What to do here?
Posted 2 years agoSo, since DA has done yet another controversial update, I've been debating on if I should try to use this site more often, although I don't really have many ideas of what to upload here. I was thinking about some of my pixel arts and such but I don't think this site is the best place to put them here, and as far as I'm aware of from my time here, the site is more catered towards kink art and such, which really isn't in my best interest.
What do you all think I should do?
What do you all think I should do?
Discord server for my mutuals
Posted 2 years agoThis has been something I've been wondering about working on, and it's an art themed Discord server for users to join and share their art and such.
Right now since I'm not really all that confident as a server owner I'm going to limit it to my mutuals, friends and those who I trust, so if you have a Discord account (or are willing to make one) and are interested, feel free to comment or note me and I'll shoot you a link for it.
Right now since I'm not really all that confident as a server owner I'm going to limit it to my mutuals, friends and those who I trust, so if you have a Discord account (or are willing to make one) and are interested, feel free to comment or note me and I'll shoot you a link for it.
Art Fight!
Posted 2 years agoSo this year, I've decided to try and participate in the yearly Art Fight, an art themed event that focuses on creating art for others. I have no idea how active I'll be, and admittedly I'm kind of dreading it since I wouldn't really call myself much of an artist, plus I've still got to make references for two of my characters to post on it, but I guess I'll see how it really goes.
If you have an account there, you can check out my page here: https://artfight.net/~Pixus
If you have an account there, you can check out my page here: https://artfight.net/~Pixus
Sharing progress of a mod I'm working on?
Posted 3 years agoSo I've been recently trying to restart progress of a Minecraft mod I've started around a year or so ago, and I'm debating if I should upload progress of it on here and maybe DA. I have seen one other person share progress of their mod here, but I don't think others would be very interested in it.
That, and my mod isn't really too much, even for a newbie like me; it's just something that adds in cosmetic blocks.
If you read this far, I'd like to hear your input on what I should do for this.
That, and my mod isn't really too much, even for a newbie like me; it's just something that adds in cosmetic blocks.
If you read this far, I'd like to hear your input on what I should do for this.
Quick update; maybe taking a break?
Posted 3 years agoSo another year is about to end once more, and I wanted to give out a quick update saying that I apologize for my inactivity when it comes to art.
I haven't really been motivated to do much when it comes to art, although I am hoping to make up for that by making a Christmas gift for some friends of mine... kind of. It's not really related to Christmas but actually my birthday, which is on the 29th of December, but they're so close that I thought that it might as well classify as one. Anyways, I'm going to be selecting a few friends of mine and making some fanart for them as a present for being around with me, although I'm not going to be revealing who I'm choosing, at least not yet. I can only hope that I can motivate myself enough to work on the art for them and upload it in time.
Another reason I wanted to make this journal was since a friend of mine notified me on Discord about the Log4j vulnerability (a current vulnerability that involves Log4j, and potentially means that others can access your files) and that FA might be affected by it (granted, they said they didn't know if it used that or not) and highly recommended that I should temporarily deactivate my account here... although honestly, I don't think that's going to change much since, while it'll keep me off the site for three days at the minimum, the site's still going be around and I'm probably going to be using it to browse for art that I can't find elsewhere.
In any point, I'm probably going to be using this site less until the staff announce that the vulnerabilities (if there is one) have been patched up.
That doesn't mean I'm not going to be around on other sites, though (hopefully). Here's a quick list of sites you can find me at:
DeviantArt - https://p1xu5.deviantart.com/
Toyhou.se - https://toyhou.se/Pixus
Discord - Pixus#0604
Twitter - https://twitter.com/P1XU5
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pixuspanic/
With that being said, I hope everyone has happy holidays and to stay safe, both offline and online!
I haven't really been motivated to do much when it comes to art, although I am hoping to make up for that by making a Christmas gift for some friends of mine... kind of. It's not really related to Christmas but actually my birthday, which is on the 29th of December, but they're so close that I thought that it might as well classify as one. Anyways, I'm going to be selecting a few friends of mine and making some fanart for them as a present for being around with me, although I'm not going to be revealing who I'm choosing, at least not yet. I can only hope that I can motivate myself enough to work on the art for them and upload it in time.
Another reason I wanted to make this journal was since a friend of mine notified me on Discord about the Log4j vulnerability (a current vulnerability that involves Log4j, and potentially means that others can access your files) and that FA might be affected by it (granted, they said they didn't know if it used that or not) and highly recommended that I should temporarily deactivate my account here... although honestly, I don't think that's going to change much since, while it'll keep me off the site for three days at the minimum, the site's still going be around and I'm probably going to be using it to browse for art that I can't find elsewhere.
In any point, I'm probably going to be using this site less until the staff announce that the vulnerabilities (if there is one) have been patched up.
That doesn't mean I'm not going to be around on other sites, though (hopefully). Here's a quick list of sites you can find me at:
DeviantArt - https://p1xu5.deviantart.com/
Toyhou.se - https://toyhou.se/Pixus
Discord - Pixus#0604
Twitter - https://twitter.com/P1XU5
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pixuspanic/
With that being said, I hope everyone has happy holidays and to stay safe, both offline and online!
Kernel Pixus - Discord server opening!
Posted 3 years agoI've thought about it for a bit and thought that I'm going to open my Discord server. Admittedly I don't really know where to completely take it, outside of being a general community and art themed server, but I'm hoping that everything will go well for it.
I'll lay down the rules as well so everyone can get a good gist of them:
1. This is a Safe for Work server! This means that anything obviously sexual or lewd in its nature isn't allowed generally. I may consider changing this in the future but I just want to be safe.
2. While mild cussing is allowed, try to keep them minimal. This does not extend to slurs of any type, where they are not allowed.
3. Kindness and respect matters! Please be respectful and kind to other users.
4. Please put your messages and posts in their appropriate channels!
5. Moderators and other staff members have the final say.
They're not entirely final and are likely going to be changed later on down the line, but I think this is good for a start.
If you're interested, here's a link to my server: https://discord.gg/kAbDA5gZgR
The invite should be set to not expire but if it does, just send me a message and I'll see if I can fix it.
(7/10 EDIT): The server's under construction; DM me for a link if you're interested!
I'll lay down the rules as well so everyone can get a good gist of them:
1. This is a Safe for Work server! This means that anything obviously sexual or lewd in its nature isn't allowed generally. I may consider changing this in the future but I just want to be safe.
2. While mild cussing is allowed, try to keep them minimal. This does not extend to slurs of any type, where they are not allowed.
3. Kindness and respect matters! Please be respectful and kind to other users.
4. Please put your messages and posts in their appropriate channels!
5. Moderators and other staff members have the final say.
They're not entirely final and are likely going to be changed later on down the line, but I think this is good for a start.
If you're interested, here's a link to my server: https://discord.gg/kAbDA5gZgR
The invite should be set to not expire but if it does, just send me a message and I'll see if I can fix it.
(7/10 EDIT): The server's under construction; DM me for a link if you're interested!
Discord server test run
Posted 3 years agoSo I've mentioned the possibility of a Discord server a month or so ago, and I've kept true to my word in that I do have a Discord server set up, but at the moment, it's very unfinished and I'm only going to let a few friends in at the moment, mostly for a quick test run and to get some feedback on how to improve the server.
If you're interested in helping me, feel free to comment or send me a note and I'll think about it!
I'll likely make the link public after a week or so has passed depending on what feedback I get.
If you're interested in helping me, feel free to comment or send me a note and I'll think about it!
I'll likely make the link public after a week or so has passed depending on what feedback I get.
Getting into commissions?
Posted 3 years agoThis is something I've been pondering with for a while, and that's if I should get into doing commissions (partially since I'd like to get some spare money).
I haven't really decided on what I'll offer or an exact price range, but I do see myself doing some regular drawings ($10+), character references ($20+) and turnarounds ($25+), as well as maybe some models ($25+), but I'd rather not make them too cheap to where I don't feel like I'm getting anything in return, nor too expensive in which people won't actually buy them. Even at those current prices I feel like it's still a bit too expensive, but I've seen other artists charge much more for those kind of images and I'm only a novice, so it may be a bit justified.
If any of you are interested, feel free to send me some feedback about this.
I haven't really decided on what I'll offer or an exact price range, but I do see myself doing some regular drawings ($10+), character references ($20+) and turnarounds ($25+), as well as maybe some models ($25+), but I'd rather not make them too cheap to where I don't feel like I'm getting anything in return, nor too expensive in which people won't actually buy them. Even at those current prices I feel like it's still a bit too expensive, but I've seen other artists charge much more for those kind of images and I'm only a novice, so it may be a bit justified.
If any of you are interested, feel free to send me some feedback about this.
WIP Discord server
Posted 3 years agoI've been thinking about this for a while and I've finally decided that I'm going to make my own Discord server. It's still in the works pretty unfinished, but I think it's in a decent enough state to put out to the public... at least to an extent.
Because it's still unfinished, I'm going to keep it between only some users who specifically ask for an invite link to the server and general friends of mine. If you're interested, feel free to comment or shoot me a note and I'll think about it. Please note that it won't necessarily mean that you won't be accepted immediately as I will put it on consideration, but you're welcome to join when it opens up fully!
I don't think I've got too much else to say right now, but I'll add onto this journal or make another one when I've got more about it.
Because it's still unfinished, I'm going to keep it between only some users who specifically ask for an invite link to the server and general friends of mine. If you're interested, feel free to comment or shoot me a note and I'll think about it. Please note that it won't necessarily mean that you won't be accepted immediately as I will put it on consideration, but you're welcome to join when it opens up fully!
I don't think I've got too much else to say right now, but I'll add onto this journal or make another one when I've got more about it.
Scammed out of my Steam account
Posted 4 years agoSo I've had a relatively stressful Tuesday due to me being scammed out of my Steam account, and I'm determined not to let the same mistake happen to others.
For those who don't know, my Steam account was compromised by someone who contacted me on Discord, claiming that they accidentally reported me, despite that I didn’t even put my Discord account anywhere on my Steam page, and that my account would be deleted within a day unless I contacted a supposed moderator, who also was on Discord (surprise, surprise). For all I know they could have done it to someone else and used some inspect element trickery to make it look like I should contact someone else, but I didn’t think properly and instead temporarily lost my account (worth at least a whooping $2,000 US dollars) to them and would have also lost my money to them, hadn’t PayPal prevented me from sending my money to them.
While I am grateful that I managed to get my Steam account back, I’ve still wasted a good chunk of money on Bitcoin that I’ve attempted to refund and I’m still shook by these events, not to mention my own idiocy for actually believing in them so swiftly, but I guess it shows that everyone can make mistakes, even ones like these.
If you ever get someone saying that they accidentally reported you and your account will be deleted, don't buy into it.
For those who don't know, my Steam account was compromised by someone who contacted me on Discord, claiming that they accidentally reported me, despite that I didn’t even put my Discord account anywhere on my Steam page, and that my account would be deleted within a day unless I contacted a supposed moderator, who also was on Discord (surprise, surprise). For all I know they could have done it to someone else and used some inspect element trickery to make it look like I should contact someone else, but I didn’t think properly and instead temporarily lost my account (worth at least a whooping $2,000 US dollars) to them and would have also lost my money to them, hadn’t PayPal prevented me from sending my money to them.
While I am grateful that I managed to get my Steam account back, I’ve still wasted a good chunk of money on Bitcoin that I’ve attempted to refund and I’m still shook by these events, not to mention my own idiocy for actually believing in them so swiftly, but I guess it shows that everyone can make mistakes, even ones like these.
If you ever get someone saying that they accidentally reported you and your account will be deleted, don't buy into it.
Quick update
Posted 4 years agoSo I thought I made a journal here already but I guess not; oops.
I digress though since for my first journal I thought I'd want to say what's been going on, which is... well, nothing, really.
I haven't been terribly motivated to draw or do too much, but I am hoping to at least make and post something bi-weekly to monthly.
I've also been trying to learn how to sculpt using Blender but I haven't gotten that far, mostly since I feel like it's not going quite the way I expect it, but hopefully I'll manage to make something for it, eventually.
I've also been considering making a Discord server, but I'm not too sure it'll be all that active (I know from experience that a friend of mine said all of their servers have ended up dead after a few months or so and they deleted them after that) and I don't really know what its central theme or focus would be about.
So there's that, I suppose, and hopefully I'll make something soon.
I digress though since for my first journal I thought I'd want to say what's been going on, which is... well, nothing, really.
I haven't been terribly motivated to draw or do too much, but I am hoping to at least make and post something bi-weekly to monthly.
I've also been trying to learn how to sculpt using Blender but I haven't gotten that far, mostly since I feel like it's not going quite the way I expect it, but hopefully I'll manage to make something for it, eventually.
I've also been considering making a Discord server, but I'm not too sure it'll be all that active (I know from experience that a friend of mine said all of their servers have ended up dead after a few months or so and they deleted them after that) and I don't really know what its central theme or focus would be about.
So there's that, I suppose, and hopefully I'll make something soon.