Final? Farewell
Posted 10 years agoSorry to have kept you waiting. It's been virtually impossible to get on FA since I lost my free connection. I just wanted to write and tell you that I'm fine, and you don't need to worry about me. I've been trying to get by without you, but it's been difficult since my stepmom put Fort Knox security on all my access points. I suffered a serious setback when my hard drive died and I lost over 12,000 pictures I had gotten and ALL of the logs and stories I was working on. I salvaged what I could, but I'm virtually scarred for life from losing all that awesome content. Iwanted to let you know that I'm still writing, but it's been much slower these days. I had actually come up with a kind of "tribute" series called "My Nightmare" where a human and a "Nightmare Lugia" virtually engage in any and every kind of fetish, fantasy and furry under the sun just for fun. I never got a chance to submit it, and I lost a couple chapters when my hard drive died. Otherwise, I've mostly been playing Flexible Suvival, Corruption of Champions and that awesome new game Trials in Tainted Space and kept a log of as much content as I could just for fun. I have nearly 2000 pages just from CoC alone! I'm always thinking of you, and if there comes a time where I can get back online, you'll be the first site I hit. It was fun while it lasted, and I promise to keep writing for as long as I can. Until next time, this is shadowlugia249 signing off for now!
Classic Help
Posted 12 years agoDoes anyone know where I can get ahold of the latest builds of Zelda Classic 2.5 for download? The links here are false.
RP List
razz Razz n' Luta vs. The Incendi dragons
zohaku Chaos X
zavvnao or
wondermane Shiny Shadow Lugia Sex Toy
Waiting list (in order of priority)
lionprowl Something (Muk?)Lugia related
wyraachur Shadow Lugia x Human
zavvnao ot
wondermane No topic yet
RP List

Waiting list (in order of priority)

Not Quite Good-Bye...
Posted 12 years agoDon't panic! I'm not going anywhere! I just have to make a few improvisations to my internet schedule if I'm going to keep in good with my stepmom and have a chance at a replacement Wii. All I have to do is give up my nook for two hours a day at two select times until further notice so I don't "obsess" over it as much.
In Central time, these times are 9:30 AM-10:30AM and 3:30 PM-4:30PM. I can probably work with the times so I can change when they happen, but at the moment, it's even more important that those of you who want to RP with me show up when I ask. A lot of you (you know who you are) have been leaving me hanging for half the day and then expect me to just RP out of the blue. Not cool, bros.
For those of you who are still RPing with me, it's even more important that you report to me on time since I don't have as much of it anymore. I can't keep making reservations if you don't show up and I may drop you altogether if this keeps up. Please don't keep me waiting. Thanks!
In Central time, these times are 9:30 AM-10:30AM and 3:30 PM-4:30PM. I can probably work with the times so I can change when they happen, but at the moment, it's even more important that those of you who want to RP with me show up when I ask. A lot of you (you know who you are) have been leaving me hanging for half the day and then expect me to just RP out of the blue. Not cool, bros.
For those of you who are still RPing with me, it's even more important that you report to me on time since I don't have as much of it anymore. I can't keep making reservations if you don't show up and I may drop you altogether if this keeps up. Please don't keep me waiting. Thanks!
Roleplaying List
Posted 12 years agoI keep getting requests to roleplay, but I can only handle so much at one time. Right now, I'm juggling three accounts and trying to RP with three other people. For those of you who want in, you'll have to wait until my list clears up.
shadowlugia249 account:
buh4ectep11 - Flammie/baby fur
TheSilverSeryn account:
razz Razz and Luta vs. Strato and Plexie
Waiting list:
wyraachur Shadow Lugia x Human
lionprowl Lugia
zohaku Chaos X
shadowlugia249 account:

TheSilverSeryn account:

Waiting list:

Posted 12 years agoCheck your inboxes, my watchers! I'm back with a vengeance and posting all new stuff!
Good News for Stories!
Posted 12 years agoFor those of you who lost track, I only have 11 more stories to repost before I have them all back up and I can start posting new stuff. And at the rate I've been going, that shouldn't be too much longer. Look for more yiffiness in the future.
Roleplaying, Anyone?
Posted 12 years agoI finally found a chat room that works with my Nook tablet and to celebrate, I want to try my hand at Roleplaying. I'm also offering to turn those logs into your own story if you help me get them off the page. Because I don't want to lose my internet again, I'll only give out my chat addresz to anyone who's gung ho at roleplaying. So if you think you can cross words with me, PM me what you want to talk about and I'll consider it.
Hot topics right now:
Muklugia or any Synthetic Lugia goodness
Shadow Lugia
Flammie (try to keep it pg-rated unless you got a good idea
any synthetic idea from my gallery
Not so hot:
"Original Characters", ie, fursonas that I know nothing about.
General conversation. Be serious, people!
Hot topics right now:
Muklugia or any Synthetic Lugia goodness
Shadow Lugia
Flammie (try to keep it pg-rated unless you got a good idea
any synthetic idea from my gallery
Not so hot:
"Original Characters", ie, fursonas that I know nothing about.
General conversation. Be serious, people!
Still waiting for Cleaners! Stories for Assistance!
Posted 12 years agoI still need some regular cleaners. My offer still stands that I'll write a free story to anyone who'se willing to help me download my inbox and/or FA faved Galleries on a somewhat regular basis.
LMFAO in more ways than one
Posted 12 years agoI can't get enough of I'm Sexy and I know it, so you can imagine how awesome I felt when I heard some parodied versions on the radio and internet. And because I'm such a nice Lugia, I'll share what I found with you
Heard this on the local radio after getting done with my job early one morning.
This one came outof nowhere and is extra funny because I grew up in this environment.
And for all you Bronies out there:
This is a rather cute remake of Final Fantasy 6. I only played it for an hour on my portable Dingoo Emulator and I'm definitely impressed. It's certainly held my attention longer than all the other FF6 hacks out there.
Heard this on the local radio after getting done with my job early one morning.
This one came outof nowhere and is extra funny because I grew up in this environment.
And for all you Bronies out there:
This is a rather cute remake of Final Fantasy 6. I only played it for an hour on my portable Dingoo Emulator and I'm definitely impressed. It's certainly held my attention longer than all the other FF6 hacks out there.
Posted 12 years agoDoes anyone know how to install the bonus DLC maps for the PC version of Batman Arkham Asylum? I downloaded the bonus EUR and USA maps, but I'm stuck with a few PKG files and I have no idea how to get the files installed. I heard you need the GOTY version of the game, but I don't have it and I heard that 7-zip could open PKG files, but that failed, too.
MUGEN Madness
Posted 12 years agoAnyone know the names of any decent Pokemon MUGEN games and links? And don't say Type Wild because I already have it.
Will Write for Cleaners!!!
Posted 13 years agoSince I've come back, my nook hasn't allowed me to download ANYTHING from my FA inbox or anything else from this site. I'm always watching new people, so there's always new things to download, plus I can't get flash files, txts or stories posted in message boxes. I need to hire some "cleaners" who are willing to set aside some time to help me "download on request" and I'm willing to write you a story based on how much you're willing to do for me.
Here are my prices:
Download & email all items in select artists gallery - Free story, but I decide what goes init, ie, you can choose the characters & theme, but I put it together.
Help me clean out my personal inbox every so often - you call the shots for the story. I just write it.
Become my full-time cleaner - stories on request. If you have a story you want written at almost any time, you got it! + priority.
Here are my prices:
Download & email all items in select artists gallery - Free story, but I decide what goes init, ie, you can choose the characters & theme, but I put it together.
Help me clean out my personal inbox every so often - you call the shots for the story. I just write it.
Become my full-time cleaner - stories on request. If you have a story you want written at almost any time, you got it! + priority.
Arkham City Control Fail
Posted 13 years agoI just got Batman Arkham City for my PC. It's an awesome game, but I'm facing a little bit of a control crisis. I don't have an xbox, so I don't have an Xbox controller to use on it. I actually have a Logitch Dual Action Controller that lets me set the controls that I use on the keyboard to any button I choose. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem, but for some reason, when I want to go forward, I go backwards and vice versa. I can turn right and left just fine, but at the risk of wrecking the game, is there ANY way that I can flip the controls so I go forward when I press up and backward when I press down? I'm not accustomed to using Xbox controllers and I've never played the game before, but is that normal or am I screwed? Any little bit of file modification or control help would be appreciated.
Posted 13 years agoWhile raiding Sofurry for alll sorts of smutty goodness, I realized that the ebooks I download there are really only partially beneficial to me and my "secret" project. I've been using Calibre to convert them into either PDFs or TXTs depending on the formatting and then transfering them to MS word. However, I have a problem I need fixed. If I convert them to PDFs, then they're a mess to copy and past and I often have lines that "double" when they go to a new page, plus I have all those unwanted paragraphs made every few lines or so. I can fix them with a simple 4-step find and replace, but I'd rather not have to do that for each and every one. And if I convert them to txt, then I miss if there's special formatting in them.
Does anyone have a better program than Calibre that I can use to convert EPUBs to cleaner PDFs or even directly to rtf or doc files? I'm going nuts trying to figure this out!
Does anyone have a better program than Calibre that I can use to convert EPUBs to cleaner PDFs or even directly to rtf or doc files? I'm going nuts trying to figure this out!
Posted 13 years agoI need some help with a product of mine. I have a "R4i 3DS Revolution" Flash card for my downloaded DS games, but thanks to recent updates by Nintendo, I can no longer play it on my 3DS. I can still use it, but it's on my old, dim, gray DS, which could cop out any day. I know there are ways to get around these updates such as installing different special firmwares, but gjven how rarely I ever use Wi-fi for my 3DS, I should be safe if I get on top of it right now. If anyone knows the correct files and procedures to upgrade my card, it would be greatly appreciated. If I get any complaints that what I'm doing is illegal or say there's no point because of upgrades, you will be BLOCKED!!! This is NOT something I'm in the mood to argue about since I have a lot at stake here, so only PM me if you know how to fix it.
Here's my specs:
DS card: R4i 3DS Revolution
Card firmware: WOOD 1.47
DS type: original gray model
DS firmware. I don't think it has any
3DS firmware. 3.0.0-7U
Preferences: Anything compatible for 4.0.0-5U or better
Here's my specs:
DS card: R4i 3DS Revolution
Card firmware: WOOD 1.47
DS type: original gray model
DS firmware. I don't think it has any
3DS firmware. 3.0.0-7U
Preferences: Anything compatible for 4.0.0-5U or better
NEW!!!!! (Kinda)
Posted 13 years agoHad extra time today, so I started reposting my original gallery again. Instant Glassics is up, but don't count on it happening every day. Per your requests, I'm posting DOCand TXT versions of almost everything, so it'll take a bit to get both of them going at the same time. I'm also on borrowed time each and every day, so it'll happen when I get the time. I promise I'll get new stuff up as soon as I have all the old stuff up.
Help me out. Did I post an incomplete series called "Out of Toon" at some point before I tore it all down? I forget.
Help me out. Did I post an incomplete series called "Out of Toon" at some point before I tore it all down? I forget.
Posted 13 years agoSorry. Had to do a Daniel Bryan there.
I WIN!!! My stepmom finally gave in and I finally have my nook and Internet back! There's still a few glitches with time and accessibility to iron out, but I'm FINALLY back online. I have to catch up on a number of downloads that I've been dying to get, but soon enough, I'll be able to post new things... or at least continue rebuilding my gallery.
For those of you who have been wondering what I've written since I've been gone, here's a few titles i've finished.
Of Paw and Cargon 2 - a personal remake of Xinnova's tribute to
karosu starring Carcar and Muklugia
Life with Lugia 5 - a mechanical CTF starring a living metal Lugia cock. O_o
A Boy and His Blob - a great tribute to
Fit for a God 6 - a new Lugia Costume fic inspired by
And a few more here and there. I can't wait to finish up my catchup items and come back full time! It's so awesome to be back!!!
Not to mention the little project I've been working on for almost everyone on FA, SF and a few on DA...
I WIN!!! My stepmom finally gave in and I finally have my nook and Internet back! There's still a few glitches with time and accessibility to iron out, but I'm FINALLY back online. I have to catch up on a number of downloads that I've been dying to get, but soon enough, I'll be able to post new things... or at least continue rebuilding my gallery.
For those of you who have been wondering what I've written since I've been gone, here's a few titles i've finished.
Of Paw and Cargon 2 - a personal remake of Xinnova's tribute to

Life with Lugia 5 - a mechanical CTF starring a living metal Lugia cock. O_o
A Boy and His Blob - a great tribute to

Fit for a God 6 - a new Lugia Costume fic inspired by

And a few more here and there. I can't wait to finish up my catchup items and come back full time! It's so awesome to be back!!!
Not to mention the little project I've been working on for almost everyone on FA, SF and a few on DA...
At Last! Farewell!
Posted 13 years agoI'm sorry for keeping you all in suspense for the past several months, but this is actually the first and only time I've been on a decent computer since I lost my nook immediately after Thanksgiving. I've still been writing, but sadly, my Internet time has been reduced to 20 minutes a day on a 3G connection via my PSP, so I don't really have time for anything major. Sadly, I'm afraid I must say that my time here was great, but keep in mind that this is not goodbye forever. It's just goodbye for now. I will keep working on my stories and whatever comes my way while I'm gone and hope that someday, I will have full access again and I may be able to share my masterpieces again. I will definitely miss you and I pray that someday, my stepmom will get off her high horse and give me my Nook back again.
But before I go, allow my to announce something that will be THE most amazing thing I've done for this site in my entire life. Over the course of my carreer, I've collected in upwards of 3500+ story files from nearly 1500 different people and I am taking it upon myself to sort through, read through and edit every single one of them and then offer them all back to their creators with 95% or better readability absolutely free of charge! I've already invested six hours a day since New Years of 2012 trying to sort and rough edit them. And when I complete this glorious project, I will gladly offer them back to you with no need to pay so that people may enjoy them the way they were meant to be read.
I still have a long ways to go and I'm sure it'll take me a solid year and a half just to read and edit them all in turn, but keep an eye out for my return because if you wrote a kkinky or awesome fur or media-based story, I just might be cleaning it up for you!
I wish you all the best and I pray that I will see you again one day down the road! Bye!
But before I go, allow my to announce something that will be THE most amazing thing I've done for this site in my entire life. Over the course of my carreer, I've collected in upwards of 3500+ story files from nearly 1500 different people and I am taking it upon myself to sort through, read through and edit every single one of them and then offer them all back to their creators with 95% or better readability absolutely free of charge! I've already invested six hours a day since New Years of 2012 trying to sort and rough edit them. And when I complete this glorious project, I will gladly offer them back to you with no need to pay so that people may enjoy them the way they were meant to be read.
I still have a long ways to go and I'm sure it'll take me a solid year and a half just to read and edit them all in turn, but keep an eye out for my return because if you wrote a kkinky or awesome fur or media-based story, I just might be cleaning it up for you!
I wish you all the best and I pray that I will see you again one day down the road! Bye!
Ultimate Windows?
Posted 13 years agoI've been dabbling in GCN and Wii emulators as of late and most of the games have been kind of hit or miss. But then I read on the Dolphin Emulator wiki page that more games are successful with Windows 7 64-bit. I'm using the exact same settings for each game with Windows 7 32-bit. Before I drop $200 on the most powerful Windows 7 currently available, Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit, I need to know if it's going to be worth it when it comes to GCN and Wii emulation.
Here's my current system properties.
Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1
Processor: Intel Core i3-2100 CPU @ 3.10 GHz
Installed Memory (RAM): 8.00 GB (2.99 GB useable)
System Type: 32-bit OS
Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GT 520
DirectX 11
Anyone have any idea if this would work? Is it really worth the money. Here's the site for the emulator.
Here's my current system properties.
Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1
Processor: Intel Core i3-2100 CPU @ 3.10 GHz
Installed Memory (RAM): 8.00 GB (2.99 GB useable)
System Type: 32-bit OS
Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GT 520
DirectX 11
Anyone have any idea if this would work? Is it really worth the money. Here's the site for the emulator.
So M*ked Up
Posted 13 years agoAfter two weeks of no progress on anything, my ideas have kind of run dry. I need an ingenius idea to get me back in the game, but my ideas have been rather half-baked as of late. I want to do an awesome Synthetic Lugia idea to get my creativity flowing again. I'm open to ideas, but I', really looking for new Muklugia ideas. If anyone has any Synthetic/Muklugia ideas to get me going again, feel free to PM me.
Word Help
Posted 13 years agoSorry if I haven't posted anything yet. I've got almost 2500 stories and over 10,000 pictures to sort by type on my new PC, so it couldstill be a while. Add that to the fact that I'm downloading several TV shows and I am waiting on a few torrents and FA projects to finish and I'm currently booked solid. I'll get to it once I whittle down more of my stockpiled projects, but if you want to help, here's something I need help with.
I recemtly came across a program that allows me to change the page setup and text fot in multiple documents at once, but there's still one program I need to finish working on my stockpiled stories. I want to know if there's a program out there that willbatch edit the "template" or "paragraph" settings such as line spacing and paragraph indentation. In Microsoft Word, it's the "Paragraph" menu that I want to utilize in multiple documents. I heard there's some kind of macros that could do it, but I don't know the first thing about those. Anyone willing to lend a hand?
I recemtly came across a program that allows me to change the page setup and text fot in multiple documents at once, but there's still one program I need to finish working on my stockpiled stories. I want to know if there's a program out there that willbatch edit the "template" or "paragraph" settings such as line spacing and paragraph indentation. In Microsoft Word, it's the "Paragraph" menu that I want to utilize in multiple documents. I heard there's some kind of macros that could do it, but I don't know the first thing about those. Anyone willing to lend a hand?
Return of a God
Posted 13 years agoAfter ironing out every last problem with my PC, my Nook and my Alphasmart, I'm FINALLY back in business! I've got my stories back and I just need to find the time to continue editing them in doc and txt format, so look for new posts sometime in the near future! I'm still doing reposts, so it'll still be a while before I post anything genuinely new.
Flash Fail
Posted 13 years agoDoes anyone know of a program that will play this site's flash submissions without an online connection as long as they've been downloaded? I used to be able to do it with an older version of Winamp, but I can't figure out what's wrong with it. The normal "Flash Player 1.0" will only do certain ones. Any kind of offline program or plugin for Winamp or Windows Media Player would be appreciated.
Posted 13 years agoNow that the novelty of my new PC has kind of worn off, I was thinking about getting back to typing again. Over the last few days, I've been having some strange dreams involving Lugia mixed with Silly Putty, of all things! I want to turn it into a mix of DCT and Latexed Lugia along with a few other ideas I like from
dlrowdog 's Lovely Tail among other things. Would anyone like to lend me their support and sponsor this story with their ideas? It's free and I would really like some fresh ideas on a Silly-Putty-based Lugia and all the wonderful things I'm sure Ibcould do with it, even Halloween-based if you like. Just PM me if you've got an idea and we'll talk about it.
BTW, I get the remainder of my files back this weekend, plus I REALLY need a link to an Alphaword Sync program for my Alphasmart Dana, so I should be able to start posting and returning all those commissions I did very soon.

BTW, I get the remainder of my files back this weekend, plus I REALLY need a link to an Alphaword Sync program for my Alphasmart Dana, so I should be able to start posting and returning all those commissions I did very soon.
Music Volunteer?
Posted 13 years agoI've got a song I've downloaded that I want to modify into my own theme song, but it's got an annoying whisper of a voice in a few spots that my programs won't pick up and can't remove, so it kind of ruins the whole thing. If anyone has the time to try and mess with it and get that voice out of there, PM me and we'l talk about me sending it to you to modify it.