FA Downtime
Posted 11 years agoIf you need to get a hold of me for any reason while FA is down . . GOOD LUCK =D
I lol'ed hard
Posted 11 years agoNo AC
Posted 13 years agonot running the AC because it's not hot enough outside this weekend.
PETA makes me want to kill people
Posted 13 years agoDuke Nukem
Posted 13 years agois it just me or am I the only one who knows of the hot croc girl on the billboard in Duke Nukem: time to kill?
seen after twenty seconds until he goes into the building
seen after twenty seconds until he goes into the building
137 win a free plushie o.o
Posted 13 years agololwut?
Posted 13 years ago"Avatar Removed
Sent By: qoph to Red_ Fox25 On: September
17th , 2011 05:26
Your avatar has been removed because it
violated the site's avatar policy.
http:// help. furaffinity.net/
article.... .uidelines.html"
so an avatar of me licking a paw violates the rules o.O wtf its a paw.
Sent By: qoph to Red_ Fox25 On: September
17th , 2011 05:26
Your avatar has been removed because it
violated the site's avatar policy.
http:// help. furaffinity.net/
article.... .uidelines.html"
so an avatar of me licking a paw violates the rules o.O wtf its a paw.
Super Amazing Fun Weekend
Posted 13 years ago=3 I had a super amazing weekend!! drove down to southern part of Chicago (only a 4 hour drive, not to bad) to see a super amazing girl who is now my girlfriend =3 I love her to death because she is so adorable and sweet. *flails* I went to the Bristol Ren Fair with her and a couple other friends and we had a pretty amazing time. followed by her and I going to visit Vixis and Darkfox for a bonfire =3 super happy fun times!!! I can't wait for more!!
"The Wishing Tree" illustrated by Nimrais <3
Posted 13 years agoso
has a book available through pre-orders that was written by Renee Carter Hall aka
and Illustrated by the very talented 
Preorders available through July 29th for $35 USD for the hardcover and a soft cover available in the future
Order the book here!! - http://nimrais.storenvy.com/product.....tree-hardcover

Preorders available through July 29th for $35 USD for the hardcover and a soft cover available in the future
Order the book here!! - http://nimrais.storenvy.com/product.....tree-hardcover
AC continues on!!
Posted 13 years agoit's still hot out so the AC is still running . . .
Anime Central <3
Posted 14 years agochillin in the basement at Pawstar's on the "Ultimate Sack" 6 footer =3 it's UBER comfy, I may have to order myself one!!! I may hit up some skate parks tomorrow since I brought my bike along =3 rather excited about that, then some games and possibly a fire tomorrow night then ACEN ON FRIDAY!!! it's friday!! FRIDAY partyin partyin YEAH!!! o.o everybody's Russian . . . .
Anime Central
Posted 14 years agoIt's getting closer!!!! =D anyone going? I'll be there working at the pawstar booth!! stop by say hi and check out the product!! =3
Posted 14 years agoI was almost suckered in again . . . *sighs* as the rolling stones put it so well though "you can't always get what you want" I'm sure the right girl is out there for me though =^.^= just gotta look elsewhere.
in other news. had the first ever anime convention in town. I spent most of the time selling hats for Pawstar. I had a great time and I got two hang out with some awesome people =D ill get to see them all again in May. I'm rather excited.
and I'm finally getting overtime at work =D time and a half rocks. nothing like more than $30 an hour <3 hopefully it can help me pay off the camera =^.^=
in other news. had the first ever anime convention in town. I spent most of the time selling hats for Pawstar. I had a great time and I got two hang out with some awesome people =D ill get to see them all again in May. I'm rather excited.
and I'm finally getting overtime at work =D time and a half rocks. nothing like more than $30 an hour <3 hopefully it can help me pay off the camera =^.^=
Posted 14 years agoso my laptop died, nothing I can do to fix it. the keyboard enter key is broken. makes it really hard to type on it. the CD drive is broken clean off, the rails that hold it in broke, so I cant listen to music or anything, or install new programs even. T_T the LCD is cracked to the point where nothing works. the case is coming apart. T_T it's so bad!! *sighs* it's depressing. ooh, and I was flashing BIOS when the battery decided to "fall off"
ooh wait, I'm just ripping on everyone who ever complains about their computer!! when you purchase big items like this, spend the extra few bucks and get the accidental coverage, if you complain you can't afford it, then don't complain when you have to fix your laptops. also, as for desktops, with the current price of hard drives . . . BUY A BACK UP!! everything else can be replaced with no lost information anyway.
take my case for instance. Toshiba Satellite M305D-s4840 - 4GB DDR2, 320 GB hard drive, AMD dual core processor. now 3 years ago I bought the laptop for just over $700 and spent the extra $300 for the 3 year accidental coverage. in that time they replaced the faulty LCD screen 3 times, replaced the battery once, fixed the power cord once, and now they are sending me a new laptop. Toshiba Satellite with a dual core i3 processor, 4 GB ddr3, and a 500 GB hard drive. spending the few extra bucks reallllly pays off =D
ooh wait, I'm just ripping on everyone who ever complains about their computer!! when you purchase big items like this, spend the extra few bucks and get the accidental coverage, if you complain you can't afford it, then don't complain when you have to fix your laptops. also, as for desktops, with the current price of hard drives . . . BUY A BACK UP!! everything else can be replaced with no lost information anyway.
take my case for instance. Toshiba Satellite M305D-s4840 - 4GB DDR2, 320 GB hard drive, AMD dual core processor. now 3 years ago I bought the laptop for just over $700 and spent the extra $300 for the 3 year accidental coverage. in that time they replaced the faulty LCD screen 3 times, replaced the battery once, fixed the power cord once, and now they are sending me a new laptop. Toshiba Satellite with a dual core i3 processor, 4 GB ddr3, and a 500 GB hard drive. spending the few extra bucks reallllly pays off =D
Pawstar Fanclub on Facebook
Posted 14 years agoWhy??
Posted 14 years agoWhy can adding artwork you like, or artwork that was done for you to your favorites not be enough for some people? It's seriously fucking annoying seeing some cool art, going to check out their profile, and then finding out they didn't even draw it, someone else did, If it isn't your artwork why are you uploading it? seriously wtf . . .
Posted 14 years agoRAWR
Posted 14 years ago*is done being jerked around* so I'm living the single life for awhile, I'd love to find a sweet girl who knows what they want in life ^^ it just seems so difficult!! oh well o.o *enjoys the single life as well*
Posted 14 years agoso, I have a date tomorrow with a girl =D any advice?
so its official =D
Posted 14 years agoI'm single and all again =^.^=
I just cant seem to keep women in my life, though at least I know for the most part it isnt my problem. My fiance a few years back turned out to just be a cheater and all, then the next girl was just dumb XD like, uber dumb . . . then the girl before the last one was just uber childish and all and the latest girl just *sighs* I dont know what to say . . . whatever. I mean, I'm happy and all being single. it's a great thing, I don't to worry about keeping someone else happy and entertained and I can focus on my own life and improving my way of living ^^ sooo step 1. fix my issue with debt and all that happy crap XD and step 2. find myself a nice woman to spend the rest of my life with =D that's really it at this point. I have a good job, I own a decent vehicle, and I bought a house =D all before I turned 25. so all in all, my life is great =D just a bit lonely some times. oh well =D
Love you all!!!
- Fox
I just cant seem to keep women in my life, though at least I know for the most part it isnt my problem. My fiance a few years back turned out to just be a cheater and all, then the next girl was just dumb XD like, uber dumb . . . then the girl before the last one was just uber childish and all and the latest girl just *sighs* I dont know what to say . . . whatever. I mean, I'm happy and all being single. it's a great thing, I don't to worry about keeping someone else happy and entertained and I can focus on my own life and improving my way of living ^^ sooo step 1. fix my issue with debt and all that happy crap XD and step 2. find myself a nice woman to spend the rest of my life with =D that's really it at this point. I have a good job, I own a decent vehicle, and I bought a house =D all before I turned 25. so all in all, my life is great =D just a bit lonely some times. oh well =D
Love you all!!!
- Fox
New Journal
Posted 14 years agoSo, I was instructed to post a new journal . . . um . . . it's almost christmas =D means my new bike will be that much closer to being finished, means I will be at $1,200/$1,600 ^_^ $400 to go and the bike will be done!! YAYAYAYAY *flails* I'm so excited, and I'm taking my old DK General Lee and chopping off unnecessary crap to take off some weight, took off the pegs and front brakes, it's going to be my dirt BMX bike and the new one will be for street and park =D
Standard 250L frame = WIN
anyway I'm rambling on
*runs off*
Standard 250L frame = WIN
anyway I'm rambling on
*runs off*
Midwest Furfest
Posted 14 years agolooks like ill be there after all. o.o is anyone that is watching me going?
New commission from Nimrais
Posted 14 years agoso it's done, it looks amazing <3 <3 <3 I'm so happy with it *dances*
so, I'm bored . . .
Posted 14 years agoKissed any one of your Facebook friends? --- yes
Been arrested? --- (arrested means getting a citation of any kind, doesnt actually mean physically hand cuffed) so, yes
Kissed someone you didn't like? --- no
Slept in until 5 PM? --- no
Fallen asleep at work/school? --- yes
Ran a red light? --- yes
Been suspended from school? --- yes
Experienced love at first sight? --- no
Totalled your car in an accident? --- no
Been fired from a job? --- yes
Fired somebody? --- no
Sang karaoke? --- yes
Pointed a gun at someone? --- no
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? --- yes
Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? --- yes
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? --- yes
Kissed in the rain? --- no
Had a close brush with death (your own)? --- yes
Seen someone die? --- no
Played spin-the-bottle? --- no
Sang in the shower? --- yes
Smoked a cigar? --- no
Sat on a rooftop? --- yes
Taken pictures of yourself naked? --- no
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? --- yes
Skipped school? --- no
Eaten a bug? --- no
Sleepwalked? --- yes
Walked a moonlit beach? --- yes
Ridden a motorcycle? --- yes
Dumped someone? --- yes
Forgotten your anniversary? --- yes
Lied to avoid a ticket? --- no
Ridden on a helicopter? --- no
Shaved your head? --- no
Blacked out from drinking? --- no
Played a prank on someone? --- yes
Hit a home run? --- no
Felt like killing someone? --- yes
Cross-dressed? --- no
Been falling-down drunk? --- yes
Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? --- yes
Eaten snake? --- no
Marched/Protested? --- no
Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? --- no
Puked on amusement ride? --- no
Seriously & intentionally boycotted something? --- yes
Been in a band? ---no
Knitted? --- no
Been on TV? --- yes
Shot a gun? --- yes
Skinny-dipped? --- yes
Caused someone to need stitches? --- no
Ridden a surfboard? --- no
Drank straight from a liquor bottle? --- no
Had surgery? --- yes
Streaked? --- no
Taken by ambulance to hospital? --- yes
Passed out when not drinking? --- yes
Peed on a bush? --- yes
Donated Blood? --- no
Grabbed electric fence? --- no
Eaten alligator meat? --- no
Eaten cheesecake? --- no
Eaten kids' Halloween candy? --- yes
Killed an animal when not hunting? --- yes
Peed your pants in public? --- no
Written graffiti? --- no
Still love someone you shouldn't? --- yes
Think about the future? --- yes
Been in handcuffs? --- yes
Believe in love? --- yes
Sleep on a certain side of the bed? --- no
Been arrested? --- (arrested means getting a citation of any kind, doesnt actually mean physically hand cuffed) so, yes
Kissed someone you didn't like? --- no
Slept in until 5 PM? --- no
Fallen asleep at work/school? --- yes
Ran a red light? --- yes
Been suspended from school? --- yes
Experienced love at first sight? --- no
Totalled your car in an accident? --- no
Been fired from a job? --- yes
Fired somebody? --- no
Sang karaoke? --- yes
Pointed a gun at someone? --- no
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? --- yes
Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? --- yes
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? --- yes
Kissed in the rain? --- no
Had a close brush with death (your own)? --- yes
Seen someone die? --- no
Played spin-the-bottle? --- no
Sang in the shower? --- yes
Smoked a cigar? --- no
Sat on a rooftop? --- yes
Taken pictures of yourself naked? --- no
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? --- yes
Skipped school? --- no
Eaten a bug? --- no
Sleepwalked? --- yes
Walked a moonlit beach? --- yes
Ridden a motorcycle? --- yes
Dumped someone? --- yes
Forgotten your anniversary? --- yes
Lied to avoid a ticket? --- no
Ridden on a helicopter? --- no
Shaved your head? --- no
Blacked out from drinking? --- no
Played a prank on someone? --- yes
Hit a home run? --- no
Felt like killing someone? --- yes
Cross-dressed? --- no
Been falling-down drunk? --- yes
Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? --- yes
Eaten snake? --- no
Marched/Protested? --- no
Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? --- no
Puked on amusement ride? --- no
Seriously & intentionally boycotted something? --- yes
Been in a band? ---no
Knitted? --- no
Been on TV? --- yes
Shot a gun? --- yes
Skinny-dipped? --- yes
Caused someone to need stitches? --- no
Ridden a surfboard? --- no
Drank straight from a liquor bottle? --- no
Had surgery? --- yes
Streaked? --- no
Taken by ambulance to hospital? --- yes
Passed out when not drinking? --- yes
Peed on a bush? --- yes
Donated Blood? --- no
Grabbed electric fence? --- no
Eaten alligator meat? --- no
Eaten cheesecake? --- no
Eaten kids' Halloween candy? --- yes
Killed an animal when not hunting? --- yes
Peed your pants in public? --- no
Written graffiti? --- no
Still love someone you shouldn't? --- yes
Think about the future? --- yes
Been in handcuffs? --- yes
Believe in love? --- yes
Sleep on a certain side of the bed? --- no