Golden bday coming up this month.
Posted 5 years agoTurning 28 on the 28th of this month. Yay I guess.
Birthday this month
Posted 6 years agoOnce again, just the yearly journal about me getting older. Getting closer and closer to 30, turning 27 on the 28th. Hopefully this one goes well, last year's was pretty decent.
I don't wanna be here anymore
Posted 6 years agoWhy can't I just fucking die already? These past few weeks have just sucked. As some of you may know, I recently lost 2 of my frogs, Buddy and Mama. Well, 2 others, Ying and Yang passed a few days ago and just a few minutes ago I found my last one, Gojira, the one that was closest to me, dead in his new tank. He was acting so happy and active again with the new tank, he was even digging and burying himself like he used to....
Sick frog :(
Posted 7 years agoThe last few days have been rather shitty. Found my oldest frog, Mama dead in her tank. Fortunately the other 4 were alive at least. Had to thoroughly sterilize the tank and everything that was inside it, that took over a day to do. And now just last night after all was somewhat back to normal, I noticed that my tree frog, Buddy's underbelly and legs/feet/hands were turning red. I don't know if its the dye from the fake leaves coming off onto him or if he caught red leg disease. Don't click the links if yer easily squeamish...
I'm really hoping it's just the dye and it can be flushed out of his system. If it does turn out to be red leg disease though... I don't know of any reptile or amphibian vets near me or if I can even afford to take him to one. I just can't lose another one... especially this soon.
Edit: Around 1:20pm.... Buddy passed....
I'm really hoping it's just the dye and it can be flushed out of his system. If it does turn out to be red leg disease though... I don't know of any reptile or amphibian vets near me or if I can even afford to take him to one. I just can't lose another one... especially this soon.
Edit: Around 1:20pm.... Buddy passed....
Birthday today
Posted 7 years agoTurned 26 today. Nothing new about it, just the same as usual.
Friend in need of help.
Posted 7 years ago
Birthday today
Posted 8 years agoI'm going to be a quarter of a century old. I'm a little better off now than I was last year. Things are somewhat more stable here, and overall I'm kinda happy I guess. Nothing else to really say.
Birthday this week.
Posted 9 years agoAs of the 28th, I'll be 24. It's going by way too fast...
Firefox Issues, help appreciated. [Edit: resolved]
Posted 9 years agoI've been encountering an error thats making me unable to access Weasyl, Sofurry, e621 etc but its allowing me to go on inkbunny, pixiv, deviantart, and obviously FA.
"This Connection is Untrusted
You have asked Firefox to connect securely to, but we can't confirm that your connection is secure.
Normally, when you try to connect securely, sites will present trusted identification to prove that you are going to the right place. However, this site's identity can't be verified.
What Should I Do?
If you usually connect to this site without problems, this error could mean that someone is trying to impersonate the site, and you shouldn't continue."
I tried clicking on the "I understand the risks" option it gives on the page under all that info, clicked "Add exception" and Confirm Security Exception and that did nothing so I looked up ways to fix it and none of them have worked, they were:
-Make sure the time on the computer is correct (Time is correct)
-Go to options, then click advanced, then network, settings, and have it say "no proxy"
-Go to the help menu, then click troubleshooting info, click on show folder, when in the folder delete "cert8" and restart firefox and it will generate a new version of the file.
I even restarted firefox fresh with the option under troubleshooting to do so and that did nothing to solve the problem.
Restarting my computer and my router/modem also did nothing as well.
Any help that can be given to solve this problem would greatly be appreciated. If these problems can't be solved, I'm just going to dump firefox.
Managed to resolve the issue and added some exceptions so my antivirus won't go nuts and force firefox to block access to the sites.
"This Connection is Untrusted
You have asked Firefox to connect securely to, but we can't confirm that your connection is secure.
Normally, when you try to connect securely, sites will present trusted identification to prove that you are going to the right place. However, this site's identity can't be verified.
What Should I Do?
If you usually connect to this site without problems, this error could mean that someone is trying to impersonate the site, and you shouldn't continue."
I tried clicking on the "I understand the risks" option it gives on the page under all that info, clicked "Add exception" and Confirm Security Exception and that did nothing so I looked up ways to fix it and none of them have worked, they were:
-Make sure the time on the computer is correct (Time is correct)
-Go to options, then click advanced, then network, settings, and have it say "no proxy"
-Go to the help menu, then click troubleshooting info, click on show folder, when in the folder delete "cert8" and restart firefox and it will generate a new version of the file.
I even restarted firefox fresh with the option under troubleshooting to do so and that did nothing to solve the problem.
Restarting my computer and my router/modem also did nothing as well.
Any help that can be given to solve this problem would greatly be appreciated. If these problems can't be solved, I'm just going to dump firefox.
Managed to resolve the issue and added some exceptions so my antivirus won't go nuts and force firefox to block access to the sites.
Anybody interested in commissions?
Posted 9 years agoI don't really have many kinds of commissions I can offer. Mainly card alters/full arts (pokemon, yugioh, magic the gathering etc) and custom playmats for said games. I can also try to whip up some anthro/human pieces, but I seriously doubt that's gonna work out well as I don;t have much practice in drawing furs or people. My main skill in terms of art is backgrounds and abstract pieces.
Here's an example of one of the full arts I've done
If anyone's interested, note me about what you want and we'll discuss how much it'll cost and how long it should take to make. Card alters should be between $5-30 depending on how difficult the alter and depending on the price of the card (cheaper if you provide the card yourself as I won't have to buy them ahead of time). Mats should be between $50-70 due to how long they take to make.
And before I forget, I can only accept payment through paypal.
Here's an example of one of the full arts I've done
If anyone's interested, note me about what you want and we'll discuss how much it'll cost and how long it should take to make. Card alters should be between $5-30 depending on how difficult the alter and depending on the price of the card (cheaper if you provide the card yourself as I won't have to buy them ahead of time). Mats should be between $50-70 due to how long they take to make.
And before I forget, I can only accept payment through paypal.
Birthday and move coming up.
Posted 10 years agoOn the 28th it'll be my 23rd birthday. Whoo...
But yea, getting onto the actually important news, I'll be getting my new place as of May 1st. After its cleaned up abit I'll be moving into it. Its a kinda small place but has a large amount of land I can have some fun with. I'll have 2 roomates with me, one being my best friend and the other being my mate.
Once The move is all done and I'm all set up, I should hopefully be streaming work on my game pretty often again, if anyone's interested. Also all the renovations that get done on the house and the property will have pictures taken of it along the way if anyone is interested in seeing what we're doing with the place and how it used to look.
But yea, getting onto the actually important news, I'll be getting my new place as of May 1st. After its cleaned up abit I'll be moving into it. Its a kinda small place but has a large amount of land I can have some fun with. I'll have 2 roomates with me, one being my best friend and the other being my mate.
Once The move is all done and I'm all set up, I should hopefully be streaming work on my game pretty often again, if anyone's interested. Also all the renovations that get done on the house and the property will have pictures taken of it along the way if anyone is interested in seeing what we're doing with the place and how it used to look.
Wolfsecret/Kinkysecrets is offering requests
Posted 10 years agoAll info and rules here ->
Friend in need of help...
Posted 10 years ago
If you can't help by donating, please at least spread the word.
If you can't help by donating, please at least spread the word.
Fuck today....
Posted 11 years agoThe machines at work were acting up and parts kept falling out, jamming and breaking or just plain not coming out they way they should. The music today at work was the most godawful rap I ever heard, cleaning the machines was a total pain due to parts jamming while cleaning them.... Then after getting home I received awful news after noticing my dog wasn't laying down on the living room floor like usual, she died this evening around 4:30... She was around 20 years old and been with my family since I was around 5. I will miss her deeply...
Birthday today
Posted 11 years agoWell as of today I'm 22. Not much more to say.
Birthday coming up
Posted 11 years agoAs of the 28th I'll be 22. Not much to say, thought I'd have my own place by now.. >.>
Pc issues.
Posted 11 years agoCan't get online due to something involving router or the wireless adaptor thing on my pc. I have no idea what is causing the issue.
I won't be able to get on skype or minecraft for those of you here that are on my contacts list or are on the server I'm on.
Hopefully this issue can be resolved soon, otherwise I'm smashing the damn thing and leaving the net for awhile, I'm sick of all these problems with the computer and router...
I won't be able to get on skype or minecraft for those of you here that are on my contacts list or are on the server I'm on.
Hopefully this issue can be resolved soon, otherwise I'm smashing the damn thing and leaving the net for awhile, I'm sick of all these problems with the computer and router...
Metalgear500's vore comic raffle
Posted 11 years agoDetails here
Terry's offering cheap commissions
Posted 11 years agoAs stated in the title of the journal
emeritus_terciel has very cheap commissions open. here's the details. Might wanna grab 'em while they last :P

Useless, worthless....
Posted 11 years agoI realize now that I don't deserve any of you. I know why you all give up on me and hate me. I don't deserve happiness or love when all I do is cause people to be angry, or depressed, or offended. I am nothing more than hatred, and sorrow. Go ahead, live your lives and leave me behind, I'm not worth trying to save or be around. All I wish is to just be alone, I don't need any friends... not like my friends actually care about me anyway. I know how all of you truly feel about me, you hate me for what and who I am, and I can't blame you. No matter who tries to help, I just push them away and treat them like shit for trying to help me... and they give up on me... that's something I actually deserve... to be given up on...
Terry's commissions are open ^^
Posted 12 years agoFirst off before anyone asks about the previous journal, I managed to sort some things out. I'm currently working with her and her boyfriend with their landscaping company for awhile so I won't be kicked out for alittle while. But thats not the point of this journal. A close friend of mine has commissions open. His prices are reasonable (alittle undepriced for the quality if you ask me though) and his art is freaking amazing ^^ Here's the price listings. I hope you guys enjoy his stuff as much as I do ^_^ Here's the price listings. I hope you guys enjoy his stuff as much as I do ^_^
Need a place to stay, being kicked out...
Posted 12 years agoMy bitch of a mother is kicking me out today. Are there any furs in the area willing to let me stay with them for awhile while I get on my feet? I will be able to help with rent etc.. if needed, I have money left over from my last job.
Top 50 Bands
Posted 12 years agoI saw
adaeha do this alittle while ago so I figured I'd share my favorite 50 bands/artists as well. The order isn't exact since I had a very hard time choosing everything's order after the top 20 or so.
50. Devin Townsend - Canada - Progressive metal, industrial metal, extreme metal, ambient, avant-garde/experimental
49. System of a Down - USA - Alternative metal, progressive rock, hard rock, experimental
48. Rage - Germany - Power metal, speed metal, heavy metal, symphonic metal
47. Bathory - Sweden - Black metal, thrash metal, viking metal
46. Avenged Sevenfold - Heavy metal, hard rock, metalcore
45. Dayglo Abortions - Canada - Hardcore punk, crossover thrash
44. Edguy - Germany - Power metal
43. Evanescence - USA - Alternative metal/rock, symphonic metal/rock, gothic metal/rock
42. Disturbed - USA - Alternative metal, nu/heavy metal
41. Dream Theater - USA - Progressive metal
40. Dir en Grey - Japan - Experimental metal, alternative metal, progressive metal, death metal, nu metal, metalcore, hard rock
39. Outworld - USA - Progressive metal
38. Eumeria - USA/UK - Progressive metal
37. Megadeth - USA - Thrash metal, heavy metal, hard rock
36. Dio - USA - Heavy metal
35. Girugamesh - Japan - Nu metal, alternative metal, alternative rock, industrial metal/rock, metalcore
34. Guns N' Roses - US - Hard rock
33. Linkin Park - US -Alternative rock/metal, nu metal, electronic rock
32. Mantas (Death) - US- Death metal, technical death metal, progressive metal
31. Judas Priest - UK - Heavy metal
30. Rush - Canada - Progressive metal/rock
29. Nocturnal Rites - Sweden - Power metal
28. Unlucky Morpheus - Japan - Touhou Metal, power metal, neo-classical metal, melodic metal, symphonic metal
27. Wolf - Japan - Heavy metal
26. Wolf - Sweden - Heavy/power metal
25. Faith No More - US - Alternative metal, experimental rock, funk metal, avant-garde metal
24. Rammstein - Germany - Industrial metal, Neue Deutsche Härte
23. Omega Lithium - Croatia - Industrial metal, gothic metal, Neue Deutsche Härte
22. Rhapsody of Fire - Italy - Symphonic power/neoclassical metal
21. DragonForce - UK - Power metal
20. Nightwish - Finland - Symphonic power/gothic metal
19. Luca Turilli's Dreamquest - Italy - electro-symphonic power metal, operatic/gothic metal
18. Luca Turilli - Italy - Symphonic power/neoclassical metal
17. Lady Gaga - US - Pop, dance, electronic, rock
16. Metallica - US - Thrash metal, heavy metal, hard rock
15. Serj Tankian - US - Art rock, progressive metal/rock, avant-garde, alternative rock/metal
14. Alestorm - Scotland - Folk metal, power metal, pirate metal
13. Halestorm - US - Hard rock
12. Five Finger Death Punch - US - Groove metal, heavy metal, alternative metal, hard rock
11. In This Moment - US - Metalcore, nu metal, alternative metal, heavy metal, industrial metal
10. Deathstars - Sweden - Gothic metal, industrial metal
9. Helloween - Germany - Power metal
8. Kamelot - US - Progressive/symphonic power metal
7. Iron Maiden - UK - Heavy metal
6. UneXpecT - Canada - Extreme/progressive avant-garde metal, black metal
5. Kreator - Germany - Melodic thrash metal, thrash metal, industrial metal
4. Mercyful Fate - Denmark - Heavy metal
3. King Diamond - Denmark - Heavy metal
2. Epica - Netherlands - Symphonic gothic metal, symphonic power metal
1. Into Eternity - Canada - Progressive/melodic death metal

50. Devin Townsend - Canada - Progressive metal, industrial metal, extreme metal, ambient, avant-garde/experimental
49. System of a Down - USA - Alternative metal, progressive rock, hard rock, experimental
48. Rage - Germany - Power metal, speed metal, heavy metal, symphonic metal
47. Bathory - Sweden - Black metal, thrash metal, viking metal
46. Avenged Sevenfold - Heavy metal, hard rock, metalcore
45. Dayglo Abortions - Canada - Hardcore punk, crossover thrash
44. Edguy - Germany - Power metal
43. Evanescence - USA - Alternative metal/rock, symphonic metal/rock, gothic metal/rock
42. Disturbed - USA - Alternative metal, nu/heavy metal
41. Dream Theater - USA - Progressive metal
40. Dir en Grey - Japan - Experimental metal, alternative metal, progressive metal, death metal, nu metal, metalcore, hard rock
39. Outworld - USA - Progressive metal
38. Eumeria - USA/UK - Progressive metal
37. Megadeth - USA - Thrash metal, heavy metal, hard rock
36. Dio - USA - Heavy metal
35. Girugamesh - Japan - Nu metal, alternative metal, alternative rock, industrial metal/rock, metalcore
34. Guns N' Roses - US - Hard rock
33. Linkin Park - US -Alternative rock/metal, nu metal, electronic rock
32. Mantas (Death) - US- Death metal, technical death metal, progressive metal
31. Judas Priest - UK - Heavy metal
30. Rush - Canada - Progressive metal/rock
29. Nocturnal Rites - Sweden - Power metal
28. Unlucky Morpheus - Japan - Touhou Metal, power metal, neo-classical metal, melodic metal, symphonic metal
27. Wolf - Japan - Heavy metal
26. Wolf - Sweden - Heavy/power metal
25. Faith No More - US - Alternative metal, experimental rock, funk metal, avant-garde metal
24. Rammstein - Germany - Industrial metal, Neue Deutsche Härte
23. Omega Lithium - Croatia - Industrial metal, gothic metal, Neue Deutsche Härte
22. Rhapsody of Fire - Italy - Symphonic power/neoclassical metal
21. DragonForce - UK - Power metal
20. Nightwish - Finland - Symphonic power/gothic metal
19. Luca Turilli's Dreamquest - Italy - electro-symphonic power metal, operatic/gothic metal
18. Luca Turilli - Italy - Symphonic power/neoclassical metal
17. Lady Gaga - US - Pop, dance, electronic, rock
16. Metallica - US - Thrash metal, heavy metal, hard rock
15. Serj Tankian - US - Art rock, progressive metal/rock, avant-garde, alternative rock/metal
14. Alestorm - Scotland - Folk metal, power metal, pirate metal
13. Halestorm - US - Hard rock
12. Five Finger Death Punch - US - Groove metal, heavy metal, alternative metal, hard rock
11. In This Moment - US - Metalcore, nu metal, alternative metal, heavy metal, industrial metal
10. Deathstars - Sweden - Gothic metal, industrial metal
9. Helloween - Germany - Power metal
8. Kamelot - US - Progressive/symphonic power metal
7. Iron Maiden - UK - Heavy metal
6. UneXpecT - Canada - Extreme/progressive avant-garde metal, black metal
5. Kreator - Germany - Melodic thrash metal, thrash metal, industrial metal
4. Mercyful Fate - Denmark - Heavy metal
3. King Diamond - Denmark - Heavy metal
2. Epica - Netherlands - Symphonic gothic metal, symphonic power metal
1. Into Eternity - Canada - Progressive/melodic death metal
Free art ^^
Posted 12 years ago
Friend's Cat in need of help.
Posted 12 years agoAll info is here She'll appreciate any help you guys can give.