SteelWing's social Media Pages
Posted 2 months agoHello everybody.
Since I cannot seem to get the darn contacts / social media tabs to work properly and display my blue sky and Twitter accounts I will just post them here instead.
If you are crazy enough to want to see my social media then I can be found here:
Or here
Fair warning though it's about 90% cat photos and 10% Smut uploads.
I only have the two so far, not sure why FA won't accept my attempts to add them to my social media list but it is what it is.
Anyway here is to a bright and brand new year, 2025, lets hope it's a good one with plenty of cheer.
Since I cannot seem to get the darn contacts / social media tabs to work properly and display my blue sky and Twitter accounts I will just post them here instead.
If you are crazy enough to want to see my social media then I can be found here:
Or here
Fair warning though it's about 90% cat photos and 10% Smut uploads.
I only have the two so far, not sure why FA won't accept my attempts to add them to my social media list but it is what it is.
Anyway here is to a bright and brand new year, 2025, lets hope it's a good one with plenty of cheer.
Hello all 2909 of you... I'm back.
Posted 5 months agoHello everybody it’s been a while. Five years since I was properly active and online on Furaffinity. I’m sorry I was gone so long and even more sorry that I didn’t stay in touch or contact with anyone here during my time away.
Years have gone by, lives have changed, friendships have come and gone and I don’t expect anybody to really remember me from my time here back in the day.
This is most likely going to be an awkward transition coming back to FA for more than the occasional glance around but I will put in the effort to log in every day and try to work my way through the backlog of images I’ve accrued that need uploading.
I will be completely clearing my notes (again very sorry for those I never responded to, I have no excuse), page shouts, watch reminders, everything in order to start fresh. So if you want to post a message or reach out via notes you are more than welcome to and I will do my best to respond in a timely fashion this time.
I hope you will all welcome me back here, and I hope to make many new fond memories with the lot of you.
~With love, SteelWings.
Years have gone by, lives have changed, friendships have come and gone and I don’t expect anybody to really remember me from my time here back in the day.
This is most likely going to be an awkward transition coming back to FA for more than the occasional glance around but I will put in the effort to log in every day and try to work my way through the backlog of images I’ve accrued that need uploading.
I will be completely clearing my notes (again very sorry for those I never responded to, I have no excuse), page shouts, watch reminders, everything in order to start fresh. So if you want to post a message or reach out via notes you are more than welcome to and I will do my best to respond in a timely fashion this time.
I hope you will all welcome me back here, and I hope to make many new fond memories with the lot of you.
~With love, SteelWings.
Its's that time of year again.
Posted 6 years agoMy Birthday... wee -.-
SexyWolfie's Kitty needs help!
Posted 6 years agoHey there everybody.
FA user
sexywolfie needs our help, their poor sweet pet kitty is having health problems and they are finding it difficult to pay the high vet bills.
please take a few minutes to read their journal here:
for full details and pledge some money to help out that sweet little pussy cat if you can.
FA user

please take a few minutes to read their journal here:
for full details and pledge some money to help out that sweet little pussy cat if you can.
Well that was a bit of a scare. [Computer Emergancy]
Posted 7 years ago=============================================
Hello there everybody SteelWings here, saying hello now that I’m back up and operational once again following the deactivation and wear and tear induced destruction of my Laptop of a good 5 to 10 years.
Perhaps I should back up a little and explain ^^
Last week my laptop which had served me well for many years but had slowly been physically breaking down for a long time finally gave up the ghost. The plastic around its air vents had been becoming brittle and cracking off, probably due to how hot it ran while trying to play video games. One of the screen hinges broke away from its casing and finally it just stopped powering up entirely.
It was a scary thing to have my main means of communication with my friends and interaction with the virtual world give up on me but fortunately the day before it stopped working I did have the foresight to back up all my important files to one of my portable hard drives. And I have been slowly saving and making plans to buy a fancy new shiny gaming laptop so I can explore the world of Subnautica in super high graphical awesomeness.
Unfortunately I’m still several months away from that happening. But thanks to the local computer repair services, the ‘Call a Geek’ people in my home town my computer has been returned to operational status.
They managed to extract the hard drive from the smoking pieces of my former laptop and install it into an identical model that they had laying around and which just so happened to be available. So I’ve now got a ‘Brand new’ laptop without all the wear and tear but with all my data already on it. I didn’t need to reinstall anything or remember my passwords or anything and I’m so happy ^^
It really pays to rely on the experts when you’re in a technological bind.
I’m thankful it all worked out in the end. But I’m not going to be complacent and lazy in my savings anymore. I need to hurry up and get that newer computer while this one is still functioning, I don’t want to get caught out again.
Wish me luck on my adventurous saving journey everybody :p
Hello there everybody SteelWings here, saying hello now that I’m back up and operational once again following the deactivation and wear and tear induced destruction of my Laptop of a good 5 to 10 years.
Perhaps I should back up a little and explain ^^
Last week my laptop which had served me well for many years but had slowly been physically breaking down for a long time finally gave up the ghost. The plastic around its air vents had been becoming brittle and cracking off, probably due to how hot it ran while trying to play video games. One of the screen hinges broke away from its casing and finally it just stopped powering up entirely.
It was a scary thing to have my main means of communication with my friends and interaction with the virtual world give up on me but fortunately the day before it stopped working I did have the foresight to back up all my important files to one of my portable hard drives. And I have been slowly saving and making plans to buy a fancy new shiny gaming laptop so I can explore the world of Subnautica in super high graphical awesomeness.
Unfortunately I’m still several months away from that happening. But thanks to the local computer repair services, the ‘Call a Geek’ people in my home town my computer has been returned to operational status.
They managed to extract the hard drive from the smoking pieces of my former laptop and install it into an identical model that they had laying around and which just so happened to be available. So I’ve now got a ‘Brand new’ laptop without all the wear and tear but with all my data already on it. I didn’t need to reinstall anything or remember my passwords or anything and I’m so happy ^^
It really pays to rely on the experts when you’re in a technological bind.
I’m thankful it all worked out in the end. But I’m not going to be complacent and lazy in my savings anymore. I need to hurry up and get that newer computer while this one is still functioning, I don’t want to get caught out again.
Wish me luck on my adventurous saving journey everybody :p
Happy Birthday to me...
Posted 7 years ago==========================================
Once a year we celebrate with stupid hats and plastic plates
The fact that you were able to make another trip around the sun
And the whole clan gathers round and gifts and laughter do abound
And we let out a joyful sound and sing that stupid song
Happy Birthday
Now you're one year older
Happy Birthday
Your life still isn't over
Happy Birthday
You did not accomplish much
But you didn't die this year
I guess that's good enough
So let's drink to your fading health and hope you don't remind yourself
Your chances of finding fame and wealth decrease with every year
Does it feel like you're doing laps and eating food and taking naps
And hoping that some day perhaps your life will hold some cheer
Happy Birthday
What have you done that matters?
Happy Birthday
You're starting to get fatter
Happy Birthday
It's downhill from now on
Try not to remind yourself
Your best years are all gone
If cryogenics were all free then you could live like Walt Disney
And live for all eternity inside a block of ice
But instead your time is set this is the only life you get
And though it hasn't ended yet sometimes you wish it might
Happy Birthday
You wish you had more money
Happy Birthday
Your life's so sad it's funny
Happy Birthday
How much more can you take
But your friends are hungry
So just cut the stupid cake
The birthday song by the Arrogant Worms, found here on youtube:
Yeah it’s my birthday today, 30 years on this planet.
Ever since I became an adult I haven’t felt the same way about birthdays that I used to. Instead of being a day of celebration they’ve become a reminder of how little I’ve accomplished this year, How far I still have to go to make something of myself and how little time I’ve got left to do it all in.
I’m not happy about getting older.
Fortunately I have some good friends like
mako67 and
moonlight-trance who refuse to let me slip into my usual birthday depression by making sure I feel loved and welcome, showering me with gift art on what is normally the worst day of the year ^^
Thank you so very much guys, I really do appreciate your kind words and your actions. It helps keep me in the positive.
Well I’ll stop taking up everybody’s time now. Thanks for checking out my journal. Here’s to another 150 years on this pretty little blue ball. *raises a glass of scotch*
Have a nice day everyone.
Once a year we celebrate with stupid hats and plastic plates
The fact that you were able to make another trip around the sun
And the whole clan gathers round and gifts and laughter do abound
And we let out a joyful sound and sing that stupid song
Happy Birthday
Now you're one year older
Happy Birthday
Your life still isn't over
Happy Birthday
You did not accomplish much
But you didn't die this year
I guess that's good enough
So let's drink to your fading health and hope you don't remind yourself
Your chances of finding fame and wealth decrease with every year
Does it feel like you're doing laps and eating food and taking naps
And hoping that some day perhaps your life will hold some cheer
Happy Birthday
What have you done that matters?
Happy Birthday
You're starting to get fatter
Happy Birthday
It's downhill from now on
Try not to remind yourself
Your best years are all gone
If cryogenics were all free then you could live like Walt Disney
And live for all eternity inside a block of ice
But instead your time is set this is the only life you get
And though it hasn't ended yet sometimes you wish it might
Happy Birthday
You wish you had more money
Happy Birthday
Your life's so sad it's funny
Happy Birthday
How much more can you take
But your friends are hungry
So just cut the stupid cake
The birthday song by the Arrogant Worms, found here on youtube:
Yeah it’s my birthday today, 30 years on this planet.
Ever since I became an adult I haven’t felt the same way about birthdays that I used to. Instead of being a day of celebration they’ve become a reminder of how little I’ve accomplished this year, How far I still have to go to make something of myself and how little time I’ve got left to do it all in.
I’m not happy about getting older.
Fortunately I have some good friends like

Thank you so very much guys, I really do appreciate your kind words and your actions. It helps keep me in the positive.
Well I’ll stop taking up everybody’s time now. Thanks for checking out my journal. Here’s to another 150 years on this pretty little blue ball. *raises a glass of scotch*
Have a nice day everyone.
Placeholder journal. Nothing to see here.
Posted 7 years agoHavn't changed my journal in about a year. I don't have anything to say, just thought I should put up this place holder untill I have something meaninful or important to say.
My plans for Christmas, my birthday and the New Year.
Posted 8 years ago=========================================
Greetings to my watchers, friends, family members who spy on my activity here via dummy accounts and random people who just happened to wander in and expose themselves to the crazy of my user page, I love you all.
Since I don’t post journals all that often I figured I would get this one out of the way a little early, and Tell all you beautiful crazy people who follow me what my plans are for the foreseeable future
.:[Christmas Time]:.
I was planning to work on Christmas day this year, (Time and a half plus a day in lieu Woo!) but the head office decided that the DVD store shouldn’t be open on Christmas day this year so I’m left having to be a social fur and hang out with the family who tolerates me :p
.:[My Birthday]:.
I have no plans for my Birthday which is three days after Christmas. I’ll be 29 years old.. urgh -.-. When I was little and a spoiled brat I used to love my Birthday, it was like extra Christmas. But these days as I find myself getting older and having less and less to show for it… Well it’s a day I’d rather the people around me just forgot and let pass in silence... Being reminded of how little you’ve accomplished by this point while everybody else is out there making something of themselves isn’t exactly fun.
And finally we laboriously reach the actual point of this journal. A Declaration, a public new year’s resolution for my goals and aspirations for the coming year. May it be less of a kick in the pants than 2016 was…
My first act of business will be to delete my skype contact list on Saturday the 31st of December. It’s so full of people who have long since disappeared from my life, or those who due to my own incredible shyness and a firm belief that they truly dislike me I just don’t talk to much anymore.
So anybody who is currently on my skype contact list has until then to smack me over the head and tell me to keep them on the list otherwise it’s So long and thanks for the memories.
Secondly I am going to try and surround myself more with positive and friendly people this coming year and try to limit the amount of time I spend around people who make me feel even more worthless than normal with their actions or words.
Thirdly… ok this numbering thing is getting old so I’m going to stop that now. My next Resolution is to pay off all my depts before the end of 2017. I currently owe various parties around $1968 for various dentist bills and other assorted loans. I’m going to crack down on my spending and try my very best to pay that all back asap.
Nextly once all my depts. are paid off. I need to build up my savings. I’ve been in the Red for far too long. I need a buffer in my account to soak up any damage from the weekly unexpected expenses so that’ll be a priority.
Then once that’s all done I have an equally important resolution. I plan to commission a heap of furry porn! Enough to insulate a house with! I want to be rolling in the stuff by December next year.
And if I can find the time I’ll try to eat right, exercise more, lose weight and other probably important things like that but you know furry porn takes priority.
That's a lot of goals for 2017. Lets check back in on this list in a few months and see if I've managed to check any off by then :p
Greetings to my watchers, friends, family members who spy on my activity here via dummy accounts and random people who just happened to wander in and expose themselves to the crazy of my user page, I love you all.
Since I don’t post journals all that often I figured I would get this one out of the way a little early, and Tell all you beautiful crazy people who follow me what my plans are for the foreseeable future
.:[Christmas Time]:.
I was planning to work on Christmas day this year, (Time and a half plus a day in lieu Woo!) but the head office decided that the DVD store shouldn’t be open on Christmas day this year so I’m left having to be a social fur and hang out with the family who tolerates me :p
.:[My Birthday]:.
I have no plans for my Birthday which is three days after Christmas. I’ll be 29 years old.. urgh -.-. When I was little and a spoiled brat I used to love my Birthday, it was like extra Christmas. But these days as I find myself getting older and having less and less to show for it… Well it’s a day I’d rather the people around me just forgot and let pass in silence... Being reminded of how little you’ve accomplished by this point while everybody else is out there making something of themselves isn’t exactly fun.
And finally we laboriously reach the actual point of this journal. A Declaration, a public new year’s resolution for my goals and aspirations for the coming year. May it be less of a kick in the pants than 2016 was…
My first act of business will be to delete my skype contact list on Saturday the 31st of December. It’s so full of people who have long since disappeared from my life, or those who due to my own incredible shyness and a firm belief that they truly dislike me I just don’t talk to much anymore.
So anybody who is currently on my skype contact list has until then to smack me over the head and tell me to keep them on the list otherwise it’s So long and thanks for the memories.
Secondly I am going to try and surround myself more with positive and friendly people this coming year and try to limit the amount of time I spend around people who make me feel even more worthless than normal with their actions or words.
Thirdly… ok this numbering thing is getting old so I’m going to stop that now. My next Resolution is to pay off all my depts before the end of 2017. I currently owe various parties around $1968 for various dentist bills and other assorted loans. I’m going to crack down on my spending and try my very best to pay that all back asap.
Nextly once all my depts. are paid off. I need to build up my savings. I’ve been in the Red for far too long. I need a buffer in my account to soak up any damage from the weekly unexpected expenses so that’ll be a priority.
Then once that’s all done I have an equally important resolution. I plan to commission a heap of furry porn! Enough to insulate a house with! I want to be rolling in the stuff by December next year.
And if I can find the time I’ll try to eat right, exercise more, lose weight and other probably important things like that but you know furry porn takes priority.
That's a lot of goals for 2017. Lets check back in on this list in a few months and see if I've managed to check any off by then :p
Looking to commission a spaceship Designer / Artist.
Posted 8 years ago=======================================
Hello my watchers, friends, enemies, stalkers and random people who happened upon this journal by pure cosmic chance alone.
My last journal was many months past the point of relevancy so I figured it was time for a change. And instead of posting my usual ‘nothing new so carry on’ place holder I thought I would post something a little more interesting...
I am looking to commission an artist for blue print style picture of a space ship, the standard top view, side view and one more angle view sort of thing, but not only to draw it but to also mess around with the design a little.
I’ve got a pretty good idea of what I want accumulated from a collection of refs of other star ship designs but having an artist’s help to give the ship its own unique flare would certainly be a plus.
So what I guess I’m asking you my watchers is, do any of you know any artists out there at the moment who would be willing to do space ship drawings for money? Any struggling artists out there who want to try their hand at drawing a piece of space machinery?
Or do you think I should shelve the idea of spaceship art and just focus on commissioning pics of my boobtastic oc’s? =p
Tell me in the comments below
Hello my watchers, friends, enemies, stalkers and random people who happened upon this journal by pure cosmic chance alone.
My last journal was many months past the point of relevancy so I figured it was time for a change. And instead of posting my usual ‘nothing new so carry on’ place holder I thought I would post something a little more interesting...
I am looking to commission an artist for blue print style picture of a space ship, the standard top view, side view and one more angle view sort of thing, but not only to draw it but to also mess around with the design a little.
I’ve got a pretty good idea of what I want accumulated from a collection of refs of other star ship designs but having an artist’s help to give the ship its own unique flare would certainly be a plus.
So what I guess I’m asking you my watchers is, do any of you know any artists out there at the moment who would be willing to do space ship drawings for money? Any struggling artists out there who want to try their hand at drawing a piece of space machinery?
Or do you think I should shelve the idea of spaceship art and just focus on commissioning pics of my boobtastic oc’s? =p
Tell me in the comments below
Zombikiss is holding a raffle and art give away..
Posted 9 years agoArtist
Zombikiss is nearly at 300 watchers and has decided to hold a special art give away for the lucky fur who is the 300th person to click the +watch button on her gallery.
Here's her journal on the subject:
Go check out her stuff and give her a watch, who knows you might be the lucky one.

Here's her journal on the subject:
Go check out her stuff and give her a watch, who knows you might be the lucky one.
I am not going anywhere
Posted 9 years ago=====================================
This is a journal just to let my watchers, friends and people who stalk me know that no I am not fleeing FA like a rat fleeing a sinking ship... even if that might be the wise choice at this point in time.
My gallery is here and it has taken a long time to get all this art work. I am how ever in the process of backing up my gallery on Weasyl just incase something does happen to the FA website
and boy is it taking a long time...
Regardless this will remain my main account for as long as FA remains useable to the general public. I will continue to upload all the commissions I get here first and formost, and if I ever complete the gallery backup on weasyl I will upload any non collectioned artwork I get there as well.
That is all.
This is a journal just to let my watchers, friends and people who stalk me know that no I am not fleeing FA like a rat fleeing a sinking ship... even if that might be the wise choice at this point in time.
My gallery is here and it has taken a long time to get all this art work. I am how ever in the process of backing up my gallery on Weasyl just incase something does happen to the FA website
and boy is it taking a long time...
Regardless this will remain my main account for as long as FA remains useable to the general public. I will continue to upload all the commissions I get here first and formost, and if I ever complete the gallery backup on weasyl I will upload any non collectioned artwork I get there as well.
That is all.
It's Sunday so lets all play the AMCA game!
Posted 9 years ago==========================================
AMCA or Ask My Characters Anything is a fun journal meme where you my loyal viewers can ask my OC's anything you like and I will have them respond in character.
My list of OC's with refs can be found here:
So if you have any questions for my characters ask away and I"ll respond as I can.
One character per question please. *sigh*
AMCA or Ask My Characters Anything is a fun journal meme where you my loyal viewers can ask my OC's anything you like and I will have them respond in character.
My list of OC's with refs can be found here:
So if you have any questions for my characters ask away and I"ll respond as I can.
One character per question please. *sigh*
Place holder journal. nothing important within.
Posted 9 years ago======================================
This is a place holder journal.
I have nothing important to say at the moment, I just wated to remove the 4 month old previous journal from my front page.
I'm sure i'll think of something more interesting to post here later.
This is a place holder journal.
I have nothing important to say at the moment, I just wated to remove the 4 month old previous journal from my front page.
I'm sure i'll think of something more interesting to post here later.
Soul_Shelter needs urgent help, Details within.
Posted 9 years ago======================================
Soul_Shelter is in a no holds barred custody beat down with her ex over their son. She needs help to continue to afford the lawyer necessary to fight to get him back.
More details can be found on her journal here:
Or directly on her gofundme page found here:
Take a look and help her out if you can, with funds, or well wishes, or spreading word via journals like this.

More details can be found on her journal here:
Or directly on her gofundme page found here:
Take a look and help her out if you can, with funds, or well wishes, or spreading word via journals like this.
I don't have anything to say, this is a place holder journal
Posted 10 years ago==========================================
My last journal is about six months out of date by this point. So I figured it's time to upload another one to hold down the fort untill I have something insightful or meaningful to say.
Live long and may the force be with you.
My last journal is about six months out of date by this point. So I figured it's time to upload another one to hold down the fort untill I have something insightful or meaningful to say.
Live long and may the force be with you.
An artist and pretty cool dude needs your help.
Posted 10 years ago=================================================================
Greetings strange and bizarre people who watch me for reasons I cannot comprehend (I love you all ^^)
I’m posting this journal to do what I can to draw your attention to one
rabbi-tom an artist and all round awesome dude who is in a bit of an undesirable situation at the moment.
He needs to raise some money to pay for repairs to his car and as such is selling some of the artwork he’s drawn over the years.
You can find out which art pieces are for sale by going here: and reading his journal on the subject.
Help him out if you can ^.^
Greetings strange and bizarre people who watch me for reasons I cannot comprehend (I love you all ^^)
I’m posting this journal to do what I can to draw your attention to one

He needs to raise some money to pay for repairs to his car and as such is selling some of the artwork he’s drawn over the years.
You can find out which art pieces are for sale by going here: and reading his journal on the subject.
Help him out if you can ^.^
#Pimping Jounal# Five Nights With Libra! a Picarto Marathon!
Posted 10 years ago===================================================================
Check it out,
Libra-11 is running a very special Picarto streaming promotion starting on Tuesday and running into Saturday. Here he will offer special new types of commissions, on top of everything else he already does. Aside from what's in this picture: here's more information on what he's offering and the promotional prices!
$10 sketches!
$20 inks!
$35 flat colors!
$55 shaded colors!
$70 complex shaded colors!
$10 for backgrounds!
$10 per extra character!
$15 color icons!
$20 colored con badges!
Finally, 10% off these already lowered prices if you get something related to the theme of the day. Here are the themes he's planning at the moment:
Tuesday: suits
Wednesday: androids
Thursday: shapeshifters
Friday: vampires
Saturday: goo
Typical Picarto rules apply, which you can read here:
Hope to see you guys there! :D
Check it out,

$10 sketches!
$20 inks!
$35 flat colors!
$55 shaded colors!
$70 complex shaded colors!
$10 for backgrounds!
$10 per extra character!
$15 color icons!
$20 colored con badges!
Finally, 10% off these already lowered prices if you get something related to the theme of the day. Here are the themes he's planning at the moment:
Tuesday: suits
Wednesday: androids
Thursday: shapeshifters
Friday: vampires
Saturday: goo
Typical Picarto rules apply, which you can read here:
Hope to see you guys there! :D
[Update#2] on the scooter situation, replacement and dept.
Posted 10 years ago=================================================
It has been Five days give or take since my poor little 250 cc Fonta Motor Scooter was stolen from my place of work, smashed up and then ditched in the mud only to be discovered by police the following morning. then I have been dealing with my insurance company and they are in the process of assessing my smashed up scooter trying to determine its market value so they can pay me, minus my $500 excess of course.
Since then my mum and my dad have been taking it in turns to pick me up from work at night which is very nice and kind of them. But that is only a short term solution they can’t keep doing that forever. I’ve been looking around at the various bike shops here in the Stoke, Nelson and Richmond area to compare prices, engine sizes, model and make all that stuff to try and make as informed a decision as I can about the replacement.
It’s hard finding a balance between my thoughts and my feelings on this issue. On the one hand I want to be a loyal customer to the store that has always helped me out and always taken in and tried to repair my old Fonta whenever it broke down. But on the other hand I don’t really like the looks of their bikes; they all seem too small, too thin to be ridden comfortably. But going to another bike dealer feels like I’m turning traitor even if they have physically bigger bikes so I’m split.
But in the end today after weighing the options and after taking it for a test drive I have decided to go for a PCX150 Honda similar to this:
And this:
There are some minor issues like my old posture not being quite right for seeing in the rear vision mirrors on this bike so I have to adjust that, and removing the half way bump from the seat so I can slide back a little further (since I won’t be carrying passengers or anything like that) All in all this little ‘adventure’ has set me back 5000 + dollars which I will be paying off over the next three years, Blarg
And though I’m loathe to come out and ask for donations because there are so many more important furry causes out there than stupid guy with a bike… But if any of my watchers do have a spare couple of dollars they want to generously donate to help me pay it off quicker I will happily and graciously accept.
So if you want to, please note me and I’ll give you my paypal. (this way I’ll know who to thank)
That’s the end of this update. One more is coming when I hear back from the insurance company about the settlement on my old bike. Then this horrible chapter in my recent life can be put behind me Woohoo.
It has been Five days give or take since my poor little 250 cc Fonta Motor Scooter was stolen from my place of work, smashed up and then ditched in the mud only to be discovered by police the following morning. then I have been dealing with my insurance company and they are in the process of assessing my smashed up scooter trying to determine its market value so they can pay me, minus my $500 excess of course.
Since then my mum and my dad have been taking it in turns to pick me up from work at night which is very nice and kind of them. But that is only a short term solution they can’t keep doing that forever. I’ve been looking around at the various bike shops here in the Stoke, Nelson and Richmond area to compare prices, engine sizes, model and make all that stuff to try and make as informed a decision as I can about the replacement.
It’s hard finding a balance between my thoughts and my feelings on this issue. On the one hand I want to be a loyal customer to the store that has always helped me out and always taken in and tried to repair my old Fonta whenever it broke down. But on the other hand I don’t really like the looks of their bikes; they all seem too small, too thin to be ridden comfortably. But going to another bike dealer feels like I’m turning traitor even if they have physically bigger bikes so I’m split.
But in the end today after weighing the options and after taking it for a test drive I have decided to go for a PCX150 Honda similar to this:
And this:
There are some minor issues like my old posture not being quite right for seeing in the rear vision mirrors on this bike so I have to adjust that, and removing the half way bump from the seat so I can slide back a little further (since I won’t be carrying passengers or anything like that) All in all this little ‘adventure’ has set me back 5000 + dollars which I will be paying off over the next three years, Blarg
And though I’m loathe to come out and ask for donations because there are so many more important furry causes out there than stupid guy with a bike… But if any of my watchers do have a spare couple of dollars they want to generously donate to help me pay it off quicker I will happily and graciously accept.
So if you want to, please note me and I’ll give you my paypal. (this way I’ll know who to thank)
That’s the end of this update. One more is coming when I hear back from the insurance company about the settlement on my old bike. Then this horrible chapter in my recent life can be put behind me Woohoo.
.:[Update]:. on my stollen motorbike
Posted 10 years ago=======================================================
Hey there my watchers, friends and potential stalkers.
I wanted to give you guys an update on what was happening with my stolen scooter now that it’s been roughly 24 hours.
To recap sometime between 7pm and 10pm on Wednesday night my 125 maroon and silver coloured Fonta motor scooter was stolen from my place of work, from a relatively observable to the public car park.
When I discovered it was missing after work I went to the police and filed a report and gave a description of the bike and then my dad took me home (that was nice of him)
And now for the new information: around 4am that next morning (i.e. six hours later) I got a knock on the door from two police officers who had come to tell me that they had managed to locate my scooter upside down and damaged and that it was at the police station awaiting pick up in the morning. Though it seems they found it independently of the police report since they didn’t realise it had been stolen.
Come the morning my dad volunteers his help and we hire a trailer to go pick up my bike. We find it in a deplorable condition. The Ignition was torn out (probably in order to unlock the steering column and allow the bike to be moved) the Fiberglass body was broken and hanging off in various places one of the lights was torn out, break leavers broken. They even took a screwdriver to my helmet case in order to get at my expensive and protective bike helmet and gloves.
All in all it’s a write off. Even if we could locate the parts to repair this specific brand (which we can’t in New Zealand) it would cost thousands upon thousands to repair, better off just buying a new one or a second hand one, much cheaper.
So we spent the better part of the morning gathering up my insurance papers to find out what kind of coverage I have, have full so woo. And then we went to file a claim with the insurance agency. All pretty standard stuff, fill out some forms, answer some questions. Deliver the bike to a mechanic so they can go over it and report back on its condition to them. Though my policy does have a $500 excess on it in the case of theft so depending on how much the bike is deemed worth I probably won’t get much money out of it. But hopefully enough to pay for the deposit on a new bike, but we’ll see.
After we left the insurance agents we found a note from the thief stuck to the window of my dad’s car. It basically read ‘Ha look at what you found, hope it still works hahaha’ and that really got under my skin… This $%*# head was proud of what he did. He was laughing at me and mocking me for being able to steal and destroy my only mode of transport and get away with it >:( Of course that note was handed over to the police but who knows what they can do with it.
And so that’s where I am now. One totalled bike and not enough money for another one. My parents will be able to help me out with transport in the short term, but I really need to get mobile again on another bike ASAP. My best bet is probably getting a personal loan from my bank, their rates some reasonable and the online calculators that explain how much you’ll have to pay back each week all give reasonable numbers. My main worry is that my credit card debt will make me seem like a bad risk and they’ll refuse me the loan.
Still don’t know until you try so that’s what I’m going to be doing today. Wish me luck guys.
Hey there my watchers, friends and potential stalkers.
I wanted to give you guys an update on what was happening with my stolen scooter now that it’s been roughly 24 hours.
To recap sometime between 7pm and 10pm on Wednesday night my 125 maroon and silver coloured Fonta motor scooter was stolen from my place of work, from a relatively observable to the public car park.
When I discovered it was missing after work I went to the police and filed a report and gave a description of the bike and then my dad took me home (that was nice of him)
And now for the new information: around 4am that next morning (i.e. six hours later) I got a knock on the door from two police officers who had come to tell me that they had managed to locate my scooter upside down and damaged and that it was at the police station awaiting pick up in the morning. Though it seems they found it independently of the police report since they didn’t realise it had been stolen.
Come the morning my dad volunteers his help and we hire a trailer to go pick up my bike. We find it in a deplorable condition. The Ignition was torn out (probably in order to unlock the steering column and allow the bike to be moved) the Fiberglass body was broken and hanging off in various places one of the lights was torn out, break leavers broken. They even took a screwdriver to my helmet case in order to get at my expensive and protective bike helmet and gloves.
All in all it’s a write off. Even if we could locate the parts to repair this specific brand (which we can’t in New Zealand) it would cost thousands upon thousands to repair, better off just buying a new one or a second hand one, much cheaper.
So we spent the better part of the morning gathering up my insurance papers to find out what kind of coverage I have, have full so woo. And then we went to file a claim with the insurance agency. All pretty standard stuff, fill out some forms, answer some questions. Deliver the bike to a mechanic so they can go over it and report back on its condition to them. Though my policy does have a $500 excess on it in the case of theft so depending on how much the bike is deemed worth I probably won’t get much money out of it. But hopefully enough to pay for the deposit on a new bike, but we’ll see.
After we left the insurance agents we found a note from the thief stuck to the window of my dad’s car. It basically read ‘Ha look at what you found, hope it still works hahaha’ and that really got under my skin… This $%*# head was proud of what he did. He was laughing at me and mocking me for being able to steal and destroy my only mode of transport and get away with it >:( Of course that note was handed over to the police but who knows what they can do with it.
And so that’s where I am now. One totalled bike and not enough money for another one. My parents will be able to help me out with transport in the short term, but I really need to get mobile again on another bike ASAP. My best bet is probably getting a personal loan from my bank, their rates some reasonable and the online calculators that explain how much you’ll have to pay back each week all give reasonable numbers. My main worry is that my credit card debt will make me seem like a bad risk and they’ll refuse me the loan.
Still don’t know until you try so that’s what I’m going to be doing today. Wish me luck guys.
Well my scooter's been stollen.
Posted 10 years agoreally a 'wonderful' suprise tonight as I was leaving work. Lock up the building all nice and secure and find out that my only transport, my ride. my sweet little Maroon and Silver Fonta scooter has been stollen.
I don't understand how who ever did this managed to do it without me noticing. there was a large window by the front door that gave me a great view of the scooter at all times. Not that I was looking at all times being buisy serving customers and the like But the steering collum was locked in place like it is every night. they couldn't have driven it away I had the keys. they couldn't even have rolled it away because of the angle the steering was locked at.
Must have been carried away or loaded onto the back of a truck or something :( Argh my head is swimming with a mix of emotions at the moment. That bike was my life line to the world, it's how I got around, how I went to work. what am I gona do if the police can't find it?
Sorry for ranting and posting personal shit nobody cares about on an FA journal I just needed to vent my annoyance at this whole situation.
I don't understand how who ever did this managed to do it without me noticing. there was a large window by the front door that gave me a great view of the scooter at all times. Not that I was looking at all times being buisy serving customers and the like But the steering collum was locked in place like it is every night. they couldn't have driven it away I had the keys. they couldn't even have rolled it away because of the angle the steering was locked at.
Must have been carried away or loaded onto the back of a truck or something :( Argh my head is swimming with a mix of emotions at the moment. That bike was my life line to the world, it's how I got around, how I went to work. what am I gona do if the police can't find it?
Sorry for ranting and posting personal shit nobody cares about on an FA journal I just needed to vent my annoyance at this whole situation.
Complete character list + Ask my characters Anything meme
Posted 11 years ago===================================================
Greetings one and all to my as of time of writing one thousand nine hundred and fourty watchers and those random few who stalk me but don’t watch me. I figured it was time for a bit of a journal spring clean so I erased all of my old journals since they were just leaving a clutter everywhere and taking up space.
And to Celebrate I thought I would do another one of those ‘Ask my characters anything’ meme journals since the last one I did had such a positive response.
I will list off my characters in the groups I feel most appropriate for them, ie Dragons, Fire paw farm residents, Pokégirls , humans and so on. Then if you feel so inclined you can post a comment down below stating which character you wish to ask a question to, and then pose your question. I will then respond in character with their answer.
But please no more than one question per post, But you can make multiple posts if you have multiple questions.
Storm Castle Residents:
King SkyFire:
Princess Amber:
Cassie Loveheart: (Grey one)
Third Space: (Green one)
Kathrin: (blond one)
Sahiryr Gemdreamer:
Eglantine Marigold:
Lilly Mithra:
Tamatha Calligenia:
Samantha the Zebracorn:
Pure Shine:
Ivan the Tentacled fox: (His tentacles)
Daisy Hay:
Rena Moon: [Purple furred vixen, no picture yet]
Obey Your Neighbour Series characters:
Jason Hubbard:
Emily Hubbard:
Kyle Hubbard:
Jessica Hubbard:
Steel's Family:
Matthew James Damien:
World of WarCraft Characters:
Android / Anthroid Characters:
MERVASian Characters:
Bob and Kevin:
Elisa and Tiffany:
Other Androids/Anthroids:
bleu ange:
Avalon Comet-Dancer:
Jia Lijuan
Lisa Clovers
Fire Paw Farm Residents:
Clara Bellecote:
Hazel Bellecote:
Holly: (no art of her yet)
Hannah , Scarlet and Daisy:
Chastity Hollister :
Llamrei Häst:
Edana Zitkala:
Kenna Sinopa:
My Little Pony Characters:
Ruby Heart:
Currently Unclassified:
Ayanna Kainda:
Kira Onda (Dolphin women with a cybernetic arm, no picture yet]
Phew I think that's all of them. >.> So if you have any questions for my lovely ladies and handsome gentlemen then please ask away and let's see what happens.
Now let's tag some peeps and see if we can get this turning into a FA wide meme again:
Greetings one and all to my as of time of writing one thousand nine hundred and fourty watchers and those random few who stalk me but don’t watch me. I figured it was time for a bit of a journal spring clean so I erased all of my old journals since they were just leaving a clutter everywhere and taking up space.
And to Celebrate I thought I would do another one of those ‘Ask my characters anything’ meme journals since the last one I did had such a positive response.
I will list off my characters in the groups I feel most appropriate for them, ie Dragons, Fire paw farm residents, Pokégirls , humans and so on. Then if you feel so inclined you can post a comment down below stating which character you wish to ask a question to, and then pose your question. I will then respond in character with their answer.
But please no more than one question per post, But you can make multiple posts if you have multiple questions.
Storm Castle Residents:
King SkyFire:
Princess Amber:
Cassie Loveheart: (Grey one)
Third Space: (Green one)
Kathrin: (blond one)
Sahiryr Gemdreamer:
Eglantine Marigold:
Lilly Mithra:
Tamatha Calligenia:
Samantha the Zebracorn:
Pure Shine:
Ivan the Tentacled fox: (His tentacles)
Daisy Hay:
Rena Moon: [Purple furred vixen, no picture yet]
Obey Your Neighbour Series characters:
Jason Hubbard:
Emily Hubbard:
Kyle Hubbard:
Jessica Hubbard:
Steel's Family:
Matthew James Damien:
World of WarCraft Characters:
Android / Anthroid Characters:
MERVASian Characters:
Bob and Kevin:
Elisa and Tiffany:
Other Androids/Anthroids:
bleu ange:
Avalon Comet-Dancer:
Jia Lijuan
Lisa Clovers
Fire Paw Farm Residents:
Clara Bellecote:
Hazel Bellecote:
Holly: (no art of her yet)
Hannah , Scarlet and Daisy:
Chastity Hollister :
Llamrei Häst:
Edana Zitkala:
Kenna Sinopa:
My Little Pony Characters:
Ruby Heart:
Currently Unclassified:
Ayanna Kainda:
Kira Onda (Dolphin women with a cybernetic arm, no picture yet]
Phew I think that's all of them. >.> So if you have any questions for my lovely ladies and handsome gentlemen then please ask away and let's see what happens.
Now let's tag some peeps and see if we can get this turning into a FA wide meme again:

Lets help this video go Viral
Posted 11 years agoWatch this video, then you will understand ^^