Finally back again
Posted 4 years agoHello there, wasn't active in quite a whole, have I?
Well I've not been uploading anything in far too long but now I'm back again with some new art on the horizen owo
Just gotta get some of the most recent art up on my page with more to come tomorrow
So look forward to those pics new (and rather old that I should have uploaded so long ago @w@)
But with that said, I'm gonna head to bed in a bit
So good night everyone! uwu
Well I've not been uploading anything in far too long but now I'm back again with some new art on the horizen owo
Just gotta get some of the most recent art up on my page with more to come tomorrow
So look forward to those pics new (and rather old that I should have uploaded so long ago @w@)
But with that said, I'm gonna head to bed in a bit
So good night everyone! uwu
Guessing Contest - ended
Posted 5 years agoHey there everybody!
So my guessing contest is closed now. Anymore comments regarding the contest will be ignored - unlees it's a question or suggestion of improvement or so
Thank you all for participating and don't worry if you didn't win this time, I will do some more contests like this in thr future - but way better organized. ^^;
I will get to draw the winner's reward soon, but please be patient about it ^^;
I'll be busy for work the next time as well
And since there were only two winners instead of three, I will randomly choose one of the participants to get the third slot by random chance
So any of you who participated but sadly didn't guess right, one of you will have the luck to get the third winner slot!
I'll send a journal or pic regarding to the 3 winners when i've got the third one chosen
(But i'm still busy cleaning my room and going to a birthday party later this day so it might take a while ^^;)
I will aslo send a dm to the 3rd winner
That would be all for now
See ya all and have a nice day!
So my guessing contest is closed now. Anymore comments regarding the contest will be ignored - unlees it's a question or suggestion of improvement or so
Thank you all for participating and don't worry if you didn't win this time, I will do some more contests like this in thr future - but way better organized. ^^;
I will get to draw the winner's reward soon, but please be patient about it ^^;
I'll be busy for work the next time as well
And since there were only two winners instead of three, I will randomly choose one of the participants to get the third slot by random chance
So any of you who participated but sadly didn't guess right, one of you will have the luck to get the third winner slot!
I'll send a journal or pic regarding to the 3 winners when i've got the third one chosen
(But i'm still busy cleaning my room and going to a birthday party later this day so it might take a while ^^;)
I will aslo send a dm to the 3rd winner
That would be all for now
See ya all and have a nice day!
About that raffle
Posted 5 years agoHello everybody,
soooo... my raffle for 100 watchers didn't go as I thought it would go
I still have to learn a bit about doing a good raffle... and I think I had a lot too many possibilities to answer in this one
So a bit too low chances to guess right ^^;
That's why I decided to close this raffle soon
I will keep it open for 3 more days from now on. So you'll have 72 hours to still take one or two guesses to have a chance on guessing right - but I'll increase your chances to win now
Also everyone who already guessed two times will get one final chance - becausee I think under the first conditions the chances to win might have been a bit unfair ^^;
The rest will be noted in the 100 watchers pic's info
Also I promise to think about and structure future raffles a bit more thoughtfull ^^;
I also have to make easier to guess questions
But for now you just have to know that you get another shot at my raffle
Also I will start drawing the winner's pics either when I've found 3 winners or when the raffle ends.
So far this would be all I think that has to he said - at least from my side
Well then, see all and have a nice day! nwn
soooo... my raffle for 100 watchers didn't go as I thought it would go
I still have to learn a bit about doing a good raffle... and I think I had a lot too many possibilities to answer in this one
So a bit too low chances to guess right ^^;
That's why I decided to close this raffle soon
I will keep it open for 3 more days from now on. So you'll have 72 hours to still take one or two guesses to have a chance on guessing right - but I'll increase your chances to win now
Also everyone who already guessed two times will get one final chance - becausee I think under the first conditions the chances to win might have been a bit unfair ^^;
The rest will be noted in the 100 watchers pic's info
Also I promise to think about and structure future raffles a bit more thoughtfull ^^;
I also have to make easier to guess questions
But for now you just have to know that you get another shot at my raffle
Also I will start drawing the winner's pics either when I've found 3 winners or when the raffle ends.
So far this would be all I think that has to he said - at least from my side
Well then, see all and have a nice day! nwn
My first contest and I'm already changing all the rules ^^;
Posted 5 years agoHey there!
As some of you already noticed I've made up an guessing contest for reaching 100 watchers and I know I already sett the rules but I think I'll change them a bit
(It's my first time doing a contest like this, so please don't be too hard on me <w>;)
So i decided to acutally make 3 possible winners for this contest since I have 4 possible correcf answers and there are a lot of chemical elements to choose from so I'm trying to turn the chances to win a bit higher.
That's why everyone gets - if needed - a second chance to guess!
So a note for everyone who already guessed once you all have a second chance to guess.
And only elements from the periodic table of elements! No compounds, molecules or similiar stuff - the chances to guess correctly would just reach a jokingly small percentage ^^;
If you have further questions regardign this contest or just anything in that regards, ask me right here or in the comments of my pic post for 100 watchers
That should be all
Have a nice day! nwn7
As some of you already noticed I've made up an guessing contest for reaching 100 watchers and I know I already sett the rules but I think I'll change them a bit
(It's my first time doing a contest like this, so please don't be too hard on me <w>;)
So i decided to acutally make 3 possible winners for this contest since I have 4 possible correcf answers and there are a lot of chemical elements to choose from so I'm trying to turn the chances to win a bit higher.
That's why everyone gets - if needed - a second chance to guess!
So a note for everyone who already guessed once you all have a second chance to guess.
And only elements from the periodic table of elements! No compounds, molecules or similiar stuff - the chances to guess correctly would just reach a jokingly small percentage ^^;
If you have further questions regardign this contest or just anything in that regards, ask me right here or in the comments of my pic post for 100 watchers
That should be all
Have a nice day! nwn7
100+ watchers? I don't know what to say ^^;
Posted 6 years agoAs the title tells:
I want to thank all of you for watching me and for your likes and comments and feedback and... just for everything you did to help me and give me feedback and all
(I seriously don't know how to do a small "thank-you-speech" since this is the first time I had the opportunity and reason to thank so many people for supporting me ^^;)
I just want to say:
Thank you all for, well...watching my art and showing me that you like it, I really appreciate it as well as your feedback nwn
I have met a lot of cool and amazing people and made new friends while being here on FA and now I reached the milestone of 100 watchers which I honestly never thouht I'd reach in my life time ^^;
At first I didn't even think about uploading art here because I was really shy (and I still am :P) and I wasn't sure how others would react to me uploading my art and now I'm here ^^;
(I'm just a shy introverted Lati... <w>;)
But getting this far is pretty cool for me I think ^^
But back to topic:
So for reaching 100 watchers I have a few things
3 to be exact:
1st: I'll promise to be more active at drawing and uploading art, maybe not a pic every week but rather a pic a month at least ^^;
2nd: I'll upload a new pic with a little extra very soon ^w^
3rd: There will be a bigger and I think really fun project to work on in the future. It will take more time than a common pic (at least I think so :P) and I will tell you more about it in the future.
I think that's enough talking for now ^^;
So thank you all so much for watching again and have a great day or night (depending on your timezone) and see you all the next time! ^^
I want to thank all of you for watching me and for your likes and comments and feedback and... just for everything you did to help me and give me feedback and all
(I seriously don't know how to do a small "thank-you-speech" since this is the first time I had the opportunity and reason to thank so many people for supporting me ^^;)
I just want to say:
Thank you all for, well...watching my art and showing me that you like it, I really appreciate it as well as your feedback nwn
I have met a lot of cool and amazing people and made new friends while being here on FA and now I reached the milestone of 100 watchers which I honestly never thouht I'd reach in my life time ^^;
At first I didn't even think about uploading art here because I was really shy (and I still am :P) and I wasn't sure how others would react to me uploading my art and now I'm here ^^;
(I'm just a shy introverted Lati... <w>;)
But getting this far is pretty cool for me I think ^^
But back to topic:
So for reaching 100 watchers I have a few things
3 to be exact:
1st: I'll promise to be more active at drawing and uploading art, maybe not a pic every week but rather a pic a month at least ^^;
2nd: I'll upload a new pic with a little extra very soon ^w^
3rd: There will be a bigger and I think really fun project to work on in the future. It will take more time than a common pic (at least I think so :P) and I will tell you more about it in the future.
I think that's enough talking for now ^^;
So thank you all so much for watching again and have a great day or night (depending on your timezone) and see you all the next time! ^^
In the upcomming weeks
Posted 6 years agoHi everybody!
Since I'll have my interior exam this tuesday, I will finally have more time to draw again afterwards.
So you can finally expect some new pictures going to be uploaded here the next time
And yes I know I don't draw that much or upload that much either but after my exam I can finally focus more on drawing again ^^
That would be all
Wish you all a good day~
Since I'll have my interior exam this tuesday, I will finally have more time to draw again afterwards.
So you can finally expect some new pictures going to be uploaded here the next time
And yes I know I don't draw that much or upload that much either but after my exam I can finally focus more on drawing again ^^
That would be all
Wish you all a good day~
Joy in drawing - revived!
Posted 6 years agoHey there everybody!
You may read this or you may not want to
So if you want to know the important stuff then you can skip to the end of this journal if you want
But I want to let you all know that I'm finally through a very long "I'm-not-motivated-enough-to-draw-phase"... as you may have noticed... if you even still care enough about my art anymore after all that ;>~>
But I'm finally out of what felt like a hole of various emotions and stress.
Work, school, private life and my family took a lot of time and energy this year... and it was a bad year especially for my family, but I won't annoy you with the details now.
Anyways I got over this stuff now and I also have more time and motivation to draw again ^^
But I at least got an improved drawing style out of this time and I hope to give my upcoming drawings a higher quality like I did in my recent upload
I also tried out some new techniques in this pic. I maybe won't draw all of my pics like that for now because that's like next level drawing for me - at least for now >w0
But I'll definitely keep up some of those drawing techniques
And as promised: I'll finish the drawings that I promised to do. At this point I won't even set a time when I'll get them done to not disappoint you any further...
And because of that I'll from now on open 2 - 3 slots for requests instead of just taking them via notes.
That way I won't overload me with requests to draw
I'll open those slots whenever I feel like it.
Trades won't really change that much - I wouldn't know how ^^;
And I'll probably think about doing commissions in the future - but that is a thing for the future.
So to recap:
I'll bring out more and higher quality drawings in the future
I'll do the requests I still got
I'll open slots for requests when I feel like it
Trades will stay the same
I'll draw some of my own ideas in the near future - I've got a lot in my mind that I wanted to draw for a long time >w0
And in the future a commission slot will probably be upcoming - but it's not sure yet
Well that should be everything for now
I hope some of you are still are looking forward to see new art from me in the future
That should be all for now
I hope you have a great day - or evening if you're in my timezone xP
See you around and stay tuned for new art comming up!
Have a good time!
You may read this or you may not want to
So if you want to know the important stuff then you can skip to the end of this journal if you want
But I want to let you all know that I'm finally through a very long "I'm-not-motivated-enough-to-draw-phase"... as you may have noticed... if you even still care enough about my art anymore after all that ;>~>
But I'm finally out of what felt like a hole of various emotions and stress.
Work, school, private life and my family took a lot of time and energy this year... and it was a bad year especially for my family, but I won't annoy you with the details now.
Anyways I got over this stuff now and I also have more time and motivation to draw again ^^
But I at least got an improved drawing style out of this time and I hope to give my upcoming drawings a higher quality like I did in my recent upload
I also tried out some new techniques in this pic. I maybe won't draw all of my pics like that for now because that's like next level drawing for me - at least for now >w0
But I'll definitely keep up some of those drawing techniques
And as promised: I'll finish the drawings that I promised to do. At this point I won't even set a time when I'll get them done to not disappoint you any further...
And because of that I'll from now on open 2 - 3 slots for requests instead of just taking them via notes.
That way I won't overload me with requests to draw
I'll open those slots whenever I feel like it.
Trades won't really change that much - I wouldn't know how ^^;
And I'll probably think about doing commissions in the future - but that is a thing for the future.
So to recap:
I'll bring out more and higher quality drawings in the future
I'll do the requests I still got
I'll open slots for requests when I feel like it
Trades will stay the same
I'll draw some of my own ideas in the near future - I've got a lot in my mind that I wanted to draw for a long time >w0
And in the future a commission slot will probably be upcoming - but it's not sure yet
Well that should be everything for now
I hope some of you are still are looking forward to see new art from me in the future
That should be all for now
I hope you have a great day - or evening if you're in my timezone xP
See you around and stay tuned for new art comming up!
Have a good time!
Update (not a really creative title)
Posted 6 years agoWell I have to tell you all again...
I'm pumped full of requests, trades and own ideas to draw again =~=
That means I'll put a stop to new requests or trades for now to an open end.
I'll let you know when I take trades and requests again but that will take some time
I really like doing reqests for you and trades with you... but at the moment I just have too much to do at once ^~^'
Of course I'll do/finish the requests that I already got ^^
...hopefully in time v-v'
I still have to say it's amazing that you all ask me to draw something for you... when I began on FA I didn't expect to get any/not that many requests/trades at all ^^'
That shows me that you really like what I draw... although I need too long for some of my pics - at least in my opinion ^~^'
I guess I didn't forget to mention anything so far
So that shall be enough information for now
Have a lovely day! ^w^
I'm pumped full of requests, trades and own ideas to draw again =~=
That means I'll put a stop to new requests or trades for now to an open end.
I'll let you know when I take trades and requests again but that will take some time
I really like doing reqests for you and trades with you... but at the moment I just have too much to do at once ^~^'
Of course I'll do/finish the requests that I already got ^^
...hopefully in time v-v'
I still have to say it's amazing that you all ask me to draw something for you... when I began on FA I didn't expect to get any/not that many requests/trades at all ^^'
That shows me that you really like what I draw... although I need too long for some of my pics - at least in my opinion ^~^'
I guess I didn't forget to mention anything so far
So that shall be enough information for now
Have a lovely day! ^w^
An update once again
Posted 6 years agoHello there guys and gals!
Well as you may have noticed... I uploaded two requests from already several months ago... and I still have one or two to do...
I will promise that I'll get to the requests I get from you *WAY* sooner from now on TwT
So this journal is pretty much to apologise for all the requests that aren't done yet and that I uploaded just now... although I got them a long time ago v-v'
Well I hope I didn't upset someone up until this point... although some of you have a good reason to be upset ^^'
Anyways, have all a great day - or night ^^
Well as you may have noticed... I uploaded two requests from already several months ago... and I still have one or two to do...
I will promise that I'll get to the requests I get from you *WAY* sooner from now on TwT
So this journal is pretty much to apologise for all the requests that aren't done yet and that I uploaded just now... although I got them a long time ago v-v'
Well I hope I didn't upset someone up until this point... although some of you have a good reason to be upset ^^'
Anyways, have all a great day - or night ^^
I got something new! ^^
Posted 7 years agoHi guys!
I finally got myself a tablet! So I have the possibility to make digital art from now on! ^^
There is only one problem:
I don't have an art app yet...
(I tried gimp... but it's not working on my tablet... for whatever reason)
That's where I need your guys' opinion/help:
What art app(s) do you use or know?
Or what are good apps in your opinion?
If you have/know an app (and if you want to tell me) just send me a note or comment on this journal.
I appreciate all the help I can get.
Have a nice day! ^u^
I finally got myself a tablet! So I have the possibility to make digital art from now on! ^^
There is only one problem:
I don't have an art app yet...
(I tried gimp... but it's not working on my tablet... for whatever reason)
That's where I need your guys' opinion/help:
What art app(s) do you use or know?
Or what are good apps in your opinion?
If you have/know an app (and if you want to tell me) just send me a note or comment on this journal.
I appreciate all the help I can get.
Have a nice day! ^u^
Again about requests (nothing new yet? :P )
Posted 7 years agoHi guys!
Just wanted to let you all know that I won't accept anymore requests until... let's say until the end of april I won't take new requests.
My explanation for this:
I want and have to finish the old requests now but I don't find enough time to do so... -_-
And I don't want to take too long to show you all what you asked me to do for you (meaning your requests)
Just wanted to let you all know that I won't accept anymore requests until... let's say until the end of april I won't take new requests.
My explanation for this:
I want and have to finish the old requests now but I don't find enough time to do so... -_-
And I don't want to take too long to show you all what you asked me to do for you (meaning your requests)
Wow, 1000 pageviews!?
Posted 7 years agoYay 1000 views! (And 200+ favourites...if anyone cares :P)
I seriously never thought that so many people would visit my page in that short amount of time... well about 3 or 4 month is quite long if you look at it that way... but I'm sure you all know what I mean. After all I didn't start on FA as an artist but rather as a watcher - until someone wanted to trade with me for my first time and now I'm here. So the development of my account is pretty surprising - especially for me.
I'm not sure if I should or if I want to draw something like a 1000 pageview 'celebration' picture... but I will probably draw a little sketch if I feel like it.
And yes, I still have requests to do but I'll try to finish them all in the next few weeks.
I still take requests but as I have mentioned already: It takes me some or rather more time to draw the requests. Because I don't always feel like drawing or I want or have to do other things.
I will talk about new requests but I just feel stupid when I take a request and I take so long to finish it. And the worst is that I always have the feeling that I disappoint you if you have to wait too long for your request. So I might have to find a solution for my request problem there - maybe a limited number of requests I take in one month?
I'm not sure yet but I'll find something out.
In the end I just want to thank everyone for the support and the feedback so far.
Hope you all enjoy my art and I'll see you soon, have a nice day! :D
I seriously never thought that so many people would visit my page in that short amount of time... well about 3 or 4 month is quite long if you look at it that way... but I'm sure you all know what I mean. After all I didn't start on FA as an artist but rather as a watcher - until someone wanted to trade with me for my first time and now I'm here. So the development of my account is pretty surprising - especially for me.
I'm not sure if I should or if I want to draw something like a 1000 pageview 'celebration' picture... but I will probably draw a little sketch if I feel like it.
And yes, I still have requests to do but I'll try to finish them all in the next few weeks.
I still take requests but as I have mentioned already: It takes me some or rather more time to draw the requests. Because I don't always feel like drawing or I want or have to do other things.
I will talk about new requests but I just feel stupid when I take a request and I take so long to finish it. And the worst is that I always have the feeling that I disappoint you if you have to wait too long for your request. So I might have to find a solution for my request problem there - maybe a limited number of requests I take in one month?
I'm not sure yet but I'll find something out.
In the end I just want to thank everyone for the support and the feedback so far.
Hope you all enjoy my art and I'll see you soon, have a nice day! :D
Another info journal - Yay!
Posted 7 years agoHello everybody!
I'm back from the dead!... or at least I have time to draw again... sooooo... yeah...😅
I have yet another request update for you all:
As I have already mentioned: I can't tell anyone when I get their requests or trades done.
I just had much to do the last few weeks and also I drifted away from drawing because I found my love to Overwatch again and my grandma had a pretty bad time where my family and I really HAD TO support her. But now I'm back again! (except for the time when I'm playing Overwatch or Nintendo ;P )
About the requests that I still have to do:
I still remember (hopefully) every request I got from all of you and I will finish them - can't tell when exactly, as already mentioned.
Now to a new subject: Discord.
I have it and I already did some rps with other artists. And they all noticed that I wasn't online for quite some time - just like my FA activity. I just wanted to take a break and do something else since I overdid it almost everytime on Discord.
Sometimes I found myself writing on 4 different rps at the same time while I tried to draw or while I played a video game... in any case that was a stupid idea...
So no one from Discord might have noticed it but yes, most of the times I do like 3 rps at once. And that was my stupid mistake, I know.
Just so you all know what I'm doing when I'm on Discord. :P
Also one last thing to Discord: the time management is totally stupid because I'm in the european time zone.
Meaning: Your noon or afternoon is my evening or night... My buddies on Discord already know about this but everyone new to my Discord account might want to know this.
(Timezones suck...)
That's all for now as far as I know. I'm writing this at 11:50pm my time so you might can tell that I'm almost falling asleep and can't think clear. So if anything sounds strange or straight up stupid don't wonder why :D
Wish you all a great time - since the timezones screw up the 'Wishing you a great DAY' ;)
... at least I think so...
I'm back from the dead!... or at least I have time to draw again... sooooo... yeah...😅
I have yet another request update for you all:
As I have already mentioned: I can't tell anyone when I get their requests or trades done.
I just had much to do the last few weeks and also I drifted away from drawing because I found my love to Overwatch again and my grandma had a pretty bad time where my family and I really HAD TO support her. But now I'm back again! (except for the time when I'm playing Overwatch or Nintendo ;P )
About the requests that I still have to do:
I still remember (hopefully) every request I got from all of you and I will finish them - can't tell when exactly, as already mentioned.
Now to a new subject: Discord.
I have it and I already did some rps with other artists. And they all noticed that I wasn't online for quite some time - just like my FA activity. I just wanted to take a break and do something else since I overdid it almost everytime on Discord.
Sometimes I found myself writing on 4 different rps at the same time while I tried to draw or while I played a video game... in any case that was a stupid idea...
So no one from Discord might have noticed it but yes, most of the times I do like 3 rps at once. And that was my stupid mistake, I know.
Just so you all know what I'm doing when I'm on Discord. :P
Also one last thing to Discord: the time management is totally stupid because I'm in the european time zone.
Meaning: Your noon or afternoon is my evening or night... My buddies on Discord already know about this but everyone new to my Discord account might want to know this.
(Timezones suck...)
That's all for now as far as I know. I'm writing this at 11:50pm my time so you might can tell that I'm almost falling asleep and can't think clear. So if anything sounds strange or straight up stupid don't wonder why :D
Wish you all a great time - since the timezones screw up the 'Wishing you a great DAY' ;)
... at least I think so...
Regarding to requests
Posted 7 years agoHi there guys and girls!
I wanted to give you all a quick update to the requests I'm doing.
I know I have many different requests by now and I absolutely hope that I didn't forget to write one down to remember myself.
So since I have many requests at the time and maybe already overlooked some I want to adress the following:
If you feel like I forgot about your request you can remind and/or ask me at any time. That helps me and you know that your request isn't lost.
But please keep in mind: I don't promise when a request will be done unless I know it 100 percently. I just don't want to disappoint anyone with the requests getting done or not.
One last thing:
I also want to try and keep doing the requests chronologically. So if you've just asked me for a request or trade then please be understanding when it's about getting them drawn.
That's all for now. I hope I cleared some misconceptions (if there where anynone)
So I wish you all a nice day and have a good one ^^
I wanted to give you all a quick update to the requests I'm doing.
I know I have many different requests by now and I absolutely hope that I didn't forget to write one down to remember myself.
So since I have many requests at the time and maybe already overlooked some I want to adress the following:
If you feel like I forgot about your request you can remind and/or ask me at any time. That helps me and you know that your request isn't lost.
But please keep in mind: I don't promise when a request will be done unless I know it 100 percently. I just don't want to disappoint anyone with the requests getting done or not.
One last thing:
I also want to try and keep doing the requests chronologically. So if you've just asked me for a request or trade then please be understanding when it's about getting them drawn.
That's all for now. I hope I cleared some misconceptions (if there where anynone)
So I wish you all a nice day and have a good one ^^
Posted 7 years agoI've got Discord now.
For adding me (only if you want):
For adding me (only if you want):
Some information about my content
Posted 7 years agoTo give you some information to my content I'm jus going to write a list:
- mainly Pokemon (I want to try all pokemon in some way)
- other animals or something like it (just normal pics with some exceptions ;)
- inflation
- bubble gum blowing
- bubble blowing in general
- bubble traps
- (hopefully) cute little sketches
- comics and/or sequences
(I take requests and I also do trades as some of you already know)
Plans for the future:
- SCP related drawings
- Sight-Seeing in the SCP-Foundation
=> funny, non-creepy but also some creepy stuff with my favorite SCP's and some SCP insiders
Author's note: I want to make SCP pics because I always loved this "mega-creepypasta". I also want to improve on drawing details and making pictures look more realistic in every way possible.
(But seriously if you like creepypastas and/or horror games and you haven't heard of the SCP-Foundation I HIGHLY recommend looking ir up. This whole creepypasta genre is just absolutely well made. I really like it :D)
As already said the SCP thing is just a plan. Maybe I'll upload these future pictures on a new account when I get there. We'll see ;)
But for now there will be pokemon. =)
Anyways: I wish you all a good night, morning or whatever timezone at whatever time your reading this =3
- mainly Pokemon (I want to try all pokemon in some way)
- other animals or something like it (just normal pics with some exceptions ;)
- inflation
- bubble gum blowing
- bubble blowing in general
- bubble traps
- (hopefully) cute little sketches
- comics and/or sequences
(I take requests and I also do trades as some of you already know)
Plans for the future:
- SCP related drawings
- Sight-Seeing in the SCP-Foundation
=> funny, non-creepy but also some creepy stuff with my favorite SCP's and some SCP insiders
Author's note: I want to make SCP pics because I always loved this "mega-creepypasta". I also want to improve on drawing details and making pictures look more realistic in every way possible.
(But seriously if you like creepypastas and/or horror games and you haven't heard of the SCP-Foundation I HIGHLY recommend looking ir up. This whole creepypasta genre is just absolutely well made. I really like it :D)
As already said the SCP thing is just a plan. Maybe I'll upload these future pictures on a new account when I get there. We'll see ;)
But for now there will be pokemon. =)
Anyways: I wish you all a good night, morning or whatever timezone at whatever time your reading this =3