Posted a year agoCustom Nuri Info
The Nuri is a closed species, people may not make one of their own, however, they may be able to purchase one.
To Purchase a custom Nuri from Magic for yourself, or someone else, please fill out this form or contact Magic through notes on furaffinity with this information filled out:
Body Type:
Hair Style:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Color Palette:
Subspecies Tail Type:
Subspecies Ear Type:
Tail Feather Color(s):
Added fluff(?):
Piercings/Accessories if any:
Custom Nuri - Current Costs
Basic Reference: Includes Fullbody front, text and color swatch $205
Full Reference: Includes Full body front, Full body back view, text and color swatch: $255
Basic Chibi Reference: Includes Full body front chibi, text and color swatch $125
Reference sheets are buildable! Add any of these add-ons to expand your characters creation! (Prices are per item added)
+$5 - "likes/dislikes" items
+$15 - Pop Out close up of Genitals, Maw, Paw, or specific detail
+$30 - Duplicate of full body front view with an outfit
+$30 - Normal or Chibi Headshot with an expression or alternate hairstyle (or both)
+$15 Bean Chib headshot with an expression or alternate hairstyle (or both)
Animal sidekick/pet:
+$30 - Small Pet (Mouse, Rabbit, house cat, small breed dog etc)
+$40 - Medium Pet (wolf, fox, etc)
+$50 - Large Pet (Tiger, Deer etc)
+$65 - X-Large Pet (Dragon, Horse etc)
+$40 - Part body Back view
+$40 - Chibi Back view
+$60 - Full body Side profile
+$70 - Extra Full body front shot with different pose or outfit
+$50 - Feral
+$50 - Chibi with outfit
By Purchasing, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions:
Nuri are a closed species, they may not be created without explicit permission of Magic who may be found at the following user pages:
Furaffinity | Twitter | | Bluesky
If anyone else is selling Nuri customs or adopts, please inform the species owner at the above pages.
Currently, Nuri may only be purchased through adoption by Magic, and customs by Magic or one of our MYO artists listed below.
aimi | apoxalypsisart | maidendearest
The character design may not closely resemble an already existing Nuri, you may not have a character created to copy someone else’s design.
If you would like to edit your Nuri you are more than welcomed to, please be sure to get these changes approved, however, by the species owner.
If you change your Nuri design, you may not sell the old design, all versions of a Nuri character must be kept together. This means that if one version of a Nuri is sold, all versions of that Nuri must come with it.
You must credit Magic for the species upon initial gallery upload on furaffinity and other sites, as well as the artist who created your Nuri for you.
When your Nuri is created for you, you will receive the character via toyhouse transfer from Magic. If you do not have a toyhouse account, a referral code can be provided to you in order to complete the transfer.
Your Nuri must be viewable by Magic on toyhouse at all times, and be submitted to the Nuri World on this is so that we may keep track of the species and where it’s going, as well as certify that the Nuri is obtained via the correct avenues and hasn’t just been uploaded by someone who is trying to claim they own a character that they do not.
If you currently have a Nuri uploaded to toyhouse, please be sure that it is visible to Magic, if it is not visible, please change the visibility so that we may keep track of everything. If you have a Nuri that is not uploaded to, please be sure to upload it and link it to Magic so that she can submit it to the Nuri world.
PLEASE COME TO MAGIC BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR NURI to get information about people who are not permitted to purchase them, there are very few, but they're out there and blacklisted for a reason.
There are two strikes to being blacklisted. If you are found to be knowingly selling to someone who is blacklisted, you will be blacklisted immediately. If you were unaware that that person was blacklisted, you will receive a strike, and unless you refund that person their money and take your Nuri back, you will be blacklisted.
You may not sell your Nuri for more than it was purchased for unless art has been added to it, in which case you may add the value of the art to the value of your initial purchase.
If you no longer want your Nuri and decide to sell it, you must inform the buyer of these terms of ownership via a link to these terms either on the furaffinity Nuri page, Nuri page, or Nuri website, and you must inform Magic of who the Nuri was sold to, and a link to their page.
If you will a Nuri in a raffle or do a trade for one from Magic and have not added art to it, you may not sell it! If you no longer use it, please give it back to Magic in exchange for a full body sketch, color, and shade commission.
You may not by any means breed your Nuri to make a new character with Nuri characteristics.
Name, Personality, ect. of your Nuri is all up to the owner of the character. There is lore that is provided here, and more will be added, but you are not required to follow the lore.
When you get art of your Nuri, please be sure to check and make sure that all of the species traits are on the art and accurate. I have seen art that is missing venom glands on the knuckles especially, just make sure to let your artist know that these are necessary to the character!
These guidelines may be altered at any time, if they are, a journal will be posted to inform you of any updates.
MYO Information:
A MYO slot allows you to pay Magic the species fee of $55, but commission your reference sheet from one of the approved artists listed above.
Upon purchasing a MYO slot, a MYO ticket will be transferred to you by Magic via toyhouse. If you do not have a toyhouse account, a referral code can be provided to you in order to complete the transfer.
You must have your Nuri designed by an Artist on the approved artist list. (MYO does not mean you or anyone can design your Nuri).
The reference sheet must include at minimum a full body front view, text which should include the character's name and species, a color swatch, and a colored background.
The reference sheet may not be done on a base.
Once the MYO Nuri is complete, please send Magic the Ref sheet for approval. Once the design has been approved, you will be asked to transfer your MYO ticket from back to her so that she can create your Nuri's profile for you and transfer it to you.
The character design may not closely resemble an already existing Nuri (Don't try to create a copy of someone else's design).
If for some reason you end up coming to Magic for your Nuri MYO, the price of the MYO fee will be subtracted from the 200 USD payment that it costs to purchase a custom Nuri from her.
Posted a year ago
Hey everyone! We are moving our main center of operation to toyhouse. If you could link your toyhouse profiles in comments that would be great! Reference sheets will still be posted here, but it's just easier to keep up with where characters are on toyhouse. If you don't have a toyhouse, let me know and I will give you an invite code! ^^ If you need to contact me about your Nuri you can also message my own personal toyhouse:
I hope you all are well!
Join Magic's Discord for Nuri Updates!
Posted a year ago▽▲▽KNOWN NURI▽▲▽
Posted 5 years ago🍃 | Guidelines and Terms of Ownership | Known Nuri's | Discord |🍃
Aenigma_xD 🍃 Willow
Alxi 🍃Bryce | Drizella | Indigo | Kailani | Malia | Zeke
anabunny 🍃 Vera
angeal1988 🍃 Mephisto
Aramali 🍃 Klara
Ashiroe 🍃 Kaiko | Nyanta
beautifulserendipity 🍃 Magdalena
beleththorn 🍃 Aurora
Bitter.Nightmares 🍃 Anshala | Asmari | Zahira
Bunnmon 🍃 Lizzy |
ButtonPaws 🍃 Raven
Butterscotchpup 🍃 Niji
Cassiechu 🍃 Paige
Cat 🍃 Amari | Ragna | Sylvi |
CatKinKitten 🍃 Briar | Ingrid | Maia
Cluelessowo13 🍃 Auralei Suki | Eirlys |
ColdSilverRain 🍃 Kenrick
Crosis278 🍃 Jayce
EluKittn 🍃 Dorian | Mallith | Moej'ave | Violette
femmefox101 🍃 kiona | Tamlyn | Silvanus
FluffyArts 🍃 Zhafet
Furrtopia 🍃 Ash
HazelRenee 🍃 Mirina
IDemonicAngel 🍃 Azaria
insomini 🍃 Cain | Rami | Nyla
JusticeJaguar 🍃 Akila-Sonja
Karenokoneko 🍃 Azalea | Tai | Yumi
KissaRose 🍃 Arashi | Kissä | Zenki
kitsykat 🍃 Kitsy
Kittai 🍃 Anika
klynnkoi 🍃 Charolette Lenore
koachellla 🍃 Bellatrix |
Kryeis 🍃 Feilias
LuxuriaChronos 🍃 SieAura | Tyson
Magic 🍃 Destry | Freya | Ivar | Nixie
MATicDesignS 🍃 Nyla
MaygicGold 🍃 Mocha
MikazukiHellfire 🍃 Cambria
Moon.Fox 🍃 Sparrow
mr.opossum 🍃 Leilani
NightshadeNyx 🍃 Anya
NokomisFoxxy 🍃 Mariko | Zina
Novakin 🍃 Kenai
PanicWonderland 🍃 Artemis
Rakukojin 🍃 Ayla | Chron | Dante | Illika | Iin | Ragnar | V'nila L'tei | Hylia
RedDragonwolf58 🍃 Sheviea
Risque. 🍃 Angelique roscent | Ariya | Brynjar | Charles Roscent |
SarahJRawr 🍃 Eunariu
savannahsage 🍃 Rána
Shyanara 🍃 Shanti
SexyKami 🍃 Kaylee
snow.moon 🍃Illyasviel | Piper Rose
tala-dae 🍃 Saiyo | Xin
Therystes 🍃 Kaiah | Mira | Pele | Zaria | Wynter | Yuki |
TheDragonPrincess 🍃 Juniper
Tyilight 🍃 Reese
Vindictiive 🍃Aniva "Ani" | Kahina | Octavia | Malika | Thorne | Oliver | Shae |
Xpets 🍃 No name
xshadi 🍃 Calista
xtinxon 🍃 Estelle
XxPhoebeKittyXx 🍃 Nymph "Nym"
Zenjay 🍃 Rhaella
ZombieHitGirl 🍃 Suzanne
catkinkitten 🍃 Arcana
Magic Daughter/son 🍃 Izzy | Ryder
rakukojin 🍃 Alita
snow.moon 🍃 Piper
Therystes 🍃 Sagira | Xana
vindictiive 🍃 Nivea
.:Guidelines and Terms of Ownership:. +Updated 01/15/24+
Posted 5 years agoCustom Nuri Info
The Nuri is a closed species, people may not make one of their own, however, they may be able to purchase one.
To Purchase a custom Nuri from Magic for yourself, or someone else, please fill out this form or contact Magic through notes on furaffinity with this information filled out:
Body Type:
Hair Style:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Color Palette:
Subspecies Tail Type:
Subspecies Ear Type:
Tail Feather Color(s):
Added fluff(?):
Piercings/Accessories if any:
Custom Nuri - Current Costs
Basic Reference: Includes Fullbody front, text and color swatch $205
Full Reference: Includes Full body front, Full body back view, text and color swatch: $255
Basic Chibi Reference: Includes Full body front chibi, text and color swatch $125
Reference sheets are buildable! Add any of these add-ons to expand your characters creation! (Prices are per item added)
+$5 - "likes/dislikes" items
+$15 - Pop Out close up of Genitals, Maw, Paw, or specific detail
+$30 - Duplicate of full body front view with an outfit
+$30 - Normal or Chibi Headshot with an expression or alternate hairstyle (or both)
+$15 Bean Chib headshot with an expression or alternate hairstyle (or both)
Animal sidekick/pet:
+$30 - Small Pet (Mouse, Rabbit, house cat, small breed dog etc)
+$40 - Medium Pet (wolf, fox, etc)
+$50 - Large Pet (Tiger, Deer etc)
+$65 - X-Large Pet (Dragon, Horse etc)
+$40 - Part body Back view
+$40 - Chibi Back view
+$60 - Full body Side profile
+$70 - Extra Full body front shot with different pose or outfit
+$50 - Feral
+$50 - Chibi with outfit
By Purchasing, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions:
Nuri are a closed species, they may not be created without explicit permission of Magic who may be found at the following user pages:
Furaffinity | Twitter | | Bluesky
If anyone else is selling Nuri customs or adopts, please inform the species owner at the above pages.
Currently, Nuri may only be purchased through adoption by Magic, and customs by Magic or one of our MYO artists listed below.
aimi | apoxalypsisart | maidendearest
The character design may not closely resemble an already existing Nuri, you may not have a character created to copy someone else’s design.
If you would like to edit your Nuri you are more than welcomed to, please be sure to get these changes approved, however, by the species owner.
If you change your Nuri design, you may not sell the old design, all versions of a Nuri character must be kept together. This means that if one version of a Nuri is sold, all versions of that Nuri must come with it.
You must credit Magic for the species upon initial gallery upload on furaffinity and other sites, as well as the artist who created your Nuri for you.
When your Nuri is created for you, you will receive the character via toyhouse transfer from Magic. If you do not have a toyhouse account, a referral code can be provided to you in order to complete the transfer.
Your Nuri must be viewable by Magic on toyhouse at all times, and be submitted to the Nuri World on this is so that we may keep track of the species and where it’s going, as well as certify that the Nuri is obtained via the correct avenues and hasn’t just been uploaded by someone who is trying to claim they own a character that they do not.
If you currently have a Nuri uploaded to toyhouse, please be sure that it is visible to Magic, if it is not visible, please change the visibility so that we may keep track of everything. If you have a Nuri that is not uploaded to, please be sure to upload it and link it to Magic so that she can submit it to the Nuri world.
PLEASE COME TO MAGIC BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR NURI to get information about people who are not permitted to purchase them, there are very few, but they're out there and blacklisted for a reason.
There are two strikes to being blacklisted. If you are found to be knowingly selling to someone who is blacklisted, you will be blacklisted immediately. If you were unaware that that person was blacklisted, you will receive a strike, and unless you refund that person their money and take your Nuri back, you will be blacklisted.
You may not sell your Nuri for more than it was purchased for unless art has been added to it, in which case you may add the value of the art to the value of your initial purchase.
If you no longer want your Nuri and decide to sell it, you must inform the buyer of these terms of ownership via a link to these terms either on the furaffinity Nuri page, Nuri page, or Nuri website, and you must inform Magic of who the Nuri was sold to, and a link to their page.
If you will a Nuri in a raffle or do a trade for one from Magic and have not added art to it, you may not sell it! If you no longer use it, please give it back to Magic in exchange for a full body sketch, color, and shade commission.
You may not by any means breed your Nuri to make a new character with Nuri characteristics.
Name, Personality, ect. of your Nuri is all up to the owner of the character. There is lore that is provided here, and more will be added, but you are not required to follow the lore.
When you get art of your Nuri, please be sure to check and make sure that all of the species traits are on the art and accurate. I have seen art that is missing venom glands on the knuckles especially, just make sure to let your artist know that these are necessary to the character!
These guidelines may be altered at any time, if they are, a journal will be posted to inform you of any updates.
MYO Information:
A MYO slot allows you to pay Magic the species fee of $55, but commission your reference sheet from one of the approved artists listed above.
Upon purchasing a MYO slot, a MYO ticket will be transferred to you by Magic via toyhouse. If you do not have a toyhouse account, a referral code can be provided to you in order to complete the transfer.
You must have your Nuri designed by an Artist on the approved artist list. (MYO does not mean you or anyone can design your Nuri).
The reference sheet must include at minimum a full body front view, text which should include the character's name and species, a color swatch, and a colored background.
The reference sheet may not be done on a base.
Once the MYO Nuri is complete, please send Magic the Ref sheet for approval. Once the design has been approved, you will be asked to transfer your MYO ticket from back to her so that she can create your Nuri's profile for you and transfer it to you.
The character design may not closely resemble an already existing Nuri (Don't try to create a copy of someone else's design).
If for some reason you end up coming to Magic for your Nuri MYO, the price of the MYO fee will be subtracted from the 200 USD payment that it costs to purchase a custom Nuri from her.