Tag Blocking is useless right now.
Posted 2 months agoNobody uses proper tags on this site. If the tagging system was more like Eka's Portal where each tag was it's own line of text it would work but it's a pretty useless feature at the moment due to tags being a single word. You can't block anything specific.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all.
Posted 2 months agoI want you all to know I appreciate your continued support of me and my work. I hope you have a happy holiday.
Reminder, I'm on Bluesky.
Posted 4 months agoSince everyone has left Twitter, I figured I'd remind my watchers here.
Pantra is in the hospital and needs help.
Posted 5 months agoA good friend of mine,
pantra needs help. Details in their journal below.

I'm still not happy with my art style.
Posted 6 months agoI've tried several things and I don't feel like I've improved at all.
Goddammit! What the fuck!?
Posted 6 months agoNow don't have access to it on desktop again. What the fucking fuck?
So now I can access the site but images won't load.
Posted 6 months agoTitle
Can't access FA on my desktop.
Posted 6 months agoIt works fine on mobile but it just won't load at all on my desktop.
Rest in Peace Dragoneer. What happens now?
Posted 7 months agoFA's founder has passed away due to the incompetence and greed of the US Healthcare system. Didn't really know the man, but there were several people here on FA that did and I feel for them and Dragoneer's family.
But, what happens now? FA's future is now uncertain and while I'd love to be optimistic, this could very well be the beginning of the end of this site which has been a safe-haven for our kind for almost 20 years. It's true that you take what you've got for granted until you lose it. Where will we go? I came back a few months ago because Blue Sky was censoring me. I have no interest in Twitter, and Itaku is a complete dud that isn't very good for building a community. What do we do now?
FA might not be perfect, it has things that other sites don't. The sense of community, and it aggressively gate kept the racists and trolls and the ones that did get in were usually dealt within a few days. I have over 1400 submissions here, I spent almost half my life here. Do I just take a day to painstakingly download my whole gallery and move somewhere else? I guess we all have these questions right now.
Well... Rest in Peace,
Dragoneer. Thank you for giving us a safe haven, even if some of us weren't very grateful.
But, what happens now? FA's future is now uncertain and while I'd love to be optimistic, this could very well be the beginning of the end of this site which has been a safe-haven for our kind for almost 20 years. It's true that you take what you've got for granted until you lose it. Where will we go? I came back a few months ago because Blue Sky was censoring me. I have no interest in Twitter, and Itaku is a complete dud that isn't very good for building a community. What do we do now?
FA might not be perfect, it has things that other sites don't. The sense of community, and it aggressively gate kept the racists and trolls and the ones that did get in were usually dealt within a few days. I have over 1400 submissions here, I spent almost half my life here. Do I just take a day to painstakingly download my whole gallery and move somewhere else? I guess we all have these questions right now.
Well... Rest in Peace,

Yes, I'm back.
Posted 9 months agoPlease no, "I told you so," messages.
Bluesky started censoring my art so I figured I'd return and upload all of my art from the last several months. So yeah.
Still have some art to upload here but I'll get to that later today.
Bluesky started censoring my art so I figured I'd return and upload all of my art from the last several months. So yeah.
Still have some art to upload here but I'll get to that later today.
I have Bluesky
Posted a year agoLeaving FA on 15th Anniversary
Posted a year agoThe 22nd of this month will be the 15th anniversary of my FA account. It will also be the day that I leave FA behind. It was a good run, there were some good moments, and I've met some of the best people I've ever known here. Some are my close friends to this very day. I'll always cherish the memories I made on this site, but it's time to move on.
I don't think I need to tell anyone that Fur Affinity is basically dead. It has been a literal year since I've had a submission break quadruple digits in views and the years before I averaged about 2k to 3k views per submission. Now I average 200 maybe 300 views and even less faves per submission. Its no coincidence that this drop off started happening when FA's staff killed off any and all good will that remained with it's userbase. If that wasn't enough, what remains there are some of the most toxic people imaginable. Back in 2015 the sense of community was still present but now it's a bunch of assholes arguing semantics and fighting with eachother. It's so fucking sad.
Anyway, I'm going to work on getting a BlueSky, possibly a Twitter, and literally anywhere else that's less dead than FA. I hope when that's all set up, you'll all follow me there.
I don't think I need to tell anyone that Fur Affinity is basically dead. It has been a literal year since I've had a submission break quadruple digits in views and the years before I averaged about 2k to 3k views per submission. Now I average 200 maybe 300 views and even less faves per submission. Its no coincidence that this drop off started happening when FA's staff killed off any and all good will that remained with it's userbase. If that wasn't enough, what remains there are some of the most toxic people imaginable. Back in 2015 the sense of community was still present but now it's a bunch of assholes arguing semantics and fighting with eachother. It's so fucking sad.
Anyway, I'm going to work on getting a BlueSky, possibly a Twitter, and literally anywhere else that's less dead than FA. I hope when that's all set up, you'll all follow me there.
Posted a year agoI kinda lost it.
Forget it
Posted a year agoI'm fucked. Nobody uses this fuck mothering site apparently. I'm without a car, I'll soon lose my job and everything else. Fuck the United States, fuck capitalism, and fuck everything else.
Car Trouble Commissions Open
Posted a year agoI don't know how much it will cost me but I'm gonna guess it'll be a lot. If you're interested, PM me or hit me up on Discord if you're able.
Am I generally disliked in the vore community?
Posted a year agoFor real, anytime I try to interact with people, artists or otherwise, people tend to pretend I don't exist or are flat out hostile or defensive the second I speak to them.
Mass Grayscale Upload Incoming
Posted a year agoI did a bunch of grittier, grayscale variants to some of my recent work.
30 Now
Posted a year ago3 decades. Jeez time flies.
I'm gonna be 30 on October 1st.
Posted a year agoA little over a week and my 20s are gone. Where does the time go? No seriously, I want it back.
It's hardly worth uploading to this site anymore.
Posted a year agoThe viewership of my art is less than half of what it was a year ago. On top of that this site has become a Reddit worthy, toxic dumpster fire. People in general are just more rude and hostile and it's not the friendly social environment it was when I joined almost 15 years ago. Not to mention the fact the site is now flooded with low effort shit that ultimately gets more attention than the higher effort stuff just due there just being more of it. Most of the good artists have moved elsewhere and I totally see why. Whatever the staff doesn't fuck up, they shit on and it's finally come to a head with them trying to blanket fix a case by case issue. I don't have any interest in using e621 or DA for obvious reasons. I have an Eka's Portal and Itaku account so if you haven't followed me there, you're more than welcome to. If anyone knows other sites where my work would get better traffic, let me know. I don't know when I'll stop uploading here, but it will happen eventually. Perhaps I'll open a Patreon. Idk, this whole thing makes me sad.
Eka's Portal: https://aryion.com/g4/user/Richter
Itaku: https://itaku.ee/profile/r_a_t
Eka's Portal: https://aryion.com/g4/user/Richter
Itaku: https://itaku.ee/profile/r_a_t
Commissions OPEN 3 Slots
Posted a year agoLow on funds. Note me or message me on discord if interested.
Reminder! I'm on both Eka's Portal and Itaku
Posted a year agoSo I'm actually looking forward to the games coming out.
Posted a year agoBetween Super Mario Bros Wonder, Super Mario RPG, and Armored Core 6, it looks like a good year. I hope it is at least. Mostly wanted something more positive on my page.
I will not remove any of my art out of fear. Fuck you.
Posted 2 years agoI know who the piece of shit pushing this rule on us is, and no I will not bend the knee to this facist. I have seen countless artists removing their art out of fear and I will not be one of them. Banning small characters just because there's a chance a pedophile could get off to them isn't going to make pedophiles disappear, and all it does is hurt everyone but the pedophiles. This is OUR community! We can push this cunt out if we stand together! Our short characters are NOT children, and fact that this shit stain has the arrogance to claim such a thing proves that they are not fit to be in a authority role! I have been on this site for almost 15 years and I'm not about to see it destroyed!
Please fire the admin that keeps adding these rules.
Posted 2 years agoAll they're doing is making it easier for random people to harass artists based on assumptions. This is all becoming the porn equivalent of McCarthyism. You cannot blanket fix a case by case issue with uncaring randos.