mini art slave available
Posted a week agohave a mini art slave for march 3rd available. option of the 6 hour version for $300 or longer 8 hour one for $500. note me if wish to nab it
Two Feb mini art slaves available
Posted 3 weeks agoHave two mini art slaves available atm for feb. Will be the 21st and 28th.
Are the typical 6 hour time based art streams for $300, or extra option testing out for an 8 hour version for $500 if anyone was interested.
As usual these are pure time based streams so just give me a list of stuff to work on and will work my way down it in the time given regardless of number of characters, bg, ink, colors ect. pretty much any normal art i offer can ask for.
Toss me a note if wish to grab one and if normal or extra long one :3
Are the typical 6 hour time based art streams for $300, or extra option testing out for an 8 hour version for $500 if anyone was interested.
As usual these are pure time based streams so just give me a list of stuff to work on and will work my way down it in the time given regardless of number of characters, bg, ink, colors ect. pretty much any normal art i offer can ask for.
Toss me a note if wish to grab one and if normal or extra long one :3
Making my younger self proud
Posted 2 months agoanyone who’s followed me for any length of time will know I’m a rather private person with my personal life. Aside from a general journal here and there when going on some trip or an event somewhere. I typically keep to myself. I enjoy chatting with ppl in stream and such as it gives me some pleasant comfort without revealing too much about myself. I’m not against answering personal questions, which usually come from ppl who have at least a mild understanding of my past. Typically from reading my mom’s book and learning bits from there.
I keep mostly everything to myself to spare others some disappointment or worry. Even from my closest, longest friends. I keep it all to myself and show just a smile. I try not to dwell on the past and even though it can dig in painful claws now and then I’ve learned to sorta emotionally reset myself each day and just enjoy things a day at a time.
I’m sure this is the most have or will ever openly share on my own, but the urge to share has been a thing for a very long time.
Old memories of the past, lost/missed friends and painful events still try to rear their head, but i can live with them now. Even old relationship memories are there and sometimes sting the most. One by far the harshest. 3 years long and his name and even face have faded but the pain lingers to this day. Someone trusted and was going to help me when in a bad place in life, how we never went that far in the relationship since i was a bit twitchy with any intimate touch. How easily i was thrown aside when he didn’t get what he wanted and he had another on the side to easily replace me. That crushing feeling of betrayal, pain and shame never fully went away. Other relationships didn’t fare much better. Another ended pretty mildly with us both just seeing it wasn’t working and walking away, then another seemed well then slowly was simply abandoned as quietly waited.
Was then i started working to enjoy my own company and bring comfort to myself if i would be my only company. I got foolish once again with hint of a nice relationship and just when given in to a bit of hope, it was made painfully clear I didn’t mean anything i thought i did. Again that deep pain of loneliness and terribly ashamed at myself returned. Was then i officially gave up on relationships. Oddly it was after that someone kind found me.
Is an odd comfort finally writing this down somewhere.
Things still get rough and I don’t need to emotionally reset myself as much as i used to. I enjoy my life and getting to do work i both love and enjoy. Even to this day doing art is a comfort and enjoyment.
I wish to tell my younger self ‘I am so proud of you. I know it was hard but thank you so much for hanging in there and never taking that final dreadful step and let me be the person I am today and i hope i have made you proud in return. Thank you’
And thank you everyone who’s been friendly and kind to me over the years. I love you all ^^
I keep mostly everything to myself to spare others some disappointment or worry. Even from my closest, longest friends. I keep it all to myself and show just a smile. I try not to dwell on the past and even though it can dig in painful claws now and then I’ve learned to sorta emotionally reset myself each day and just enjoy things a day at a time.
I’m sure this is the most have or will ever openly share on my own, but the urge to share has been a thing for a very long time.
Old memories of the past, lost/missed friends and painful events still try to rear their head, but i can live with them now. Even old relationship memories are there and sometimes sting the most. One by far the harshest. 3 years long and his name and even face have faded but the pain lingers to this day. Someone trusted and was going to help me when in a bad place in life, how we never went that far in the relationship since i was a bit twitchy with any intimate touch. How easily i was thrown aside when he didn’t get what he wanted and he had another on the side to easily replace me. That crushing feeling of betrayal, pain and shame never fully went away. Other relationships didn’t fare much better. Another ended pretty mildly with us both just seeing it wasn’t working and walking away, then another seemed well then slowly was simply abandoned as quietly waited.
Was then i started working to enjoy my own company and bring comfort to myself if i would be my only company. I got foolish once again with hint of a nice relationship and just when given in to a bit of hope, it was made painfully clear I didn’t mean anything i thought i did. Again that deep pain of loneliness and terribly ashamed at myself returned. Was then i officially gave up on relationships. Oddly it was after that someone kind found me.
Is an odd comfort finally writing this down somewhere.
Things still get rough and I don’t need to emotionally reset myself as much as i used to. I enjoy my life and getting to do work i both love and enjoy. Even to this day doing art is a comfort and enjoyment.
I wish to tell my younger self ‘I am so proud of you. I know it was hard but thank you so much for hanging in there and never taking that final dreadful step and let me be the person I am today and i hope i have made you proud in return. Thank you’
And thank you everyone who’s been friendly and kind to me over the years. I love you all ^^
~*Commissions Open*~
Posted 2 months agoJust lil boost about commissions being open atm. Since in bit of need for new ones
Can check out the list of comish stuff i do HERE
Sketch, ink, color, comic, animations are all open. Just toss me a note if interested in any or feel free to ask any questions :3
Can check out the list of comish stuff i do HERE
Sketch, ink, color, comic, animations are all open. Just toss me a note if interested in any or feel free to ask any questions :3
Sonic movie 3 [no spoilers]
Posted 2 months agojust got back from seeing the sonic 3 movie for the fan event had at my theater. got some goodies like poster and keychains and very much enjoyed the movie. Had a silly grin on my face the entire movie and it's EASILY my fav of the 3. won't spoil anything but if see it wait till the very end of the credits. I loved it
Not making it to MFF this year
Posted 3 months agoAfter much thinking I will be missing out on this year's MFF. First I've missed in quite some time but there was just so many things against it this year. Such as me repeatedly getting ill lately thus taking a lot of my MFF prep work time and still kinda weak for a big event. Didn't get marketplace spot either so would be taking apart my table every day and lugging it back and forth from the hotel.
Tis a bummer but will be no homeless plushies this year.
Tis a bummer but will be no homeless plushies this year.
Thanks everyone
Posted 5 months agoHuge thanks to everyone who sent help so I could cover rent via tips and commissions. Was a big relief to get that covered and didn't have to worry about it as I recover.
I'm doing better each day and managed most of a stream today before I got worn out and had to lay down again, but is a step toward my full recovery. Mostly just weak and hacky now and getting my strength back.
I'm doing better each day and managed most of a stream today before I got worn out and had to lay down again, but is a step toward my full recovery. Mostly just weak and hacky now and getting my strength back.
Lil help getting through the month
Posted 5 months agoAs known I have been struggling with a nasty flu that turned into pneumonia I spent some time in the hospital for. It seems it will be a while still before can get back to work as i recover.
Hoping to get a little help just to cover mostly just my rent for this month until I’m well enough to do my arties again. Asking for help in either getting commissions, supporting my patreon or donations to my paypal. I hate asking for help like this but this sickness completely knocking me down for pretty much the entire month has left me with little options.
Commissions just note me
Patreon is at
Paypal can either use my link at or just via my paypal addy at tfoxglove[at]
Hoping to get a little help just to cover mostly just my rent for this month until I’m well enough to do my arties again. Asking for help in either getting commissions, supporting my patreon or donations to my paypal. I hate asking for help like this but this sickness completely knocking me down for pretty much the entire month has left me with little options.
Commissions just note me
Patreon is at
Paypal can either use my link at or just via my paypal addy at tfoxglove[at]
Back from hospital
Posted 5 months agoAs mentioned before I’ve been sick for two weeks now. I just got home today from the hospital, where have been for the last 3 days, and they diagnosed me with pneumonia. Finally was released today and it’s so nice to be home. They pumped me full of oxygen and antibiotics and gave me more to take at home now.
Still on the mend, but am certainly better now. Still quite weak but on the recovery end now.
Still on the mend, but am certainly better now. Still quite weak but on the recovery end now.
Sick fox
Posted 6 months agoJust a heads up for ppl not on my discord. I got hit with a nasty cold and have been completely bed ridden for the last 3 days. I haven’t even been at my computer in that whole time. Just being a hacking mess in bed. I think am coming to the end of it which I’m very thankful to, but this means any arty stuff is being pushed back until I’m at least well enough to sit at my desk. Also if you’ve never tried them, the vicks vapo steamers for your shower are glorious for when feeling ill and 100% recommend just having some on hand when feel icky.
San diego comic con request
Posted 7 months agoAsking again if anyone is going to the san diego comic con if they could please nab me one of the con exclusives tangle and whisper bag clip sets. Pleeeease. they're so cute and I'm not gonna be there to grab a set myself. Can pay back with art credit or normal money if someone would be so kind
Tiera Birthday ych
Posted 8 months agoReminder this year's birthday party ych is open until sat the 22nd. Who's going to Tiera's birthday party this year? X3
June mini art slaves
Posted 10 months agoMove complete
Posted 10 months agoFinally finished moving everything to my new place, Woo. I am mega tired and starting now to unpack n set stuff up, but got everything here. Mega thankful to
for helping with the move. Working on setting my computer up today since got internet in new place now, wooooo. Not sure when next stream n stuff will be, but don’t think will be too long before they go back to my normal schedule. X3

Eclipse comic dub ep 3 part 2 up
Posted 11 months agoThe next part of the dubbing of my eclipse comic is up. The team did a good job on it and lot of extra work can see went into it. Check it out here ^^ I still cringe hearing my voice lines in it, but there were only a few this time XD
~*~April Mini Art Slaves~*~
Posted 11 months agoDecided to do one more round of mini art slaves to help pay for my upcoming move. Again these are half sized art slaves at 6 hour stream of pure time based art regardless of character numbers,comics, animations pretty much anything I do. 6 hour stream time for $300 will be on april 3,5,6. Just toss me a note if interested in claiming a slot. Helps me out a lot ^^
One march mini art slave left
Posted a year agoHave one of the mini art slaves for march left if anyone wanted to nab it. is the 6th and is the 6 hours stream for $300. again art slave are pure time based so just give me a list to work my way down in the time slot ^^
Custom Adopts
Posted a year agoBeen asked this a few times, but I can make custom adoptables for ppl. Just be a normal commission and pretty much just let me know what you'd like and if any variation want on it. Example can pretty much just say want your own general raichu girl. Got it. Or a raichu girl with dark stipes and pink hair. You got it XD. I'm perfectly fine with wing its and that sorta thing if you don't have any specific ideas.
Pretty much just note me if would like something of that sort.
Pretty much just note me if would like something of that sort.
March Mini Slaves open
Posted a year agoprobably last batch for now of the mini art slaves. 3 available in march on the 6th, 8th, and 9th. they're half sized art slaves, so be 6 hours of pure time based art for $300
just give me a list of art to work down. can be anything I offer, from sketches and color pics to animation work. it's just time based. If wish to nab a slot note me :3
just give me a list of art to work down. can be anything I offer, from sketches and color pics to animation work. it's just time based. If wish to nab a slot note me :3
What was the first of my pieces did you find?
Posted a year agoGotten on the subject a few times about where ppl first came across my stuff. Some from the very first site I ever posted stuff, VCL ages ago XD
Has made me curious. What piece of mine did you see first? And what piece of mine is your fav?
Has made me curious. What piece of mine did you see first? And what piece of mine is your fav?
Coloring and price changes coming
Posted a year agoMy search for single prismacolor markers isn't going any better and nearly half my colors are in my refill bin. As such my default commission coloring option will swap to digital verse my normal hand coloring. Still trying to make my own csp brush from them but still a wip, but looking least somewhat promising.
Also I noticed my commission price sheet is like 6 years old now lol so think time for an update. Like add newer stuff like digital and fancy digital coloring options and animations. Some prices will changes, mostly comic pages. But will figure that all out next month with a new sheet. Just giving a bit of a heads up for everyone.
Also I noticed my commission price sheet is like 6 years old now lol so think time for an update. Like add newer stuff like digital and fancy digital coloring options and animations. Some prices will changes, mostly comic pages. But will figure that all out next month with a new sheet. Just giving a bit of a heads up for everyone.
Feb mini Art Slaves
Posted a year agoJan's mini art slaves went well and now have the ones for Feb open for whoever would like one. Again these are half length art slaves at 6 hours for $300. is pure time based so just give me a list of anything would like and I'll work my way down it in the time.
if would like to get one note me
Feb's minis are the 7th,9th, and 10th
Feb's normal full 12 hour art slave is available as well atm for the 26th/27th.
if would like to get one note me
Feb's minis are the 7th,9th, and 10th
Feb's normal full 12 hour art slave is available as well atm for the 26th/27th.
Jan Mini Art Slaves open
Posted a year agoOpening slots for the mini art slaves for Jan. They will be Jan 3,5, and 6th. are half sized art slaves so 6 hours of pure time based commissions for $300. Just give me a list of stuff to work on and I'll make my way down it. Can be anything from sketches, inks, colors, comics, emotes and animations. Use your time however you wish :3
Note me if wish a claim a slot. Will list when each one is taken.
Note me if wish a claim a slot. Will list when each one is taken.
Mini art slaves jan+
Posted a year agoStarting in Jan I will be turning the wed/fri/sat of project week into mini art slaves to save for my upcoming move.
So the first ones will be for Jan 3,5, and 6th. Be the typical half sized art slave so 6 hour stream for one person for $300 with all the same rules applying. Is pure time based so just give me a list of pics/animations to work on in that time slot and I'll work down it. normal art slaves will still be available, these are just extras. If wish to nab one note me.
So the first ones will be for Jan 3,5, and 6th. Be the typical half sized art slave so 6 hour stream for one person for $300 with all the same rules applying. Is pure time based so just give me a list of pics/animations to work on in that time slot and I'll work down it. normal art slaves will still be available, these are just extras. If wish to nab one note me.
Beware MFF room scammer using my name
Posted a year agoHas been brought to my attention that someone is using my name to scam ppl into paying them for a room supposedly sharing with me at MFF. Basically saying I have a room spot open for ppl and getting them to pay them for it. If someone approaches you for an MFF room spot using my name, beware. This is certainly a first but hope they don't scam anyone else out of money for a hotel room spot that doesn't exist