Character Auction is Closed
Posted 2 weeks agoHello everyone, letting everyone know that the Character Auction is closed as of today. The winner for Fritz Hirsch now belongs to
FurrEver so Congratulations. Note me to conduct the transaction

Reminder Fritz is available for auction
Posted 2 weeks agoFritz is available for character auction until March 4th
Reminder I have two slots left and still open for charact...
Posted 2 weeks agoEvening everyone letting everyone know that I am still open for 2 slots available for commissions, below would be the link for the commission price sheet
And also my character auction is open until Tuesday March 4th. Link is down below for Fritz
And also my character auction is open until Tuesday March 4th. Link is down below for Fritz
Heads up (character auction and still open for commission...
Posted 2 weeks agoAfternoon everyone, letting you guys know that im selling my buck, Fritz as part of my auction later today. I'm gonna sell Jorgen as well though I haven't draw him so it'll be a long while. Also im still open for 3 slots available for commissions if anyone wants one from me feel free to note for a commission.
Consider Commissions Open
Posted a month agoHello everyone I'm opening commissions and the theme for this is big guys and micro female, I hope anyone is interested in commissioning me for this theme. Or Mxf feet action too <3. If you order with this theme you'll get 15% off from the original price
Artists I have a question
Posted a month agoEvening everyone, I have been wondering how do you all draw when creating an art piece, like for me I used circles and wireframes to help me guide the figure I have drawn. So I wonder so what is your progress like in terms of art? Do you guys used wireframes or just make in shapes to draw a body?
Spreading a word for a friend
Posted a month agoHello, letting everyone know that my friend,
MacroPog is in dire need of help. She's struggling financially speaking so if anyone was to help out I'll leave the link here.
Heads Up a character would be up for adoption
Posted a month agoHello everyone letting everyone know that I'll selling one of my old characters from gallery. Rn I'm updating his outfit as well as his career.
Helping out a friend
Posted a month agoHi everyone to cut it short my friend
TonyAkita is short with rent money, I am asking for your guys help with Tony as of right now. From below would be the link for Tony's journal and his GoFundMe so please donate to his GoFundMe page.
First AmA in 2025
Posted 2 months agoFeel free to ask me anything for 2025
Update: Commission Slots [2/4]
Posted 2 months agoI have two slots are taken I have two more available slots.
3. Open
4. Open


3. Open
4. Open
I'm still open for commissions (0/4 open)
Posted 2 months agoHey everyone letting everyone know that im open for commissions and the discount theme is Roland cause the lion theme didnt grab much attention. So note me if your interested in getting a commission from me. I'm opening 4 slots for commission. Below is a commission sheet and discount sheet:
one more year till i hit 30
Posted 2 months agoThe title says it all I'm 29 years old now. Yay anyways I hope you enjoy your day as I will with mine
I'm open for commissions taking 4 slots
Posted 2 months agoHello everyone is letting everyone know that im open for commissions. This time im open for 4 slots.
Note me if you're interested in getting art from me.
Note me if you're interested in getting art from me.
2025 is Upon us
Posted 2 months agoAs the year pass on by, everyone here reflects on their lives on 2024. With 2025 on the rise, I would like to wish on reflections of my own. Both on the negative side of my life and the positive side of it. For anyone who knows the last days of December, I have been dealing with issues that I have been experiencing since 2023.
Let's start of with the negatives before reaching to the light side. As everyone knows i struggle with finding a job in order to help out with my family needs via rent or groceries. Even though I had an interview with at a job place, I feel that I didnt get the job due to how the place was already filled in. Already close to 2025 and I haven't reach any employment from places that's should be close to me. Another thing that I want to share about the negative sides of my life. Im sure everyone here remember that I suffer an emotional breakdown. I tend to keep myself quiet on my personal life. But at that time I feel like I was worthless, that I wanted to vent about it. It was my mistake that I cooked dinner wrong at that time and the fact I couldn't find a job made me feel depressed majorly. I looked down on myself since I didn't achieve anything from 2024. I know its sound repetitive to say it since it's the new year, however it is my reflection from yesterday.
Now that heavy weight is lose, I want to say things that brought me joy from 2024. As you guys know, I'm been drawing characters that I have been in my mind such as Trish, Jasmine and Reba. Even though there are times that I feel depleted on drawing, it is the ideas that get me going. And from drawing my characters, I gain attraction from the characters I have drawn. It makes me happy that the characters I drew gets so much love from everyone. Another positive vibes I brought is that I managed to sell a whopping 270 dollars from selling the yakuza orca I have stored for years. It still amazes me that I could sell it a high price. I hope to do the auction soon since I gain more money from selling characters that i feel that i have no use for. With that flexing out of the way, I just wanna add another things from 2024 that brings me joy. It's that I've discovered new people from online whether it's FA, Discord, Bluesky, or lord forbid Twitter. Whether it's the characters I drew or just me hanging out in silent, all I can say its thank you for meeting me to talk a lil bit or discuss our characters from our gallery. You all know who are, give yourselves an applause for being the bloody legends that you are. I appreciate you guys on the crazy year of 2024. Last thing I want to mention about a lil bit of myself. 2024 would be a year of discovery for me as I tend to explore things that I have never thought I'll experience. That year is where I discovered my favorite band Nothing More from listening Spirits and backtracking to their previous albums to their recent album Carnal. The band to me feels like a breath of fresh air to hear their songs. Reason why I brought it up is because I feel life is full of surprises whether it's a discovering new music, playing new games, or even learning new skills that helps. I have been working with my dad by helping out with the cars via auto body painting. In addition I have fixed the garbage disposal that has been clogging up the sink for months. As well as December I managed to get rid of the activate windows words that's been in my monitor for months. If anything, discover something that you'll thought that would be helpful in the long run. Anyway, there goes my long wording for 2024. I wish you guys a hopeful 2025 and to close off I wanna quote from the late great Scott Hall, "Hard Work pays off, Bad Times Won't last long but Bad Guys Do." Wishing you guys, gals and non binaries a happy new year. I may gonna open for some time this week I'll upload my new commission sheet with a discount sheet.
Let's start of with the negatives before reaching to the light side. As everyone knows i struggle with finding a job in order to help out with my family needs via rent or groceries. Even though I had an interview with at a job place, I feel that I didnt get the job due to how the place was already filled in. Already close to 2025 and I haven't reach any employment from places that's should be close to me. Another thing that I want to share about the negative sides of my life. Im sure everyone here remember that I suffer an emotional breakdown. I tend to keep myself quiet on my personal life. But at that time I feel like I was worthless, that I wanted to vent about it. It was my mistake that I cooked dinner wrong at that time and the fact I couldn't find a job made me feel depressed majorly. I looked down on myself since I didn't achieve anything from 2024. I know its sound repetitive to say it since it's the new year, however it is my reflection from yesterday.
Now that heavy weight is lose, I want to say things that brought me joy from 2024. As you guys know, I'm been drawing characters that I have been in my mind such as Trish, Jasmine and Reba. Even though there are times that I feel depleted on drawing, it is the ideas that get me going. And from drawing my characters, I gain attraction from the characters I have drawn. It makes me happy that the characters I drew gets so much love from everyone. Another positive vibes I brought is that I managed to sell a whopping 270 dollars from selling the yakuza orca I have stored for years. It still amazes me that I could sell it a high price. I hope to do the auction soon since I gain more money from selling characters that i feel that i have no use for. With that flexing out of the way, I just wanna add another things from 2024 that brings me joy. It's that I've discovered new people from online whether it's FA, Discord, Bluesky, or lord forbid Twitter. Whether it's the characters I drew or just me hanging out in silent, all I can say its thank you for meeting me to talk a lil bit or discuss our characters from our gallery. You all know who are, give yourselves an applause for being the bloody legends that you are. I appreciate you guys on the crazy year of 2024. Last thing I want to mention about a lil bit of myself. 2024 would be a year of discovery for me as I tend to explore things that I have never thought I'll experience. That year is where I discovered my favorite band Nothing More from listening Spirits and backtracking to their previous albums to their recent album Carnal. The band to me feels like a breath of fresh air to hear their songs. Reason why I brought it up is because I feel life is full of surprises whether it's a discovering new music, playing new games, or even learning new skills that helps. I have been working with my dad by helping out with the cars via auto body painting. In addition I have fixed the garbage disposal that has been clogging up the sink for months. As well as December I managed to get rid of the activate windows words that's been in my monitor for months. If anything, discover something that you'll thought that would be helpful in the long run. Anyway, there goes my long wording for 2024. I wish you guys a hopeful 2025 and to close off I wanna quote from the late great Scott Hall, "Hard Work pays off, Bad Times Won't last long but Bad Guys Do." Wishing you guys, gals and non binaries a happy new year. I may gonna open for some time this week I'll upload my new commission sheet with a discount sheet.
Taking emergency commissions
Posted 2 months agoHey everyone im opening a YCH for emergency commissions. Below would be the two Y.C.H. poses for the micro. Ever wanted to be a dominant macro to unfortunate micro well now you can. I have two in the links below I'll be open for as long as I can. I need some money for at least water and drinks.
Guys I wanna say im sorry for being inactive
Posted 3 months agoHey guys just letting you guys know that I want to apologize for not being active as I used to be. I guess is that I feel like im not as I used to be. Even though I finished my half of a trade, I dont feel like my spark is almost as everlasting and I feel that i let everyone down when I'm not active around here. So what I'm trying to say is im sorry for not being able to draw and share with you guys.
How about a AMA
Posted 4 months agoI'm full so AMA
Taking Emergency Commissions and a question
Posted 4 months agoAfternoon even though I'm changing my price soon, I'm taking emergency commissions as I'm struggling to help out in rent. Consider this a last chance of getting a pic from me, at this price before I change it. I even have a comic page commission if you want a comic page to build your story. Also I have a question to ask, as you all know im selling my characters as part of an auction, I'm asking which of my characters would you'll be interested if im open for character auction?
Here's a Heads Up about my commission
Posted 4 months agoHey everyone, just going to let everyone know that im going to change my format and pricing later in the month. I feel it is time I changed my price and format of my commission sheet. Also I thought of having a discount based on themes like an underglass shot, or milfs. As well as discounts for my ocs. If anyone is wondering about these questions feel free to ask me here or through notes.
The winner is announced
Posted 4 months agoGood morning guys, today is the due date of raffle ends today. The winner for my stoner monkey is :userUseless5666:. Congratulations and for anyone who participated better luck next time. Maybe I'll sell one of staple character for better chance next time.
Today's last day for character auction
Posted 4 months agoIf you want to get in the auction you have today before tomorrow where I announced the winner.
Above would be the link for my stoner monkey character for sale. You got today before tomorrow.
Above would be the link for my stoner monkey character for sale. You got today before tomorrow.
Reminder im open for commissions and character auction is...
Posted 4 months agoHey everyone I'm letting everyone know that I'm open for commissions and character auction is on. Im tempted to create ko-fi page as im struggling with financially. The places I've applied didnt call me back and my schedule with working with my dad has became sporadic to a point I dont think its worth working.
Heads up
Posted 4 months agoIm going to a character in auction later today, the auction will be held for at least 4 days and I may consider adding Auto Buy in two days within 4 days. The character in question is the stoner monkey from weeks ago.
Here's my bluesky
Posted 5 months agoWell since twitter is taking Ls here's my bluesky account for anyone who wants to follow me.
Feel free to follow me there.
Feel free to follow me there.