FE 2017! - Epic and Revealing Adventure!
Posted 8 years agoHey everyone!
Been a while since I've posted a journal for a while, and thought I might update you on what's been going on in my life!
First off... School is almost done!!!! I will hopefully be a full fledged teacher fox soon. However the bulk of my actual school work is done. Now I have odd ends and bits to complete at my placement, then on to a full job! Then I'll be making allll the moneys :p
I just got back from Furnal Equinox. It was a blast :p Last year, I was still a little iffy about being so upfront in the fandom, but this year really sold it for me. The people I had with me just made it all the better! Some seriously fantastic people kept my head above the water whenever I wanted to feel low, so thank you so much to
onex. I'm not sure what Konig and Scott's FA accounts are, but they were also a blast to hang out with. They really brought life to the con for me, so thank you! I also am pretty sure that this con has convinced me to get a suit. I know that kinda the thing that everyone wants, but I never thought I would ever want to suit. However, with the pawesitive atmosphere and the great people just being so encouraging and lovely, it made me really want to be even more of a part of that community! So I'm going to start doing my research and see where that leads. I already have some ideas of how I might try to make my mark on the fandom... DETAILS TO ENSUE!
While overall my con was super fantastic, I did have some low moments. I don't usually like talking about them, especially to such a public forum. But I figure I should this time mostly to get a discussion going. I've been going through some personal issues, mostly around having this teeming feeling of loneliness. It stems partly from troubles in my love life, but also from this strange feeling that I'm not necessarily good enough for my friends. Now logically, I know this is just kinda bs. If anything, this weekend proves it. However I still get this creeping feeling that everyone else has something going for them. They all have developments in their lives that are far more exciting then my own, and I guess I just feel inferior to them. And very much jealous. Everyone is so content with their lives, and I guess I'm just not? I dunno. These are just kinda my ramblings at this point. I very much considering trying out some counselling to see if that might help regulate my emotions. Cause right now, it feels like I'm either ridiculously happy, or really in the dumps.
So these are my ramblings for the past little while! Right now, I'm in a pretty good mood. A little bit of post con depression, but mostly feeling pretty pawesitive about everything :p I guess I was wondering if anyone else experiences things like what I was mentioning above? Just feeling like everyone is going places, and you are stuck in a rut?
Let me know in the comments! Or just tell how things are going with you!
Been a while since I've posted a journal for a while, and thought I might update you on what's been going on in my life!
First off... School is almost done!!!! I will hopefully be a full fledged teacher fox soon. However the bulk of my actual school work is done. Now I have odd ends and bits to complete at my placement, then on to a full job! Then I'll be making allll the moneys :p
I just got back from Furnal Equinox. It was a blast :p Last year, I was still a little iffy about being so upfront in the fandom, but this year really sold it for me. The people I had with me just made it all the better! Some seriously fantastic people kept my head above the water whenever I wanted to feel low, so thank you so much to

While overall my con was super fantastic, I did have some low moments. I don't usually like talking about them, especially to such a public forum. But I figure I should this time mostly to get a discussion going. I've been going through some personal issues, mostly around having this teeming feeling of loneliness. It stems partly from troubles in my love life, but also from this strange feeling that I'm not necessarily good enough for my friends. Now logically, I know this is just kinda bs. If anything, this weekend proves it. However I still get this creeping feeling that everyone else has something going for them. They all have developments in their lives that are far more exciting then my own, and I guess I just feel inferior to them. And very much jealous. Everyone is so content with their lives, and I guess I'm just not? I dunno. These are just kinda my ramblings at this point. I very much considering trying out some counselling to see if that might help regulate my emotions. Cause right now, it feels like I'm either ridiculously happy, or really in the dumps.
So these are my ramblings for the past little while! Right now, I'm in a pretty good mood. A little bit of post con depression, but mostly feeling pretty pawesitive about everything :p I guess I was wondering if anyone else experiences things like what I was mentioning above? Just feeling like everyone is going places, and you are stuck in a rut?
Let me know in the comments! Or just tell how things are going with you!
Twitter Fox!
Posted 8 years agoHey everyone!
Don't know if anyone cares or not, but I've joined the 21st century and finally gotten a twitter account!
You can find me @outfoxx, so stop in and say hi!
Don't know if anyone cares or not, but I've joined the 21st century and finally gotten a twitter account!
You can find me @outfoxx, so stop in and say hi!
About the fox meme from the burd!
Posted 8 years agoABOUT ME Meme! Read up on the burbs (
nasido) meme, and though I should put one up as well, as I'm catching up on followers!
- Name: Niko (it is my actual name as well :p
- Single or taken: This is the big reveal! Taken by THIS FOX!
- Sex: The one with the dangly bits :p
- Birthday: April 21st
- Sign: Beef
- Hair color: Dark Brown
- Eye color: Hazel
- Height: 5' 10"
- Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: Super Gay - dangly bits for the win
- What kind of shampoo do you use?: Nothing special - dat head and shoulders though
- What are you listening to right now?: Traffic pass by on my lazy little street
- Who is the last person that called you?: My mummy :p
- How many buddies are online right now?: ughhh no idea
- Animal: FOXES! OBVISOULY - but also Bulls, wolves and burrs
- Colour: I like greens and oranges
- Drink: The Ambrosia of the world - water
- Element: Also Water
- Food: Rice... sooooo gooooddddd
- Game: hmmmm tough one... Hyper Light Drifter!
- Movie: The Count of Monte Cristo - so classic
- Song: Jenny by the Studio Killers (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyj.....vU&index=3)
- Subjects in school: Neuroscience! And now Education
- T.V.: Steven Universe, Over the Garden Wall, Jessica Jones, Stranger Things, etc etc etc - too many to name
H A V E | Y O U | E V E R
- Given anyone a bath?: Not recently... :( Need to get on that
- Smoked?: Blargh
- Bungee jumped?: That's terrifying...
- Made yourself throw up?: I've tried to in the past - no success
- Skinny dipped?: I have not - not from lack of trying though! I need less chicken friends
- Ever been in love?: That I have
- Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: I dunno. Probably
- Pictured your crush naked?: SO MANY, YES. (I'll leave this one like this :p Thanks burb)
- Actually seen your crush naked?: A few yis
- Cried when someone died?: Of course
- Lied: I'm a fox - of course I have
- Fallen for your best friend?: How could you not fall for the #shitburb
- Used someone?: Consciously? Don't think so
- Done something you regret?: Ohhhh so many things. But like the burb said, they've lead me to this point. So I'm pretty happy with the results in the end.
- Clothes: Ugh... Just lying in my underwear - should have caught me literally 5 minutes ago though ;p
- Desktop picture: Niko reading a book under a tree
- CD in player: These still exist?
- DVD in player: Seriously. These exist?
L A S T | P E R S O N
- You touched: That fox that smells so good
- Hugged: A fox that feels so nice
- You kissed: This thing
- You IMed: A friend called Anna - I NEED A DOG SITTER!
- Talk to online: Isn't IMing talking to people online?
- You sexed it up with: mmmm I think it was
auburntmrw? Really, I have SOOO many other sex partners, it's hard to keep track... ;P #shitfox
A R E | Y O U
- Understanding?: I hope so :S
- Open-minded?: I like to think so
- Arrogant?: Again, I'm a fox. So of course
- Insecure?: Ugh... Ya. Relationships always usually are. Especially new ones.
- Random?: Not overly. I wake up, go to work, come home, relax and then sleep. That's me like 90% of the time
- Hungry?: Whether I'm hungry or not, I eat. Always.
- Smart?: Mmmm This is part of the arrogance :p I would say yes. BOW TO ME SCRUBS!
- Moody?: I can be. I'm fairly level in most instances, but can get emotional - hence my terrible poetry! If you want a laugh, check it out!
- Organized?: Somewhat.
- Shy?: Not overly. I'm not great at small talk, but it's not because of shyness - I'm just awkward :p but who isn't really
- Difficult?: Ugh... If you don't share my viewpoint? :p Not really, just don't be dumb about stuff - LIKE GUNS! OR ABORTION! OR POLITICS!
- Bored easily?: Not really. I have a wonderland in my head - or is it a Candyland... :p But really, with
auburntmrw running through your head, how could you be bored?
- Entertained easily?: oh yis
- Obsessed?: Mmmmm yis. Especially when it's something I'm trying to accomplish and I can't seem to get it
- Lazy?: #couchfox
- Angry?: Yeah next to impossible to really tick me off :)
- Happy?: Ya usually! Pretty happy go lucky
- Hyper?: I can vibrate in and out of this plane of existence
- Trusting?: I am. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt until they give me reason to doubt them. Worked pretty well so far!
- In the morning: Usually snooze for a bit, then get up and go - I am very much a morning person
- Love is: This gonna get soooo sapppyyyy - watching the one you love just doing their normal routine, not necessarily paying attention to you, and getting all fuzzy inside because they are just living their life, but with you in it - because you are part of it now
- I dream about: Lots of things - Lately, I've had a lot of vivid dreams because I was taking Malerone for malaria prevention. My head has some interesting thoughts... But mostly about foxes wrestling. Oh wait. That's not wrestling...
- What do you notice first in the sex you're into: Same as the burb. The feeling that it isn't the act that is pleasurable. It's the person you are with that makes all the difference. WE ARE A SAPPY DUO #shitburb
- Makes you laugh the most: Does frustrated laughter count too? If so, then
nasido and
auburntmrw have to duke it off for first place - NIKO LAUGH OLYMPICS 2016
- Makes you smile: Same as above - and all my other friends too :p
-Gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: Well Auburn for obvious reasons - the burb because why do I put up with him?
D O | Y O U | E V E R
- Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: Yis
- Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: I used to. But not anymore - I like dangly bits :)
- Wish you were younger?: Nope!
- Cry because someone said something to you?: Ugh... Ya. I'm an emotional wreck sometimes...
- Of times I have had my heart broken?: Once. But it was for the best.
- Of Cd's: WHAT ARE CDS!
- Of scars on my body: I'm more graceful than the burb - just a few pet scratches and stuff
- Of bones I've broken: ACTUALLY ZERO! I avoid falling off cliffs
So that's some stuff about meeeeeeeee. Also, most of these were a rebuttal of the burbs response, cause I had to delete his responses. And also he's my best burb - gotta peg him down so he doesn't fly too high and die (I'm a poet!).

- Name: Niko (it is my actual name as well :p
- Single or taken: This is the big reveal! Taken by THIS FOX!

- Sex: The one with the dangly bits :p
- Birthday: April 21st
- Sign: Beef
- Hair color: Dark Brown
- Eye color: Hazel
- Height: 5' 10"
- Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: Super Gay - dangly bits for the win
- What kind of shampoo do you use?: Nothing special - dat head and shoulders though
- What are you listening to right now?: Traffic pass by on my lazy little street
- Who is the last person that called you?: My mummy :p
- How many buddies are online right now?: ughhh no idea
- Animal: FOXES! OBVISOULY - but also Bulls, wolves and burrs
- Colour: I like greens and oranges
- Drink: The Ambrosia of the world - water
- Element: Also Water
- Food: Rice... sooooo gooooddddd
- Game: hmmmm tough one... Hyper Light Drifter!
- Movie: The Count of Monte Cristo - so classic
- Song: Jenny by the Studio Killers (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyj.....vU&index=3)
- Subjects in school: Neuroscience! And now Education
- T.V.: Steven Universe, Over the Garden Wall, Jessica Jones, Stranger Things, etc etc etc - too many to name
H A V E | Y O U | E V E R
- Given anyone a bath?: Not recently... :( Need to get on that
- Smoked?: Blargh
- Bungee jumped?: That's terrifying...
- Made yourself throw up?: I've tried to in the past - no success
- Skinny dipped?: I have not - not from lack of trying though! I need less chicken friends
- Ever been in love?: That I have
- Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: I dunno. Probably
- Pictured your crush naked?: SO MANY, YES. (I'll leave this one like this :p Thanks burb)
- Actually seen your crush naked?: A few yis
- Cried when someone died?: Of course
- Lied: I'm a fox - of course I have
- Fallen for your best friend?: How could you not fall for the #shitburb
- Used someone?: Consciously? Don't think so
- Done something you regret?: Ohhhh so many things. But like the burb said, they've lead me to this point. So I'm pretty happy with the results in the end.
- Clothes: Ugh... Just lying in my underwear - should have caught me literally 5 minutes ago though ;p
- Desktop picture: Niko reading a book under a tree
- CD in player: These still exist?
- DVD in player: Seriously. These exist?
L A S T | P E R S O N
- You touched: That fox that smells so good
- Hugged: A fox that feels so nice
- You kissed: This thing

- You IMed: A friend called Anna - I NEED A DOG SITTER!
- Talk to online: Isn't IMing talking to people online?
- You sexed it up with: mmmm I think it was

A R E | Y O U
- Understanding?: I hope so :S
- Open-minded?: I like to think so
- Arrogant?: Again, I'm a fox. So of course
- Insecure?: Ugh... Ya. Relationships always usually are. Especially new ones.
- Random?: Not overly. I wake up, go to work, come home, relax and then sleep. That's me like 90% of the time
- Hungry?: Whether I'm hungry or not, I eat. Always.
- Smart?: Mmmm This is part of the arrogance :p I would say yes. BOW TO ME SCRUBS!
- Moody?: I can be. I'm fairly level in most instances, but can get emotional - hence my terrible poetry! If you want a laugh, check it out!
- Organized?: Somewhat.
- Shy?: Not overly. I'm not great at small talk, but it's not because of shyness - I'm just awkward :p but who isn't really
- Difficult?: Ugh... If you don't share my viewpoint? :p Not really, just don't be dumb about stuff - LIKE GUNS! OR ABORTION! OR POLITICS!
- Bored easily?: Not really. I have a wonderland in my head - or is it a Candyland... :p But really, with

- Entertained easily?: oh yis
- Obsessed?: Mmmmm yis. Especially when it's something I'm trying to accomplish and I can't seem to get it
- Lazy?: #couchfox
- Angry?: Yeah next to impossible to really tick me off :)
- Happy?: Ya usually! Pretty happy go lucky
- Hyper?: I can vibrate in and out of this plane of existence
- Trusting?: I am. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt until they give me reason to doubt them. Worked pretty well so far!
- In the morning: Usually snooze for a bit, then get up and go - I am very much a morning person
- Love is: This gonna get soooo sapppyyyy - watching the one you love just doing their normal routine, not necessarily paying attention to you, and getting all fuzzy inside because they are just living their life, but with you in it - because you are part of it now
- I dream about: Lots of things - Lately, I've had a lot of vivid dreams because I was taking Malerone for malaria prevention. My head has some interesting thoughts... But mostly about foxes wrestling. Oh wait. That's not wrestling...
- What do you notice first in the sex you're into: Same as the burb. The feeling that it isn't the act that is pleasurable. It's the person you are with that makes all the difference. WE ARE A SAPPY DUO #shitburb
- Makes you laugh the most: Does frustrated laughter count too? If so, then

- Makes you smile: Same as above - and all my other friends too :p
-Gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: Well Auburn for obvious reasons - the burb because why do I put up with him?
D O | Y O U | E V E R
- Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: Yis
- Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: I used to. But not anymore - I like dangly bits :)
- Wish you were younger?: Nope!
- Cry because someone said something to you?: Ugh... Ya. I'm an emotional wreck sometimes...
- Of times I have had my heart broken?: Once. But it was for the best.
- Of Cd's: WHAT ARE CDS!
- Of scars on my body: I'm more graceful than the burb - just a few pet scratches and stuff
- Of bones I've broken: ACTUALLY ZERO! I avoid falling off cliffs
So that's some stuff about meeeeeeeee. Also, most of these were a rebuttal of the burbs response, cause I had to delete his responses. And also he's my best burb - gotta peg him down so he doesn't fly too high and die (I'm a poet!).
I'm back! - Where has the fox been these past few weeks
Posted 8 years agoHey everyone!!!
Huff... What an exhausting couple of weeks. Yet also super exciting!
First off, I've been in Haïti this past week and a bit - teaching there, and exploring the people. I was super homesick the first day, and just felt shitty in general for being the "rich white tourist" in a third world country. The wealth disparity is just... amazing. Garbage is literally everywhere. I felt awful for the being born and given a chance many people in Haïti will never get. But as I got to know the people more, I fell a lot better. They are so proud of their culture and what Haïti could be. It was really inspiring. So this past week has be really busy and kinda crazy. But it was fun overall and I'd love to go again next year.
But even before last week, I've been pretty quiet. A certain someone has been taking up a lot of my free time, and I just didn't have the energy to update on FA. I won't reveal who it is just yet (i haven't even asked them if this is ok :p), but they were a HUGE reason I was so homesick during my stay in Haïti. It's been a little bit of a whirlwind with them, things just starting up so quickly, then me having to leave on my trip. We talked every day, and I don't think I would have made it without them.
But now that I'm back, we've made it official... And I'm so excited to have a boyfriend! Again, it was so unexpected, and everything has been happening to quickly that I don't think either of us really knows what's going on. But we both just want to keep seeing each other, so that's what we are going to do!
Thanks for listening to my little rant! I hope everyone else is having as fantastic a time as I am :p
P.S. - Whoever guesses the species gets a special prize!
Huff... What an exhausting couple of weeks. Yet also super exciting!
First off, I've been in Haïti this past week and a bit - teaching there, and exploring the people. I was super homesick the first day, and just felt shitty in general for being the "rich white tourist" in a third world country. The wealth disparity is just... amazing. Garbage is literally everywhere. I felt awful for the being born and given a chance many people in Haïti will never get. But as I got to know the people more, I fell a lot better. They are so proud of their culture and what Haïti could be. It was really inspiring. So this past week has be really busy and kinda crazy. But it was fun overall and I'd love to go again next year.
But even before last week, I've been pretty quiet. A certain someone has been taking up a lot of my free time, and I just didn't have the energy to update on FA. I won't reveal who it is just yet (i haven't even asked them if this is ok :p), but they were a HUGE reason I was so homesick during my stay in Haïti. It's been a little bit of a whirlwind with them, things just starting up so quickly, then me having to leave on my trip. We talked every day, and I don't think I would have made it without them.
But now that I'm back, we've made it official... And I'm so excited to have a boyfriend! Again, it was so unexpected, and everything has been happening to quickly that I don't think either of us really knows what's going on. But we both just want to keep seeing each other, so that's what we are going to do!
Thanks for listening to my little rant! I hope everyone else is having as fantastic a time as I am :p
P.S. - Whoever guesses the species gets a special prize!
Posted 8 years agoHey everyone!
So I'm sure many of you have seen so far, there is a new furry dating/social site called Ferzu! It's a fun way to interact with other furries outside of FA and some of the other sites full of fur porn >:p
I've created an account! You can check it out here! --> https://www.ferzu.com/Member/Details/outfoxx
You can also use this referral link to get me some bonuses! (everyone likes bonuses) --> https://ferzu.com/go/r/3603db
So do it! If just for the the getting me loot!
So I'm sure many of you have seen so far, there is a new furry dating/social site called Ferzu! It's a fun way to interact with other furries outside of FA and some of the other sites full of fur porn >:p
I've created an account! You can check it out here! --> https://www.ferzu.com/Member/Details/outfoxx
You can also use this referral link to get me some bonuses! (everyone likes bonuses) --> https://ferzu.com/go/r/3603db
So do it! If just for the the getting me loot!
Raffle with da fox winner!!!
Posted 9 years agoHey everyone!
So I've drawn for the winner, and....
The winner is
Wooooo! This is only my second raffle, and it went to someone I knew again :p Kinda silly, but that's the way the cookie crumbles! Another raffle will be done probably around 2000, maybe 1500. Not sure yet. But stay tuned!
Later days!
So I've drawn for the winner, and....
The winner is

Wooooo! This is only my second raffle, and it went to someone I knew again :p Kinda silly, but that's the way the cookie crumbles! Another raffle will be done probably around 2000, maybe 1500. Not sure yet. But stay tuned!
Later days!
Last raffle reminder!
Posted 9 years agoHey everyone!
If you want to get in on the raffle with me, you have to apply now! I'm closing it tomorrow! Then I'll draw the winner that evening!
Here's the link: https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/7600937/
If you want to get in on the raffle with me, you have to apply now! I'm closing it tomorrow! Then I'll draw the winner that evening!
Here's the link: https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/7600937/
Raffle reminder 2!
Posted 9 years agoHey guys!
Just a reminder that my raffle will be closing this sunday! Get some art with meeee!
Just a reminder that my raffle will be closing this sunday! Get some art with meeee!
Raffle reminder!
Posted 9 years agoJust a reminder that I have a raffle going! Closes at the end of next week!
Here is the raffle!
Here is the raffle!
Posted 9 years agoHey everyone!
It's that time again!
I'm just shy of 1000 watches, but I'm sure that number will bump up soon enough! So, I'm holding another raffle with me! Same goes as last time - SFW or NSFW. We can discuss the theme and elements when you win, or you can note me if there is a theme you want to talk about before throwing your lot in :p
You can suggest an artist, or we can find one together. I'll be paying for the piece. If you have an artist you really want to work with, but is a bit more expensive, we can work out how to split the piece up - but I will be paying for most if not all of it!
I'll be leaving this open for a while, until people stop posing in it really. But it will be at least open for 2 weeks this time.
Ummmm I don't think I'm forgetting anything, but I'll post about it if I do!
Just reply to MY comment in order to enter, and I will reply with your number! Also, tell me something interesting about yourself while you are at it!
It's that time again!
I'm just shy of 1000 watches, but I'm sure that number will bump up soon enough! So, I'm holding another raffle with me! Same goes as last time - SFW or NSFW. We can discuss the theme and elements when you win, or you can note me if there is a theme you want to talk about before throwing your lot in :p
You can suggest an artist, or we can find one together. I'll be paying for the piece. If you have an artist you really want to work with, but is a bit more expensive, we can work out how to split the piece up - but I will be paying for most if not all of it!
I'll be leaving this open for a while, until people stop posing in it really. But it will be at least open for 2 weeks this time.
Ummmm I don't think I'm forgetting anything, but I'll post about it if I do!
Just reply to MY comment in order to enter, and I will reply with your number! Also, tell me something interesting about yourself while you are at it!
Posted 9 years agoI thought this was hilariously adorable:
Hmmm Yes. Excellent.
P.S. - I have a ferret (used to be a pair), but I just love little carpet sharks. They are silly and hilarious :p If you have any ferret stuff (art or pictures) send them my wayyyy
Hmmm Yes. Excellent.
P.S. - I have a ferret (used to be a pair), but I just love little carpet sharks. They are silly and hilarious :p If you have any ferret stuff (art or pictures) send them my wayyyy
FE 2016!!
Posted 9 years agoHey guys!
It's getting closer and closer to the date! And I'm quite excited! I saw this journal on one of my friends walls, and thought it might be kinda fun to fill it out. And if anyone else cares, they can read it!
Where are you staying?
Can't quite remember... I think its the main hotel?
When are you arriving and how long are you staying?
I think we are headed down Friday. Since I will be on March Break, I will have all the time in the world!
Who will you be with?
Rooming with
tiger_tail1974! And I will be seeing lots of others (way too many to write out a list)
Will you be fursuiting?
No fursuiting for me :p
How old are you?
Where will you be most of the time during the con?
Wandering around, but also helping
spawts with his social ;p
What is the best way to find you?
Dunno... with eyes? I probably won't be on technology all that much.
Are there any panels you might be attending?
There are a few that interest me. It'll kinda depend how I'm feeling those days
How tall are you?
What do you look like?
Handsome, Dashing, Beautiful?
Are you mated/in a relationship?
Can I talk to you?
Can I touch you?
That's a big ol' nope
Can I visit your room?
If we talk a bit first, then I don't see why not.
Can I buy you drinks?
Only non-alcoholic
Can I give you stuff?
Like what stuff...
Can I hug or snuggle with you?
Nope! I'm not a touchy feely person. I don't much like physical contact with strangers
Are you nice?
I'd like to think so
Will you be going to parties?
Probably not too much... I like my sleep :p
If I see you, how should I get your attention?
SAY MY NAME! SAY MY NAME! It's the easiest way
Can I come with you for food/fun/etc?
I don't think I'd mind too much
Can I take your picture?
What's your goal(s) for the con this year?
Ummm I dunno. Have fun? Nothing really more specific in mind
It's getting closer and closer to the date! And I'm quite excited! I saw this journal on one of my friends walls, and thought it might be kinda fun to fill it out. And if anyone else cares, they can read it!
Where are you staying?
Can't quite remember... I think its the main hotel?
When are you arriving and how long are you staying?
I think we are headed down Friday. Since I will be on March Break, I will have all the time in the world!
Who will you be with?
Rooming with

Will you be fursuiting?
No fursuiting for me :p
How old are you?
Where will you be most of the time during the con?
Wandering around, but also helping

What is the best way to find you?
Dunno... with eyes? I probably won't be on technology all that much.
Are there any panels you might be attending?
There are a few that interest me. It'll kinda depend how I'm feeling those days
How tall are you?
What do you look like?
Handsome, Dashing, Beautiful?
Are you mated/in a relationship?
Can I talk to you?
Can I touch you?
That's a big ol' nope
Can I visit your room?
If we talk a bit first, then I don't see why not.
Can I buy you drinks?
Only non-alcoholic
Can I give you stuff?
Like what stuff...
Can I hug or snuggle with you?
Nope! I'm not a touchy feely person. I don't much like physical contact with strangers
Are you nice?
I'd like to think so
Will you be going to parties?
Probably not too much... I like my sleep :p
If I see you, how should I get your attention?
SAY MY NAME! SAY MY NAME! It's the easiest way
Can I come with you for food/fun/etc?
I don't think I'd mind too much
Can I take your picture?
What's your goal(s) for the con this year?
Ummm I dunno. Have fun? Nothing really more specific in mind
Posted 9 years agoHas anyone else been playing it!?!
I love this game. The art in it is jus amazing, and the concept is pretty cool. The game is easy enough to understand, but still has enough intricacy to make is fun and challenging at times.
If anyone is playing it, let me know and we can queue up sometime!
I love this game. The art in it is jus amazing, and the concept is pretty cool. The game is easy enough to understand, but still has enough intricacy to make is fun and challenging at times.
If anyone is playing it, let me know and we can queue up sometime!
That time of year...
Posted 9 years agoAnother merry Christmas post!
That's all. Just hoping everyone can appreciate sometime about this holiday. Hope it's going well for everyone!!
That's all. Just hoping everyone can appreciate sometime about this holiday. Hope it's going well for everyone!!
All da art!
Posted 9 years agoHey guys!
So today I was bombarded with a bunch of commission all at the same time. Which is really exciting! But I'm going to stagger releasing them, just so I don't overwhelm myself and others :p. People can only handle so much of the sexy fox at once :D So make sure to keep your ears up for the next few days as stuff comes out!
So today I was bombarded with a bunch of commission all at the same time. Which is really exciting! But I'm going to stagger releasing them, just so I don't overwhelm myself and others :p. People can only handle so much of the sexy fox at once :D So make sure to keep your ears up for the next few days as stuff comes out!
Free art with meeeeee! (closed)
Posted 9 years agoHey guys!
So I made a list and I checked it twice (badum tsss) and I've drawn someone to get some art with meeeeeeee!
And the winner is.....
Congrats burd butt! I will now walk 2 feet over to discuss what we want to get together!
For everyone else, there will be more chances to win it big with the foxy! I'm probably going to do this again at either 200 or 250. So spread the word and you'll see another raffle come up again soon!
Later days!
So I made a list and I checked it twice (badum tsss) and I've drawn someone to get some art with meeeeeeee!
And the winner is.....

Congrats burd butt! I will now walk 2 feet over to discuss what we want to get together!
For everyone else, there will be more chances to win it big with the foxy! I'm probably going to do this again at either 200 or 250. So spread the word and you'll see another raffle come up again soon!
Later days!
Free art with meeeeee!
Posted 9 years ago100 (and 3) watchers! Hooray!
So as I had said, I'm willing to pay for a commission for me and someone else together! You can pick the themes (SFW or NSFW), but I of course get to make the final decisions on what it is :p. But I'm a pretty open fox (badum tsss). So if you are interested in getting some are with me, just comment so below with a ref sheet! I'll leave this up for a bout a week or so, then do the raffle draw. I can't imagine there will be too many to draw from :p
So keep your ears up for the winner and COMMENT BELOW!
So as I had said, I'm willing to pay for a commission for me and someone else together! You can pick the themes (SFW or NSFW), but I of course get to make the final decisions on what it is :p. But I'm a pretty open fox (badum tsss). So if you are interested in getting some are with me, just comment so below with a ref sheet! I'll leave this up for a bout a week or so, then do the raffle draw. I can't imagine there will be too many to draw from :p
So keep your ears up for the winner and COMMENT BELOW!
Is this how you raffle?
Posted 9 years agoHey guys!
So I'm currently sitting at 99 watchers! HOOORAAAYYYYY!
To commemorate the 100th watcher, I'll post a journal for someone to get a piece with Niko! It can be anything you want (as long as it is something Niko would do - we can discuss that :p), and it can be SFW or NSFW. The NSFW will mostly be limited to males, but there's some wiggle room to be had :p Again, we can discuss what the themes are, and which artist we want to do the piece! And I will be paying for it to a certain point (I'm not made of money, unfortunately :( ).
So I'm currently sitting at 99 watchers! HOOORAAAYYYYY!
To commemorate the 100th watcher, I'll post a journal for someone to get a piece with Niko! It can be anything you want (as long as it is something Niko would do - we can discuss that :p), and it can be SFW or NSFW. The NSFW will mostly be limited to males, but there's some wiggle room to be had :p Again, we can discuss what the themes are, and which artist we want to do the piece! And I will be paying for it to a certain point (I'm not made of money, unfortunately :( ).
Posted 9 years agoHEY GUYS!
Tonight was an AWESOME night! Not only did I manage to get a few awesome YCHs, I managed to secure a sweet little commission too! I also just had a bunch of fun with my roommate
Nasido while waiting to hear about election night here in Canada.
10 years of LEGO hair, and its finally done... what a relief... Not we just need to reform the electoral system and then life would be perfect :D
Tonight was an AWESOME night! Not only did I manage to get a few awesome YCHs, I managed to secure a sweet little commission too! I also just had a bunch of fun with my roommate

10 years of LEGO hair, and its finally done... what a relief... Not we just need to reform the electoral system and then life would be perfect :D
So much more art!!!
Posted 9 years agoSooooo...
I may have gone a little overboard, and possibly bought 2 YCHs and 2 other pieces all in the span of since Friday...
BUT, two of the pieces seem to be almost done already! One will be a new icon, and the other will be Niko's first ever LEAKED NUDE!!! Cover the kits' eyes, this is most certainly NSFW. But its cute as hell, and I can't wait for it to get finished!
Anyway, you'll see them soon! Keep your ears up!
I may have gone a little overboard, and possibly bought 2 YCHs and 2 other pieces all in the span of since Friday...
BUT, two of the pieces seem to be almost done already! One will be a new icon, and the other will be Niko's first ever LEAKED NUDE!!! Cover the kits' eyes, this is most certainly NSFW. But its cute as hell, and I can't wait for it to get finished!
Anyway, you'll see them soon! Keep your ears up!
So much art!!!
Posted 9 years agoUpdates!
Posted 9 years agoI've updated all my submissions into .txt files so that they are easier to read.
However, this now means that a bunch of commas and apostrophes are now beautiful triangles... -.-
Anyway, I still think its easier to access this way!
Later days!
However, this now means that a bunch of commas and apostrophes are now beautiful triangles... -.-
Anyway, I still think its easier to access this way!
Later days!
New poem incoming
Posted 9 years agoI have an idea for another poem, but am too busy to write it right now. Hopefully within the next few days, I can write it up and share it with you guys!
Later days!
Later days!
Ref Sheet Progress!!!
Posted 9 years agoSo so far, the sketches I've gotten have been AMAZING! I'm not sure I every even mentioned it, but Lark
dicelion has been the one working on my ref sheet
So far, she's been great! She seems to have this natural instinct on how I want certain things to look. And she accommodates any changes I ask for. If you are looking for an artist to do some work for you, Lark is the one for you!!!!
Thanks a bunch Lark!

So far, she's been great! She seems to have this natural instinct on how I want certain things to look. And she accommodates any changes I ask for. If you are looking for an artist to do some work for you, Lark is the one for you!!!!
Thanks a bunch Lark!
Posted 9 years agoI may finally be getting a ref sheet! I really hope this pans out... :D