Another call for help in the sea of interwebs!
Posted 8 years ago
This poor people
Eziel is in a heap of medical issues, and need what help can be given :c If donations aren't doable, please just spread the above link for their sake, please!!
This poor people

Help save some doggies! Please?
Posted 9 years agoA good friend of mine,
Gollandarr Needs help moving out of their current living space, so they can bring their two dogs home after being away from them for a very long time.
If you can, please share this journal to spread the word. help some adorable pups in need get a good home:
If you can spare some money, this is the Gofundme campaign they have set up to help.
Every dollar helps out, every kind word and share of that journal above is appreciated as well.

If you can, please share this journal to spread the word. help some adorable pups in need get a good home:
If you can spare some money, this is the Gofundme campaign they have set up to help.
Every dollar helps out, every kind word and share of that journal above is appreciated as well.
Thanks for renewing your subscription
Posted 9 years agoAnother 364.25 day has been added to your account.
Please remember that you have a lot of people that love you all, and I'm especially happy that you're all here. Happy new year, everybody. Hope this year goes better than the last, or even the ones before. <3
Please remember that you have a lot of people that love you all, and I'm especially happy that you're all here. Happy new year, everybody. Hope this year goes better than the last, or even the ones before. <3
Role-play? And some life updates
Posted 9 years agoHey everybody. Gonna be backwards and address the latter topic in the title first.
So I'm sorry I haven't uploaded more art pieces >.< There are commissions with my face floating around, and I'll probably get to uploading them in the next week or so.
We passed 1600 pageviews a while back, and I'm still baffled as to why I have watchers, but thanks everyone who made it happen!
I'm fortunate enough to have work, but I don't like my job. Gotts get off my ass and finish applying for a place with better pay. @3@
Ok, time for the other meat and potatoes: I want to do more detailed roleplays. Both naughty and clean stuff. I used to do paragraph-level text RPGs when I was younger, but now I feel like I've let myself get lazy with my words.
If you're interested in an rp, please please pleeease send me a note with your f-list (ish okay if you don't have one ^-^ ), and we can talk about stuff. I'll gladly link you to my own, but I warn you! It's horribly rough and bland. If you think you know someone who's similarly looking for active roleplay, don't hesitate to link them to me! I'd greatly appreciate it.
Thank you sooo much for reading this, guys gals and agendered entities. I love you all! Hooe you're doing well.
So I'm sorry I haven't uploaded more art pieces >.< There are commissions with my face floating around, and I'll probably get to uploading them in the next week or so.
We passed 1600 pageviews a while back, and I'm still baffled as to why I have watchers, but thanks everyone who made it happen!
I'm fortunate enough to have work, but I don't like my job. Gotts get off my ass and finish applying for a place with better pay. @3@
Ok, time for the other meat and potatoes: I want to do more detailed roleplays. Both naughty and clean stuff. I used to do paragraph-level text RPGs when I was younger, but now I feel like I've let myself get lazy with my words.
If you're interested in an rp, please please pleeease send me a note with your f-list (ish okay if you don't have one ^-^ ), and we can talk about stuff. I'll gladly link you to my own, but I warn you! It's horribly rough and bland. If you think you know someone who's similarly looking for active roleplay, don't hesitate to link them to me! I'd greatly appreciate it.
Thank you sooo much for reading this, guys gals and agendered entities. I love you all! Hooe you're doing well.
tmi two-sday?
Posted 10 years ago-shot-
So thanks to those few new followers! I really appreciate you poking your heads in here, despite my, err, lack of original content. ^^'''
I'd love to open up to you guys and gals a bit more, so how about you go ahead and ask me questions? I'll answer to he best of my ability! Thanks for poking in, and I hop you all have a good day.
So thanks to those few new followers! I really appreciate you poking your heads in here, despite my, err, lack of original content. ^^'''
I'd love to open up to you guys and gals a bit more, so how about you go ahead and ask me questions? I'll answer to he best of my ability! Thanks for poking in, and I hop you all have a good day.
Happy Valentine's day all.
Posted 10 years agoHope you all had a better day than I. ^^ each and every one of you deserves to be happy. Hope the weekend fares well for you all, too!
Send this wonderful person some good vibes asap!
Posted 10 years ago
They play games on Twitch, too! Look up their channel to give them support and hav a good time with other goofball furs, at (generally for a mature audience)
Hop in a stocking for MFF!
Posted 10 years agoMy good friend
noir_loup_obscur is making up badges for mff! It's an adorable little thing, you guys should totally check it out ^w^

Have your brain read! (meme)
Posted 11 years ago1) Tell you something I learned about you by looking at your FA page for 10 seconds.
2) Tell you a color you remind me of.
3) Tell you my first memory of you.
4) Ask you a question.
5) Tell you something I like about you.
6) Tell you the object that is in front of me.
7) Dare you to do this yourself in your own journal.
Taken from
2) Tell you a color you remind me of.
3) Tell you my first memory of you.
4) Ask you a question.
5) Tell you something I like about you.
6) Tell you the object that is in front of me.
7) Dare you to do this yourself in your own journal.
Taken from

commission/request advice? halp please
Posted 11 years agoSo a thing that mostnof the folks that IM me know is that I (meaning my fursona) has anlittle 'gimmick.' If you poke my nose, I change into a feral puppy, unable to talk like normal but relatively keeping intelligence. I have artbif my anthro self andnthat makes me super happy to have, but I'd like to have a solid representation o the little me that just likes to act doofier than normal.
Which bring me to my question for you folk following me: do ou watch or kniw of anyone that does nice sfw feral art? Please let me know in comments, it would be so much help.
Which bring me to my question for you folk following me: do ou watch or kniw of anyone that does nice sfw feral art? Please let me know in comments, it would be so much help.
boost for a good artist and friend!
Posted 11 years ago
A grand in pageviews??
Posted 11 years agoSo it must have been a while ago, but I'm over 1100 views as of this posting.
Can SOMEONE explain to me the importance, more importantly how we got here? I'd assume pageviews would relate to how far out someone's name is, and not exactly their notoriety. Does this mean I'm becoming a notorious pup??? Am I ever gonna do anything?? @3@
Can SOMEONE explain to me the importance, more importantly how we got here? I'd assume pageviews would relate to how far out someone's name is, and not exactly their notoriety. Does this mean I'm becoming a notorious pup??? Am I ever gonna do anything?? @3@
A 'grand' raffle
Posted 11 years ago
Alert, alert! An original update!
Posted 11 years agoYeah, I know right? Well, just wanted to let those that actually peek in at me for content know that I might actually be making stuff! Nothing extensive, and no 100% promises. But In the future you might see something with my username on it in your feeds!
Soyeah. Sorry for giving you guys a dud journal, but It might pay off! So thanks for actually leaving me in your watch list. :3 uhtil next time!
Soyeah. Sorry for giving you guys a dud journal, but It might pay off! So thanks for actually leaving me in your watch list. :3 uhtil next time!
Miomi Niasou's holding a raffle!
Posted 12 years agoMy dear friend
noir_loup_obscur is hosting a raffle for a free badge, AND/Or Lanyard or clip!
The more important thing is a little deeper -- She's holding an auction for an immaculate piece of Acrylic art.
Please, take a look! it'll be more than worth your while.
Journal here:
Auction here:

The more important thing is a little deeper -- She's holding an auction for an immaculate piece of Acrylic art.
Please, take a look! it'll be more than worth your while.
Journal here:
Auction here:
Merry christmas
Posted 12 years agoSo, my day consisted of this:
Waking up at five in the morning, mulling about in bed for an hour and a half'
Assisting my dad in walking 10-11 dogs (we run a kennel)'
making french toast for breakfast, then opening up a dress shirt, a pair of pants I'd like to say were a size to large, but fit just right (which upsets me...) and a bunch of socks,
going between relaxed and stressed making a big christmas dinner and cleaning up my house with my parents for our extended family,
eating food, opening presents, and then more dog-walking.
Yet, I still felt incredibly lonely today. If a few of my online friends hadn't spoken to me, this would have been an extremely depressing holiday; from the bottom of my heart, I thank you gus and gals that spoke to me and made me feel like this day was worth going through...
I know I have a lot to be thankful for. I'm thankful for caring parents who only try to do the best for their youngest child; for living in a house that's done nothing but shelter me and keep me warm; for a job that for the most part is relatively easy, and pays okay for its long hours; for a world where I can have two seperate families -- the ones I'm tied to by flesh, and the ones I've forged bonds with through years of care, comeradery and love -- and talk to each seperately, though I hope they can eventually meet someday...
These last couple years have been taxing on my psyche, as I've been thrust into a world I've been sheltered from since birth. I might have depression, or I might just be so screwed up in the head that I feel like I deserve more. Regardless, I'm hoping to build on a new future for myself this year, and am thankful for the people that are actually interested enough to follow me and try to keep up with whatever it is I'm doing.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and happy holidays. May you recieve much love, enjoy each day you're given, and live your life to the greatest extent you can. I love you all. Really :3
Waking up at five in the morning, mulling about in bed for an hour and a half'
Assisting my dad in walking 10-11 dogs (we run a kennel)'
making french toast for breakfast, then opening up a dress shirt, a pair of pants I'd like to say were a size to large, but fit just right (which upsets me...) and a bunch of socks,
going between relaxed and stressed making a big christmas dinner and cleaning up my house with my parents for our extended family,
eating food, opening presents, and then more dog-walking.
Yet, I still felt incredibly lonely today. If a few of my online friends hadn't spoken to me, this would have been an extremely depressing holiday; from the bottom of my heart, I thank you gus and gals that spoke to me and made me feel like this day was worth going through...
I know I have a lot to be thankful for. I'm thankful for caring parents who only try to do the best for their youngest child; for living in a house that's done nothing but shelter me and keep me warm; for a job that for the most part is relatively easy, and pays okay for its long hours; for a world where I can have two seperate families -- the ones I'm tied to by flesh, and the ones I've forged bonds with through years of care, comeradery and love -- and talk to each seperately, though I hope they can eventually meet someday...
These last couple years have been taxing on my psyche, as I've been thrust into a world I've been sheltered from since birth. I might have depression, or I might just be so screwed up in the head that I feel like I deserve more. Regardless, I'm hoping to build on a new future for myself this year, and am thankful for the people that are actually interested enough to follow me and try to keep up with whatever it is I'm doing.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and happy holidays. May you recieve much love, enjoy each day you're given, and live your life to the greatest extent you can. I love you all. Really :3
Petition for Transgender sex reassignment surgery funding
Posted 12 years agoEarlier today, I was sent a link to a petition that would greatly benefit many people I know. I love several individuals living with the trouble of not being born in the right body, and to see an opportunity to help enrich their lives is an opportunity I cannot pass up.
An account is required, but is completely free. Please, it would mean everything if you could sign this petition, and pass the link along.
An account is required, but is completely free. Please, it would mean everything if you could sign this petition, and pass the link along.
Comment journal meme!
Posted 12 years agothis is sorta late, as I did this to
Tobiwanz , and then a second from
Wyntersun .... so yeah! =D
Comment on this Journal, and I'll...
1. Tell you something I learned about by looking at your FA page for 13 seconds
2. Tell you a colour you remind me of
3. Tell you my first memory of you
4. Ask you a question
5. Tell you something I like about you
6. Give you a nickname
7. Tell you the object that is to the left of me
8. Dare you to do this yourself in your journal

Comment on this Journal, and I'll...
1. Tell you something I learned about by looking at your FA page for 13 seconds
2. Tell you a colour you remind me of
3. Tell you my first memory of you
4. Ask you a question
5. Tell you something I like about you
6. Give you a nickname
7. Tell you the object that is to the left of me
8. Dare you to do this yourself in your journal
overdue pimping out.
Posted 12 years agookay, psople. the first piece of art I ever got onf FA was from this awesome lady noir_loup_obscur aka Miomi Niasou.
and she's interested iivestreaming her awesome badgework that she does, amd I'm gonna be there. She needs all the love she can get, so here's a link to her journal.
stupid sleepiness. >_< give.her a wtch too, alright? and some money. I mean, the first fullbody of me was free, imagine what a paid job woudld be like?. <:3
and she's interested iivestreaming her awesome badgework that she does, amd I'm gonna be there. She needs all the love she can get, so here's a link to her journal.
stupid sleepiness. >_< give.her a wtch too, alright? and some money. I mean, the first fullbody of me was free, imagine what a paid job woudld be like?. <:3
No-Fap September
Posted 12 years ago SO! The ever popular
Psykrow is taking part in this event, seen here:
I'm gonna join in the... Abstinence...? <:3 wish me luck! most of my subscriptions are adult (v\\\v) so... either I stay away from FA for the month and people send me their msn/skype info to speak, or...
well! that's the end of that. wish me luck!

I'm gonna join in the... Abstinence...? <:3 wish me luck! most of my subscriptions are adult (v\\\v) so... either I stay away from FA for the month and people send me their msn/skype info to speak, or...
well! that's the end of that. wish me luck!
Help a dog out, seriously.
Posted 12 years agoNot /another/ meme journal!
Posted 13 years agosorry, those who say nothing, this is apparently my thing now. :b
so here's the "What would you do" meme, from
What if~
♥ I died:
♥ I kissed you:
♥ I fell:
♥ I lived next door to you:
♥ I showed up at your house unexpectedly:
♥ I stole something:
♥ I was murdered:
♥ I cried:
♥ I asked you to marry me:
♥ I was hospitalised:
♥ I was turned into a zombie:
~What do you think about my~
x Personality:
x Eyes:
x Hair:
x Family:
x Smile:
~Would you~
♪ Trust me enough to sleep in the same bed as me?
♪ Keep a secret if I told you one?
♪ Hold my hand?
♪ Study with me?
♪ Cook for me?
♪ Love me?
♪ Date me?
~Have you ever ~
☼ Lied to make me feel better?
☼ Wanted to kiss me?
☼ Wanted to kill me?
☼ Broke my heart?
☼ Thought I was unbearably annoying?
☼ Hated me?
☼ Wanted to tell me something but didn't?
☼ Wondered about my sanity?
☼ Wanted to do something to me?
~More ~
► When and how did we meet?
► Describe me in three words.
► What was your first impression of me?
► What do you think of me now?
► What reminds you of me?
► Could you see us together forever?
► When's the last time you saw me?
► Are you gonna re-post this to see what I say about you?
so here's the "What would you do" meme, from

What if~
♥ I died:
♥ I kissed you:
♥ I fell:
♥ I lived next door to you:
♥ I showed up at your house unexpectedly:
♥ I stole something:
♥ I was murdered:
♥ I cried:
♥ I asked you to marry me:
♥ I was hospitalised:
♥ I was turned into a zombie:
~What do you think about my~
x Personality:
x Eyes:
x Hair:
x Family:
x Smile:
~Would you~
♪ Trust me enough to sleep in the same bed as me?
♪ Keep a secret if I told you one?
♪ Hold my hand?
♪ Study with me?
♪ Cook for me?
♪ Love me?
♪ Date me?
~Have you ever ~
☼ Lied to make me feel better?
☼ Wanted to kiss me?
☼ Wanted to kill me?
☼ Broke my heart?
☼ Thought I was unbearably annoying?
☼ Hated me?
☼ Wanted to tell me something but didn't?
☼ Wondered about my sanity?
☼ Wanted to do something to me?
~More ~
► When and how did we meet?
► Describe me in three words.
► What was your first impression of me?
► What do you think of me now?
► What reminds you of me?
► Could you see us together forever?
► When's the last time you saw me?
► Are you gonna re-post this to see what I say about you?
A bit lost for words
Posted 13 years agoSo! those that are watching me, and don't have feeds disabled. first, thanks for poking your noses in to read this. Second... wow. I almost have 10 watchers and I don't do anything. I know abput half of you, but the other half I don't. This leads me to ask a question to everyone, and i really hope everyone responds.
Why is it exactly that you're watchi.g me? I'm flattered if it's 'just because,' but if not I'd just like to know a little more about the people watching me.
Thanks again for takin a peek, hope to hear from you guys soon.
Why is it exactly that you're watchi.g me? I'm flattered if it's 'just because,' but if not I'd just like to know a little more about the people watching me.
Thanks again for takin a peek, hope to hear from you guys soon.
FA name meme
Posted 13 years agoI might just be dedicating journals to memes... Not that anyone looks. Thanks again to those that looked at the last! ^w^
A = French Kisser
B = Good Kisser
C = Will kick your ass
D = Very very easy for people to like you
E = Crazy as hell
F = Loves it hard
G = Can kick your ass
H = Freaking hot
I = Everyone's best friend
J = Hot
K = Crazy
L = Beautiful eyes
M = Very good kisser
N = Cool person
O = Different
P = The best at all sports
Q = An animal lover
R = Beautiful/handsome
S = Damn sexy
T = Easy to fall in love with
U = Will make you laugh till your sides burst
V = Most amazing kisser EVAR
W = Makes people laugh
X = Never lets people tell you what to do
Y = Can be funny and dumb at the same time
Z = Loved by everyone
T = easy to fall in love with
O = Different
G = Can kick your ass
A = French kisser
O = Diffreent
K = Crazy
I = Everyone's best friend.
hm. What you think? :3 Also, if you look at this and think I should do more of these (Or even make regular journal posts) Please say so in the comments. Thanks a bunch!
A = French Kisser
B = Good Kisser
C = Will kick your ass
D = Very very easy for people to like you
E = Crazy as hell
F = Loves it hard
G = Can kick your ass
H = Freaking hot
I = Everyone's best friend
J = Hot
K = Crazy
L = Beautiful eyes
M = Very good kisser
N = Cool person
O = Different
P = The best at all sports
Q = An animal lover
R = Beautiful/handsome
S = Damn sexy
T = Easy to fall in love with
U = Will make you laugh till your sides burst
V = Most amazing kisser EVAR
W = Makes people laugh
X = Never lets people tell you what to do
Y = Can be funny and dumb at the same time
Z = Loved by everyone
T = easy to fall in love with
O = Different
G = Can kick your ass
A = French kisser
O = Diffreent
K = Crazy
I = Everyone's best friend.
hm. What you think? :3 Also, if you look at this and think I should do more of these (Or even make regular journal posts) Please say so in the comments. Thanks a bunch!
Single or not meme
Posted 13 years agoCus why the heck not. I know there's only a fewe people that might even look at this, let alone answer, but it's woth the fun of just writing it down. ^^
SINGLE OR NOT put this as your journal & see what you get :D
♥ = I want a relationship with you
C: = I'm falling for you
:3 = I miss you
;] = i really like you
:* = I want to kiss you
:< = I hate you
: X = I like you
O: = I like you but im in a relationship
:/ = I like you but your in a relationship
:] = You're cute
</3 = I regret leaving you
:b = We should get to know each other
;^) = We should hang out
<3 = I love you.. \o//
<:^ = i want to know you
eue= You're hot
<:3 = You're a great friend
^_^ = We're friends
^.^ = We're best friends
>;3 = I want you on top
>:3 = I want on top
SINGLE OR NOT put this as your journal & see what you get :D
♥ = I want a relationship with you
C: = I'm falling for you
:3 = I miss you
;] = i really like you
:* = I want to kiss you
:< = I hate you
: X = I like you
O: = I like you but im in a relationship
:/ = I like you but your in a relationship
:] = You're cute
</3 = I regret leaving you
:b = We should get to know each other
;^) = We should hang out
<3 = I love you.. \o//
<:^ = i want to know you
eue= You're hot
<:3 = You're a great friend
^_^ = We're friends
^.^ = We're best friends
>;3 = I want you on top
>:3 = I want on top