humor for another weekend - god bless them, honestly.
Until next time!
- Zraya
Posted 8 years agoit's getting to be about that time, bitches
Where are you staying?
I'll be skipping between my own apartment (a few blocks from downtown Pittsburgh), the Westin, and whoever else will have me throughout the weekend!
What day are you getting there?
and I live here. So we'll be here all week, but we requested off work Thurs-Sun, so that's when we'll be most active!
How are you traveling?
Has anyone ever said they were walking to the convention? No? Shit, NICE. WELL WE'RE WALKING THERE.
Who will you be rooming with?
If I'm lucky, lunar-epitaph and I will have our honeymoon suite this year. In reality, there are too many people to list now, so I will just say too many.
How is the best way to find you?
You literally have about 22 evolutions to choose from. Good luck.
Are there any panels you might be attending?
I can't lie to myself anymore. Fuck panels.
What do you look like?
Very tol, very angry, very curly hair. Refer to the question two spots above for more details.
Will you be suiting?
If we're all lucky, I will get to represent the famous
again this year. Though, I am secretly hoping I get the chance to adorn a certain tiger suit.
Do you do free art?
okay, but it'll cost ya.
Do you do trades?
I am totally on board for bartering goods for art! CAREFUL, I'M A SWINDLER!
Do you do badges?
The dank spongegar memes burnt me out, so absolutely not.
If you have an Artist's Table, what will you be selling?
NOTHING! However,
and I will have a table in Artist Alley on Saturday, July 2nd. We'll be passing out business cards, cookies, freebies, and debuting the first few pages of our Pittsburgh-inspired comic!
What is your gender?
tiddy x2
How tall are you?
so many*
*six feets
Can I talk to you?
I mean christ, if you HAVE to
Can I touch you?
*fuck u
How can I find you?
my twitter is and I will try my best to be on it, but just ask for my number if you are that desperate damn
Can I visit your room?
your mom can
Can I buy you drinks?
yes yes yes may i reiterate yes most definitely yes probably absolutely yes
Can I hug or snuggle with you?
only if said hugs lead to something nice*
*your enslavement
Are you nice?
I'm a sassy fuck and angry 92% of the time, but I think I am....nice.
Do you have an artist table?
again, yes, saturday, freebies, comic, etc. be there.
Will you be going to parties?
parties generally come to me, but I'll just nod and agree so you'll stop talking.
If I see you, how should I get your attention?
Can I come with you for food/fun/etc?
if you're not jerry or eva, probably not
Can I look in your sketchbook?
Can I draw in your sketchbook?
Can I take your picture?
What's your goal(s) for the con this year?
Bring sexy cop back, get wine drunk too early, hassle
until they regret befriending me, be a major asshole, meet pretty ladies, etc, etc.
Any last remarks?
Where are you staying?
I'll be skipping between my own apartment (a few blocks from downtown Pittsburgh), the Westin, and whoever else will have me throughout the weekend!
What day are you getting there?

How are you traveling?
Has anyone ever said they were walking to the convention? No? Shit, NICE. WELL WE'RE WALKING THERE.
Who will you be rooming with?
If I'm lucky, lunar-epitaph and I will have our honeymoon suite this year. In reality, there are too many people to list now, so I will just say too many.
How is the best way to find you?
You literally have about 22 evolutions to choose from. Good luck.
Are there any panels you might be attending?
I can't lie to myself anymore. Fuck panels.
What do you look like?
Very tol, very angry, very curly hair. Refer to the question two spots above for more details.
Will you be suiting?
If we're all lucky, I will get to represent the famous

Do you do free art?
okay, but it'll cost ya.
Do you do trades?
I am totally on board for bartering goods for art! CAREFUL, I'M A SWINDLER!
Do you do badges?
The dank spongegar memes burnt me out, so absolutely not.
If you have an Artist's Table, what will you be selling?
NOTHING! However,

What is your gender?
tiddy x2
How tall are you?
so many*
*six feets
Can I talk to you?
I mean christ, if you HAVE to
Can I touch you?
*fuck u
How can I find you?
my twitter is and I will try my best to be on it, but just ask for my number if you are that desperate damn
Can I visit your room?
your mom can
Can I buy you drinks?
yes yes yes may i reiterate yes most definitely yes probably absolutely yes
Can I hug or snuggle with you?
only if said hugs lead to something nice*
*your enslavement
Are you nice?
I'm a sassy fuck and angry 92% of the time, but I think I am....nice.
Do you have an artist table?
again, yes, saturday, freebies, comic, etc. be there.
Will you be going to parties?
parties generally come to me, but I'll just nod and agree so you'll stop talking.
If I see you, how should I get your attention?
Can I come with you for food/fun/etc?
if you're not jerry or eva, probably not
Can I look in your sketchbook?
Can I draw in your sketchbook?
Can I take your picture?
What's your goal(s) for the con this year?
Bring sexy cop back, get wine drunk too early, hassle

Any last remarks?
Want to witness my real life chaos? [vLOG]
Posted 9 years agoIt's been about a month and a half, but my roommate's boyfriend's ex roommate has inspired me with making less-than-excellent short snippets about my life. If you are at all interested, here is a link!
pray 4 me
Pittsburgh, Anthrocon, and Badge Trades
Posted 9 years agohello again lovelies!
TLDR: The move was successful, let's get drunk at AC at our apartment, and BADGE TRADE?!
pixelsunshine and I are unpacking and casually making Pittsburgh our new home. It's been a little depressing and disheartening while we job hunt and get used to everything, but I'm sure it'll continue to improve over time. Pixel is working at a Food Truck for the time being, and I have a few job interviews next week.
While I'm in between jobs, I'm trying to tackle a few YCHs if anyone is interested.
The main positive of being in Pittsburgh is being a hop and skip away from AnthroCon! We'll probably have a party and/or dinner at our place at some point during the festivities, but we'll put up updates as it gets closer. No idea if I'll do badges for it - probs not, haha.
Though, if someone would like to do a badge trade, let me know!
-Zray UH
Life Updates - Pittsburgh Move, Gay Security, and Birthday
Posted 9 years agohello darlings!
TLDR: We moved, we met a gay security guard, and tomorrow is Pixel's birthday!
pixelsunshine and I have moved into our apartment in Pittsburgh and it's been a stressful, but fun adventure so far! We've spent the last two days exploring the Lawrenceville area and watching the sunset over the city skyline with anticipation for AnthroCon this summer. (We're seriously just a handful of blocks down from all the chaos, yassss!)
Today while setting up a new bank account, a security guard stopped me to tell me I had a beautiful twin that he saw earlier that morning. He then asked where I was from, and I told him I had just moved from Morgantown. He then proceeds to ramble on and on about Vice Versa, and I must have looked shocked because he eventually mutters "Well you see, I'm gay." I manage to respond, "ME TOO!" after an awkward pause and we high five. Then he drags his manager over (also apparently gay) and yells "THIS GIRL'S FAMILY".
Our neighbors are kindly and strange (one's name is Rio, one has tattoos of garlic bulbs on her arm, one's a gay fashion designer, and one is a witch; no joke).
I have a job interview at the hospital on Friday, so hopefully that works out! If not I will be opening a few YCHs to keep some money for groceries in the bank.
's birthday! GO WISH HER GAY THINGS!
Life Updates - Move to Pittsburgh
Posted 9 years agoHello my beautiful lovelies,
TL;DR - We are moving to Pittsburgh! It sounds scary.
After weeks of browsing, a stressful two-day trip up to Pittsburgh, a week of waiting, and numerous compromises with the landlady, pixelsunshine and I got an apartment! All the rooms have a beautiful view of the city, and it's super close to EVERYTHING! All the jobs I am applying to, all the artsy-fartsy hipster-esque shops we have a guilty pleasure for, and a few of our new pals up there! (It's also a hop and a skip away from the chaos that will be AnthroCon this summer, hehehe).
During the two day trip, we bumped into
(okay, we showed up at their abode with little notice), and they treated us so kindly and made tea and gossiped about life and ordered pizza when we had to kill a few hours. I can't express the appreciation, especially since it was our first time meeting them in person and we are very excited to spend many city adventures with them, if they will have us.
I am slightly terrified of this change, especially since Pixel had two years after her graduation to build some job experience while staying close to family and friends. Fresh out of college, I'm slightly intimidated of what lies ahead. But as always, I'll try my best to get through it. I hope to meet some new, cool people in the good ol' steel city (and maybe some ladies too hehehehEHEHEHHEHEHEHE).
On that note, I should probably go finish some of my papers and get ready for work. I'll probably try to hold a few more YCH-style auctions to save up extra money for the move, so keep an eye out!
You are all a blessing, I swear.
birthday sex
Posted 9 years agolisa I booked you a flight to deliver
haha, hey hotties! tomorrow is my 22nd birthday, and I am prepared to drink a ton of beer with some of my semi-cool friends (especially pixel)
I always forget about my birthday until the day of, so I am impressed I am recognizing it tonight
kiriban only about 80 pageviews away! [OVER YO]
Posted 9 years agopixel is laughing at my gallery it is all the gf so i'm doing a kiriban for free art
do people still these?
well, in the upper right corner, there's a little pageview count.
screenshot and send me an image at 22,222
and momma will hook you up with some art
free art! [22,222 kiriban]
Posted 9 years agopixel is laughing at my gallery it is all the gf so i'm doing a kiriban for free art
do people still these?
well, in the upper right corner, there's a little pageview count.
screenshot and send me an image at 22,222
and momma will hook you up with some art
our faces? cat noises over the f bomb? [vlog]
Posted 9 years agoHELLO, MY LOVELIES!
and I have started a vlog to demonstrate how we feel about life, love, and various other things that will offend both you and your mother.
The first episode is a chaotic attempt to show you our interactions (which was cut down from 45 minutes of raw, angry footage), as well as our piss poor attempt to figure out how vlogs even work.
Stay tuned for more, it's gonna get weird.
happy new year [much like the rest of your notifications]
Posted 9 years ago
I am currently sitting in bed with a major headache as
tunes my ukulele. (This is not a sexual reference, I assure you.)
He went to his first gay bar last night, so I guess that is a beautiful way to start 2016.
I came here to type a heartfelt, "this year has been challenging but worthwhile and I am excited for this next adventure" journal, but honestly I am very hungover and wish I could fall back asleep.
my ladyfriend drunkenly asked me to be official last night, so let's see if she can ask me again when the influence is not strong with her.
happy new year, my loves.
not another christmas journal
Posted 9 years agoi lied
merr chrismas bitches
UGUGUGUGH I hope you all have a beautiful day with your loves and families! I'm going home tomorrow morning and leaving poor Galt (my laptop) behind for a few days. sorry friend.
I'm sure I'll post another gay update before the new year because oh boy it will be a good one!
Mini Vacation - Sangawa Project
Posted 9 years agohey cutie booties,
I've managed to survive my final spanish interviews and papers, so only one class separates me from our yearly december trip to carnegie for a baby anime con called Sangawa Project!
and I are driving up after she gets off work and we'll be reuniting with

last night I was provided a beautiful surprise that 

I swear we are the only furries there, it's hilarious.
Mini Vacation - Sangawa Project
Posted 9 years agohey cutie booties,
I've managed to survive my final spanish interviews and papers, so only one class separates me from our yearly december trip to carnegie for a baby anime con called Sangawa Project!
and I are driving up after she gets off work and we'll be reuniting with 
last night I was provided a beautiful surprise that 

I swear we are the only furries there, it's hilarious.
Life Updates - The Next Few Months
Posted 9 years agosup, ladies (and guys if you're cool),
I am heading back to my hometown after a year of being awol (aside from the quick funeral I stopped in for last spring). My body is ready to be away from college and work and life for a few days. I doubt I'll be uploading much because everything is staying in my apartment, but I'll be attempting to tackle some christmas gifts while I'm back home. (bless pixel for getting me a toned sketchbook sobs)
As for life and junk, I'm coming up on my last semester in college! Both terrifying and exciting, but regardless I think I am ready to leave Morgantown behind. It's a beauty of a small city and I love it dearly, but four years has taken it's toll and I'm ready to tackle my next adventure. Speaking of said adventure,
and I are considering Pittsburgh! (What a shock that we're taking our next step TOGETHER - what will our significant others think of this scandal?!) But yes, the beautiful land that houses AnthroCon! If any of you are in the area, please get at us! We're hoping to start looking in March and would love some new lovelies to hang out with!
I hope life is treating you all well around the approaching holidays! I can't believe that 2015 is almost over. It's been a long (but quick) year of life changing realizations and learning a million new things. Maybe 2016 will be a little easier to handle now that we've been through so much this year.
Stay strong, my lovelies!
Posted 9 years agoI'm not sure if you guys want me to continue the YCHs or nah, so I'm just going to do a regular commission this week!
- 2 characters
- inked, colored, shaded, etc
the price is $25, lovelies~
I really drawing couples I am so sorry friends
finished image examples:
if you're interested please note me!
new job, inktober, and life updates
Posted 9 years agosup LADIES (and doods),
I posted an image talking about a second interview a few weeks ago, and I finally received the job offer last week! So I do a pile of tests on Tuesday, and I start in October! Super excited! I'll be working at the hospital, so finally gaining some experience in my field OUTSIDE OF JUST WORKING AT RESTAURANTS MY ENTIRE COLLEGE CAREER. (I also get to work with Pixel's boyfriend, which should provide plenty of shenanigans to draw).
Aside from a new job, my semester of classes has finally calmed down enough for me to organize my life around it. (I'm sure this will be obliterated once I start working again, haha). Soon I'll be applying to internships and crossing my fingers until my final semester starts. Please excuse me as I puke over the thought of finally graduating and having to tackle the real world. Pixel and I have been holding off on accepting that we'll have to move in the Spring, with zero idea where we both want to end up. I've looked in places in the DC area, Philadelphia, Frederick, Pittsburgh, Colorado, Texas, California, Seattle, Louisiana, etc etc. Who knows where I end up! Maybe I'll get to meet some new furries wherever I end up, hah!
INKTOBER STARTS ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1ST. Is anyone else going to tackle it? Pixel and I are going to try our best to not be burnt out halfway through the month.
And as for other life updates, my life is full of disciplined working out (with hopes that I can finally take my kickboxing course in the spring since the surgery hindered the fall class), and a very scattered search for a Netflix and Chill buddy. Just kidding, I'm just casually hanging out with a few people and getting bailed on 89% of the time. It's an interesting life at least.
I hope you all have been doing well! You're all a BLESSING to me! c':
- Zraya
trades I gots ta do:
Posted 9 years agoWHAT IS THIS?
Ask me all the dirty, disgusting questions.
[or normal ones, that's cool too]
surgery? a THING OF THE PAST
Posted 9 years agohello all, again, once more, as always
It's been about two weeks since my surgery and I am overwhelmed (and overjoyed) to find myself almost completely back to normal! Though I still have to take it easy with carrying things (poor
, I make her carry all the groceries up all 3 flights of stairs to our apartment), but aside from that I am feeling pretty awesome! No more pains in my side, and the four incisions are healing! Anthrax, the one on my upper abdomen, is proving slightly difficult. The surgeon told me that he will get better soon, but he's a fighter. (The other day he started bleeding, and we found out that blood had built up in the incision after they closed it during surgery, so it FINALLY was able to come out and release some pressure on my chest.)
Now Anthrax is flat and happier than ever. (Shelly, Bubbles, and Kurt are the good children and have not given me any problems during recovery.)
The doctors said I can go back to the gym as long as I solely do cardio. So, I will have to continue to enviously watch everyone use the weights. But hey, I'll take what I can get!
On another note, school has started here and I'm struggling to get back into the groove. Though this semester I am putting a focus on gaining experience (I have an interview at the hospital this week), as well as get to know my LGBTQ Organization here. The first meeting was one to remember, haha. (THERE WERE ALSO A LOT OF HOT LADIES THERE HNNNGGGGG).
I will try to tackle a few YCHs here and there, but I know that as the semester progresses, I'll be drowning in misery and probably only take time to draw some gay personal shit.
You all are just going to have to deal, hurhur.
Also, if you want to experience more LIVE remarks, feel free to follow my twitter! My name is zrayUH!
Until next time!