Font Research
Posted 6 years ago
NTS for Tomorrow
Posted 7 years agoNTS- Royalty Free Stream Music Sites
Posted 7 years ago Look in here future me and mess around. :P
Not Sure Your Dog Character's Breed?
Posted 7 years agoThis website might help! ♥
It's clearly not 100% accurate, but it's something fun to waste time on, or to get an idea of what your character is. :)
I just used it for a dog adopt I got awhile ago, and apparently she's a Jack Russell, Brittany, Sheepdog based off this website. XD
It's clearly not 100% accurate, but it's something fun to waste time on, or to get an idea of what your character is. :)
I just used it for a dog adopt I got awhile ago, and apparently she's a Jack Russell, Brittany, Sheepdog based off this website. XD
♥ Let's Talk About Good Things! ♥
Posted 7 years agoSo I've been thinking about negative thinking. It's so easy to get addicted to negativity. Lately I feel like I haven't been as supportive to artists I follow as much as I should be, because of things like envy. So that's something I'd like to change! I don't know if I'll be as proactive in my support as I'd like to, but I want to be better at being a voice that praises more so than just being a negative nancy.
On another topic, if you've been feeling down about your art, think about what you from 5-10 years ago (or whenever you started drawing) would think about your art. They would probably think that you're pretty awesome, and that you've grown so much! They'd want their art to be just as good as yours when they grew up! ♥
!!!BONUS!!!: It's Mewtwo's birthday today! ♥ See?
Also, have some fun tumblr stuff!
On another topic, if you've been feeling down about your art, think about what you from 5-10 years ago (or whenever you started drawing) would think about your art. They would probably think that you're pretty awesome, and that you've grown so much! They'd want their art to be just as good as yours when they grew up! ♥
!!!BONUS!!!: It's Mewtwo's birthday today! ♥ See?
Also, have some fun tumblr stuff!
Music Suggestions?
Posted 7 years agoI want to listen to new music while I finish up that freebie sketch thing today. ♥
My favorite genres: Pop, Punk, Rock, pop punk, folk indie pop rock.
I can't listen to anything that sounds like dance music, ambient, techno, or basically sounds like it was made by a computer... Or if I can, it can't be too bass heavy. The heavy thump hurts my head for some weird reason.
My favorite genres: Pop, Punk, Rock, pop punk, folk indie pop rock.
I can't listen to anything that sounds like dance music, ambient, techno, or basically sounds like it was made by a computer... Or if I can, it can't be too bass heavy. The heavy thump hurts my head for some weird reason.
Download Later Future Me
Posted 7 years ago(STORYTIME!) Things Got Weird Yesterday. (18+ish)
Posted 8 years agoSo sorry I didn't finish streaming yesterday morning (I'll finish up yo freebies some time today I'm certain.)
This got weird. My friends and I made plans to go to the mall, but I had no idea what time we were doing stuff. So they woke me from my nap around 11-12, and suddenly I was leaving. Instead of going straight to the mall, we had to go help my friend's grandpa off the floor, and go to my friend's college for her to fill out some paperwork. Well while all that is going on, I learn some interesting things about certain people that sort of struck a chord with me. So I decided to vent on my oh-so-secret venting space (I will definitely never share it), and throughout the day I freak out at how many people read it. Like, no one ever freaking reads poetry and garbage anymore. :P
So then we go to my other friend's house until her husband gets home. We played Left 4 Dead. :3 'Twas fun. Then my one friend and I finally go to the mall. We talked to this super adorable dude. His teeth were amazing (sounds gross, but I couldn't stop looking at them for some reason)! There was this other dude near by that kept looking at us. I couldn't tell if he was trying to mentally mug or kill us, or if he really wanted to talk to the cute dude and we were in the way, but he was super creepy. I thought he might have been following us for a second. He didn't. Our lives were spared. ♥
Then we go to Spencer's. Well one thing you may or may not know about me is that I've always wanted red, fuzzy handcuffs. So after my friend picks out some jewelry, we walk into the adult section, and I grab the oh so fuzzy, and oh so red handcuffs. ♥ I thought that would be it, but for some reason my friend wasn't walking out the beaded doorway. Well fun fact is this friend of mine doesn't really get horny, and doesn't really ya know, do the do or anything.
But for some reason, she's just browsing the sex toys like she wants one. I won't lie. She just recently found out that I am a person who feels feelings, and does the singular do. So after that, I think it triggered some beast inside her that said "hey, it's okay to feel that way! It's okay to do the singular do!" (We live in a very conservative area, and sex is basically the equivalent of robbing a gas station here.)
So while we're browsing, I spot a bath bomb! I freaking love those okay! They're the best! ♥ So I pick it up, and sniff it. It smelled like dry strawberries. So good! ♥ But then I read the box, and apparently a tiny vibrator lives inside this bath bomb. Well with my friend just discovering that I am a horny person, a part of me doesn't want to buy this amazing bath bomb, because I don't want her thinking I want the tiny vibrator.... Then I get it anyways, because that was the best smelling bath bomb I've smelled in awhile. :) Then my friend got penis suckers that were blooming out of roses. XD They tasted amazing. :3
Well after getting it, we go to the food court, and I'm trying to figure out what to do with this tiny vibrator, she said something like, "I'll take it! I want to own a vibrator, just to say I own one." Well... The door is opening to the beast my friends. I can see it... But I decided I wanted to keep it, because why not?
Well when I plopped it in the bathtub, I figured it would take like an hour or so for the thing to fizzle away, because that's how most bath bombs work. So just as I got comfortable in le tub, I see an egg float up. Then the egg splits in two, and a plastic bag floats out. Then out of the plastic bag pops out the tiny vibrator. What a journey! I ended up playing with the plastic egg in the water for like... two hours. XD I'm a kid at heart... and sometimes mind.
So now I have a vibrator sitting in my bathroom, that has a useless button, and it doesn't turn off unless I take the batteries out, and it vibrates like a freaking jack hammer...
So I'm going back to the mall today so one friend can get a dildo that he supposedly wants to have sitting on his shelf (I think he wants to use it XD), and I'm gonna get my friend a tiny bath bomb vibrator.
♥ ~The end~ ♥
This got weird. My friends and I made plans to go to the mall, but I had no idea what time we were doing stuff. So they woke me from my nap around 11-12, and suddenly I was leaving. Instead of going straight to the mall, we had to go help my friend's grandpa off the floor, and go to my friend's college for her to fill out some paperwork. Well while all that is going on, I learn some interesting things about certain people that sort of struck a chord with me. So I decided to vent on my oh-so-secret venting space (I will definitely never share it), and throughout the day I freak out at how many people read it. Like, no one ever freaking reads poetry and garbage anymore. :P
So then we go to my other friend's house until her husband gets home. We played Left 4 Dead. :3 'Twas fun. Then my one friend and I finally go to the mall. We talked to this super adorable dude. His teeth were amazing (sounds gross, but I couldn't stop looking at them for some reason)! There was this other dude near by that kept looking at us. I couldn't tell if he was trying to mentally mug or kill us, or if he really wanted to talk to the cute dude and we were in the way, but he was super creepy. I thought he might have been following us for a second. He didn't. Our lives were spared. ♥
Then we go to Spencer's. Well one thing you may or may not know about me is that I've always wanted red, fuzzy handcuffs. So after my friend picks out some jewelry, we walk into the adult section, and I grab the oh so fuzzy, and oh so red handcuffs. ♥ I thought that would be it, but for some reason my friend wasn't walking out the beaded doorway. Well fun fact is this friend of mine doesn't really get horny, and doesn't really ya know, do the do or anything.
But for some reason, she's just browsing the sex toys like she wants one. I won't lie. She just recently found out that I am a person who feels feelings, and does the singular do. So after that, I think it triggered some beast inside her that said "hey, it's okay to feel that way! It's okay to do the singular do!" (We live in a very conservative area, and sex is basically the equivalent of robbing a gas station here.)
So while we're browsing, I spot a bath bomb! I freaking love those okay! They're the best! ♥ So I pick it up, and sniff it. It smelled like dry strawberries. So good! ♥ But then I read the box, and apparently a tiny vibrator lives inside this bath bomb. Well with my friend just discovering that I am a horny person, a part of me doesn't want to buy this amazing bath bomb, because I don't want her thinking I want the tiny vibrator.... Then I get it anyways, because that was the best smelling bath bomb I've smelled in awhile. :) Then my friend got penis suckers that were blooming out of roses. XD They tasted amazing. :3
Well after getting it, we go to the food court, and I'm trying to figure out what to do with this tiny vibrator, she said something like, "I'll take it! I want to own a vibrator, just to say I own one." Well... The door is opening to the beast my friends. I can see it... But I decided I wanted to keep it, because why not?
Well when I plopped it in the bathtub, I figured it would take like an hour or so for the thing to fizzle away, because that's how most bath bombs work. So just as I got comfortable in le tub, I see an egg float up. Then the egg splits in two, and a plastic bag floats out. Then out of the plastic bag pops out the tiny vibrator. What a journey! I ended up playing with the plastic egg in the water for like... two hours. XD I'm a kid at heart... and sometimes mind.
So now I have a vibrator sitting in my bathroom, that has a useless button, and it doesn't turn off unless I take the batteries out, and it vibrates like a freaking jack hammer...
So I'm going back to the mall today so one friend can get a dildo that he supposedly wants to have sitting on his shelf (I think he wants to use it XD), and I'm gonna get my friend a tiny bath bomb vibrator.
♥ ~The end~ ♥
Buy These When I Can Future Me
Posted 8 years ago
Maybe Red one.
Maybe Red one.
Yesterday Was Kind of Weird but Not.
Posted 8 years ago I think it's just because my brain and body were exhausted from the weddings (Which are over! Thank goodness! ;w;), but everything felt sort of like... I was dreaming? Everywhere we went, I kept fading in and out of my own little dream world. I think my body is just screaming at me to relax finally. XD
Then at the end of the day, my mom told me that I was the only person to ever make her feel special on Mother's Day...
Which made me feel super sad, because my mom is like the greatest person in the world, and deserves to be treated better.
Anyways, yeah! I just wanted to talk for some reason....
How are you guys? Good? I hope you're good. XD Not good? I'm sorry you're not. :(
Then at the end of the day, my mom told me that I was the only person to ever make her feel special on Mother's Day...
Which made me feel super sad, because my mom is like the greatest person in the world, and deserves to be treated better.
Anyways, yeah! I just wanted to talk for some reason....
How are you guys? Good? I hope you're good. XD Not good? I'm sorry you're not. :(
Ask my OCs?
Posted 8 years agoSince I haven't had the chance to draw for a week, I figured I'd take a little time Monday (and maybe a little in Tuesday) to develop my characters while getting used to drawing again. Plus it's something fun to get you guys involved! ♥
You can ask any of my characters anything! These are just the ones I think I'd prefer to draw right now.
Any from these folders really
Rest of my characters if you don't want to ask any of the above: (I know I have a lot, I'm sorry! ;w;)
Also, thank you to the people who made some of these adopts! I adore them so so much! ♥ I really do! >W<
You can ask any of my characters anything! These are just the ones I think I'd prefer to draw right now.
Any from these folders really
Rest of my characters if you don't want to ask any of the above: (I know I have a lot, I'm sorry! ;w;)
Also, thank you to the people who made some of these adopts! I adore them so so much! ♥ I really do! >W<
Artists I Wish I Could Color Like~
Posted 8 years ago

There are plenty more artists I wish I could color like, but I'll stop the list here! ♥
Do you guys have any artists you aspire to color like?
Drawing Challenge(s) for 2017~
Posted 8 years agoThis is just more so I can remember to go back and read this, but you should check it out too! :)
It might be good for you! <3
It might be good for you! <3
Cool Helpful website
Posted 8 years agoI know I'm going to forget this in the morning, so I figured I'd just share with you all now. :P
I'm Home - The Con was FUN! - Met Rudragon
Posted 8 years agoAnd I'm exhausted. I'm gonna write about what happened in my journal writing form so I can copy it down later. XD Fair warning, it's going to be long.
TL;DR: Read the title of the journal. You're missing out on the juicy parts though. <3
Oct 21, 2016 (sunny)
B: Teriyaki Beef Jerky.
L: Jerky and red velvet cupcakes
Work: N/A
Exercise: WALKING ALL DAY!!!
Tmad and I left my house at 7:30 in the morning to get a good parking space, because there is NO parking after 9 at a con. EVER. When we got there, there wasn't anything we wanted to do until 11, so we figured we'd just hang around until then. What happens instead is we see Christine's little brother Justin, and he gets in line to make kitty ears. So we end up talking to him for about thirty minutes before this other guy shows up. So this guy convinces us to get in line for the kitty ears panel, and talks to us for about thirty minutes about his pet fox. Then he starts talking about how he got invited to the convention, and how the con paid for everything for him.
Well it turns out this guy is Josh Chichester. And let me tell you... He. Is. AMAZING! I totally love everything about that guy! His voice acting skills are top notch, and his photographs are BEAUTIFUL! Seriously, if you're ever wanting to get a cosplay photo shoot (or some other project), and he's around your area, go to him! He's also a firm believer in how everyone is beautiful, so he doesn't edit the photos heavily. The most he does is gets rid of some acne. If he lived in my state, and were single, I would have hooked him up with my friend, because they would have been sooo cute together! <3 (from the very little I saw of him) But I'm happy he has a boyfriend he gets along with really well. I wish them both the best.
So we go into the kitty ear thing, and Tmad burns her finger, which was kind of funny, because they told us MULTIPLE times to NOT hurt ourselves. XD The "funnier" part was she didn't even burn herself with her own kitty ears. She burned herself showing me how to glue mine. XD She tends to burn herself on glue A LOT.
Now that we're done with this, we decide to go to Josh's panel on cosplay photography instead of whatever panel we originally wanted to go to. So we go there, and I guess some girl kept thinking Tmad and I were lesbians, because I was trying to take a nap on her. TMad sort of just gave her this "what do you want" face, and she turned away. Stuff like that seems to happen to me all the time. Literally ALL the time. XD
After Josh's panel, we go to the artist alley where he's selling prints. They were beautiful! <3 I decided I'd come back for them if I had any money left over (had a $35 budget for the WHOLE weekend! ;w;) We talked to him for a minute, and I told him I might ask how he met his boyfriend during his Q&A panel later if we go. Then we leave and look around some more.
So while we're looking around I see
rudragon's booth. XD So I went over and bought an Undertale print. Guys let me tell you... Ru is really cute. XD He's like... I dunno he's just adorable man! He's also taller than I expect him to be. I mean he's not a giant, but I just expect him to be like 5'3" or something from his art. XD He's definitely taller than that. I hope that he sold a lot of prints, and that he's happy. He had a really crappy spot in the artist alley.
We ended up going to another one of Josh's panels. This one was a Q&A. Not a lot of people had questions, so I just sort of asked filler questions in hopes that others would ask. At one point I asked how he met his boyfriend. He laughed then gave me this "really?" face. It turns out his boyfriend was the ex of another voice actor he tends to work with a lot (Kiba). It was an undramatic tale. No awful love triangles or anything. They met, he liked him, and the two started dating. How wonderful. XD
At one point, we went to a lip sync battle panel with Aja. That was hilarious! There are some amazing dancers out there. I was totally jealous of this really small girl. She could go banana nut crazy with those dance moves. There was one person I wasn't sure if they were a dude, or a female, or someone transitioning, or what. I'm just going to assume it was a dude for now. He was great at dancing sexy my friends. Holy crap. XD I loved everything about it. A teenage(?) boy had ended up winning the lip sync competition. Good on him. :3
Not a lot of interesting things happened until around 7. Christine texted us telling us she was going into the hospital, because of her anxiety. So we kept texting her, and it turns out that she decided to lock herself in her room away from anything dangerous. So we told her brother what was happening, then went back to the con. There wasn't anything we could really do, because she's SO HARDHEADED! Then at 11 PM, we decided to go to a panel about anime that scarred us for life. Before we went, we were sitting in the quiet room, and there was Alanna(?)-cool furry girl- and Corbin R. -Random con goer-, just sitting in there. So Tmad and I invite them to go with us. During the panel, Alanna left. After the panel we talk to Corbin for a bit, and said we'd meet up the next day around 2. Cool! We all leave, and pass out at home by 1 AM.
Oct 22, 2016 (sunny)
B: Jerky and cupcakes
L: Jerky and cupcakes.
D: Chicken nuggets at chic-fil-a.
Work: N/A
Exercise: Walking all day AGAIN!
Today we left my house at 8:30, and got to the con at 9. We barely found parking at the very back of the parking lot! Boohoo. At the end of the day that's an eternal walk of pain and tiredness. What ended up happening today was that my friend had gotten called into work from 5-9. So I looked around for Corbin while she shopped. Afterwards we went to another one of Josh's panels with our friends Lesa and Shania. He decided he was going to give away two free thirty minute photo shoots. So we put our names in a box, then he did his panel. At one point the crowd went silent, so he was like, "you can ask me anything. You can ask about my camera, how I use Photoshop, or maybe more questions about my boyfriend," then he "glared" at me. XD That was the best. Everyone started laughing! <3 Whoop whoop!
Since there wasn't much time left, he just decided to do the drawing. Well low and behold, my name was called. The only thing I could say was, "dang it!" I'm not a cosplayer, and I've just generally never liked my photo being taken ever. So instead he says I can get a free print from him. He then pulls out another name, and my friend Shania ended up getting the free shoot. :3 So neat right?! Afterwards we went to the artist alley, and he ended up giving me three free prints (say what now?!), then he told us he was going to do Shania's photo shoot. We went to the photo shoot, and he is AMAZING! What he can do in thirty minutes is way better than most photographers if you ask me! The pictures were BEAUTIFUL dude. I loved everything about them. XD
So we started eating lunch, and my Mom had made toooons of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies that she had to get rid of. Well we started offering them to people while eating our lunch, and a group of teenage(?) girls had walked by. Well they said they would take one, until we told them what kind they were. XD One of them kind of screamed, grabbed the bag, then they all ran away. They said thank you, then left. XD It was amazing to see. :3
Nothing else really happened until about 5, which was when Tmad left for work. I sat around in the quiet room, then my friend came and took me out to dinner (bless her little heart! ;w; I was soooo hungry!). We went to Chic-fil-A and met a janitor guy who was apparently an author. His book is called Dry Blood Springs. He was telling us that the second book was coming out soon, and that it miiiight be turned into a screen play. <3 (I hope that's not confidential. Just pretend I'm lying to you all if it is!) He was saying that if we get the book, we could go get him to sign it for us. :3 He was also telling us about how he used to be a political news reporter, but for some reason they would always send him to the anime conventions. XD He thought it was because he might understand it a little bit.
So we go back, and go to our friend Sage's panel. Her and her friends were doing a Big Hero 6 cosplay truth or dare panel. They said they had to keep it PG though, mostly because a lot of them were family members (if you've ever been to an anime con, there is a TON of making out for some reason.) I "dared" Sage (Go Go) to have a dance off with Honey Lemon. XD I don't know why I was shocked it happened, but I was. It was hilarious. Somehow a shoe had ended up on Tadashi's head, and he had to run around the room with it in under thirty seconds. He did it! XD
After that panel, Kathy went home since she was sick. So I ended up in the quiet room, waiting until the rave was over at 1:30 (my second ride decided she was going to dance through the entire rave). Well I ended up meeting a girl named Brittany, and her husband Trent, along with their friend Kameron. They were pretty cool. Brittany and I talked a lot, and she told me she used to want to be a cosmetologist, and ended up doing my hair. Some girl cosplayed as Stevonnie came in, and I tried talking to her, but she told me she couldn't talk because she was really drunk, and trying to not get kicked out. XD So I stopped talking to her for a bit. Then later we ended up talking about art with her. Her art was good. :) They were so cute too. XD
Somewhere in all of this, Tmad came back from work. They started the sound check on the rave, and it was so loud that you could apparently feel it at the Target next door. I could feel my teeth vibrating, and hear my voice shaking it was so loud. Luckily someone told them to go turn it down. Then I asked the Kameron guy if he was willing to trust a stranger. He said sure, so I told him to get on the ground and lay on his stomach.
This was around the time the tired drunk started to kick in. This next part might be remembered out of order, or jut straight up wrong.
I gave him a back massage, because I'm a weirdo. The dude is soooo skinny! He's like a stick! XD I have really small hands, but he's so skinny, that my hands look giant in comparison to his torso. It was cool. Then I started poking and prodding him. At one point, I pinched his nipple. I couldn't help it though. XD They were the smallest nipples I have ever seen! (If you magically find me on FA, and you're reading this, let me apologize if you're offended by my descriptions of you.) So then his friends go to the rave, and it's just the three of us talking. At one point Lesa and Jenna came in, and dropped off some of Lesa's stuff, then she went back to the rave, while Jenna just sat there being cold, and wrapping herself in a jacket. Then Tony and Tyson came in. Oh boy.
We kept making penis jokes, and making fun of their sizes based off of these Styrofoam things, and glow sticks. Then Lesa came back in. We found out Tyson was only seventeen. Well this naturally means I have to go bully big sister on him. XD So I made him get on the ground, then I massaged his back for like two seconds. XD Then Lesa sat on him to keep him down. Well his shirt had ended up lifting up a bit, and I was like "HOLY CRAP HE HAS A MOLE!" So we lift his shirt up more to see that he has more moles! So I said we should play connect the dots with them.
Instead Lesa ends up drawing a weird face. So I draw a dragon on him. XD We asked Kameron if he wanted to draw on him, and Tyson had said "you want to get a piece of this big boy?" or something. Well that gave Lesa a "brilliant" idea. She then proceeds to draw a giant penis on a seventeen year old boy's back. XD Great. We're great people. During that, Josh walked by the room, looked at us like we were crazy, then walked away like he saw nothing. He then rolls over and starts drawing around his nipples. XD I'm not sure why, but he did. At this point, Tony walks back in the room, looks at us, then says "I leave for ten minutes and you guys basically raped Tony." XD It's amazing the things you can get away with at a con for being stupid. Truly amazing.
Well I don't remember all that happened after that. I remember Tyson dry humping Tony, and I said something, which all together made TMad literally fall over laughing. Tony drew a viking on Tyson. I had groped Tony. Lesa called Tony a whore when I asked if he was a virgin, in which he said no. Lesa had made a joke about how her boobs were all her own, so I poked one of them. I was behind her, so she turned and was about to slap Tyson, because she thought he did it. XD She figured out it was me before she slapped him luckily. A lot of other stuff happened, but I don't really remember it. I just remember laughing super hard. It was time to leave, so we made a final bathroom trip. When I was walking out of the stall, the coat hanger somehow stabbed me in the arm. It didn't bruise until later then next day. It hurts like crazy though! From this point, we got in the car, and Tmad and I both said, "I don't remember what happened, but I feel like we have to apologize to Tony about it."
Oct 23, 2016 (Sunny)
B: Two pieces of jerky, and a brownie.
L: McDonalds 20 piece nuggets.
D: Zucchini pasta.
Work: N/A
Exercize: N/A
Okay, so I was so sore and tired from the last two days that I ended up sleeping in until 9 (we were leaving then), and what should have taken me five minutes to get ready, ended up being 25. All I had to do was get dressed, brush my teeth, and go. Nope. I moved slower than I think should be physically possible. We get to the con, and we check out the crossover cosplay contest. We were disappointed because we thought it was supposed to be a crossplay contest. It was still cool though. So I went to the quiet room and drew while Tmad shopped a bit more. She ended up getting me a little Jacksepticeye chibi! <3 IT'S SO FREAKING CUTE!!!!! >W< I LOVE him so much. <3 Hnnnng!
Anyways, so Tony and Tyson walk in with some other guy, and we apologize to them. I yelled at the third guy, "DID YOU SEE TYSON'S PENIS ON HIS BACK?!" And he just looked at me like I was insane, until the last part of that sentence clicked in his mind. XD Then we apologized to Tony and Tyson for whatever happened. Brittany and her crew came in at some point, along with Kathy, and we invited them to come over to manga club.
So we all talked for a bit, then Tmad and I decided to just leave. There's rarely something fun to do on Sunday at a con. XD We got MiccyD's, ate at a park, then she dropped me off at home. I immediately got in the bathtub, and just lounged in there until about 8. Then I fell asleep at 9:30. XD
Somewhere in all of this, there were some really nice furries. There were some k-9 police furries, and some just cute ones. XD I'm glad to see some nice furries walking around. It gives y'all a better chance to be loved. :D
And that was my con experience this year. <3
Oct 24, 2016. (rainy)
B: Pepperoni pizza
L: Zucchini pasta
D: Pigs in a blanket.
Work and exercise: N/A
Legit, all I did today really was type this journal. I'm too sore and tired to do anything else really. I played like thirty minutes of Terraria with Coltores and Aprils. Coltores did get me a cool little Halloween icon from Lemona that I will be uploading shortly though. <3
TL;DR: Read the title of the journal. You're missing out on the juicy parts though. <3
Oct 21, 2016 (sunny)
B: Teriyaki Beef Jerky.
L: Jerky and red velvet cupcakes
Work: N/A
Exercise: WALKING ALL DAY!!!
Tmad and I left my house at 7:30 in the morning to get a good parking space, because there is NO parking after 9 at a con. EVER. When we got there, there wasn't anything we wanted to do until 11, so we figured we'd just hang around until then. What happens instead is we see Christine's little brother Justin, and he gets in line to make kitty ears. So we end up talking to him for about thirty minutes before this other guy shows up. So this guy convinces us to get in line for the kitty ears panel, and talks to us for about thirty minutes about his pet fox. Then he starts talking about how he got invited to the convention, and how the con paid for everything for him.
Well it turns out this guy is Josh Chichester. And let me tell you... He. Is. AMAZING! I totally love everything about that guy! His voice acting skills are top notch, and his photographs are BEAUTIFUL! Seriously, if you're ever wanting to get a cosplay photo shoot (or some other project), and he's around your area, go to him! He's also a firm believer in how everyone is beautiful, so he doesn't edit the photos heavily. The most he does is gets rid of some acne. If he lived in my state, and were single, I would have hooked him up with my friend, because they would have been sooo cute together! <3 (from the very little I saw of him) But I'm happy he has a boyfriend he gets along with really well. I wish them both the best.
So we go into the kitty ear thing, and Tmad burns her finger, which was kind of funny, because they told us MULTIPLE times to NOT hurt ourselves. XD The "funnier" part was she didn't even burn herself with her own kitty ears. She burned herself showing me how to glue mine. XD She tends to burn herself on glue A LOT.
Now that we're done with this, we decide to go to Josh's panel on cosplay photography instead of whatever panel we originally wanted to go to. So we go there, and I guess some girl kept thinking Tmad and I were lesbians, because I was trying to take a nap on her. TMad sort of just gave her this "what do you want" face, and she turned away. Stuff like that seems to happen to me all the time. Literally ALL the time. XD
After Josh's panel, we go to the artist alley where he's selling prints. They were beautiful! <3 I decided I'd come back for them if I had any money left over (had a $35 budget for the WHOLE weekend! ;w;) We talked to him for a minute, and I told him I might ask how he met his boyfriend during his Q&A panel later if we go. Then we leave and look around some more.
So while we're looking around I see

We ended up going to another one of Josh's panels. This one was a Q&A. Not a lot of people had questions, so I just sort of asked filler questions in hopes that others would ask. At one point I asked how he met his boyfriend. He laughed then gave me this "really?" face. It turns out his boyfriend was the ex of another voice actor he tends to work with a lot (Kiba). It was an undramatic tale. No awful love triangles or anything. They met, he liked him, and the two started dating. How wonderful. XD
At one point, we went to a lip sync battle panel with Aja. That was hilarious! There are some amazing dancers out there. I was totally jealous of this really small girl. She could go banana nut crazy with those dance moves. There was one person I wasn't sure if they were a dude, or a female, or someone transitioning, or what. I'm just going to assume it was a dude for now. He was great at dancing sexy my friends. Holy crap. XD I loved everything about it. A teenage(?) boy had ended up winning the lip sync competition. Good on him. :3
Not a lot of interesting things happened until around 7. Christine texted us telling us she was going into the hospital, because of her anxiety. So we kept texting her, and it turns out that she decided to lock herself in her room away from anything dangerous. So we told her brother what was happening, then went back to the con. There wasn't anything we could really do, because she's SO HARDHEADED! Then at 11 PM, we decided to go to a panel about anime that scarred us for life. Before we went, we were sitting in the quiet room, and there was Alanna(?)-cool furry girl- and Corbin R. -Random con goer-, just sitting in there. So Tmad and I invite them to go with us. During the panel, Alanna left. After the panel we talk to Corbin for a bit, and said we'd meet up the next day around 2. Cool! We all leave, and pass out at home by 1 AM.
Oct 22, 2016 (sunny)
B: Jerky and cupcakes
L: Jerky and cupcakes.
D: Chicken nuggets at chic-fil-a.
Work: N/A
Exercise: Walking all day AGAIN!
Today we left my house at 8:30, and got to the con at 9. We barely found parking at the very back of the parking lot! Boohoo. At the end of the day that's an eternal walk of pain and tiredness. What ended up happening today was that my friend had gotten called into work from 5-9. So I looked around for Corbin while she shopped. Afterwards we went to another one of Josh's panels with our friends Lesa and Shania. He decided he was going to give away two free thirty minute photo shoots. So we put our names in a box, then he did his panel. At one point the crowd went silent, so he was like, "you can ask me anything. You can ask about my camera, how I use Photoshop, or maybe more questions about my boyfriend," then he "glared" at me. XD That was the best. Everyone started laughing! <3 Whoop whoop!
Since there wasn't much time left, he just decided to do the drawing. Well low and behold, my name was called. The only thing I could say was, "dang it!" I'm not a cosplayer, and I've just generally never liked my photo being taken ever. So instead he says I can get a free print from him. He then pulls out another name, and my friend Shania ended up getting the free shoot. :3 So neat right?! Afterwards we went to the artist alley, and he ended up giving me three free prints (say what now?!), then he told us he was going to do Shania's photo shoot. We went to the photo shoot, and he is AMAZING! What he can do in thirty minutes is way better than most photographers if you ask me! The pictures were BEAUTIFUL dude. I loved everything about them. XD
So we started eating lunch, and my Mom had made toooons of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies that she had to get rid of. Well we started offering them to people while eating our lunch, and a group of teenage(?) girls had walked by. Well they said they would take one, until we told them what kind they were. XD One of them kind of screamed, grabbed the bag, then they all ran away. They said thank you, then left. XD It was amazing to see. :3
Nothing else really happened until about 5, which was when Tmad left for work. I sat around in the quiet room, then my friend came and took me out to dinner (bless her little heart! ;w; I was soooo hungry!). We went to Chic-fil-A and met a janitor guy who was apparently an author. His book is called Dry Blood Springs. He was telling us that the second book was coming out soon, and that it miiiight be turned into a screen play. <3 (I hope that's not confidential. Just pretend I'm lying to you all if it is!) He was saying that if we get the book, we could go get him to sign it for us. :3 He was also telling us about how he used to be a political news reporter, but for some reason they would always send him to the anime conventions. XD He thought it was because he might understand it a little bit.
So we go back, and go to our friend Sage's panel. Her and her friends were doing a Big Hero 6 cosplay truth or dare panel. They said they had to keep it PG though, mostly because a lot of them were family members (if you've ever been to an anime con, there is a TON of making out for some reason.) I "dared" Sage (Go Go) to have a dance off with Honey Lemon. XD I don't know why I was shocked it happened, but I was. It was hilarious. Somehow a shoe had ended up on Tadashi's head, and he had to run around the room with it in under thirty seconds. He did it! XD
After that panel, Kathy went home since she was sick. So I ended up in the quiet room, waiting until the rave was over at 1:30 (my second ride decided she was going to dance through the entire rave). Well I ended up meeting a girl named Brittany, and her husband Trent, along with their friend Kameron. They were pretty cool. Brittany and I talked a lot, and she told me she used to want to be a cosmetologist, and ended up doing my hair. Some girl cosplayed as Stevonnie came in, and I tried talking to her, but she told me she couldn't talk because she was really drunk, and trying to not get kicked out. XD So I stopped talking to her for a bit. Then later we ended up talking about art with her. Her art was good. :) They were so cute too. XD
Somewhere in all of this, Tmad came back from work. They started the sound check on the rave, and it was so loud that you could apparently feel it at the Target next door. I could feel my teeth vibrating, and hear my voice shaking it was so loud. Luckily someone told them to go turn it down. Then I asked the Kameron guy if he was willing to trust a stranger. He said sure, so I told him to get on the ground and lay on his stomach.
This was around the time the tired drunk started to kick in. This next part might be remembered out of order, or jut straight up wrong.
I gave him a back massage, because I'm a weirdo. The dude is soooo skinny! He's like a stick! XD I have really small hands, but he's so skinny, that my hands look giant in comparison to his torso. It was cool. Then I started poking and prodding him. At one point, I pinched his nipple. I couldn't help it though. XD They were the smallest nipples I have ever seen! (If you magically find me on FA, and you're reading this, let me apologize if you're offended by my descriptions of you.) So then his friends go to the rave, and it's just the three of us talking. At one point Lesa and Jenna came in, and dropped off some of Lesa's stuff, then she went back to the rave, while Jenna just sat there being cold, and wrapping herself in a jacket. Then Tony and Tyson came in. Oh boy.
We kept making penis jokes, and making fun of their sizes based off of these Styrofoam things, and glow sticks. Then Lesa came back in. We found out Tyson was only seventeen. Well this naturally means I have to go bully big sister on him. XD So I made him get on the ground, then I massaged his back for like two seconds. XD Then Lesa sat on him to keep him down. Well his shirt had ended up lifting up a bit, and I was like "HOLY CRAP HE HAS A MOLE!" So we lift his shirt up more to see that he has more moles! So I said we should play connect the dots with them.
Instead Lesa ends up drawing a weird face. So I draw a dragon on him. XD We asked Kameron if he wanted to draw on him, and Tyson had said "you want to get a piece of this big boy?" or something. Well that gave Lesa a "brilliant" idea. She then proceeds to draw a giant penis on a seventeen year old boy's back. XD Great. We're great people. During that, Josh walked by the room, looked at us like we were crazy, then walked away like he saw nothing. He then rolls over and starts drawing around his nipples. XD I'm not sure why, but he did. At this point, Tony walks back in the room, looks at us, then says "I leave for ten minutes and you guys basically raped Tony." XD It's amazing the things you can get away with at a con for being stupid. Truly amazing.
Well I don't remember all that happened after that. I remember Tyson dry humping Tony, and I said something, which all together made TMad literally fall over laughing. Tony drew a viking on Tyson. I had groped Tony. Lesa called Tony a whore when I asked if he was a virgin, in which he said no. Lesa had made a joke about how her boobs were all her own, so I poked one of them. I was behind her, so she turned and was about to slap Tyson, because she thought he did it. XD She figured out it was me before she slapped him luckily. A lot of other stuff happened, but I don't really remember it. I just remember laughing super hard. It was time to leave, so we made a final bathroom trip. When I was walking out of the stall, the coat hanger somehow stabbed me in the arm. It didn't bruise until later then next day. It hurts like crazy though! From this point, we got in the car, and Tmad and I both said, "I don't remember what happened, but I feel like we have to apologize to Tony about it."
Oct 23, 2016 (Sunny)
B: Two pieces of jerky, and a brownie.
L: McDonalds 20 piece nuggets.
D: Zucchini pasta.
Work: N/A
Exercize: N/A
Okay, so I was so sore and tired from the last two days that I ended up sleeping in until 9 (we were leaving then), and what should have taken me five minutes to get ready, ended up being 25. All I had to do was get dressed, brush my teeth, and go. Nope. I moved slower than I think should be physically possible. We get to the con, and we check out the crossover cosplay contest. We were disappointed because we thought it was supposed to be a crossplay contest. It was still cool though. So I went to the quiet room and drew while Tmad shopped a bit more. She ended up getting me a little Jacksepticeye chibi! <3 IT'S SO FREAKING CUTE!!!!! >W< I LOVE him so much. <3 Hnnnng!
Anyways, so Tony and Tyson walk in with some other guy, and we apologize to them. I yelled at the third guy, "DID YOU SEE TYSON'S PENIS ON HIS BACK?!" And he just looked at me like I was insane, until the last part of that sentence clicked in his mind. XD Then we apologized to Tony and Tyson for whatever happened. Brittany and her crew came in at some point, along with Kathy, and we invited them to come over to manga club.
So we all talked for a bit, then Tmad and I decided to just leave. There's rarely something fun to do on Sunday at a con. XD We got MiccyD's, ate at a park, then she dropped me off at home. I immediately got in the bathtub, and just lounged in there until about 8. Then I fell asleep at 9:30. XD
Somewhere in all of this, there were some really nice furries. There were some k-9 police furries, and some just cute ones. XD I'm glad to see some nice furries walking around. It gives y'all a better chance to be loved. :D
And that was my con experience this year. <3
Oct 24, 2016. (rainy)
B: Pepperoni pizza
L: Zucchini pasta
D: Pigs in a blanket.
Work and exercise: N/A
Legit, all I did today really was type this journal. I'm too sore and tired to do anything else really. I played like thirty minutes of Terraria with Coltores and Aprils. Coltores did get me a cool little Halloween icon from Lemona that I will be uploading shortly though. <3
NTS-Dere Types
Posted 8 years agoBakadere
Something Funny Happened Today
Posted 8 years agoThis is just a tiiiiny bit 18+ ish, so fair warning.
So we went to this store today, and it was one of those stores where they sell a ton of cool, but super weird crap.
At the cash register they were selling these mints.
One of them was called something like, "after pussy mints."
Well the cashier saw me grab them.
He then said, "Hey, as long as you're happy, I'm happy." XD
I didn't know how to respond to that. I laughed really hard, but I was super embarrassed. He earned some kudos though, because it was awesome. XD
So we went to this store today, and it was one of those stores where they sell a ton of cool, but super weird crap.
At the cash register they were selling these mints.
One of them was called something like, "after pussy mints."
Well the cashier saw me grab them.
He then said, "Hey, as long as you're happy, I'm happy." XD
I didn't know how to respond to that. I laughed really hard, but I was super embarrassed. He earned some kudos though, because it was awesome. XD
(May) Monthly Art challenge: FOOD
Posted 9 years agoSo next month I want to try and draw food every day - Because I'm a sucker for well drawn food apparently.
I'm not sure how well I do, but I think it's worth a try!
If you guys would like to join me, then go for it! <3
If you want to try, just copy and paste this list into your own journal, and cross them off as you go. <3
1. Cheeseburger
2. Hot dogs
3. Tomato
4. Lettuce
5. Onions
6. Nachos
7. Turkey
8. Pizza
9. Steak
10. Ham
11. Salad
12. Cookies
13. Macaroons
14. Cobbler
15. Pie
16. BLT
17. Cupcakes
18. Cake
19. BBQ Ribs
20. Chicken/Buffalo wings
21. Sushi
22. Crustacean
23. Chips
24. S'mores
25. Enchiladas
26. Soup
27. Waffles
28. Pancakes
29. Cereal
30. Popcorn
31. Fortune Cookies
I'm not sure how well I do, but I think it's worth a try!
If you guys would like to join me, then go for it! <3
If you want to try, just copy and paste this list into your own journal, and cross them off as you go. <3
1. Cheeseburger
2. Hot dogs
3. Tomato
4. Lettuce
5. Onions
6. Nachos
7. Turkey
8. Pizza
9. Steak
10. Ham
11. Salad
12. Cookies
13. Macaroons
14. Cobbler
15. Pie
16. BLT
17. Cupcakes
18. Cake
19. BBQ Ribs
20. Chicken/Buffalo wings
21. Sushi
22. Crustacean
23. Chips
24. S'mores
25. Enchiladas
26. Soup
27. Waffles
28. Pancakes
29. Cereal
30. Popcorn
31. Fortune Cookies
Use Two Words to Describe My Art.
Posted 9 years agoIf you would kindly do so. :)
I'm going to try something out.
Also, for those interested, I plan on streaming commissions tomorrow.
Because I should be free tomorrow from all that life stuff! :D
I'm going to try something out.
Also, for those interested, I plan on streaming commissions tomorrow.
Because I should be free tomorrow from all that life stuff! :D
My True Names...
Posted 9 years agoMy female name: Pita Bread.
My male name: Rye Bread.
My unisex name: Miche Bread.
Have fun! -w-
My male name: Rye Bread.
My unisex name: Miche Bread.
Have fun! -w-
What's Your Favorite Quote?
Posted 9 years agoI have a few, but this is one of them. <3
"The world is too dangerous for anything but truth, and too small for anything but love." -William Sloane Coffin Jr.
OOH! Another one I like! <3
"A champion is someone who gets up, even when he can't." Khushithrone.
"The world is too dangerous for anything but truth, and too small for anything but love." -William Sloane Coffin Jr.
OOH! Another one I like! <3
"A champion is someone who gets up, even when he can't." Khushithrone.
Posted 9 years agoHaving a hard time drawing a pose?!
And it's FREE!
However!!! Because it's free, there are some things you can't do.
-OBJ files for export
-Can't download models and poses from Doll Atelier (a sharing site for users that's in Japanese.)
-Can't load saved files.
So if you close the program, you'll lose everything.
You can by a full version for $79 though. :)
And it's FREE!
However!!! Because it's free, there are some things you can't do.
-OBJ files for export
-Can't download models and poses from Doll Atelier (a sharing site for users that's in Japanese.)
-Can't load saved files.
So if you close the program, you'll lose everything.
You can by a full version for $79 though. :)
The Opposite of femboys?
Posted 9 years agoI want to know what the opposite of a femboy is.
I think tomboy doesn't quite cut it, because even a tomboy can look sort of femmy.
Butch doesn't work because it's become associated with lesbians more than anything.
Apparently She-hulks are too big according to my associate. (Although I like that one. XD)
What do you guys think?
I think tomboy doesn't quite cut it, because even a tomboy can look sort of femmy.
Butch doesn't work because it's become associated with lesbians more than anything.
Apparently She-hulks are too big according to my associate. (Although I like that one. XD)
What do you guys think?
Posted 9 years agoWhat Do You Do if Your Money was Stolen?
Posted 9 years ago I'm just curious. I haven't quite had my money stolen yet. It depends on how the next little while plays out.
I was wondering what you should do if there's an artist who owes you art, but has disappeared. You then find out they're still doing art, and are posting in other places, and you proceed to ask them for a refund, but they never respond.
I haven't confronted them yet, but I just want to be prepared for if this happens. I spent a lot of money on this commission, and I'd like to get it back and give it to artists who actually deserve it.
I was wondering what you should do if there's an artist who owes you art, but has disappeared. You then find out they're still doing art, and are posting in other places, and you proceed to ask them for a refund, but they never respond.
I haven't confronted them yet, but I just want to be prepared for if this happens. I spent a lot of money on this commission, and I'd like to get it back and give it to artists who actually deserve it.