MFM 2014
Posted 10 years agoJust got back from Mephit Fur Meet. Gotta say, their staff is awesome and they are really on top of things with their convention. They have been doing it a long time and it shows. Had a great time. Was awesome meeting new people there. If you saw me there or we talked please comment! If you run across any pics/vids of me please direct me to them, thanks!
FWA 2014 Great Times!
Posted 11 years agoWill probably write more later but for now I just want to say I had a great time at FWA. Special thanks to those few people who complimented me on my fursuit, it means alot with all the countless hours I've spent on it. You are awesome for making a dobie feel good about himself. Don't have time at the moment to name names but it was also fantastic to get to spend some time with my local furry friends there, see friends again that I met at Fangcon, as well as get to know some new people a little bit.
Did you see me at FWA 2014?
Posted 11 years agoAnyone see me at FWA 2014? If so would love for you to leave a comment below. If you got a pic/vid of me or know where one is PLEASE send them to me or give me a link. Let me know if it's your picture or if you do not want it re-posted and I'll just fav or DL it if that's the case. I didn't take any pictures with my own camera :(
Fangcon 2013 a Success!
Posted 11 years agoI have to say I was pretty worried how well
Fangcon would do this year after moving to a smaller city (Knoxville TN) but we gained more than we lost in the move and the hotel and it's staff went above and beyond to welcome us. I love this hotel! Also, there was an abnormally high percentage of fursuiter attendees which is awesome. Not only that but some of them had the coolest looking
, cutest
, or funniest
I've seen......ever! Those were just some favorites off the top of me head, I enjoyed seeing all the many other cool fursuiters as well!
Once I got there, I quickly remembered why I enjoyed Fangcon the prior year in Nashville despite it's small size and horrible hotel. Although there were some really fun, funny, or helpful events just like any other con, It seems like these small cons are much much better for meeting and socializing with other furries because you are likely to see the same people repeatedly over the weekend which gives you much more opportunity to get to know them. And it was even better this year because of the fun relaxing atmosphere and the many cozy places to sit and hang out and just chat with everyone else chilling and having a great time. I met and talked to more people at this convention than I have in the past 5 I've been to combined and got to know some really cool people. Thank you to anyone and everyone I shared conversation, smiles or hugs with, I really enjoyed and needed that. I hope to see you all again.

Once I got there, I quickly remembered why I enjoyed Fangcon the prior year in Nashville despite it's small size and horrible hotel. Although there were some really fun, funny, or helpful events just like any other con, It seems like these small cons are much much better for meeting and socializing with other furries because you are likely to see the same people repeatedly over the weekend which gives you much more opportunity to get to know them. And it was even better this year because of the fun relaxing atmosphere and the many cozy places to sit and hang out and just chat with everyone else chilling and having a great time. I met and talked to more people at this convention than I have in the past 5 I've been to combined and got to know some really cool people. Thank you to anyone and everyone I shared conversation, smiles or hugs with, I really enjoyed and needed that. I hope to see you all again.
Canine's Log...Star Date 2013.604 FANG CON!!!
Posted 12 years agoJust got the news that Fangcon is moving to my home town of Knoxville TN! The hotel looks great and I can't wait for the carnival of furries to begin! You can count on me being there in fursuit. Looking forward to making new friends and having a great time.
Canine's Log... Star Date 2013.3 (FWA 2013)
Posted 12 years agoAfter 2 months of spending all my free time (and then some) working on my new fursuit I was finally ready for my 4th year of Furry Weekend Atlanta. YAY!! Bad thing was, I spent so much time rushing to get it done, that I had no time to take pictures or develop my fursona, in fact I barely settled on a name, Toby Dobie. I can take some pictures eventually I suppose but am hoping I'll run across some of the pictures taken at me at FWA to use instead. So if you think you might have a picture of this silly dobie please share them with me and I'll post/repost them here.
As usual I had a blast at FWA. Everyone was great and I was excited to see an absurd number of fursuiters compared to previous years. Spent a lot of time in fursuit and enjoyed hugging the various more huggable looking furries as well as those who came up and hugged me. The few people who made it a point to tell me how much they loved my fursuit THANK YOU!! That made me really happy to hear. The next paragraph mostly turned into a rant on the elevator situation so you may want to skip it....
Have to say I was rather home sick for the Sheraton and and even Hilton hotels. The elevators in the Peachtree Plaza were almost useless all Thursday and any time a popular event was near. It would take forever for one to arrive and then when it finally did it would already be over crowded when the doors opened. The events were spread out from the 6th through 10th floors with escalators between those floors. The escalators were just a tad challenging at first in fursuit but had fun on them once I got use to them. They stayed very usable unlike the elevators. The bad part was that on a few occasions I wasted about an hour on the elevator going up to my room to get in or out of fursuit then go back down to the events floor. That doesn't include time wasted in the hotel room changing etc. Kinda killed my plans as far as what events I planned to go to. Going down the stairs from the 40th floor in fursuit was NOT an option. Also, on 2 of the events floors, there would be rooms on opposite ends of the floor with the only way to get from one to the next is a small pinch point where the elevators are lined up with wall to wall waves of people trying to get on or off elevators or standing there clustered clogging up the path trying not to loose their position to maybe be the one more person who can cram on.
Panels on the tenth floor: The only panels I made it to was 2/3 of a fursuit performance panel and less than half of a fursuit head building panel. Both were great, what parts I saw, so thanks to Menagerie Workshop who did a fantastic job with the head tutorial, and to the three people doing the performance panel, especially TY who I hadn't seen before and did a great job with helpful tips.
Who's Line Is It and LOL Improve were both hillarious, especially the second showing of LOL with the skit about the dead wife. I really enjoyed that. Unfortunately I missed Mathew Ebel for the first time but there were like 4 other things scheduled at the exact same time I REALLY didn't want to miss and had to miss out on 4 of them. Why so many things all during that time spot? Not sure how the schedule is decided but that could sure use some improving.
DANCE!! : I keep hearing Atlanta is the best place for dance at furcons. I'm really glad because I enjoy the hell out of it. I want to thank every single person who danced. Some are better than others of course but I enjoyed watching every single one. Floor Wars dance off (not in fursuit) was extremely impressive and enjoyable although I wish it had been possible to do after the main fursuit dance competition cause it had the bar raised way too high for the poor fursuit performers. It's much harder to perform in suit I'm sure. Although a few of them did come pretty close. I'd seen Phor perform at the fursuit Dance comp before and was fairly impressed but he really showed some serious skills at Floor Wars. Thanks Phor you are great. Also Sid was amazing, I don't think I could have been much more impressed by MJ himself. Had never seen him before and when he first got up there I was thinking, is he here to dance, or fix some computers, but man oh man, he is one hell of a performer in both dance and personality so my hat is off to him. Also, all 3 of the female dancers were amazing, especially the two that kept dancing off against each other although I enjoyed all 3 of them more than most of the guys. Really annoyed I can't think of their names atm, but it is the first time I've seen any of them. I know one was Quick (sp?), then maybe Blue and ?? Damn my inability to remember names. Help someone? I'll give them props when I get their actual name
More Dance!!: So yeah probably my favorite event is the fursuit dance competition and I'm not alone in that it would seem. Not everyone could even fit in the room to watch who wanted to. They had to open up the small balcony which they intended to just be for equipment and personnel and still probably had some people not make it in. My favorite performer was by far...Phar. Certainly not the best dancer of them all but put together a superb routine with an LED hoola hoop and the end result was the perfect combination of skill, showmanship, visual effects and sexiness. Thank you for not being afraid to shake that booty! We need more of that! Sadie also put on one hell of a performance. Really enjoyed his variety and selections which he absolutely nailed. Special thanks to Phor for his crazy routine. Not sure how you had the energy left after all those tie breakers at Floor wars but I'm glad you did. Wish you could talk everyone who danced there into performing in fursuit as well. The Monstor Roo was also there to keep things really entertaining and add his own unique flare to the show. He is a real pro when it comes to dancing with character in fursuit. Congrats to Doryuu who as usual did a fantastic job. Glad to see you win after being so amazing year after year.
So anyway, yah its over now and the post con depression is setting in. Can't stop thinking about the convention which is why I'm here writing about it. Please feel free to respond with anything you feel like saying even if you didn't read this whole long winded journal entry. Maybe you saw me there or want to comment on something I've said?
As usual I had a blast at FWA. Everyone was great and I was excited to see an absurd number of fursuiters compared to previous years. Spent a lot of time in fursuit and enjoyed hugging the various more huggable looking furries as well as those who came up and hugged me. The few people who made it a point to tell me how much they loved my fursuit THANK YOU!! That made me really happy to hear. The next paragraph mostly turned into a rant on the elevator situation so you may want to skip it....
Have to say I was rather home sick for the Sheraton and and even Hilton hotels. The elevators in the Peachtree Plaza were almost useless all Thursday and any time a popular event was near. It would take forever for one to arrive and then when it finally did it would already be over crowded when the doors opened. The events were spread out from the 6th through 10th floors with escalators between those floors. The escalators were just a tad challenging at first in fursuit but had fun on them once I got use to them. They stayed very usable unlike the elevators. The bad part was that on a few occasions I wasted about an hour on the elevator going up to my room to get in or out of fursuit then go back down to the events floor. That doesn't include time wasted in the hotel room changing etc. Kinda killed my plans as far as what events I planned to go to. Going down the stairs from the 40th floor in fursuit was NOT an option. Also, on 2 of the events floors, there would be rooms on opposite ends of the floor with the only way to get from one to the next is a small pinch point where the elevators are lined up with wall to wall waves of people trying to get on or off elevators or standing there clustered clogging up the path trying not to loose their position to maybe be the one more person who can cram on.
Panels on the tenth floor: The only panels I made it to was 2/3 of a fursuit performance panel and less than half of a fursuit head building panel. Both were great, what parts I saw, so thanks to Menagerie Workshop who did a fantastic job with the head tutorial, and to the three people doing the performance panel, especially TY who I hadn't seen before and did a great job with helpful tips.
Who's Line Is It and LOL Improve were both hillarious, especially the second showing of LOL with the skit about the dead wife. I really enjoyed that. Unfortunately I missed Mathew Ebel for the first time but there were like 4 other things scheduled at the exact same time I REALLY didn't want to miss and had to miss out on 4 of them. Why so many things all during that time spot? Not sure how the schedule is decided but that could sure use some improving.
DANCE!! : I keep hearing Atlanta is the best place for dance at furcons. I'm really glad because I enjoy the hell out of it. I want to thank every single person who danced. Some are better than others of course but I enjoyed watching every single one. Floor Wars dance off (not in fursuit) was extremely impressive and enjoyable although I wish it had been possible to do after the main fursuit dance competition cause it had the bar raised way too high for the poor fursuit performers. It's much harder to perform in suit I'm sure. Although a few of them did come pretty close. I'd seen Phor perform at the fursuit Dance comp before and was fairly impressed but he really showed some serious skills at Floor Wars. Thanks Phor you are great. Also Sid was amazing, I don't think I could have been much more impressed by MJ himself. Had never seen him before and when he first got up there I was thinking, is he here to dance, or fix some computers, but man oh man, he is one hell of a performer in both dance and personality so my hat is off to him. Also, all 3 of the female dancers were amazing, especially the two that kept dancing off against each other although I enjoyed all 3 of them more than most of the guys. Really annoyed I can't think of their names atm, but it is the first time I've seen any of them. I know one was Quick (sp?), then maybe Blue and ?? Damn my inability to remember names. Help someone? I'll give them props when I get their actual name
More Dance!!: So yeah probably my favorite event is the fursuit dance competition and I'm not alone in that it would seem. Not everyone could even fit in the room to watch who wanted to. They had to open up the small balcony which they intended to just be for equipment and personnel and still probably had some people not make it in. My favorite performer was by far...Phar. Certainly not the best dancer of them all but put together a superb routine with an LED hoola hoop and the end result was the perfect combination of skill, showmanship, visual effects and sexiness. Thank you for not being afraid to shake that booty! We need more of that! Sadie also put on one hell of a performance. Really enjoyed his variety and selections which he absolutely nailed. Special thanks to Phor for his crazy routine. Not sure how you had the energy left after all those tie breakers at Floor wars but I'm glad you did. Wish you could talk everyone who danced there into performing in fursuit as well. The Monstor Roo was also there to keep things really entertaining and add his own unique flare to the show. He is a real pro when it comes to dancing with character in fursuit. Congrats to Doryuu who as usual did a fantastic job. Glad to see you win after being so amazing year after year.
So anyway, yah its over now and the post con depression is setting in. Can't stop thinking about the convention which is why I'm here writing about it. Please feel free to respond with anything you feel like saying even if you didn't read this whole long winded journal entry. Maybe you saw me there or want to comment on something I've said?