Life update/Characters for sale
Posted a month agoFirst of all I want to thank everyone for their support over the last 6 months. Many of you left kind words that meant a lot to me as I mourned, and I want to apologize to anyone who I've retreated from as mustering the energy to be social is still quite taxing. The last year was very tough on me for many reasons and my fingers are crossed that this year will be an improvement, though it has not happened yet. Still, I will try to stay positive about what the future may bring.
I still have some characters looking for a better home than I can provide, so if any catch your attention feel free to send me a note.
Ulzana $15
Gryphon $20
I still have some characters looking for a better home than I can provide, so if any catch your attention feel free to send me a note.
Ulzana $15
Gryphon $20
Character sale to cover vet bills
Posted 8 months agoThis last Thursday I had to take my dog Cricket in to the vet for what I suspected to be pneumonia she got from her eye removal surgery earlier in the month. Turns out that her oxygen level was dangerously low due to not only pneumonia, but respiratory failure. What I thought was going to be a simple matter of antibiotics and perhaps an x-ray turned into an oxygen chamber that she could not leave for long.
At the end of the day I had to drive her several towns over to a 24 hour emergency pet hospital so she could remain on oxygen while the medications did their work. That night I was given a call at 2am that she was really struggling and I had to rush there to see her for what could be the last time. Luckily that was not the case, but she was struggling to breath so much that she did not sleep, eat, or drink for two days. After several days her condition seemed to be improving, and as long as she was fighting it I did everything in my power to let her. The medical team was very kind and would give updates several times per day, which went a long way to reassure me.
However on Monday morning at 5am I was called and told that she had passed away. Despite all the medicine and the direct oxygen, her lungs were too damaged. I did my best to keep my composure as my family and I picked up her body, and took her to the regular vet for cremation services, but later that night all I could do was look at the empty dog bed and cry.
Cricket was the last of my four dogs, all of whom have passed in less than the last two years. October 2022, February 2023, October 2023, and now June 2024. It has been a long two years of grieving that just compacts in on itself and my bank accounts, unfortunately.
So to help with the vast medical bills, I will be offering up some of my characters for sale instead of opening up for donations or something like that as I would likely feel guilty, knowing me. Send me a note or comment if you're interested in any of the characters below.
Ulzana $15
Howard $35
Gryphon $20
Lysander $125
At the end of the day I had to drive her several towns over to a 24 hour emergency pet hospital so she could remain on oxygen while the medications did their work. That night I was given a call at 2am that she was really struggling and I had to rush there to see her for what could be the last time. Luckily that was not the case, but she was struggling to breath so much that she did not sleep, eat, or drink for two days. After several days her condition seemed to be improving, and as long as she was fighting it I did everything in my power to let her. The medical team was very kind and would give updates several times per day, which went a long way to reassure me.
However on Monday morning at 5am I was called and told that she had passed away. Despite all the medicine and the direct oxygen, her lungs were too damaged. I did my best to keep my composure as my family and I picked up her body, and took her to the regular vet for cremation services, but later that night all I could do was look at the empty dog bed and cry.
Cricket was the last of my four dogs, all of whom have passed in less than the last two years. October 2022, February 2023, October 2023, and now June 2024. It has been a long two years of grieving that just compacts in on itself and my bank accounts, unfortunately.
So to help with the vast medical bills, I will be offering up some of my characters for sale instead of opening up for donations or something like that as I would likely feel guilty, knowing me. Send me a note or comment if you're interested in any of the characters below.
Ulzana $15
Howard $35
Gryphon $20
Lysander $125
Art Takedown Requests
Posted 2 years agoFinally happened! Someone has been using my characters for RP on various sites and I'm not about that.
RPC Proof
F-list Ticket #205911
RPC Proof
F-list Ticket #205911
Posted 3 years agoAs I have mentioned in same past journals, my birthday was on the 5th of this month and I am absolutely blown away by how generous my friends are. To say that I am spoiled is an understatement and I have a hard time accepting compliments at the best of times, but to have my inner circle all remind me that they care brings a tear to my eye. To see that they not only value me, but also see how they think of my characters is deeply moving.
Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday and those who helped make it one of my best, ever.
Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday and those who helped make it one of my best, ever.
Amazing artist open for commissions
Posted 3 years agoWant you some great art? Check out Sasha-SK!
I can't recommend her enough!
I can't recommend her enough!
Art flood done + 3k watcher raffle
Posted 3 years agoI've been holding on to so much artwork over the last few months and finally decided to toss it all up on here. Sorry for the spam, but not really.
I will be hosting an art raffle as well when I hit 3,000 watchers which I'm roughly 30 away from at the time of writing this. Be on the look out for a journal about that when the time comes!
I will be hosting an art raffle as well when I hit 3,000 watchers which I'm roughly 30 away from at the time of writing this. Be on the look out for a journal about that when the time comes!
Another year older...
Posted 4 years agoAnd still no wiser!
In light of everything going on this year, celebrating a birthday seems really pointless but I suppose I should at least acknowledge it. Hopefully by this time next year the world will settle down and I can properly enjoy adding another ring to this tree.
Thanks to everyone who has kept me sane in the past year and will hopefully keep at it until the next!
In light of everything going on this year, celebrating a birthday seems really pointless but I suppose I should at least acknowledge it. Hopefully by this time next year the world will settle down and I can properly enjoy adding another ring to this tree.
Thanks to everyone who has kept me sane in the past year and will hopefully keep at it until the next!
It's my birthday once again!
Posted 5 years agoGetting older sucks!
Characters for sale!
Posted 5 years agoIt's that time of year again!
I have a ton of characters who don't get the attention they deserve, so I've put them in a new folder in my gallery. Prices will be added in time, but I would encourage people to drop some offers if you are interested!
Please leave a note or comment with your offer!
I have a ton of characters who don't get the attention they deserve, so I've put them in a new folder in my gallery. Prices will be added in time, but I would encourage people to drop some offers if you are interested!
Please leave a note or comment with your offer!
New Artist to check out!
Posted 5 years agoThis artist does some great work, but she's pretty new to the site and should totally be watched by more people.
Do yourself a favor and check out her work here
Do yourself a favor and check out her work here

It's my birthday!
Posted 6 years agoAnother year older, wish I could say I was a little wiser. Hitting the big 3-1 this year and I hate it already.
Thanks to everyone for all their support over my years here! I really do appreciate it all!
Thanks to everyone for all their support over my years here! I really do appreciate it all!
Moving forward
Posted 6 years agoSo I've been made to realize that I've been far too forgiving to people I commission. I have several pieces of art that I've heard nothing about for several months or possibly longer, and as a commissioner I am sick of being used like that.
Over the next few days I will be compiling a list of artwork that is owed, the artist involved, and the date of payment. I will be posting them on my front page so it is very public as well.
I will also be threatening with a paypal charge-back if its getting close to the limit on the charge-back. Too often I've hesitated that course of action because I don't want to take money away from people, but I'm not someone else's walking wallet either.
No more Mr. Niceguy.
Over the next few days I will be compiling a list of artwork that is owed, the artist involved, and the date of payment. I will be posting them on my front page so it is very public as well.
I will also be threatening with a paypal charge-back if its getting close to the limit on the charge-back. Too often I've hesitated that course of action because I don't want to take money away from people, but I'm not someone else's walking wallet either.
No more Mr. Niceguy.
What would you all like to see on here?
Posted 7 years agoI've been kind of floundering about what sort of artwork I should be collecting in my gallery of lewds, so I figured that maybe I should ask you all! I'm just afraid that I'll come off as having a big ego, but I could use the pointers on what to focus on.
What sort of art would you guys like to see on here? What sort of characters, kinks, or art styles (artists?) Feel free to include if you'd like to get art with me in the future too! :D
I'll add a little form for the sake of consistency. Thanks guys!
My character(s):
Your character(s), if any:
Artist or art style:
What sort of art would you guys like to see on here? What sort of characters, kinks, or art styles (artists?) Feel free to include if you'd like to get art with me in the future too! :D
I'll add a little form for the sake of consistency. Thanks guys!
My character(s):
Your character(s), if any:
Artist or art style:
Signal boost
Posted 7 years agoOne of the artists I've been getting some of my artwork from recently is having a sale! She's been very good to me, so hopefully y'all will snatch up some of these very affordable commissions!
Check it out here:
Check it out here:
Friend selling characters!
Posted 7 years agoA fellow veilhound friend of mine is selling some characters to get by, so I want to help spread the word!
1000 watchers!
Posted 7 years agoYup, I just hit 1000 watchers folks! It might not seem like a whole lot compared to some people out there, but considering that I only had like a hundred watchers two years ago I'll take it as an accomplishment.
A very deep and heartfelt thank you to everyone watching me, and may I continue to bring you the content you enjoy!
A very deep and heartfelt thank you to everyone watching me, and may I continue to bring you the content you enjoy!